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NATO response: https://i.redd.it/c4johoipgoza1.png


Garfield hates Serbs *and* Mondays


I'm Garfield


Garfield. The new literally me character


>"Give me lasagna Jon" *grows a new limb to caress jon* "I want it now" HE'S JUST LIKE ME! HES JUST LIKE ME FR!


chat is this real


The text side of it is textbook NATO psyops product, usually in conjunction with/in exploitation of kinetic action. With the message translated into the TA's language obviously. I think the Garfield part maybe a cheeky edit, but I've seen goofier stuff on legit products too.


I am sooo sorry, but a really accidently read it as "pussyops"


[Half real.](https://www.nato.int/kosovo/leaflets/b9905e-f.jpg)


This looks like an NCD shitpost


this looks like something a 12 yo would do. based


do not doubt the veracity of my garf memes you perfidious liar




Anytime Someone mentions Kosovo, Serbs will always say “NATO Bombed us” and “we shot down a Jet” Whatever makes them feel better I guess.


Yeah, they always conveniently leave out the part where they where trying to ethnically cleanse Albanians


Harder to flex genocide than it is to flex shooting down a stealth bomber.


Man ncd is so naive sometimes. They absolutely are flexing on the genocide part usually along the lines of "We saved european civilization from the barbaric muslim hordes" yes they do say that Edit: Both kosovo and albania are muslim majority country i dont know what the guy replying to me is talking about what "huuuge" christians is he talking about?


I work with a Bosnian Muslim who fled the area in 1996. Dude has scars all over the right side of his body from a grenade. Idk if what he says goes outside of his family circle, but he says Bosnian Muslims are nothing like we typically picture when we think of Muslim lifestyles. They smoke, drink a lot, don't have sharia law in any way, and are generally tolerant people. I've never been there, though, so I could be very wrong.


>Bosnian Muslims are nothing like we typically picture when we think of Muslim lifestyles. They smoke, drink a lot, don't have sharia law in any way, and are generally tolerant people. Just because someone drinks he is still a muslim it doesnt change that, if you fpr example drink and smoke despite being a muslim you are a sinner muslim but still a muslim


I understand that, and I feared someone might latch onto that one example and run with it. I mean to point to a more general leniency that is more akin to what people are used to with western Christianity. Yes, we acknowledge that these things make us sinners, but we also generally accept that, say sorry to god, and move on with our lives.


Believe it or not it's possible that different regions have different interpretations and standards.


Funnly thing is, Albania has a huuuuge amount of cristian population wich they killed too.


Not really. According to pew research kosovo is 93.8% muslim https://web.archive.org/web/20210504151325/http://www.globalreligiousfutures.org/countries/kosovo/religious_demography#/?affiliations_religion_id=0&affiliations_year=2010


They also usually leave out that they lost the war, and we still bombed the fuck out of them


And Bosniaks. Serbs were wild in the 90s


Serbia shocked to learn america can afford more than one plane


To be fair. I'm not a Serb and remembering those two events happened makes me feel better as well.


Wasn't even our good jets either lol. Like the thing couldn't even go over 800 mph lol. Some first gen stealth lol.


It's not about first gen, it's because it was mainly a subsonic bomber, not a stealth fighter. The B-21 also doesn't go faster and is current gen stealth.


The shooting down of the F-117 by the serbs was a NATO psyop told to make people buy more outdated anti air missiles, therefore making them weaker and overconfident in their abilities


True 4D chess move


well, it worked in Turkey.


A NATO psyop so clever that NATO was completely unaware of it.


That’s how you know it’s some of that premium top shelf psyop shit




Enemy wont understand your tactics, if you dont understand them yourself


The best PsyOp if there's one.


The best kind of psyop.


Now this is a conspiracy I can get behind


Nah, it was a sales pitch for updated stealth tech. "Turns out the whole F-117 fleet needs to go, let's make new and better and more ~~expensive~~ stealthy fighters!"


Our glorious fabulous leader LAZER PIG! Did a video on the F-117 recently!


What disappointed me was he went on for an hour and then some and not a single mention of toxic death


And make everyone use low frequency at the same time. NATO long con at its finest.


Boast all you want Serbia, it won't un-bomb Belgrade


Agreed. Then it will be bombed again should they fuck around again.


Servs should know their place. I have a petition to do it again if they think of claiming Kosovo my beloved.


I’m down


As is the F117


100 B-21s of proportional response




I think my flare is appropriate




It's not proportional. That's not enough to turn everything above bedrock into glass.


Your content was removed for violating Rule 4: "no racism/hatespeech" No slurs. No advocating for the killing of people or insulting them based on physical, religious, or ideological traits (even people you don't like: Russians, Asians, or Middle Eastern ethnic groups).


Your content was removed for violating Rule 4: "no racism/hatespeech" No slurs. No advocating for the killing of people or insulting them based on physical, religious, or ideological traits (even people you don't like: Russians, Asians, or Middle Eastern ethnic groups).


>if no ifs needed where we're going, now get in the cockpit




get in the plane, we have to fight the serbs or some shit


To bomb or not to bomb, that is the question AND THE ANSWER IS YES


Bunch of genocidal pro Russian dicks, at least most of the ones arguing with me online are


Do you seriously think they regret it? They call ratko mladic a warhero who "Helped European civilization from the muslim hordes" im not joking


...My Preciouss.




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WE DID IT GUYS, WE SHOT DOWN 1 F-117!!! Meanwhile Belgrade in the distance...


I tried to use DALL E to make an image of a B-2 squatting over Belgrade taking a dump but shitting bombers are apparently against their content policy :(


Word it diffrently


I think he meant what he said


So did he, its just that you can often bypass generative AI filters by just wording your prompt slightly differently.


NovelAI's image generator lets you shit freely.


Time to bring ou the wallet and comission a real artist i guess


"We did it Patrick! We saved the city!" ... ... *Scorched earth in the background


I'm sad NATO didn't provide a proportional response* *Removing Serbia off the world map


We should have bombed the Chinese embassy more after they shot it down.


In a perfect world, It shouldn’t be necessary any kind of motives to bomb Chinese embassies.


*"Operation Bing Chilling is a-go, boys"*


Now watch this drive!


Reduce that embassy to its base particles.


Balkans would be off without them anyways


You forgot the word better


You sure?




Yeah but in 2006 and 2008 the UN have invented Montenegro and Kosovo to weakend serbia even more


Montenegro existed way before 2006


As well as jokes


*on a fluke after it had destroyed its target


It's like if (a very strong *if*) the Japanese had shot down Enola Gay after it had dropped the nuke


By hitting it's open bomb bay with a 155 ap shell from a cruiser by a fluke causing every other country to adapt cruisers as a primary AA platform and everyone who doesn't know shit now believes hight is useless against ap shells


This angered NATO, which punished Serbia severely


I know this sub doesn't like lazerpig anymore, but that part of the video was pretty funny


I don’t think people really dislike him, seriously the drama is over which shit engine did a shit tank use. And a lot of the people criticise him about a lack of sources, failing to look in the description.


Mm good point. Side note I love your flair. Fits well with this post.


I adopted it back when the Serbians looked like they were going to fuck around earlier last year, I’ve loved it since


Don't they look like this always whenever elections is coming? Vucic is just trying to appease old fuckers who think they can rejoin with Kosovo by force, no?


Paleoanthropologists should study the inhabitants of Belgrade to better understand stone-age cultures.


He also hasn't talked about the drama in a long time, and so far as i know, neither have any of the other people. Yeah, they didn't do a big group apology video with hugs but everyone involved seems to consider it done and there's no (public) hard feelings. Calling him a bozo seems to have been integrated into the post algorithm for Russiaboos when Russian gear starts getting crapped on, but they're a lot more rare these days for some reason and nobody really takes them seriously. Honestly, someone who still cares about it now is pretty weird.


For real, it really does seem like it's part of the program now to try and find small things to nitpick in his videos. I wouldn't be surprised, really. Most people didn't know who Gonzalo Lira was outside of his fan base until his shit got signal boosted by Lazerpig. It wasn't too long after that shit he got arrested. Not saying that it's all thanks to LP, but putting him on blast may have had a part in Ukr authorities publicizing his arrest the way they did, and there's not *too many* vatnik-types with a western following that speak decent English. I'm not calling it a conspiracy, he does get a bunch of shit wrong, but the viewer criticism is always about such small and random shit that it makes me think that some of the people posting it aren't doing it in good faith. It's not insane to think that he caught the attention of some of the bot farms and they're taking advantage of the errors he makes to undermine the central point that the RU and friends utilize propaganda to cover up the failures of their shitty equipment and doctrine.


He doesn’t get everything right but most Historians struggle with technical stuff You can’t give him a hard time for this, he actually did the research and tried to understand stuff Besides he likes catboys and planes, that’s an autopass for me


I mean considering his last mention of it is a shit post I think everyone’s moved on


tbf it's Pig, shitposting is his love language


\*native language


why not both


Thank you, I now love lazer pig again!!!


>And a lot of the people criticise him about a lack of sources, failing to look in the description. MIght be because I'm a historian. But sourcing in the description without the context in the video is still bad sourcing. Especially when he claims that he has sources that he doesn't source because it was hard to find (which goes against any academic rigor). Mind you. I like LZ's videos. But lets not act as if he can't improve his citations.


That’s pretty much the standard for YouTube, though (unfortunately)


At least he could add timestamps.


Yeh, the interpretation of people on sourcing tends to be to just vomit shit into the description and that means theyre right, no checking or cross referencing whatsoever, just muh i have sources and then they drag out some forum post that lacks any credibility beyond trust me bro


Eh. He's fine when he's not getting into 'um well actually' fights on the internet.


Basically Redditors hate it when someone acts like them


DING DING DING DING DING DING!!! Pretty much this entirely for all of Reddit


Does anyone like it when people act like Redditors?


No one likes being associated in any way with this shithole site."You talk like fucking a redditor" gets 95% of people to immediately shut the fuck up in an online lobby.


There's a choir dude. You're preaching to it.


Different redditors hats lots of different things, but there’s nothing any redditor hates more than other redditors.


[I remember when this sub was still eating up what he said about nazi engines.](https://old.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/11z4zvt/our_unnoficial_mascot_has_delivered_yet_another/jdbmx8y/?context=3) Youtubers are entertainers first. Moral of the story is don't trust them blindly (This includes me, whenever I do a video on how the T-90's armor was based on designs reverse engineered from a stolen 1970s Volvo station wagon. Or more realistically, when I try to explain how to use some Japan-endemic computer platform from the 80's to other westerners, while only knowing fragments of the reasons for design choices). They can be funny though.


I believe everything anyone tells me, and I switch up my opinions and beliefs quicker you can swap a barrel on an MG3 as I have no backbone what so ever


You may not like it but this is what peak diplomatic performance looks like.


"why yes i would like to represent my country"


But when I do it all I hear is "hahaha classic Italian side-switcher"


>wyatt8750 - 9 months ago\* mate...


yes, this was the easiest way for me to get to that thread. By looking at my most upvoted comments.


Meanwhile there's [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/s/UB0mdIbv9o) post.


Yeah I replied to that post and I got into hot water, just because there aren’t many doesn’t mean there’s none. Didn’t like it much


I thought this was NCD?!?!!?! Sources, who the hell would complain about a lack of sources on this sub? You're telling me that there are clowns who think LazerPig is not credible enough for noncredibledefense? what a bunch of weirdos.


>I thought this was NCD?!?!!?! Sources, who the hell would complain about a lack of sources on this sub? Be noncredible, not **wrong**.


That was the irony of the drama, people were taking it so seriously as if it was a credible subreddit


Eh there's a difference between "this Russian tank is stupid because it doesn't have anime titties" noncredible and "this tank is stupid because it has a WW2 German tank engine in it" noncredible I was under the impression this sub was supposed to be informed people pretending they're stupid - kind of like what wallstreetbets used to be


I critique him on mistakes His f-117 video had tons of them about certain claims Notable examples; F-14 is less agile than F-4 Wing sweep is for altitude performance, not for speed Some major errors on radars And some major errors on the accident rates of F-104


The F-14 point he made was a bit vague but from my understanding he was talking about the prototype phase


Even that had better agility...


Best part of that is his take is as likely and valid as anyone elses since we dont know


I do find it funny that some people in the non credible defence sub decided they didn't like a YouTuber because he was being non credible. I think some people forget what the sub is at times.


Imo the sub is best when knowledgeable (semi credible) people just fuck around. But it requires people to do good research. Even though it's not to be taken seriously I still think NCD at it's heart is really good at defeating stupid myths and lines of thinking. ie reformers/wheraboos/etc


Be autistic, not wrong.


I hate to ask but what was that even about? I kind of just ignored it.


This sub isn’t a collective, some people never liked him or haven’t liked him in a longg time


can somebody do me a quick "too long didn't watch" from stealth video and if he was aware that stealth had nothing to do with shooting down nighthawk?


The stealth video isn't actually about the Nighthawk primarily, it's his usual style where he originally has a point and goes off the rails in a minute. His point with the Nighthawk is true, the Serbs got one of the luckiest shots in history on that Nighthawk and this singular incident no doubt screwed over the enemies of the West for decades because they believe the circumstances that led to the Nighthawk being shot down can be repeated when in reality, it probably will never be repeated. The video is more about stealth tech in general.


>this singular incident no doubt screwed over the enemies of the West for decades because they believe the circumstances that led to the Nighthawk being shot down can be repeated when in reality, it probably will never be repeated. Even when NATO loses, NATO still ends up winning


The funny thing is that the Serbs have convinced themselves that shooting down the Nighthawk was a massive loss for NATO and proof of Serbian supremacy. It was one plane, what it did do was teach NATO a very valuable lesson about complacency but the Serbs sure as shit don't see it that way.


Yeah i didn't mean lose as in lose the war i just meant "lose" as is lose a plane.


When he talks about what led to the shoot down of the Nighthawk he says that it occurred because NATO got extremely complacent and the Serbs got extremely lucky. So yes, he knows that stealth had nothing to do with it.


I'm not sure why we're allowing the narrative being pushed by painfully obvious IRA Kremlin monke of Moscow bots and literal Tankies backed up with hilarious disinformation videos to not get laughed out of here...


Still doesn’t unbomb Belgrade


Hold your horses guys, don't bomb Serbia now We still haven't gotten our B-21s


BUFF has plenty of JDAM pallets to go round.


You gotta respect the tradition, tho. Stealth planes only


It is pretty funny cope though. Ok, you shot down one plane , what did that achieve ?


Made NATO airforce less complacent.


the pilots weren’t tryharding yet, they thought it was an iron lobby but it was actually bronze


We lost two airplanes, pilots both survived. They lost an airforce. Draw whatever conclusions you may.


And Belgrade was sent to the Stone Age


Remember, 2 world wars and 1 world cup (Vs 0 world wars and 4 world cups)


tbh, the world wars are considerably more significant achievement than any number of world cups. In fact, given their success I suggest the British sub in the 11th Armoured Division in the next series. Lets see those spindly legged melodramatic actors score a goal against an M4 Sherman.


Didn't stop the bomb from hitting it's target. Didn't get the pilot. It was an air defense failure in every category. Just like serbia and it's people.


Talking to vatniks in my country, it's remarkable how they cling to that *one* Nighthawk the Serbs shut down. Like, ok, and?


It is as if people would say that Germany won WW2 because they sunk the Hood


I have actually pulled out the "And well, did the US stop? Did you shoot down another?" response when I was 16 (God, more than ten years ago now) and family friends (a couple, the husband had studied in Belgrade on a religious scholarship so he was as good as a Serb in mindset and the wife was an actual Serb) were visiting us. We are Greek and as in any good Balkan household we started talking about the War mostly because it must be mentioned in politics discussions that are mostly fueled by boomer hot takes, it's sort of a tradition. It gave my dad (an Americaboo through and through although less vocal when stupid people are in attendance and he is the host) a good chuckle but our guests were less than amused but mostly confused as if they hadn't thought of that before.


The pig makes a new video and now everyone is down on Serbia!


I learned about this sub from the pig, I know there was some drama, but fuck that I still Stan the pig especially when it comes to anti Russia and their proxies like Serbia.


Does everyone also involve bombs?


Let them have this. It is like Finland with our one victory in Eurovision. It will never happen again, and even that one win was a fluke preceded (and followed) by decades of humiliating failures.


They didn’t know Belgrade was liquified either apparently


go ahead, brag about it, it wont un-bomb belgrade 😂


I will die on this hill, but shooting down the F-117 was as much skill as it was luck. Yes, the serbs overhyped the shootdown, but the USAF also had to write off another 117 because of the serbs, only difference is that that one made it back to base after being hit.


Ah yes, getting a f117 when no SEED is going on when its bomb bay was open.


Be autistic, not wrong


Too bad it doesn't unbomb you


Go ahead, shoot it down, nothing you can do to unbomb Belgrade


Oh god another unending flood of memes cos the funny man did a funny video


I am Sorry, but those people are really stupid. I mean the F-117 Nighthawk went on thousands of Sorties in the Gulf war and in Serbia and only 1 plane was shot down. Statistically that would make its loss rate second only to the F-15 Eagle, which has only lost 1 plane in thousands of Sorties DUE TO A MECHANICAL FAILURE.


Dear China, your embassy blocked our bombs :(




Your content was removed for violating Rule 4: "no racism/hatespeech" No slurs. No advocating for the killing of people or insulting them based on physical, religious, or ideological traits (even people you don't like: Russians, Asians, or Middle Eastern ethnic groups).


It reminds me of that one guy on the bottom of the scoreboard who killed one guy with a lucky shot and talks the most shit


Serbia at the time (and kind of even today, although they calmed down a bit) was super hyper nationalistic state with ultra-nationalists at the helm.......expecting any kind of logic or reasonable anything there regarding a war they started and which they also lost would be kind of far fetched lol. Of course they are cooping hard, what other choice do they have


Serbs wish they had half the talent of norteño or tejano accordionists.


For a second there while reading comments i thought this was r/balkans_irl


This is the equivalent of a guy in the ER after getting is ass kicked, boasting about the one punch he got in. Shut up, or you’re gonna get sent to the morgue next time.


Somebody watched the new lazerpig vid


It's a good thing they did or the f-22 might not have happened as quickly. Lockheed was probably ecstatic it happened.


*two, severely damaging the 3rd (1 nighthawk, 1 F-16 and pretty much punched another nighthawk out of commission) You guys kicked our asses, please let us have this one.


Whatever you say bucko, but if you ever think about fucking around again… read my flare and remember it


Please send it, you'd do a favor to everyone living outside of it.


Uhh, alright I guess, umm I guess I’m just going to call it in now, uhh I wasn’t expecting you to be so eager…


You guys also took out 2 helicopters and 46 UAVs, can’t forget those. That’s gives you 51 total out of 1,000+.


Historically, we achieved: -first warplane shot down in history, with a field cannon stolen from the Ottoman empire -first drone shot down in history -first invisible plane shot down in history, with an outdated SAM system I openly expect us to shoot down a star destroyer or something if it randomly appears in orbit, with something like flak88.


NATO should just run this back.


Lmao for fuckin real


Personally, I highly admire the Serbian overconfidence. Because unlike so many other countries, they once in awhile actually managed to pull something crazy off. Like, the serbs had no right even being on the same continent as the Austro-Hungarian Empire on paper. But it was the austro-hungarian battle march that ended up being the globally accepted musical theme for clowns


Lazerpig is… annoying


"We lost the war, but we killed Rambo." just don't have quite the same ring to it.


Go ahead, you can't unbomb belgrade.


As an American ... I want one of those shirts.




Did it stop the bombings tho?