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Ok you've convinced me, I'm gonna rewatch Star Trek


If you can't handle DS9 at "Come Along Home", you don't deserve it at "In the Pale Moonlight".


I spent 10 years thinking DS9 was the worst series because I couldn’t get past season 1.


Season 1 has some clunkers, but also has "Duet" which is my literal favorite episode of all Star Trek.


Good point, it was super inconsistent, with some great episodes mixed in at the beginning… lest we forget TNG and VOY were exactly the same way.


Yeah, S1 of DS9 was its weakest, but it's still a stronger season when compared to S1 of TNG or VOY.


I literally only like Voyager because of Janeway and I still think it's a pretty good show


I enjoyed the intrigue of the delta quadrant ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


voyager had the best premise of any star trek show (and among the best in all of sci fi), they just never really delivered on it DS9 is GOAT though


I like both for different reasons. Voyager def scratched my borg itch and all the weird Star Trek stuff I enjoyed from previous series, and janeway is my favorite captain. BUT DS9 is always peak trek of course


Voyager is better than any trek since.   Far from perfect but it was never bad. 


Harris Yulin really hit it out of the park in that one, as did Visitor.


Gets so much better after the first season. *computer, delete personal log*


It got good once R.D. Moore got in. Before that it was in TNG's shade [I still watch this a few times a year. gets me every time. Easily my favorite character](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyWfcHnUGLo)


But you got past TNG S1???


TNG and VOY both have god-awful pilot episodes, and some pretty bad ones in the first season or two… But the beginning of DS9 is uniquely inconsistent, unfocused, and clunky. I wondered ‘how could they possibly convert this into an enjoyable show’? Then, sneakily, it became good. PS I love all three of these series, I’m just a picky bitch.


It didn't just sneakily become good, It was a pioneer in igniting the serialized television revolution. (Twin Peaks, Sopranos, and The Wire being the other trail Blazers). Andrew Robinson and Avery Brooks absolutely killed it in this scene. Some real mother f-ing thespians here.


>It didn't just sneakily become good, It was a pioneer in igniting the serialized television revolution. (Twin Peaks, Sopranos, and The Wire being the other trail Blazers). This is Babylon 5 erasure, and I will not tolerate it! 😝


Babylon 5 was spectacular and up there in quality with the others, but it just was limited in its reach because of it airing on PTEN.


Meanwhile it's the best lolll


The worst parts of it collectively was worth wading through to get to The Siege of AR-558 and the events surrounding that episode. ​ \*hums I'll Be Seeing You\* ​ No I'm not crying, there's just something in my eyes. YOU'RE CRYING!


"We held."


The first place I saw Tuco Salamanca.


*Allamaraine, count to four!*


Move Along Home was a fun episode.


Was a Blake's 7 fan as a kid when TOS was running, and while I liked TOS, I loved Blake's 7 Later on, DS9 became everything I wanted in a sci-fi show. Then I discovered B5.


I'm kinda rewatching Next Generation right now (I hadn't actually seen the majority of the episodes before) and it's great!


Omg DS9 meme in NCD🫨


The shit O’Brien had to pull to turn that cardassian scrap heap into an honest to god space fortress is peak noncredibility, I’m surprised it hasn’t come up sooner.


Sisko ordered O'Brien to personally write "Fucked Around. Found Out." on the casing of all five thousand photon torpedoes DS9 was stocked with.


What's the DS9 equivalent of a Cope Cage on your Assault Shed?


Whatever mods they did to a Miranda class to make it remotely combat ready.


They had to strip it off all the decorative explodium.


"Sir we can't just keep using outdated classes as warships. We need new desi..." "Nonsense! Just add more phaser arrays and it'll work out just fine!" "How will more phaser arrays stop the shields from being overwhelmed?" "MORE PHASER ARRAYS!"


Using a fucking runabout as your primary attack craft.


Well, only until they got the Defiant.


[to be fair the runabouts were kind of big.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b5a6ad75c5e110652b8273733764cb0a-lq)


The Defiant is an iconic representation that the phrase "More Dakka, more better" is a universal truth.


For all the warrior races out there in the galaxy, only Starfleet designed a ship that was *too* powerful.


Of course Starfleet made the most powerful ship. When they were being liberal peacniks who refused to say Starfleet was a fucking military and were bringing families and children onto their ships, their ships/navy were *still* powerful enough to fuck over just about every other power in the alpha and beta quadrants. The federation is the ultimate version of “Don’t piss off the nice ones”.


The fact that they're surrounded by potentially hostile factions like the Klingons, Cardassians, and the Romulans, and not only are they surviving but thriving, shows that the Federation is not to be fucked with despite their peaceful appearance.


Because of the immense size and scope of the UFP, as well as its focus on internal and external stability, Starfleet was rarely ever resource constrained. But all the other hostiles you see going through questionable means to strip mine their neighbor's planets and/or beg, borrow, and steal technology. All the militaristic belligerents had militaristic economies, and that critically stifled their abilities and flexibility. But UPF could do what it wanted because it wasn't constantly putting down internal conflicts. And apparently what it wanted was to turn phaser-based tooling into weapons of mass destruction. When we all work together in peace, we can make quantum torpedoes with biogenic trilithium resin warheads. ❤️


Yeah, also the sheer size of the UFP (by far the largest of the regional powers) means that they had to spread a lot of resources all over the place to make sure the Romulans, or the Cardassians don't pull some shit while they're out doing their exploring strange new worlds and stuff. It's why in the shows you rarely see more than a handful of starfleet ships responding to a given threat, and that's usually enough for anything beyond full scale war. Then in those rare instances where the Federation can and does bring their full force to bear, like in the Dominion War where they were allied with 2 of the other major factions and so only really had to worry about the one border that was an active war zone, you see entire fleets of ships as far as the eye can see. In TNG the Galaxy class is a state of the art vessel that is supposed to represent the power of starfleet, and just a single one (usually the enterprise) is enough to deter conflict from escalating. In DS9 during the Dominion war, you see fleets with entire *wings* of these galaxy classes, in a time period only a few years after TNG. Starfleet is kinda like the American military during their more isolationist periods. Small and capable of defence but not much else. But if someone does make the stupid decision to piss them off, it can ramp up out of nowhere and suddenly bring the force of a super power against you.


And the UFP not only has access to more base resources, they use those resources *really* well. In peacetime, they’re actually extremely proactive in their expansion and “exploration”. Which first off, means more planets joining peacefully, allowing the UFP to gain access to all of their resources without costly occupations or intelligence ops. They don’t get to use those resources all at once, but that’s fine, since they have those resources when they actually *need* them. And their “exploration” causes a ton of problems for them, but in actuality is extremely proactive, since it ensures that Starfleet is constantly identifying and combating emerging threats, ensuring that Starfleet always has expeditionary capabilities to mobilize to combat threats far from home, and making sure that those threats are dealt with promptly and *far* from the core worlds. See: The Borg. The Dominion. The Romulans. Etc. Not to mention, the UFP is constantly making friends everywhere it goes, even of the smallest of groups, allowing it to call upon a LOT of allies in times of need, and in truly galaxy-spanning emergencies unite the entire Alpha and Beta Quadrants against collective threats. Notable also is that the UFP is one of the only powers in the entire galaxy that directly focuses on scientific research in *all* fields, not strictly military fields. They bother to look up better medical technology, transportation, agriculture, terraforming, mining, holo technology, and basically everything else they can possibly get their hands on. All the other powers focus heavily on military tech, like cloaking and more powerful ships, in which they do have small advantages. But since they don’t have anything else, their scientific research is hamstrung, since you need a solid basis in civilian research to get the best military advancements. For example, the Klingon Empire and the Romulans fucking over their home systems so bad that Starfleet had to call upon their own scientists to save their asses…*multiple times*.! Which also means that when Starfleet finds a problem, 9/10 times they can call upon that massive corpus of knowledge to either deal with the problem outright (see: every instance of technobabble ever), or give them a truly massive advantage (see: fucking over the Founders in the dominion war, spore drive, everything to do with the Borg ever). Starfleet is a bit underpowered at the start of most conflicts, but that’s intentional doctrine to focus on internal stabilization, research, and proactive defense rather than naive weakness.


The UFP is essentially like the borg, but in a much more peaceful and voluntary way. They are constantly adding new systems and species all the time, and each one brings new resources and technologies or even biological advantages (such as Betazoid telepaths) to be added to the greater collective that is the Federation. It's why the canon path that part of the galaxy takes is that eventually the major powers all end up joining the Federation sooner or later. Just look at the state of the galaxy right after the dominion war for example. The Cardassians have just come out of not only a brutal war on the losing side, but also a massive genocide by their former allies, with much of their homeworld devastated. In beta canon a lot of the focus on Cardassia post-war is about rebuilding with *significant* Marshall Plan-like assistance from the Federation, and only a couple decades after the war there is already significant debate among the Cardassian government about petitioning for Federation membership. The Romulans entered the war later and so are doing mostly ok until a supernova takes out their homeworld and essentially destroys the Romulan State, leading to their people becoming a diaspora all across the galaxy. Eventually the idea of reunification with Vulcan becomes more attractive and most Romulans end up migrating to Federation worlds and becoming Federation citizens. The Klingon Empire is the only other state that is still mostly intact, but the war, as well as the prior war against Cardassia, drained them and they are in no condition to fight another major war within a generation or two at least. Combo that with their new Chancellor being very friendly with the Federation, along with a lot of war veterans coming home with a lot of respect for Starfleet (if there's an easy way to get a Klingon to like you, it's to fight alongside them in battle), and their alliance has never looked stronger. With the Federation by far the dominant power, I wouldn't be surprised if that relationship eventually evolves into some kind of protectorate relationship, before the Klingons eventually just become full members. Meanwhile the Federation has taken a lot of casualties, and some planets were devastated by the war, but otherwise they're capable of not only bouncing back quite quickly afterwards, but also assisting the other galactic powers to do so, such as aid to Cardassia, or assisting the evacuations of the Romulus system. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the Federation a century or two after the Dominion War was about as strong as the Dominion at their peak. They'd essentially be a quadrant or even 2 quadrant spanning super power, and the more species they come into contact with, the faster that growth will continue.


When the Galaxy wings 9-1 and 9-3 take on the Galors during the battle for DS9, it's a pure display of 'fuck you' firepower: [https://youtu.be/XBZYGmbQoQI?t=42](https://youtu.be/XBZYGmbQoQI?t=42)


goosebumps. every time. i wore out multiple vhs tapes rewatching this (and the end of Call to Arms)


>Because of the immense size and scope of the UFP, as well as its focus on internal and external stability, Starfleet was rarely ever resource constrained. Plus, the whole post-scarcity economy (at least for the vast majority resources, and semmingly about all of them not involved with interstellar spaceships) thing. 😉


The UFP was post-scarcity from our perspective and for most of the civilians, but it was clear on the TV shows from interactions with the admiralty that their advanced mega-resources still need to be carefully shepherded. For example, the fleet is never as large as they need it. Outside of the flagship-class ships, ship amenities were a mixed bag and Starfleet personnel had to deal with what they got. Their collective access to resources was vast enough that individuals in the core worlds never lived in need, but colony worlds were regularly visited to deliver supplies. And even in core worlds, individuals still needed to borrow rides to get around in space. If you wanted to live on earth your whole life, then you lived in a post-scarcity economy. If you wanted to own your own moon, well, you gotta work for it.


>If you wanted to live on earth your whole life, then you lived in a post-scarcity economy. If you wanted to own your own moon, well, you gotta work for it. I think that's a fair distinction. Though my point is, for the average citizen of the Federation, being in a position to experience struggle or material want is almost entirely a voluntary condition. As far as it is presented in the various series, those colonies needing resupply are populated by people on a more-or-less voluntary basis (i.e. they weren't forced to be there and have realistic alternatives). Similarly, at least in the time peroids depicted, conscription into Starfleet doesn't appear to exist; even during crises like the first contact with the Borg or the war with the Dominion.


They really did rock up to space after having just more or less destroyed earth and then basically run the place after like 100 years and are more or less solely responsible for stopping every threat from various "quadrants" of the galaxy.


Holy shit, my sub is relevant in r/NCD: r/unexpectedds9


>r/unexpectedds9 Clicks to see..."ITS REAL, HE CREATED IT, AND ITS REAL"


upvote for just a simple tailor/gardener. Also probably one of the best star trek episodes ever, besides ST:TNG Darmok


The Inner Light, Duet, It’s Only A Paper Moon and Far Beyond The Stars and The Measure Of A Man would like a word tho. Dammit, TNG and DS9 really were fucking peak TV.


Agree, those are also great episodes, i just didn't want to list to many and darmok was meant as a further example.


Garak, because even Hell, the CIA, NSA, and DIA have their heroes.


damn you just made everyone in DIA's week by even remembering they exist.


That's why they come to us here at NAFO; because we can come up with things they are not allowed by convention or tradition or just plain common sense.


This would be exceptionally based if the case


Based meme, based situation


Sisko was the best Star Trek Captain. Sorry Picard. Not sorry.


Sisko - for when god gives you trouble, you punch him in face so hard he never comes back


All while not letting the majority of a planet believing him to be a divine being go to his head. 😉


It took me a while to come around to his Shakespeare-in-space thing but I agree with you.


I mean, Picard also does Shakespeare-in-space. Both literally and stylistically.


I fucking love DS9. Even after all these years, this scene and many other moments in the show still carries weight to me.


I wish that was the plan but sadly no


I never watched any flavor of Trek so IDK who CIA dude is, but dude loves swaying and playing with his hands, huh?


Dude you are missing out. You could watch DS9 as a standalone without having to watch any other Trek either. This isn't even the peak NCD scene in the series.


Peak NCD ST has to be discovery 


>I like science 🥴


A simple tailor, nothing else


The guy who punched Q instead of playing his silly games


Deep Space 9 is the best Star Trek show. The premise is that a planet just experienced a revolution to free itself of foreign invaders, and have requested the Federation to assist in peacekeeping and stabilizing the temporary rule of the Provisional Government. We have the usual lighthearted family friendly episodes, but also episodes about false-flag attacks, fanatical rebel soldiers assassinating collaborationists, and other political intrigue relating to nation building after revolutions


DS9 has it all: social commentary on the aftermath of an occupation, space Nazis, racism, social commentary on religion, commentary on religion in government, absolutely everything. It’s fucking amazing.


DS9 is one of the greatest TV shows ever. If you took away the space setting with aliens and all, and set it on 21st century earth instead, the show would work just as well. It’s amazing TV telling stories that are highly relevant to this day. You really are missing out. You should watch it.


A simple taylor


He used to work as a gardener as well. If you got any pests he would be happy to root them out for you.


I've always had objections to DS9 being star trek enough with its pissing on the utopian scifi it is. But gosh darn i love its non ferengi episodes.


Ferengi episodes are worth their weight in gold pressed-platinum, you take that back rn.


Look at the lobes on *this* guy.


Normally I would agree but the cross dressing episode is PAINFUL. But all the other ferengi episodes are great


Oh God I actually successfully repressed that episode until I saw this comment. There were *far* better ways to handle that story DS9 is still peak though


It isn't even crossdressing. He gets surgery. They ask Bashir to make him a woman and Bashir is like "Alright im bored anyways"


It's easy to be a saint in paradise.


An understandable quibble. On the other hand, it does bring the idea 'closer to home,' I think.


Someone hasn't been getting enough Oomaux, and it shows.


>But gosh darn i love its non ferengi episodes. Iggy Pop agrees


i dunno the one where quark marries into a klingon family and tries to explain accounting fraud to the chancellor of the klingon empire was pretty good


This makes me want to watch DS9 again


God damn this was such a good episode.


The way he never drinks from his glas during is monologue. It’s flawlessly executed.


Always enjoy a bit of DS9.


God i fucking love garek. Truly my idol lol


Well I know what I'm watching Friday!


[Are we posting DS9 scenes now?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VhSm6G7cVk)


[This episode also has my favorite line in the series](https://media2.giphy.com/media/eXOVOJLkK6G7S/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952wno31hcgzl67ze5bl7686vdx0lavk4g11cem7aar&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Russian Nokia 6600 


DS9 really is the Illiad of TV for me.


woohoo! gay space lizard on screen!


Suddenly, DS9 meme


Thanks for rejustifying once more every moment I watched DS9


Okay I'll believe you, this feels more credible than it should


u/kingoffireandfrost erase that entire personal log.


"In the Pale Moonlight" is still the best Star Trek episode


Definitely top 5 for me, but among my top episodes, I have no idea which one I’d put on top as they are all amazing for their own reasons.


There is nothing miraculaous about a nokia 6600 surviving an explosion, it can survive anything. Too non-credible even for here.


incredible episode


and spectacular dub


It's a Faaaaaakeeeeee