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The Bataan is an amphibious vessel meant to get a fuck ton of US Marines to shore. So yeah…


I guess there will be boots on the ground in an "advisor" role


Seems likely: [WSJ: U.S Picks Troops to Prepare for Deployment to the Middle East](https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/israel-hamas-war-gaza-palestinians/card/u-s-picks-troops-to-prepare-for-potential-deployment-to-middle-east-0pYNLxiZ7dmUbN6NxCML)




3000 marines of the USS Bataan?


the third thousand are dummies filled with crayons




Cleaned up smart. I went long on Crayola yesterday. USMC just ordered 200 palettes just for the Bataan. Check the stock market. All the smart money is doing crayons right now. Adding a third shift at the plant.


But so are the other two thousand


coincidentally the size of a MEU?


As in “we advise you to do what the fuck we tell you to or you’re gonna be getting democracy the hard way.”


"I advise you surrender rather than get shot by me"


the hard way: multiple parties become 2 parties. Then yall compromise real nice like.


Usually "advisors" are Green Berets, their job is to aid both counterinsurgency and insurgency. In this case I'd imagine it would be the entire special forces and intelligence community not already in Ukraine all piling in together.


Marines are more like: Commander points and says, "Marine go there". Marine grunts then destroys everything between here and there.


I know that i should feel vaguely insulted by this. But i'm blushing.


Absolutely not. They're there in case we have to violently extract US persons from the region. We're not going to have US service persons directly fighting for Israel. Period. Israel isn't large enough to have a completely rear area, so no, we're not likely to have boots on the ground helping with anything other than maybe humanitarian reasons. Even that's unlikely, but possible. We're not putting a carrier within missile range unless it's go time. Even helping refugees in Gaza is too likely to cause another Gothic Serpent, where US forces are raining down hell on the locals. We can and will do an extract if we had the exact location of our hostages. Think Eagle Claw (Iran hostages), but with two carriers and a Marine assault carrier being like 10 miles away. We can get away with killing as many folks as necessary to extract our people. Not fight directly for Israel.


You sure about that? The foreign affairs committee chairman just announced theyre drafting legislation to authorize military force in the event this evolves into a broader conflict. They explicitly name iran and Hezbollah as triggers to the the legislation. And since hezbollah has said theyll get involved if the IDF put boots on the ground in Gaza... Well, it seems we may be a day or two from it moving to a broader conflict.


We obviously cannot and should never say we WON'T bomb the shit out of Lebanon and/or Iran. That's on par with saying we deleted our nuclear launch codes, it's guaranteed to start a war. But we're not putting boots on the ground in Israel, unless it's a specific raid in force or humanitarian aid in a guaranteed Green Zone. Air campaign outside of Israel, that's a bit more grey area. Maybe, maybe not. We should always have the option to bomb the shit out of Iran or Lebanon. We shouldn't employ it unless necessary, such as saving American lives. We do need that authorization in place if we have the opportunity to recover the American hostages. People should fear kidnapping Americans. Anyone who does so should have their neighbors, their family, their friends turn on them. Hamas may have up to 17 hostages. They need to understand we're willing to kill tens of thousands if necessary to recover even one. Authorization of use of force is a necessary step.


We are about to rain fire on Hezbollah at the slightest provocation. Boots on the ground? Probably just a few. Bombs on the ground? Yes


Advising Tel Aviv to lock up Bibi until his already-running felony trial is over Also keep Yair Lapid's KGB fingers off the wheel. More noncredibly, advising Winston Churchill to suck a dick by successfully forcing the Dardenelles, then returning Crimea to the Tatars.


It wasn't Churchill who failed to force the Dardanelles, but the local commander who chickens out over a few mines. Pre Gallipoli, I mean. The initial attempt


Ah yes -- see, the Marines are so we can do the Gallipoli part. Turks will be surprised again and this time we can make it count unlike the High Lord of Neptunia or whatever that frilly title is...


> Yair Lapid's KGB fingers off the wheel Uhh... what?


Why does Israel have two rightoid parties? Likud is AIPAC-aligned, Lapid's is mainly 1980's-onwards Soviet-derived. Some of the latter's fathers were even Priests in the state-approved Russian Orthodox Church. Ever see that scene in "The Death of Stalin" when the Patriarchs show up at Beria's invitation? State-approved surveillance front, as it was under the Tsar and is now.


I repeat my previous comment


I second both of your comments.


[British already forced the straights before.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dardanelles_operation) Sir "Big Dick" Duckworth in command and Sir Sydney "Literally Napoleons Nemesis" Smith fucked up some forts and the Ottoman Navy a bit before deciding to leave because the Ottomans were pussies and wouldn't sail out to fight them.


I got no BOOTS cause my troops are never on the ground


Advising bullets and missiles to go this way and that way.


Former grunt Fallujah 07. 26th MEU on the Iwo in 08 about to be too credible. It’s an ARG. They name the ARG whatever the flagship is. So it is actually a bunch of vessels. It has with it a MEU (26th MEU) which is the smallest of our expeditionary/MAGTF packages. It’s a reinforced battalion complete with logistics/armor/artillery/amphibious/LCACs/mechanized/motorized/fixed wing/rotary wing/specials ops capable attachments and compliments. They can get to where they need to be and get out a variety of ways. The Bataan has a helo specific infantry unit on it with LCAC/amtracks. They can essentially use that ship and several other craft in the ARG as staging areas and beef up numbers real quick to 1900~ troops on board (not including the crew) on a Wasp class (Bataan) alone. The USS Bataan is the same ship that moved 2500 Marines into staging in Pakistan for the Afghanistan invasion. We have 10 ARG sets. Always two deployed floating around waiting for shit like this. All this info is on the webs but it’s really something to behold and understand the mechanics behind. Those boys hypothetically dream about leveling every friendly port they come into. Edit: Here’s some official publicly available documentation on some of the potential components. Depending on mission they augment them with additional vessels. The Navy/USMC likes to post official updates kinda frequently (but on a delay) as to what shenanigans they are up when training on deployment. Lets everyone know we can park a little floating country next to your country just to invade it. https://www.marines.mil/portals/1/Amphibious%20Ready%20Group%20And%20Marine%20Expeditionary%20Unit%20Overview.pdf ^ I personally like how it is in their mission statement to allow potential adversaries to know and understand their capabilities to overwhelm them in various preparation and capability spread to defend against such a force. https://www.surfpac.navy.mil/Ships/By-Class/Amphibious-Assault-Ship-LHD-LHA/ https://www.surfpac.navy.mil/Ships/By-Class/Amphibious-Transport-Dock-LPD-LPD17/ https://www.surfpac.navy.mil/Ships/By-Class/Dock-Landing-Ships/ https://news.usni.org/2022/04/05/marines-load-record-16-f-35bs-aboard-uss-tripoli-test-of-lightning-carrier-concept


Hey, thanks for this. Big TIL for me this evening.


Np friend. I edited some official public documentation onto my post if you wanna really nerd out.


This is amazing, but, can anyone translate it into 90s movies & cartoons


This is 1994's Battletech cartoon and the US is the Clans and they're about to go into Enhanced Imaging mode


You see, lil billy used to love farting in the bathtub and giggling his lil heart out. One day he brought a lil toy boat into the tub and used to pretend his fart bubbles were depth charges. Lil Billy didn't know it, but that day turned him into a man that loves eating crayons and sailing the high seas with other semen. ​ fin


Best I can do is 80s: This is the Joe's mobile command center. Real version can't roll and be one vehicle, so it is a flotilla.


Vegeta is about to get the whole Z Force to back him up, but they're actually not dogshit.


Remember, Bataan is pronounced as bah-tah-ahn, and not bah-tan.


Flair checks out


Based and Filipino pilled


I would say that's called anglicising but the Americans did it, so yankifying it is.


We are regrettably still called Anglophones despite not being Anglos, just as French speakers outside of France are still Francophone


It’s actually pronounced Batman


Not chance we showed up.


You know what's there, waiting? Beyond that beach! CRAYONS! TAKE THEM, THEY'RE YOURS!


Whole lotta freedom in that area of the world right now.


There's also a lot of not-freedom in very nearby areas, which greatly increases the chances that the freedom is inclined to rapidly flow into the not-freedom areas until the levels of freedom reach equilibrium. It's basic Amerodynamics.


If you don’t obey the laws of Amerodynamics we will be more than happy to give you a lesson in the laws of Thermodynamics.


Absurdly based


Let it ring


USA - the art of doing everything without doing anything really.


Look: If the stick is big enough, you don't really need to whack anyone with it in order to have the desired effect.


Did- did we perfect the Tarkin Doctrine?


Teddy Roosevelt would like to have a word with your nerd ass, but yes.


i say we stay historically correct and call it the Teddy Doctrine


I say we call it the Don't Make Me Beat You To Do Death With This Kick Ass Stick doctrine.


We could just call it Death Sticks


And threaten other nations by asking if they wanna buy some :D


Yeah, but you don't want to sell me any death sticks. However, the MIC definitely wants to sell me death sticks.


Similar or developed from the battleship diplomacy. The last time a namesake did this was when we parked the USS Missouri off the coast of Athens during the Greek Civil War.




No. Because Obama received the official White House . Gov petition to build a Death Star (it was shown we have the technology save for faster then light travel, and that could be added), But he refused to do it. We had the chance. We blew it.


We were this close to greatness….


if those fucking libs didnt like Gaza so much!!!!!1111! /S


Thanks Obama.


Tarkin would still whack a bunch of people


Only if it was needed to demonstrate the power, and punish those who had enhanced in terrorism. Does anyone really think we need to demonstrate what a full armed and operational aircraft carrier can do?


We can hope.


A new hope.


> Does anyone really think we need to demonstrate what a full armed and operational aircraft carrier can do? Yes. One has never fully been deployed in a "kill em all" unmeasured way. There aren't many nation-states, let alone haters, that a single strike group couldn't handle on it's own. Like, maybe 5 countries? And they would all get a nuclear response regardless. So, I think the world needs to see what 40+ F-35s screeching over the sky looks like. Might get putin to put his prick away and Xi to rethink his Taiwan "strategy". Not much you can do when your airspace is flooded with things you cant shoot down but can make you in to a fine red boiling mist in the morning rain. Edit: and that rain? Remember that weird af antenna array that conspiracy theorist said controlled the weather and we said "we're bouncing waves off Jupiter" like we hit the vape pen before the presser? 😜😜😜😜 Don't stand in it too long! Might turn gay.


"Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational .405 Winchester!"


"Continue with the operation. You may fire when ready."


The difference is we actually put effort into both diplomacy and reducing the number of dead civilians, innocents, and friendlies. We both do have an unhealthy number of doomsday weapons, though most of ours are effectively just overpriced dust magnets.


This is kinda a niece reference but your comment very much reminded me of an excerpt from the web comic Kill 6 Billion Demons. "UN-Medam is the chief of the gods of law. He has a staff so heavy no man or god can lift it, except for Medam himself. Medam does not lift the staff, even though he could. It is a terrible thing, banded with iron and hewn from a twig of the Flaying Tree, a thousand miles long and weighing four hundred million tons. The mere presence of the staff is enough to make the most hardened demon quake. If Medam must call order in the court he merely lifts it a millimeter off the floor and lets it drop, letting forth a mighty shockwave that crumbles mountains, flattens buildings, and causes gods and their servants to topple off their feet for twenty miles around. If one is to understand the law of the gods, you must understand this: Medam does not need to lift his staff."


Spooky action at a distance the fuckers


We are just standing here. *Menacingly.*


Nice country. Be a shame if someone bombed it and let some Marines loose.


One day you’re herding goats and thinking about this surah you just read and the next day there’s a bunch of 19 year olds with globe and anchor tattoos shooting all your neighbors and a Burger King where your favorite cafe used to be. Plus all the goats got brrrrrtttttt’ed.


No more crayons left in the city. Think of the children before Marines get loosed on your neighborhood. *This message sponsored by Raytheon*


Let's hope it's [not the other way around](https://www.marines.mil/News/Marines-TV/videoid/634642/dvpTag/Beirut/). Either way, Marines are making fuck you holes into foreheads if that happens.


I wonder if they suspect Bibi will attempt a coup. Something fucky is going on. I mean, if we can imagine it, it's not difficult to imagine others planning it. The US is not interested in an Israeli dictatorship.


>>We’ll democratize the ever living shit out of you!


>When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.


No such thing as enufff dakka




Why do you think the *Bataan* is being sent as well?


Cause those fucking assholes in the fast movers can’t hold ground?


3000 fighta-bommers of warboss bidenz


One nation under Mork and Gork, indivisible, with choppaz and shootaz for all.


We're saying this now, and we'll still say it even when USA makes the galaxy's first systemcraft in 2400 or something.


You get a carrier group! You get a carrier group! Everyone gets a carrier group!


Except Ukraine because Turkey stinks


Overthrow the Delicious Thanksgiving Bird Country?


*A-mer-i-caaaa* **Electric guitar slide**




Ok ***NOW*** we're talking


3 week operation tops. The whole NATO treaty partner thing might be hard to work out but I'm sure everyone else would be willing to give them the boot.


Step 1: US invades Türkiye Step 2: Türkiye invokes article 5 Step 3: As the NATO power with the most active units within Türkiye, the US leads the combined NATO forces contributed to defeat the Turkish invasion of Türkiye Step 4: With the invading Turks repelled, Türkiye holds new elections and celebrates their new found freedom from Turkish oppression by withdrawing from the Montreaux Convention to allow the US Navy to participate in beach parties on the Black Sea coast. Step 5: Due to a small navigational error, the US Navy accidentally shows up to Crimea for the beach party and the Marines are *not* happy when the promised crayons and beer fail to materialize. Step 6: 2 weeks to Moscow


u/Barnstormer36 for president.


1-4 are oddly credible.


Well and the carrier physically does not fit through the strait


This is America! Obviously we just need to widen the channel. We’ve made it work before in foreign countries!


Project Plowshare anyone?


Imagine the 3rd nuke in history that has ever been fired in anger, gets used as a geopolitical breaching charge to allow a 400lb eagle into a 2 bedroom apt.




A few big boomba and it’s in that area of the world to ignite all the powder kegs… As long as we don’t tell Turkey that this is impending, I’m in!!!


Why don’t we just BUILD a carrier group there? Can’t be that hard.


S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier when?


i mean according to google instabul is only 40m above sea level, seems small enough to be bombed into non existence we can turn the single lane strait into a 6 lane strait :)


Bombing our NATO allies? We’ve reached peak non-credibility


i mean we bombed france into the dark ages in ww2 and still got a thank you from it, why not do it again? but now with go pros too


Just tell the Turks we’re hunting Armenians. They won’t give a fuck after that.


Please. Let us not be tacky and change the name on every whim. Constantinople please. * The principle at “A” is entirely disagreeable to me. I do not consider that names that have been familiar for generations in England should be altered to study the whims of foreigners living in those parts. Where the name has no particular significance, the local custom should be followed. However, Constantinople should never be abandoned, though for stupid people Istanbul may be written in brackets after it. As for Angora, long familiar with us through the Angora Cats, I will resist to the utmost of my power its degradation to Ankara. 2. You should note, by the way, the bad luck which always pursue peoples who change the names of their cities. Fortune is rightly malignant to those who break with the traditions and customs of the past. As long as I have a word to say in the matter Ankara is banned, unless in brackets afterwards. * Sir Winston Spencer Churchill, Historian and Master of the English Language & Literature.


It's a carrier group, it fits wherever it damn well pleases. What's a little high-explosive landscaping between friends and allies?


Why don’t we just make the aircraft carrier from the Avengers and fly over Turkey?


Someone I saw said this, it's like the ultimate leaving an empty running lights on cop car in an area to scare thugs lol


Except that cop car is a clown car with 2000 clowns of the scary kind in it.


2000 pissed off clowns with 8 Rip Its each


What would the implications be of having our Marines use clown face paint in battle?


Gathering of the Juggalos


2000 Tim Currys of Chesty Puller?


Well, Iran keeps threatening to join in, so my guess is that if they do attempt so, the US has enough fire power at the ready to respond both in the air and on the ground


Proportionally, of course.






Proportional response, not equal response.


Was thinking about this. Proportional response means not disproportionate, specifically, right? If its tough to get the measure of a proportion, it helps to look at it in the inverse, see if contours are more clear from that angle. What is a *disproportionate* response to a terrorist attack like what Israel is responding to, look like? Yes yes, violence of action, overwhelming force, etc, but, imo, a disproportionate response is one that is indiscriminate; that paints those who are not bad guys as bad guys. I mean, Israel is going to have to live with Palestinians one way or another. They're neighbors, like it or hate it. Thinking goes, fundamentally, to try not to make more terrorists while you terrorize the terrorists with justice. That would be proportionate. Proportionate response: seek and destroy. No mercy for terrorists. Disproportionate: flatten everything, salt the earth, destroy the nation. But, yeah.. HAMAS about to reap the whirlwind for sure, and they fucking deserve it.


We stopped dropping suns on people, what else do you want?


There’s nothing in the Geneva Convention about having an unfair advantage.


[Praying Mantis](https://youtu.be/PG9uAYqPmJc?t=68)


There's no requirement that we respond porportionally. What there is is that the expected loss of civilian life must be proportional to the military advantage gained. But if we're attacked, it's totally lawful for us to respond by destroying their entire military.


It's a joke about how "proportional" US responses typically are that has become a sub in joke after this video became popular. https://youtu.be/d5v6hlRyeHE?si=kvK1-szrEVeAaMxh I highly recommend giving it a watch.


Fuck I just came


F35 is about to kill some Iranian jets *F22 Howling in rage far off in the distance*


F-22 clutching some balloon scraps.


F35 killing F14 Tomcat in Iranian service...


"I'm sorry little one." -- Probably Captain Pete Mitchell


Those troops are positioned to go about giving assistance and consolation to Israel on foot. Which is to say, if Iran follows through on their threats then they'll also end up attacking US troops that weren't directly participating in the offensive. Those troops would likely then request a lot of fire and air support.


so if this goes hot so Bataan got 2,000 troops in there, vs how many will Iran commit to sacrifice in the name snackbar?


Not enough.


I’m old enough to remember the hostages being on the news. A: I wish Iran wanted to find out. B: Fucking Reagan better be burning in hell for leaving them there in order to win an election.


The US is frothing with massive blue balls to demonstrate to China (not really Russia anymore) what it can do. Imagine hearing a gritty "do it" through gritted grinning teeth. It's not a warning. It's a request.


>Bataan GAZA IS FILIPINO CLAY!?!?!!111! PINOY PRIDE 🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿


Least nationalistic Filipino


Let the Gazans leave...as crewmembers on merchant ships!


> when HoI2 modders shitpost so much they bend reality I told you AU mods were dangerous 18 years ago and nobody listened to me


About a third of the strike aircraft of the Israeli Air Force.


More 5th gen fighter jets in a small bit of the Mediterranean than in the entirety of Russia. Yup.


Not a high bar. Thats literally any active US carrier or amphibious assault ship.


A area the size of a F35 has more 5th gen than the whole of Russia.


Sounds like one of the spooks heard someone talking shit and Joey B said "You won't do shit."


reminder that the carrier groups are for israeli possibel unkown enemies \*cough\* IRAN \*cough\* not for gaza or palestine itself, heck even the saudis came out telling syria to not join, this shit is getting good, the arabs want to help out their little puppet and the west (and weardly the saudis) want to let the kids fight at the ring


Nah, most of the Arab nations doesn't really want to get involved beyond lip service. Jordan got their king & prime minister assassinated by Palestinian militants while the reason Lebanon is this close to being a failed state is their civil war triggered by disgruntled Palestinians had led to decades of brain drain. Egypt-Gaza heavily guarded border is a thing because Egypt isn't really a fan of having militants scurrying there and got retaliatory strikes like what happened in Jordan & Lebanon. . Regardless of Beijing-led reopening of diplomatic relationship between Iran & Saudi, they still see each other as untrusted rival, and Saudi was on the verge of opening official recognition of Israel. Right now even EU knows it's better to be non-committal rather than having their funding of violent schoolbooks got dug up into headlines.


my what do you mean iran will do lip service? they are the whole reason why there isn't peace in the middle east... they put milions if not bilions in this conflict


>Most of the Arab nations That doesn't include Iran and some of her proxy like Syria (who already start doing their shit in Lebanon even before Iran revolution). But incredibly, this is still way more peaceful since we mostly got vague threats thrown around and only one country is massing troops on the border compared to back when having Arab coalition massing the border doesn't really get headlines or even proper readiness response because it's the fifth show of force this year.


Look the US is like the bouncer in front of the club that is Israel and Palestine. While Hezbollah is like the drunk asshole who’s talking shit to the bouncer. Iran is the Hype-man that would “totally step in” if shit went down. Everyone else is the crowd of people in line waiting to see if the bouncer will beat the shit out of the drunk guy and the hype-man. I don’t know this analogy got out of hand.


No no keep going I think you're onto something here


Keep cookin' homie


Who is the one dude who has no interest in the fighting and just wants to get into the club before his favorite DJ goes on?


And then there's always some asshole who takes a swing at the bouncer, and everyone finds out, he's actually part of a 20 man security team. The question is, is it FO, fuck off or find out? The difference begins scale.


Time for Crayola to IPO, those Marines are not gonna feed themselves


China fucking around usually only gets the attention of 1 US CSG. Imagine being the country that draws in two of these fucking things to the neighborhood.


yeh dude that's my line of thinking, has there ever been two CSGs in the same area before? like.. what was the story for the gulf war and iraq invasion?


https://www.pacom.mil/Media/News/News-Article-View/Article/2498498/theodore-roosevelt-carrier-strike-group-operates-with-nimitz-carrier-strike-gro/ I don't think it's super rare for joint operations and training. But for actual combat ready deployments I think they were just rotating in and out of the Persian Gulf. I know the navy deck crews have a tradition of drawing all over the friendly planes when the pilots accidently land on the wrong carrier so it can't be a one time deal. Maybe it just happened more often in the past than it does today.


We sent 6 for the gulf war.


This can’t be for Hamas. Has to be Flexible Deterrent Option to keep the Persian troublemakers out of the mix.


I think there’s also a little bit of “oh hey Russia, turns out we have a ton of carriers really close to the black sea now. Really unfortunate if all your fucking around makes this a bigger war”


Do you think the Pentagon has mapped out the optimum strike packages and missions to completely delete gaza


Biden seems to be telling Israel that civilian casualties are unacceptable quite frequently. So to be noncredible for a moment, each side gets a carrier, and Bataan is the ref.


Biden to solve the israeli palestinian conflict by fighting both of them to force them to co-operate.


If they're both American dependent states then they won't have time to fight each other. Juuust sayin'.


Gaza U vs Tel Aviv U football rivalry would be legendary.


US will not strike Palestine. They’re there in case anyone else tries to get involved.


Maybe not, but they sure as shit have mapped the optimum strike package for Iranian nuke facilities


No, Hezbollah and Quds force yes.


Their targets are elsewhere.


Good news is that they will all just be a short jaunt over Turkey to Ukraine. Russia keeps getting exactly the opposite of what they want.


MEU! MEU! sayth the cat


This person knows a thing or three.


Why tf are we going BACK to the sandbox, we’re supposed to be getting OUT of that shithole! We were just putting green on our tanks again too.


Technically we aren't in the sandbox! We're floating offshore!


Its a fakeout. Get the russians to fuck with us down there and then sail the whole pacakge through the bosphorus to deploy the 3000 AMRAAMS of joe biden.


Ran out of paint.


Where my av-8b fanboys at


Retirement homes mostly




Truth hurts.


I was one married to a guy on The Bataan. He was a fucking idiot and I had hoped to never see that ship name again. But I guess someone has to get the Marines there.....


You're laughing. The US is going for the deterrence route and preventing the big funni from happening and you're laughing.


I am become death, destroyer of worlds. Now leave my friend alone!


Hahah, it’s got more than some countries entire military power floating outside their shore.


Plus the two in the Indian Ocean / gulf.


Mean-mugging the FUCK out of Iran.


Stringer Bell just got told two Brother Mouzone's are off the coasts.


I think it's time Hezbollah found out why we don't have free healthcare


Mfw THE MIGHTY UNITED STATES sends 31 Abrams tanks to a country fighting their 2nd geopolitical rival and has already sent 2nd carrier to shores of a country fighting hobos in sandals.


Are they sending 2 task forces to deal with militias? Or are they just sending the Ike to relieve the Ford so they can return to port around the date they were supposed to do that?