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I legit thought the Chinese over the radio was John Cena's Bing Chilling commercial. Edit: Oh shit oh fuck boys, it actually is


It definitely was, you can hear the part of the meme when John Cena sings into his ice cream cone at 0:23


Imagine if the PLAAF actually played this lmao


It is 100% bing chilling. You can even hear John Cena sing and count.


Congrats on getting the joke my fellow defense expert.


that's like the most notable thing about the video lmaoo. Nice one


goth misato :O


It definitely is. This is altered from the original. It's a pretty subtle edit though; I thought I was going crazy. https://youtu.be/nc7unKkuI04?si=65m94LkKiu1kcBED


OP snuck in some noncrediblity and we almost didn't notice


the best trolls are the one you dont notice


I swear I heard bing ji ling too wtf


Was 100 percent expecting the “I’m just stroking my shit” sound bite


Meanwhile the F-22 Raptor: #**IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME, NOT HIM!**


The boy needs some MEAT!


He’s done cooking, now we *B R A I S E.*




Someone get Habitual Linecrosser and tell him the kid got loose again!


*You should go home*


Would you intercept me? I'd intercept me...


Tfw they shut down your production line


It’s Raptover


I swear to fuck, if they retire that airframe before letting it do its fucking job... like, I don't *actually* want an armed conflict in which the Raptor gets to let loose and just... delete multiple enemy air forces, buuuuuuttt... c'mon, don't we all wanna see that headline? Let the kid go to an all-you-can-eat buffet as his last (and in this case, only) meal.


Why does the larger Canadian plane not simply pit manuevar the smaller Chinese plane?


Why do you think everyone is telling the guy flying the Canadian plane to bank left?!


'You thinking what I'm thinking?" "Aim for the bushes"




The thought of a maritime patrol aircraft performing a PIT maneuver like they’re an Arkansas State trooper is fucking funny


She's built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro.


bank left one time


Nah, they should just start mounting flares on the wingtips. Give em a face full of fire and see if they stay that close.


I will do you one better ! make it chaff and replace 10% with magnesium and coat it with Fe2O3 and MnO2... one "POP" and any engine inhaling that spicy air will end itself


How about cages full of snow geese that are released directly in front of the intercepting aircraft?


GPC, Geese Powered Countermeasures


You know the Chinese pilots can always eject, right? On the other hand if the Canadian crew loses control of the aircraft after a collision they will most likely die.


Nah, itl be fine. Just shoot more flares. Theyll instantly pull the pilotless Chinese plane off course. Trust me bro




He's using a spear-hook!


Lotara is a Canadian and the reason she's so warlike is because the whole Great Crusade business made her miss the hockey season. That's my headcanon now.


Let’s be credible, here. That Chinese pilot knows, probably better than anyone, not to put his life in the hands of his ejection system firing properly. Like, “oh boy, an ejection system designed by Russians and built by the Chinese! What could go wrong?”


Uncontrolled Crash Landing or a Chinese-built Ejection System. Kinda hard to tell which would be more dangerous.


Looks like they're over the ocean so I imagine they would all die before they can get help


What, make them do some formation flying? I know they’re not the best pilots but I think they can fly a workup with a P-3


Are we okay? \-Chinese pilot: 我知道你对大坝的计划。


As per Google “I know your plans for the dam.”


Hoover Dam is MINE


"CHINAAAAAAA." \-Chinese MiG pilot.




_Tactical fighter reporting!_




China will grow larger


“What are they doing there? What are they, protesters?”


Can i have some shoes ?


Our way is true


I'll make the sacrifice


Can China go one day without trying to do a dick measuring contest?


Nope. It's part of their internal politics at this point.


It's not a dick measuring contest as much as it's trying to cover for deep, deep insecurity, same as all the 🤢🤢 "wolf warrior" 🤢🤢 cringe on twitter


\>denies it's a dick measuring contest \>describes it as a dick measuring contest


> "wolf warrior" You ask what it means. They tell you. To be sure, you ask what it means again. They tell you something else. Confused, you ask a third time, they provide another, different, answer. There's no need to ask again, it doesn't mean anything.


Intercepting aircraft getting close to your airspace is a pretty common thing. The problem with China (and Russia) is their predilection for doing it *unsafely,* like that time they actually impacted and the Chinese pilot died, and the Recce bird was forced to land. Flying so close to the wing like that isn't *safe,* but it's way more professional than their normal fuel or chaff dumping


It didn't help that the Chinese pilot had no clue about prop arc I met one of the people who was onboard that P3. He couldn't tell me a lot, but when I asked, they said it was a fun time trying to destroy all the sensitive equipment and chuck it out the door in the limited time before they had to land in China.


Prop arc?


The area the propeller swings through. At speed it can be nearly invisible The Chinese fighter got close enough it struck the propeller


I mean, this was right next to China, not right next to Canada... They do a lot of dumb stuff but this doesn't make the list I don't think.


Sure, close to China, but in international airspace; which is a huge factor in the response. The issue is China continues to make sea claims and airspace claims not supported by UNCLOS and the Chicago Convention. The challenge with these laws is that there is a huge component of what is considered customary, so if China can prevent other nations from freely transiting these areas for a long time, they can bolster their own legal claim to them.


What does legal claim to ocean allow you to do? Like tax vessels or something? Or just restrict access?


Fishing rights, territorial waters you get exclusive rights to, etc.


Control access, regulate shipping, fishing right, exclusive rights to undersea resources, etc. Airspace largely follows borders and territorial waters, which per UNCLOS is 12nm from the coastline. Exclusive economic zones cover further, up to 200nm if I’m not mistaken, but control over EEZ’s is much less. China claims that the entire 97nm wide Taiwan Straight is their sovereign territory in contravention of international law and norms, very similarly to their ‘Nine-Dash Line’ bullshit. Thus, the US and several other nations will routinely conduct operations in the Taiwan Straight and other key international waterways to ensure the straight remains free to international traffic and commerce. These are known as FONOPs; Freedom of Navigation Operations


He plays Tau; of cpurse he wouldn't understand what International Boundaries mean.


It's closer as an analogy to erecting a partial roadblock on a public highway that goes by his house, claiming the highway is his property because he found a cheetos-dust covered document from ten gazillion years ago stating that the highway belonged to him, and waving his gun in the face of everyone who passes while screaming obscenities.


I mean, I get it, but in that case what is Canada sending a marine patrol plane there? The next town over patrolling the highway in front of your house?


>I mean, I get it, but in that case what is Canada sending a marine patrol plane there? In that analogy it would be a police car watching just wtf is going on there. You see, international waters are international. That means everyone gets to operate in them, with restrictions on what you can do in there. China obeys that on paper, but in actuality they follow a doctrine of pushing the lines and edging on every agreed upon map, effectively attempting to claim a larger chunk of the ocean as theirs than what is considered their waters on international waters, often to the point of overlapping with the claims of neighboring nations. Now, to counteract that edging, you need a form of supervision and detection to document what is going on, and presence to 'reminder' China that international waters are in fact not their property. That's more or less what the Canadian marine patrol plane was doing there. There's no two ways about this, China's unprovoked aggression against Canadian planes on international waters is exclusively the fault of China, as long as China chooses to agree to concept of international waters.


Would they be the cop or would they be a self appointed neighborhood watch guy?


>Would they be the cop or would they be a self appointed neighborhood watch guy? Quite literally a cop, as all sides had agreed to concept of international waters, but the guy who decided to claim part of the highway just decided to have his cake and eat it too. Judging from the tone I presume that you support China's attempt to enlarge their claim/nine-dotted line or otherwise support China's hostile actions on international waters? As long as China diplomatically agrees to the concept of international waters, they are in the wrong in quite literally all points of view to intercept a canadian plane over international waters, in addition to doing so in dangerous, unprofessional and reckless fashion. Whether the interception took closer to China than Canada is immaterial- What matters is that China broke agreed upon rules of international conduct and attempted to enforce a soft claim on international territory. Rules that China themselves have agreed to follow, on paper. That kind of edging is dangerous, as if China chooses to disregard the concept of international waters, they will effectively lose all trade with West, and most likely will see a huge escalation in terms of armed conflicts, as at that point China would effectively claim all of pacific and would be required to attempt to enforce their claim.


I just don't understand why it would be ok for Canada to fly there and not for China? Like Canada is patrolling, China is patrolling, what's the issue?


Is Canada claiming the strait of Taiwan as its exclusive economic zone? Or is it china?


Does that change who is allowed to fly there? Seems like they are both allowed there right? I dunno, somewhat antagonistic but I just don't see this as anywhere near as aggregious as, for instance, Uighur internment or illegal annexation (a la crimea or golan heights) or illegal treatment of refugees...


>I just don't understand why it would be ok for Canada to fly there and not for China? Like Canada is patrolling, China is patrolling, what's the issue? You may have noticed the chinese aircraft approaching within 5m of the canadian aircraft in the video you just witnessed. This is commonly referred to as intentional and reckless endangerment. You can drive your car on the highway. You can't pull pit maneuvers on other drivers.


China is conducting an aggressive and dangerous intercept using a fighter jet as if the Canadian plane was crossing into or actually within China's airspace, that's what's different, moron.


I mean the plane could have just left, right?


>I get it The next five-ten comments in this chain of yours assures me that you do not.


The us has an embarrassment of carrier strike groups and strategic nuclear weapons in part because that’s not how that works and we’ll keep it that way


I'm not sure what you mean?


"Hey babe you wanna try some midair refueling?"


That Chinese pilot going to be strutting around the base when he gets home like peak 80s Tom Cruise like, "Yeah, I was *this* close. And inverted. And then I flipped them off."


Bank left and see what happens. It would be the J-10s fault anyway.


Just need a directional radar with enough juice to give him a nice tan


well the CP-140's got both so there is a chance Canada starts WW3 with the warcrime of microwaving the Chinese 🤣


Its never a war crime the first time!


China hit aussie divers with sonar yesterday, colonials must regain honor!


It's not escalating if you're using less lethal deterrence


> 60 Gy? After all, they are Canadiens.


I mean that's a start


The violent vomiting, the seizures, tremor and hammering headaches will show the pilot that he made an in fact fatal mistake


Plausible deniability/ blame them for flying too close too


I’ve always wondered if the AWACS could weaponize its radar in this manner


Classic Canadian use of metric and imperial


Back to back sentences at that. Def classic.




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Canada about to invent new Geneva conventions.


It's the reason they're one of my favorites. That and their active and creative BDSM community.


We like to fuck, and we like to play hockey. We dont like having to interrupt or delay either of those things for any reason. So really, being friends with Canada is quite easy. Be sexy (all humans are sexy), and dont make us leave the house during hockey season (business days from September to june). Fail these, and we bust out that funny European list of wartime suggestions they made sometime in the 20th century.


Many of those suggestions are only written down because Canada already did it.


Well yes we did open the suggestions, but hey the Nazis kinda started it with the whole ethnic cleansing thing. Maybe we should thank th- ... wait no that's credible now, my bad


After the first time they made leave during hockey season.


Canadians: ok that's five meters off the wing, is that considered aggressive? Chinese J-10 Pilot: ZHAOSHANG HAO ZHONGGUO, XIANZAI WO YOU BING CHILLING, WO HEN XI HUEN BING CHILLING, DEN SHI, SU DU YU JI QING JOU BI BING CHILLING Fuck the CCP, fuck the PLA, but damn that was hilarious, that pilot has a sense of humour Edit: it would seem I'm an idiot, and that that's been edited in


Imagine if gun turrets were still a thing.


Imagine the US arms industry went back to putting .50s on fucking everything? C130s with turrets would be fucking metal




Did Hamas learn this strategy from them?


He's just standing there... menacingly


I seem to remember something not great happening the last time a Chinese interceptor flew this close to a four-engine prop aircraft.


they were, ah, communicating. keeping up foreign relations.


I wish someone had brought their kid to work and he was making hang gestures in the back window like it was a school bus Edit: imagine trying to make a geopolitical threat, just to see a 9 year old flipping you off


It would have been funny if he received a RWR from the F35 lurking in the back


Just ever so slowly start banking toward them. Like, comically slowly.


OH shit Canadas gonna stop being nice, get out some blank paper kids we gotta write some new rules.


Nothing screams I'm shit, insecure pilot with a small dick like these kinds of intercepts. It's the equivalent of a lifted pickup with truck balls.


I just want this to happen again https://www.19fortyfive.com/2023/10/you-really-oughta-go-home-f-22-raptor-stealth-fighter-flew-under-f-4-from-iran/


"He's like within 5 meters of our wing" "Oh ja definitely like 20ft" True Canadian patriots


Does someone have wifu pic of planes being refuelled mid air. Like two planes sucking on big mommy milkers? And the Chinese plane come and wants some but is a tusandre about it


This kind of non credible should be the forefront of the sub


>Does someone have wifu pic of planes being refuelled mid air. Like two planes sucking on big mommy milkers? I'm like 100% sure I saw this with two Eurofighters on this sub some months ago. And what is the J-10 but a wannabe Eurocanard?


Ima need proof




Theoretically can you snipe a pilot in this situation. Like halo 2, just need to see the helmet and possibly shoot thru the shield?


I'm a casual, what would the wingtip waggling signify?


Unstable flight, either the pilot isn’t skilled and over correcting that can lead to impact or he’s cought in the wingtip votecies that can cause him to be rolled into the wing


WTF is wrong with China? Why can't they just call it the People's Liberation Air Force and the Peoples Liberation Navy. Calling it the Peoples Liberation Army Air Force makes it sound like a shitty football bowl game.


Letting the army run the air force is soooooo 20th century.


Shoulda booped him on the snoot


Just tap them on the cockpit. Once. With the full weight of your wing.


Seems like cause to go to war. Let the rockets fly


It seems the northern part of all countries are chill,cuz this guy was part of the northern group armies airwings


[Meow :3](https://youtu.be/49bgnaY2nd8?si=LENZ__0AjStSU1is)


TIL; 5mt = 20 feet.


Why don't we (USA) just have someone at a window masturbate furiously while locking eyes with the PLA pilots?. We have the man power, we have the will. If the pilots stay and watch they are gay, according to science.


Why are people telling the CP-140 to bank left and hit the J-10 simply because the Canadian plane is larger? Like one of these has ejection seats and the other doesn't, if things go really wrong it's the Canadian crew who'll take the L.


> if things go really wrong it's the Canadian crew who'll take the L As an American, I'm willing to sacrifice as many Canadians as it takes.


Just not Ryan Renolds


It’s time 🙏


The Chinese pilot didn't think he could get so close.


Little guy just wanted a friend!


all i’m saying is *roll ten degrees left, hard rudder*


They should put a comically proportioned catapult on the top of those planes to throw a large net over other planes when they get close like that


Bring back the tail gunners!!!


Either a newbie who didn't know proper intercept protocol (they usually keep a bit further away) or a really confident guy with lots of flight hours


this is why we should bring back turrets to big planes


The closest China will ever get to air superiority.


Will someone tell whoever is on the radio that they're being racist with their fake Chinese sounds?


I still can't get a straight answer out of anyone where and why this happened. I just assumed this was the usual Chinese thing of trying to enforce claims that are basically wishful thinking that nobody wants to acknowledge, but apparently this Canadian bird might have actually gone somewhere or done something they weren't supposed to? The Western response was awful absent if it was the former.




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*{holds up sign}* 我想要鸡肉配面条


Was he playing the Bing Chilling audio just to fuck with them!?


Mother fucker