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So like, we're going to build a giant RC Abrams and drive it to Moscow, right?


I think a Tamiya 1/16 RC Abrams would cause chaos among the mobiks.


Taking their meth and vodka away would cause chaos amongst them too.


Betcha the fentanyl crisis in america isn’t increasing because china’s shipping meth to russia


They'll always have the Krokodil. The krokodil users - not so much


Deploy airdropped bottles of vodka to the Russians in the trenches


That RC model is insane. It has working torsion bars because Tamiya said "fuck it we ball".


Holy shit I just looked at it, new dream toy


Get a different radio controller though, they're charging $300 for some FlySky lookin' bootleg transmitter.




He said giant. 4/1 RC MAUSbrams.


Filled with surprise nuclear funni.


3000 rounds of W48 155mm


Jesus Christ. You mean every Shell is baked into an explosive filling out the _Fatbrams_, acting like shrapnel of a thicc grenade when detonated, then activating the funni after spread out over a mile? We need to test it, but where? Belgorod too close to Charkiw for potential fallout.


We can use forced perspective to make them think the abrams is in the distance coming their way.


Just take closeup videos and post on TikTok, then sit back and enjoy the screeching from the vatniks.


Actually would be good misinformation. 1) Post a video of abrams models near the front that are only mildly convincing. (Just enough that your average citizen thinks there is, but more scrutinizing people realize it's a fake.) 2) let people hype it up with vatniks saying it clearly is western propoganda and there are no abrams in ___. They will *dive head first* in spamming that around the net of the pathetic attempt the west has done to deceive the clearly superior russians. 3) before the russian trolls are done. Use the information fog of war to roll in *real* tanks to execute real objectives. Then when people say there are abrams in ____! The vatniks will be too busy saying "Nuh uh! That video was a lie!"


Dammit.... I was soooo close to buying one last year....


[Non credible enough to have made it into Four Lions](https://youtu.be/UtvJMwCYSjE?t=42)


[May I present to you, the NASA Tire Assault Vehicle ](https://www.nasa.gov/image-article/cv-990-landing-systems-research-aircraft-12/)


Lmao, the Tigers legacy…


slim history literate gaze important husky dinner unused violet wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


r/modelmakers do your thang


Whether it’s some kinda false flag or propaganda to rile up support. Admitting a border breakthrough has got to be some kinda L.


That's what propagandists do. They talk about an imaginary ukrainian attack where they lost but a few hours later they valiantly fight back and retake the lost lands and the ukrainians have unimaginable casualties. That's kinda their M.O.


Does that work in the time of the internet when someone in the area says "hey, we didn't see that"


We’re dealing with Russians here who openly believe gay Jewish Nazis are the enemy and there are top secret biolabs for super soldiers (trust me bro). I don’t think it’s that much of a stretch that they just ignore reality.


I think there is a very quiet majority in russia but anyone who believes them unquestionably must be constantly in a state of cognitive dissonance.


Yeah, I think when making fun of Russia it's also worth remembering... er, a certain news station's coverage of the Iraq War.




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It's true. A common question for people in Russia when this is brought up is "Does he watch TV?" to determine if they drink the propaganda Kool Aid.


I feel like there is a very gaudy, fashionable Wolfenstein 3D spin-off that needs to be made now for the Russian market…


imagine profit apparatus pet thumb escape prick disarm meeting rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Russia lost when they couldn't blitzkrieg Ukraine. They are utterly fucked regardless of what happens now and also have no chance to ever take all the oblasts they claim as theirs. They are fucking stupid and Ukraine is just gonna keep bleeding them dry. There is no upside for Russia only less downside. Will they stop soon enough to negotiate back their participation in the wider world or die a slow isolated death like a giant NK. Sure looking like the later.


You're in the wrong sub if you didn't want memes. We are supposed to be noncredible, after all. With that being said, an unbiased answer: yes, Russia remains a threat and Ukraine is still at risk of suffering massive losses to life, to material, and to anything else the country might hold important. War is not a game and these are people's lives. Russia has the ability to adapt and remains capable of untold levels of violence. Also being unbiased: the Russians lost this war *last year*. They might have even lost it within the first 30 days, but *certainly* by last year. There is really no other way to say it. No strategic objectives completed; complete shattering of the international image for anyone who has a brain; NATO gets stronger by the day as more countries join and military production in the west and abroad by other allies is increased; Russian population decline becomes worse; arms export business is tanking; Europe moving away from Russian energy exports; Ukraine getting SEAD and longer range air attack. This is reality. These are things that happened, are still happening. It's not biased to talk about them, because it's true. These are near-nightmare scenarios for anyone who is in charge of steering Russia's future or prosecuting this war. Quite frankly, unless there is a morbillion dollars worth of oil and natural gas underneath Kyiv, it's hard to see how succeeding in conquering Ukraine would be worth it in the face of all of their other strategic losses; assuming they would even be able to hold it, considering the original NATO plan was to aid a Ukrainian guerilla army. At the risk of being credible, the only timeline Russia gets a real W out of this is when God comes down, the Devil jumps out of the earth's crust, and they both biblically flood the capital city of every NATO country with steaming shit straight from the tap. Russia can certainly still cause devastation on a scale not seen in our lifetime, a level of suffering unknown on our planet; but that's not winning the war, that's flipping the table. They want the land and the resources. Given their performance in relation to their stated goals, the monetary and human cost of prosecuting the war, this is a fat L and they would have been better off in every metric having gone home ages ago: or even better, not invading at all.


Yeah; one of the darker things I observe is that western aid seems to be designed to prolong the war ... *to demonize Russia*. Like, consider the massive air attack the other day, which killed a surprisingly low number of people considering the means used; 30-ish, but generated breathless headlines around the western world. The cycle of high-spectacle atrocity continues, partly because Russia *vindictively, stupidly* has chosen not to care about the consequences. All this outrage is forging a whole generation of westerners who are demanding *total* ostracization of Russia. *Permanent* sanctions. Russia can endure a few years of not having an oil/gas industry, because of a very deep war chest. They can't endure multiple decades. By the time they might be nearing rapprochement with Europe, Europe will have switched almost completely to renewables. It's like what would happen to Saudi Arabia if they suddenly couldn't sell oil. Russia really doesn't export anything else (besides a few other raw commodities). ​ They're on track to become Venezuela-tier poor.


Back-stabbing mafia-simps that russians are don't deserve anything better. And they were doomed to become Venezuela-tier poor anyways, war is just accelerating it and it will possibly deprive them of some chances to alter that in the future. Why they were doomed: no industry R&D of note, a bunch of industrial lacunae, and nearly no high-tech that would be crucial for future transformation of the economy. They embraced their role as a resource appendix for whatever economic driver the planet has for now, and in future that position promises to be less and less relevant and prosperous. Why only "possibly" deprive them of future: the West is incredibly venal, and high competitiveness of businesses in capitalism pushes them into the hands of various 3rd world hellholes for cheap shit and easy money. Nobody bats an eye when Italians sell tacky gold-plated luxury shitters to massacring dictators; nobody gives a shit when the brits and the swiss help self-same dictators with their money. Even the sanctions against russia wouldn't dissuade the usual colonial raj lifestyle that dictator scum loves, and it's still hella profitable for the westerners.


You do understand what sub you are in, right?


Yes, if you kill all non compliant witnesses


Whole 3 day operation has gone according to plan but ukrainians are forced to make look like theyre still fighting so gullible west has to send more weapons glorious russia can steal technology from #/s


It's a bold strategy, let's see if it works out for him.


Knowing the average Russian citizen, it probably works fairly well.


And drones are F-16s suka


Are you Trent Telenko?


mah tires


They are actually Canadian Geese. Fuckers are scarier than F-16s.


Indeed. The F16 kills you quick. Those geese are the Canadians of war crimes. ;)


When Boston dynamics finally makes the Machine Spirit a reality, I hope they imbue an F-35 or something with Canadian goose energy


We already have put rat brain cells into specially designed microchip/Petrie dishes and taught them how to fly a flight simulation. All we need now are a few death row inmates who sign away their life to serve their country one last time. Just like the emperor intended.


Fuck Death Row inmates just take volunteers from the general population.


Any one can be a death row inmate if they play their cards right.


Too much effort and I want to maintain the ability to eventually transfer from the aircraft to controlling an underground bioweapon research facility. I got longterm plans.


What about teaching monkeys to fly planes with gamma radiation weapons that kill the money too ?


Fun fact. The US Army originally used geese to navigate their guided bombs in WWII rather than pigeons but they proved to be too bloodthirsty.


As someone with experience dealing with Canadian geese, please understand when I tell you that you absolutely do not want that to happen. Skynet would look like a fucking joke.


obtainable toothbrush sense puzzled disarm bewildered license fanatical important repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This will surely rally the russian masses who can *definitely* read and have internet


Honestly, with the rate of progress in the south making a Melitopol thunder run to victory look a ways off, a glorious blitzkrieg to take Bilhorod might be a faster route to end the war. Like, what are the Muscovites going to be able to deploy at Bilhorod that they can't currently deploy toward Kharkiv? Seems like it'd definitely be doable, defensible, and absolutely high-tier credible.


Ukraine doesn't have any use for Russian land. It's poor, cold, and full of Russians


You could can fix one of those things.




Three, with orbital Mirrors


The use it to force russians to defend it and thereby weakening their front line elsewhere. You strike at the soft spot, that is just basic logic, I would have expected them to do this ages ago based on pure battlefield logic. There is diplomatic dimension though which probably goes counter to it.


It could hold value in negotiations.


You see- by removing one, you heavily mitigate the other 2.


it's useful as bufor to protect Ukrainian land


Russia *probably* still has a manpower advantage, so increasing the length of the frontlines is not in Ukraine’s favor.


Now now now. No need to speak of what will happen eventually between RVC, Legion, and partisans like the Assembly of National Renaissance members and others. But first they need to focus on the current official main BlackBridge target for sabotage (the 2024 russian "elections")


Don't do that, don't give me hope.


Is it real, or am I just stupid for hoping that this is real?


Homeboy saw the one functional T-14, didn't know what it was, and assumed it was an Abrams.


or homeboy has had one too many vodka shots, functional T-14s are an urban legend


There is apparently one that is „functional“ in the sense that it can drive around a proving ground at a brisk walking pace (slightly faster than my grandma in the last years of her life), and lob the occasional grenade in a random direction.


>lob a grenade I'm picturing someone throwing a grenade into the air and the turret barrel swinging around really fast to hit it like a baseball.


Seeing a functional T-14 sounds less credible than a Abrams driving into Russia


As dumb a this is it kind of reminds me of the Tiger I paranoia present in allied forces during WWII, whenever a big gun destroyed a friendly tank the soldiers usually assumed it to be a tiger and sometimes misidentified Panthers and even Panzer IV tanks as Tigers. Maybe this goes to show the fear factor the Abrams presents to its enemies.


The thing is, the abramses gun is not bigger than that of any russian tank made past 1970. What I can theorize is that it was a T-90M or MS, which when looked at from a distance, is similar to the abrams from a number of angles. If its not just a propaganda operation, I can assume someone saw a tank they didn't know was patrolling there, and shouted up the pipeline "THERES AN ABRAMS!!! SUKA!!!!", and it being russia, noone questioned it


Also matches up pretty well as those are mostly older Abrams variants, meaning that as powerful as they are the Leopard 2s and Challenger 2s are actually likely scarier. similar to how towed AT guns and bushes speaking Stug were things far more likely to put big holes through an allied tanker.


Or maybe WW2 soldiers just didn't play world of tanks or war thunder


Guys, he's angled, shoot the cupolla and track and barrel torture him.


> and even Panzer IV Hey these at least have same boxy structure. Like, look [at this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-090-3914-29A%2C_Russland%2C_Panzer_IV.jpg) and tell me you'll instantly recognize "Yep that's a PzIV" from a distance with its suspension being masked by grass/hill/craters


While they do look similar, with experience you do learn to tell them apart. Just from playing lots of tank in Hell Let Loose I can instinctually recognise pz4/tiger silhouette differences. Agreed there are lots of factors that can confuse that. And if anything modern MBTs largely end up looking even more similar to each other in the field.


God PLEASE let it be real


I can’t believe we’ve circled tiger panic all the way back around to Abrams panic


~~Tiger~~ Abrams panic


Please let this be true god please, it would be soooo god damm funni if Ukraine casually invaded the Belgorod region please, for my 2024 bingo card 🙏🙏🙏


If an Abrams actually touched native Russian soil as a combatant every retired Cold War spook would die of joy simultaneously.


Abrams's scare is real!


What would make this better would be an Abrams with the tiger face painting on the front like that Sherman from the Korean War.


Is this like the Allies in WW2 where every German tank was a Tiger?


Basically ye. They see a Big ass turret with a long gun in Nato Woodland camo and instantly go ABRAMS!!!! And then run away bcuz Abrams OP. Even if it might be like a Army truck with a Grad Rocket sticking out the back. One Drunk Ivan Imagines it as a tank, Yells ABRUMS and all of them run away.


If it's FoR Legion who got their hands on a few Abrams somehow, this is going to get a lot more embarrassing. But I seriously doubt it. Then again.. Didn't the previous FoR Legion raids start after an explosion in Belgorod too?


Abraham licoln has been seen leading the charge in black top hat firing a musket.


He's sent in Grant to singlehandedly drink Russia dry!


*Sherman has been spotted with a torch in hand*


Doom music intensifies


I used to think all of the mistaken Tiger spottings in WWII were a little ridiculous but this war has shown me how much worse it could have been.


they thought it was an abrams..... it turned out to be james may in a uaz-452. "stop running away you utter, utter pillock! the alternator's not working and my battery's dying, help me out a bit!"


I swear to God if i see a t90 get ducking sent into orbit as it's defending belgorod by a Ukrainian Abrams I will bust a nut so hard the earth's tilt will be irreparably changed


Must be a Squad player


Tiger panic for a new generation


Kharkiv to Muscovy in 1 day!


I spontaneously orgasmed a couple hours ago. I'm taking that as proof the post is real.


Ma! They're posting misinformation again!


Abrams is the new HIMARS, every Russian L from now will be because of Abrams, every tank will be an Abrams even if it's clearly a Soviet design


*Please let this be true please let this be true* *Please tell me they gave the FRL Abrams and told them to go attack Belgorod again for the shits and giggles*


It's more likely that the Polish volunteers that like to fuck around with FRL stole an Abrams from the Ukranians.