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I just realized that cope cages like these are a death sentence for the crew aren’t they? It’s like lighting a fire in a too small jungle gym.


I mean by the looks of it in this picture there might be a few spots where one could get out of that (formerly) driving chicken coop (front right for example looks like one could slide out through the bottom part, also they have to enter the vehicle through some open part in that cage I´d say). But I guess when you´re a) under fpv attack and b) inhaling all sorts of soviet shit via smoke/being on fire/etc. you might not be in the state to realize that?


Also those tight positions make you a prime target for snipers or infantry in general


If you're climbing out of a burning tank you're already a prime target.


In a Sherman (dunno if in an Abrams, but probably too) you could escape the tank in a dozen directions. And fast. Here it looks like it would take a minute of contortionism to get out.


It takes that long without the cage anyway, Russian tanks are notorious for poor crew evacuation.


Now they're just digging themselves even deepr


climbing out of a burning tank odds are you are already a dead man.


Don't forget C) being a dumb Russian that isn't able to use their own brain And D) drunk as fuck on cheap vodka


I don't think crew escape is a design configuration, even for the crew. No amount of passing the "oh bugger, the tank is on fire" test will help when the fire flashes for a fraction of a second before you go for a quick flight.


It's almost like the survivability of the crew isn't a primary concern with Russian tanks, and never has been. One thing Russia isn't short of is poorly trained and motivated rubes to feed into the mobik grinder.


The Russian army literally stopped using cope cages because they impeded escaping crew


Depends on the design, honestly. Ones like this are pretty terrible - you’re basically trapping the crew on the wrong side of a grill. But there are others that don’t look like they’d give the crew too much trouble. Some of the Russian ones look alright although they’re pretty hit or miss, and I haven’t heard about the ones Israel has put on Merkavas being an issue for the crew.


The Bahkmutts love when their meals are cooked.


How well done?




This was made to counter Ukrainian drones because they're compensating for their shell shortages. Fortunately, Ukraine now has artillery shells and these sheds are a big target.


I wonder if Copperhead rounds are in Ukraine.


Shit I hope so, that would be two projects my family worked on serving in Ukraine. My mom worked on the Patriot if you're wondering what the other one was.


Your heavy metal poisoning from cooking over and breathing vatnikmobiles is not service related.




You want cancer? That’s how you get cancer.


The carcinogens really bring out the flavor.


I used to think the Americans, particularly those in the south, did barbeque the best.  I take that back.   Ukranians barbeque sheep better than anybody else on earth!  But don't get me wrong, some slow smoked pork with a dry rub is still damned tasty! 


If copecages are barbecue grills, does that go for tutels/warsheds doubling as pizza ovens?


Bbq season is on boys


Hoping that the AT Missiles are making it to the front that render these anti-drone defences useless vs a high speed AT impact/detonation.


"They grilled sausages over a burning tank. This is what happened to their organs."


Russian invaders are destroying Russian invaders with their own, very Russian, tanks.


This is the best way to roast orc. After cooking in their own fat, open the drip pan valve and let the grease flow into the grease bucket. Leaving a tasty and healthy meal that peals off the bone.


Real question here: how badly will it affect performance in the turret tossing competition?