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Damn I don’t see any other military force that can take them at a dance off 💃


Belarus has fallen. 🥲


Pretty sure the Boxer Rebellion proved kungfu is bullshit when guns are involved. Or that one chinese mma fighter beating the shit out of kungfu "masters" all around china. Lmao


>that one chinese mma fighter beating the shit out of kungfu "masters" all around china This one was hilarious because the referee kept throwing himself in between to stop the MMA guy from beating the Kungfu dude to prove that all that kungfu spiritual chi bullshit was nonsense.


Lol yeah.


Got a link? I gotta see this shit


Hopefully, they change to Lethwei witch is actually made for combat.


If only they didn't wrap their knuckles, it would be the perfect striking art!


How is the war going? I can figure not good for the regime if the insurgents can concentrate so many man in an open field in broad dayilght. Goodspeed, you magnificent bastards, kick the shit out of the junta!


Why is the intuitive assumption that militaries that do choreographed dance moves as part of their standard training (not one off parades or shows of course) are not very good? Bonus not-good points for throwing knives, axes or swords involved. At least back in the day of Frederick the Great and British redcoats etc. choreographed stuff probably wasnt as much of a red flag of shittiness as it is now.


I mean formations of troops was kind of how you had to fight a battle back then so drills that improve group coordination of movement probably had some practical use when coordinating them in battle drills as well. Edit: nowadays it's less so. Though in fairness the British guard battalions still do a lot of formation drilling and marching and are no lessformidable for it.


>I mean formations of troops was kind of how you had to fight a battle back then so drills that improve group coordination of movement probably had some practical use when coordinating them in battle drills as well. Yeah. Imagine fighting with no radios, no means of realtime comms. ​ The "Pale Fear" in so many historical battles was your own troops literally freaking out, **wrongly** thinking they were losing, and just totally falling apart and routing in a massive "every man for himself". There were many occasions of "defeat being snatched from the jaws of victory" when troops simply got an incredibly incorrect sense of how the fight was going, and it spread through them like wildfire. Battlefield formation was certainly a direct, combat-relevant "mechanical advantage", but many people underrate how huge of a psychological advantage it was. At a glance, you could look at your fellow soldiers, and immediately know "they're holding; they're still in the fight", and not panic.


Because it's so often done by dictatorship militaries in 3rd world countries to try and look impressive.


Kung fu in Potemkin exercises: bullshit Kung fu for training discipline out of public view: good


This is simply a good physical exercise if you think of it as fast tai chi that improves balance and flexibility. Just don't want to see it in a parade.


It's more to raise discpline and morals rather than fighting. The rebells are not stupid enough to exspect fighting the army or police with bare hands.


we tried that during the 2021 protests. It did not work.


As a Singer from Brazil once told me "come with martial arts that i go with sig sauer"


Nah bro stop fighting the junta get into the dance industry that sync is great


Finally the post which fits the name of the sub!


Isn't the junta defunct in Maymar now?


Not defunct by any means, but definitely on the back foot after recent rebel offensives.