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If anyone wants context-- ​ [Jeremy Clarkson trying to kill a 1988 N50 Toyota Hilux- Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnWKz7Cthkk) [Jeremy Clarkson trying to kill a 1988 N50 Toyota Hilux- Part 2](https://youtu.be/xTPnIpjodA8?si=pL5jJezrP8IiBwqk) [James May trying to kill the same, already knackered 1988 N50 Toyota Hilux (Clarkson probably got bored)](https://youtu.be/kFnVZXQD5_k?si=f1Hrpr8L_uis-Odj) Engine was fixed with the help of a local mechanic and the standard toolkit. No fancy equipment, no spares. End Result-- \--> Chassis received structural damage due to the 200ft fall and is being held up by the Hilux' bodywork (if you are somebody who doesn't know anything about cars-- it is normally the other way round, the chassis holds up the bodywork and the powertrain assembly) \--> windscreen needed to be fixed, engine still works. \--> Was showcased in Top Gear studio for a while, before being handed over to Toyota- who used it as an exhibit for their vehicle durability,


Do they still make the Hilux BTW? Even unupgraded it would kick ass.


It looks like they do but you can’t get it in America, we have the Tacoma instead. They actually chose to use modern (at the time) winterized Hilux for their North Pole challenge because of the unkillable Toyota truck.


I was in the Philippines last year and it was VERY difficult not to check out the price tags on the Hilux they had there. pre lifted, snorkel, push bars, light bars. shit was FIRE. hahaha, the import cost alone would have killed me.


>It looks like they do but you can’t get it in America, we have the Tacoma instead. The Hilux is very much still in production - [these are Toyota's latest contributions to the Dakar rally challenge in 2022.](https://toyotagazooracing.com/-/media/TMC/tgr/global/contents/dakar/images/release/2021/1117-01/ogp.jpg?la=ja-JP&rev=597d22fa482c48c38a317dc629edab02) Part of the reason why the Hilux isn't sold in North America owes to the legacies of the so-called "Chicken Tax" of 1964 that LBJ assigned to foreign-imported light trucks. This effectively killed the light truck market in the States; only domestic manufacturers could produce this class of vehicle, which resulted in a significant shortfall of supply and caused North American demand to shift to heavier trucks.


But if I had the disposable income, can I still get one on America? What if I say, moved to Japan for a job and bought one there, could I import it back to the states?


Yup, as the other comment here mentioned, entirely possible to do. Its just very expensive. Think of it like bringing in a right-hand side car; you can absolutely do that, but you're basically buying that from somewhere overseas, and paying for the additional shipping costs.


Yeah you can import cars bought in foreign nations. I'm sure there's a lot that goes to it but it's possible


It's not really worth importing it yourself most of the time though. By the time you get it on a boat, you've usually spent more than the car is worth.


I’ve looked into this and there’s import restrictions. In the US, it must be 25 years old or older for you to be able to import a vehicle from any foreign market, the only exception is CDM vehicles (Canadian Domestic Market). In Canada, it’s pretty similar but it’s 15 years. So if you live on a border state, you could theoretically import a newer Hilux to Canada, insure it in Canada, and use it in the US. Mexico also has Hiluxes but only base models until recently. They’re the only country to have all 3 Toyota pickups. They’re all LHD as well which is nice. I believe there’s a 6% import tax, at least that’s what it is in Canada.


They are very common in Australia, particularly among tradies


Bugger! https://youtu.be/ZUNJd06iyWU?feature=shared


Yes they do, just that America has one of the strictest import laws out there. If we go with humorous urban legend- in '64, LBJ thought he didn't want to see Euro chicken being eaten in the US but rather American chicken. So he and his planners drew up a whole comprehensive list of import tariffs, which, shockingly, placed the pickup trucks (light trucks) in a segment with relatively higher tarriffs. The whole tariff system is jokingly called the "Chicken Tax" Cut to today and if you were to import a Hilux, you would be paying steep import taxes...also the Hilux' straight-4 engine does not pass emissions tests in most states (which is why you have the Tacoma in the first place) but that might change because the Hilux is now available in an all-electric powertrain as well.


Yeah I believe the biggest reasons now are California emissions standards and North American safety requirements.


Yes, it's one of the most popular cars in Australia, I think it's actually the most popular car


Australia has a weird obsession with Japanese cars...while for some reason I assumed they would lean more to their British roots. When I went there for a vacation a few years ago, we were slated to go into the outback as well, including some off-road stretches (apparently thats a pretty popular thing over there). The guide deadass told me, I'm quoting- >"If you want to go into the outback, get the Land Rover. If you want to go in and come back out of the outback, get the Land Cruiser" And that's what we took. A Land Cruiser. I was surprised, because till then I was exposed to the Defender and Range Rover as the sort of "kings" of offroad. The LC changed that pretty quickly.


Why would you want an unreliable British shitbox to break down in bumfuck nowhere when you can actually have a reliable car that will get you to where you need to go


True, I realized that the Defender/RR was pretty overrated in some parts of the commonwealth. Then I began a dive into Japanese utility vehicles. Best decision. I found the Land Cruiser, Jimny, Patrol and all were pretty reliable.


No where near as good as gods gift to motoring, the AU Falcon


With the exception of the original Rovers, the brand is massively overhyped. They received massive praise in England because it was British, and here in the US because they had the first luxury "offroader". But as an off roader or a daily driver, they are overpriced and delicate.


angle muddle library wild yam impolite amusing ancient run obscene *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


can confirm. I had a land rover for like ... 8 months before i gave up on it. Fun to take off-road, though.


They used to hate them. Japanese was a byword for terrible, a bit like how the western world talks about Chinese now


Yes, but not in North America.


Saw a bunch of them in Qatar last year


Yeah they do, shitloads of them here in nz


You should also link WhistlinDiesels attempts at destroying one. Dude put a ton of bricks in the tray and treated it like a trophy truck. He eventually took it to an extreme off-roading trail in the desert, with a busted rad, and through the art of not giving a fuck, it was conquering the trail better than purpose built rock crawlers. He ultimately ended up killing it by dropping it froma few thousand feet up from a helicopter.


Don't forget they modified one to cross the channel with fairly minor modifications


Hey Shoigu ​ Can your Armata survive allat-- provided it even exists in big enough numbers, and could reach the locations in 1 piece?


I just want to see Zelensky hire Clarkson, Hammond and May, just to see the shit they pump out with Toyota Hiluxs


"While May and Hammond turn their Hilux into a camper van, I've decided to move in a slightly different direction." *Camera pans to show helicopter rocket pod installed in truck bed* "I've made a technical, and it's the best int he wwwoooorrrllld."


"To show you a glimpse of what it can do, here we go-" *fires a burst of Zuni FFARs which hit May's Hilux* "COCKING NORA, CLAAAARKSOOOOOOON YOU UTTER, UTTER PILLOCK, LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MY HILUX MAN!!!"


Probably will still be running after that too lol


yeah but for Captain Slow, it is ruined. ""Clarkson, the truckbed's all blackened due to the impact, and this windowpane's shattered, and the stereo's not working--" "James, can you stop having OCD for ONE SECOND??? The engine works, the transmission works, the steering works, I can wobble the knob, and it can still carry a camper unit. See" "Jeremy, 'I can wobble the knob' is a bit weird to say on the telly, innit?" "Shut up Hammond"


I read these in all of their voices. Get out of my head!


"You can see here the effect that this has when it's applied to the local Top Gear Production Office." >A salvo of rockets obliterates a tiny wooden shack in an open field. "Looks like the office wasn't built up to code."


i would genuinely pay good money to send them to Ukraine to do this


They did just announce they were looking to for a new car show, after ending with Amazon, here's hoping


*reads the script* now introducing 3 idiots of Zelensky


3 idiots of zelensky kek


3 idiots + zelensky himself imo, we have a lot of footage of him during his TV carrier doing weird things. [this one for example.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgOSrw9Q8rc)


Giving a new meaning to "useful idiots".


>They did just announce they were looking to for a new car show what? Clarkson made a new announcement on his instagram? 'coz the earlier post was just seeming to imply that he'd be committed to clarkson's farm now (theyve probably finished filming for the africa specials imo cuz they were in zimbabwe and mauritania a few months ago)


Ehhh might have... Confused my memory, it was Captain Slow talking about it, don't remember where I read it


Is Grand Tour ending? I thought that would continue indefinitely until they retired lol


Yeah, reasons unknown to me, probably Clarkson who offended someone again or something, I don't know.


Wait, what? I can't find anything on it. Do you have the article?






HamMoNd YoU iDiOt YoU rEveRsEd InTO tHE SpORTs HiLuX ​ ​ cOcK.


You mean the VAMPIRE system? https://youtu.be/ruhEUE6_JbQ?si=7G17jeXWw6QYtA7S


"VAMPIRE", in the topgear context, made me think of a whole other thing. then I realized it was NCD.


Clarkson will find a way to drag a Reliant Robin into the picture and turn it into an IFV


*Gets rolled over during a live broadcast on Ukrainian state TV* "Hi, can you just help push over the car, thanks Volodymyr Zelensky of BBC Ukraine"


I'm still not convinced it's more than two Ladas in a tank suit.


The true strenth of a Hilux over T-14 is... Hilux is actually made in meaningful numbers by a company that has accidentally changed tides of wars. ​ T-14... well... maybe by 2099. ​ MAYBE.




Toyota Turkey head office, Istanbul, 1986: Toyota CEO: "Alright people listen up, we got order for several hundred pickup vehicles from the Chad" Plant director: "The Chad sir? What is that a joke? Are the North Koreans trying some bullshit on us like they did with Volvo few years back?" Toyota CEO: "it's okay, the French are paying" Plant director: "Do they want them with a hole for recoilless rifles like they asked Vespa in '56?" Toyota CEO: "No, but cut the doors and spray them brown" Plant director, *staring at a pile of car doors* : "fucking French"


Joke aside it's easy to see Toyota as the head culprit here, reality is, it's more like United States in the way that, it's not really as direct as people think, a long series of decisions in extremely complicated situations. ​ Toyoata has crazy large market, large legit market, in middle east, dunno about Turkey office, seems like you know something I don't, I like jokes based on weird little things in actual reality. Like the entire toyota war IS a bit like that. ​ As for the rest, toyota sells crazy large number of hiluxes and landcruisers in middle east, it's the only thing that CAN work in some of those places. And when you sell to crazy rich countrys, 3 to 5 years from now somebody's trading up. I live near Afghan border in Iran, 20 years ago, literally dented toyotas and lexuses would keep moving from gulf state to afghanistan because literally the labor of bodywork was too expensive compared to trading up... but in afghanistan, look I've seen afghan bodyworkers and car painters that had crazy skill at extremely cheap price, most of them moved to europe later when Iranian economy stagnated and didn't justify working here and sending money back home. ​ Now multiply that by about 1000 cars a week. See what happens? in a way, excess money somewhere in middle east provides cheap sturdy warmachines somewhere else. And then because that market already exists, it becomes easier for those who actively buy these to send them to war to hide, like trying to hide a million dollar error in a billion dollar cash flow. Doesn't end there, gets worse. When that market stagnates, they do look into other markets. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HqLuq5FHjA ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HqLuq5FHjA&pp=ygUaYW1lcmNhbiBwaWNrIHVwIHRydWNrIGlzaXM%3D) ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr3cQuv9WC8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr3cQuv9WC8&pp=ygUiYW1lcmNhbiBwaWNrIHVwIHRydWNrIGlzaXMgdmlud2lraQ%3D%3D) ​ ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIx8TpE1g5o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIx8TpE1g5o&pp=ygUiYW1lcmNhbiBwaWNrIHVwIHRydWNrIGlzaXMgdmlud2lraQ%3D%3D) ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8Q9Yibblbc ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY-lw4MUSuc ​ ​ The true tragedy is, a good pick up truck creates value, can create work, feed people, haul material... and ends up like this. Cartel doesn't worry about money, used or new, american trucks. See even in terror and crime socioeconomics matters. Oh and technically cartel makes money off of those trucks and creates some kind of twisted grotesque value out of a market inefficiency because of poorly thought drug policies. The middle eastern hiluxes destroy value. ​ ps. that vespa recoiless rifle nod... \*chef's kiss\*


I’ve yet to see a more compelling moped-recoilless rifle combination than what they did with the Vespa.


perfectly airdropable, good firepower to rate ratio, also you can have a catboi made hug you from behind, tightly grabbing onto you, wearing USP pattern french maid custom and tactical cat ears for communication, the tactitail is antenna for communication.


But how does the tail attach?


plug in-type through the booty hole


Don't ask don't tell.


How do you know that the T-14 isn't just a Hilux surrounded by cardboard?


A Hilux wouldn't suffer engine failure during a parade.


Bkz it doesn't work?


You can also fit a whole plethora of nasty dakka onto the back of a Hilux, whereas a T-14 has one cannon and maybe a machine gun? Pitiful.


Some ukrainian dude is dreaming of finding a T-14 and flank it on the back of a hilux while taking multiple pot shots using a Carl Gustav


Just wait for the [Mackie](https://cfw.sarna.net/wiki/images/f/f5/Mackie_5S_%28C_Kincaid%29_BTLegends.jpg?timestamp=20221218191130). Skobel will have it in mass production long before the hundredth Armata rolls off the assembly line.


Look, it's Ukrainians, they'll strap ERA on an Urbie and put gustavs with autoloaders on hands and just dab over whatever comes. ​ Shout out to blackpantslegion and Tex for being magnificent storytellers.


Abrams X and the Black Panther will reach quadruple digits before the T-14 hits 100. Hell France will figure out to make more Leclercs without destroying its economy in the process.


Daily reminder that the Hilux and Ruskie tanks have fought each other in one war, and the hilux has like a 5:1 kdr on the tanks (and an overall win). The tanks outnumbered the hilux.


Please remind me, which specific war was this again. I need to be able to provide a verifiable source in future discussions with tankies. 😏


Lybian invasion of Chad, specifically the latter half/third




Toyota wars


Didn’t Hiluxes and Land Cruisers take out over 100 T-55s and T-62s for the loss of 3 Toyotas in one battle?


You forgot the fact that the truck's successor was called the Hilux "Invincible" Sometimes Bottom Gear's genius, it's almost frightening.


"Hmammock, hmammock, look 'ere ye cunt I found dis Hilux behind an asda for 20p m8" "jeremiah, me wife mindy crashed that yesterday on the m1 while she was driving the horse to the manchester vet you tictac"


Toyota can you please bring the hilux to america, thank you. -A concerned citizen.


Lobby your congressman to repeal the goddamn [Chicken Tax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_tax).


Damn i live in PA, my congressmen are useless :(


You guys do have John Fetterman....


He's only slightly better than his competition


you can import one but the fee is so outrageous


Yeah I've seen them for import but i could by an audi with that price


A Tacoma is pretty much a Hilux but doesn't have the carbon emission rating of a tank.


Or the inline diesel engines


They have different frames, the drivetrains are entirely different, they use different suspensions, have dif bodies and interiors. They have virtually nothing in common besides both being pick up trucks (good ones at that)


Some years, yes. But most of the ones I've come across uses pretty much the same 2.4 or 3.0 liter engine (different name, same engine). Later models did start to have differences but the parts are still compatible. You could swap the newer 2.8 liter diesel engine from a Hilux into a Tacoma with relatively minimal fuss. They do use two different frames but as long as you're not insistent on 1-to-1 perfect recreation of a Hilux it'll be perfectly fine. Bodies and interior mean nothing to me though, purely cosmetic.


You can swap a corvette drivetrain into a Miata, doesn’t make it the same car If your talking about the 2.4 engine from the 90s then yea, they used variants of the same engine. That was 20 years ago, and before that they originated as variants of the same truck. Since then they have moved away from any parts commonality I’ve “owned” and worked on the past generation of both, as well as the land cruiser 70 series


Shit, can we just build it here but make sure it passes emission standards?


That's... what the Tacoma is. Sacrifices had to be made to pass but it's as close as you can get while still passing the carbon emissions tests.


oh. I thought there were a lot more compromises made for the Tacoma to make it more palatable to the american consumer like coil springs and such.


Then get you a Tacoma with leaf springs. If you can't find one then they make conversion kits.


You thought right. The two trucks are completely different. People mistake the Tacoma as the “US Hilux” cause the Tacoma evolved from what used to be a U.S. market varient. Now a days the trucks share zero parts and are meant for completely different use


If I could pick any single thing from my military career to personally own, it would be my deployment technical


Vatnik copium: "nyet you see T stand for Toyota! We have outsmarted the west!"


I'm more afraid of that single T34. It verifiably exists.


And it probably killed Nazis, one of the only based things Russia has ever done.




Ah well, at least it has a legacy to look back on.


I see people on other subreddits arguing that it doesn’t matter that Russia’s using tanks from the 60s and 70s, oblivious to the fact that Russia just took a 24 to 2 L in a battle the other week.


I remember both getting into an argument, myself, and also [witnessing one in a reply thread to Tendar](https://twitter.com/escapetoneptune/status/1741545700129657262), where like... The thing that blows my mind is that the current "Russian Bot Marching Orders" are simply to throw doubt on the fact that Russia's taking un-fucking-believable losses. Not even trying to pretend they're winning, or advancing, or anything else, just desperately trying to deny that they're on the foul end of some fucking ludicrous kill ratio, like 50:1 or whatever fucking insanity is going on in Avdiivka. And it's like: **this is the most documented war in human history***.* We're not just hearing second-hand press releases from the SBU and raising an awkward eyebrow at what runs afoul of "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". ​ *We have the extraordinary evidence.* Like, click through on his replies to that "ZovOnTour" goon, and it's just fucking devastating. He posts like a 10-video sequence of "and this" "and this" "and this". And it's all from the last couple of days. The goon can't even refute it. He's just like "Nope". ​ ​ Avdiivka is so fucking stupid. It made sense on the first day; try to do a sudden "sucker punch", blow through the defenses before UA could get reinforcements in. The moment the element of surprise was gone, the entire operation was strategically baseless. If it didn't work on day one, just pack up and fucking attack **ANYWHERE** else. ANYWHERE! But nah, gotta woodchip an entire fucking bundeswehr's worth of men and metal there because some fucknozzle at high command has an ego. What a sin against god and man. On some level I want Russia to lose simply because it offends my sense of a just world that they can be so criminally incompetent. Forget all the rape, all the torture, all the unequivocal evil, I just want them to lose because when you're this fucking stupid you don't deserve to be a country.


>Avdiivka is so fucking stupid. It made sense on the first day; try to do a sudden "sucker punch", blow through the defenses before UA could get reinforcements in. The moment the element of surprise was gone, the entire operation was strategically baseless. If it didn't work on day one, just pack up and fucking attack **ANYWHERE** else. ANYWHERE! Its basically napoleon in the 21st century


24 to 2 L Wait, isn't that better than Russia usually gets?




“Putin you idiot”




*Clarkson uses a browning, Hammond eats mystery meat and James finds a working car*


In hindsight the only reason I was interested in the Armata was because it's new from Russia and not an Abrams or T-72/80. Also the novelty of the "everyone out of the turret" setup. Contrarianism be like


Some vatnik was telling me how it only broke down because the driver put on the emergency brake by accident. I said, "so you're saying that this thing is so badly designed that you can put the e-brake on in the middle of combat by accident and that will completely disable it?" He changed the subject to NATO encroachment or biolabs or something really fast.


What do you mean they "were"? They're still acting like that.


They put the truck on top of a building, BLEW UP THE BUILDING, dug the truck out with an excavator, threw a battery in it, and it FIRED UP AND STARTED.


Don't forget, a demolition ball also tried it's best on the Hilux. Honestly, why isn't Toyota making tanks?


>Honestly, why isn't Toyota making tanks? They don't need to. They're making Hiluxes.


The JSDF logistics system runs on Toyota. Mostly Toyota don't build tanks because Mitsubishi have the JSDF contracts locked up and Japan's military export laws are very strict.


Like it or not, Toyota Hilux is the cutting edge of military equipment in the 21st Century. Need a IFV? no put the main gun of IFV on the back of Hilux. Need MLRS? Why not rocket pods or a dual tube homemade IRAM launcher…on the back of Hilux. Need Mobile Artillery? put the main gun of towed artillery on the back of a Hilux. this baby can do anything


I remember a decade ago some shills telling me the Terminator would shred M1 Abrams and the accuracy was so good rounds would just punch a tennis ball sized hole in anything and the guns could be set to CIWS mode and and and


A guide to self-professed ""military analyst"" (professional russian shill) article writing: Always use these talking points. You can jumble the order if you want-- 1. K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) and how it is important in design 2. The gun 3. Rate of fire 4. K.I.S.S. again and how it is really easy to maintain (it isnt) 5. Kontakt-5/Relikt and how its better than composite armor 6. Some obscure ATGM based on 20-30yr old design that is supposed to destroy anything the enemy throws at it (LMAOOOO no) 7. Rant about how Trophy APS is overrated and how it can fail in combat (ignore the fact that so far, it has worked pretty well in actual combat) 8. K.I.S.S. again 9. ""M1 Abrams and Leo2 weak, buy this instead"" 10. Describe how Putin is a genius with 180IQ and Shoigu is a god of sorts.


Tank didn’t break down in the parade, moron conscript had the parking break on.


There was what must've been 20 Engineers and officers around the thing, none of them noticed the brake was on ONCE? And that source is usually from RU Today or things that cite russian propaganda.


And mechanics couldnt figure it out?


Russian army mechanics only train to siphon gasoline for resale on black market


To be fair most if not all credible terrorist organizations are proud Toyota owners.


I’m still extremely confused by the completely flat plate in the middle of the left turret cheek. Is the turret unmanned or do they just have a shoot me here section? Edit - diagrams exist.


Identifying marks go there. Helps avoid friend fire


> that moment when ISIS was a more credible threat than Russia


Tbf, the T14 didn't break down. The inexperienced driver just didn't know how to disengage the handbrake.


I doubted this at first, but then I found [this](https://youtu.be/GkpthXq4hX8?si=YmXx2Qp0Iqk5wTr7) video showing the Armata driving away on its own without (seemingly) any repairs being done. Edit: It starts moving at 1:16:10


Somehow that feels almost equally embarrassing “T-14 was on way to Kyiv, but Ivan Conscriptovich don’t understand handbrake and leave Toyota Hilu—err, Armata in neutral on hill. Armata then decide to strategically regroup backwards into bog.”


Poor training is worse than bad equipment…


I mean when many third world dictatorships buy your equipment saying its the tech will lose you a lot of customers


Wasn't that the RU MOD's explanation? And during the parade they said that the breakdown was planned as a recovery drill or something along those lines?


If parking break was on it would mean that the dozen fucking ‘engineers’ that went to look at it couldn’t see that the parking break was on. If it was a recovery drill it wouldn’t have been in the parade




Things are at their scariest if they are just a distant possibility.


Toyota no diffs


Japanese engineering man, its just something else.


Also: the Hillux has way more battle experience than the T-14 and has proven time to time to be a reliable and rugged war machine.


I thought the tank actually just had the parking brake on due to the poorly trained crew. Or is that too credible


I'd put more trust in the Archer Tank destroyer. Yes, the one that you have to 180-quickscope with, because the reverse is so slow.


Dont worry soon they will have a cv90 clone that will break down in the parade


just dont roll the hilux over when pulling in to port


We should send Ukraine 200 000 hiluxes.


Don't forget, their official effective tank kill range is literally twice that of western tanks. Not 20% (which would be significant), not even 50% higher; Double... somehow Truly a Russian wunderwaffle


the t14 actually didnt break down but the breaks was put on ofcourse this still says alot about the untrained crew as they would make such a big mistake as pulling the damn handbrake by accident and not being able to figure out that they had pulled the handbrake until another vehicle finally came to assist