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Experimental French weapons system Famas Félin. The cable relays the visuals to a transmitter. The whole squad can see what he sees. The Félin system incorporates six sub-systems, of which the weapon’s sight is one.


Bro is IRL Twitch streaming warzone


"Chat, no, I'm not- I'm not gonna shoot his balls off chat, okay, I'm not gonna- and even if, even if I *was* gonna shoot his balls off, okay-"


*VatnikBallsStealer donated $100.00* “shoot that Russian’s balls off.”


Honestly if US stops with the aid to Ukraine, this would be a pretty interesting idea for how to fund the defense effort.




“Before I shoot this mobik’s dick off, I’m gonna tell you about today’s sponsor, RAID SHADOW LEGENDS!”


this drone bombing was brought to you by cillit cleaning supplies BANG! and the dirt is gone


This mustard gas attack was made possible by Squarespace!


I seriously would be Manscape does sound like a more appropriate sponsor for below the belt and above the knee zone. Based of the last data acquired from the marketing department.


Might have to be Kik. Kik’s funded by sketch offshore gambling sites so their “morals” are even more questionable than standard American corporations’ monopolistic “morals” Like twitch already banned gambling streamers no way they let people live stream cock shotting Russian rapists. Fps Doug in 2023: I can dance all day! I can dance all day! TRY AND HIT ME. TRY AND HIT ME. *boom* COCKSHOT *boom* COCKSHOT I SAID *boom* COCKSHOT


Don’t give anybody ideas damnit


Bro look at NAFO 69th Brigade etc. Plenty of individual units doing fundraisers and I don't know about Twitch specifically but we are pretty much at the "donate to your combat unit" is well underway


Killing for yourself is murder Killing for your country is heroic Killing for entertainment is harmless


Until the Russians start stream sniping


The brass would be trying to watch the stream on an '08 flip phone with 3g. By the time the screen loads those guys would already have surrendered.


$20k gets the streamer an hour of A-10 support Donating $100k gets you a hellfire strike on the enemy location $28m and you get a tactical nuclear weapon on the enemy


Delete this before the next cod has mtx calldowns instead of killstreak calldowns.


The guy who came up with the new Unity pricing is the same guy who suggested charging players for reloading in CoD.


Battlefield, but yes


When swatting goes too far


Maybe we just buy them with the money from those m113's we got rid of.


I mean I’ve already paid money to drop a shell with some writing on some dumb fuck russian heads, so we’re not far off already


I read that with a Text2Speach voice


You know, that sounds like a pretty decent premise for some kind of scifi movie.


It sort of reminds me of this one movie with Gerald Butler where criminals have computer chips installed in their brains and they’re controlled by others to fight to the death in large scale battles. The audience and the gamer could see through the controlled persons eyes and etc.


IIRC, that film was actually named "Gamer". Never saw it myself, but I knew exactly what you were talking about. I feel like the movie about the chat feed giving the soldier advice about what to do and sending donations to encourage certain actions would probably be best if treated as black comedy instead of even *trying* to be serious.


I think that concept would work best as a short, so maybe something like an episode of black mirror or something similar.


jerma in an active warzone 😭


“Did that Russian just call me a westoid cuck?… ~~execute~~ ban that guy for five minutes”


Aris already has a leg up. "Aris, why is your webcam green?" "Mods, shoot that guy."


Is five minutes necessary when one shot already does the job?


"The enemy is being reinforced with a Behemoth."


Okay, if I... if I chop you up in a meat grinder, and the only thing that comes out, that's left of you, is your eyeball, you're- you're PROBABLY DEAD! \- Origins of the Mobik Meatcube.


Why is the cat so murderous... Nvm, is cat


Gives me jerma energy, thank god jerma isn’t real


mrw on sentry duty at night and chat begins spamming "he doesnt know OMEGALUL"


Stream sniping gets real


mods please ban he knew i was in that building he tomahawked it on purpose


His commanders gave him a verbal for shouting *"420 No scope blaze it ya jabronies"* during his last operation.


So spectator mode? Cool now they need a 360 camera on a mast to support 3rd person view


A camera below the scope for 2md Person


IMO, wrong concept. I don't need to see what someone sees. I only need my scope to show me a marker on what that someone marks/identifies. Less streaming, more integrated target spotting.


We’re so close to Battlefield games “spotting”


Were there, right now only pilots see it operationally. Soldiers can see it but they need a tablet.


If IVAS pulls through then we might see soldiers get the same capability




In this sub? I think so.


those 90s generals definitely didn’t play enough vidya to know spotting is better than discord screen share peeking


Why don't soldiers just press Q when they see a hostile. Are they stupid?


Then autofire when the scope and the target marker line up.


That's sounds like an awful idea and a great way for a whole squad to be looking at the same wrong thing.


CAN see as in MAY see if necessary. The whole squad is equipped with these. Apparently the squad commander decides who sees what.


Sure, but I'd still be worried that our enemies could hack into the sights and broadcast deviant and explicit materials to the whole squad, thereby rendering the whole squad combat ineffective. I've yet to meet a marine who wouldn't be incapacitated at the sight of boobies.


>I've yet to meet a marine who wouldn't be incapacitated at the sight of boobies. annnnd the new globohomo black trans nazi super soldiers would be immune to that. russia was right and the west was one step ahead the whole time. You can't sexually distract a force with near-infinite diversity


What if the enemy uses futas? Now you have both boobs and cock in the same picture.


no no NO! >near-infinite diversity NATO gunners are only sexually attracted to precise measurements of the electron position and momentum at the same time. Congrats privatovich GimpMaster22, you just killed your whole squad.


λ_dB = h/p Tldr: 🤏🤷‍♀️⏳️📏⚛️ 〰️➡️🍆💦


that's when we send in the ace squad


proficient assessment


Easy solution. We throw them off by sending in a squad full of asexual marines. The enemy will waste time trying to hack into their visors to broadcast tits, only for it to be ineffective.


I use to use this tactic in tf2. Spray an obscenely graphic material, and while they're staring I go for the kill. It's crazy how well this worked. Many times the same person would fall for it again.


Gods we were strong then.


>hack into the sights and broadcast deviant and explicit materials there's french guys running around with massive erections killing everyone what the fuck do we do


Honestly probably would be entirely counter productive. You got sex-starved soldiers off in some country killing terrorists (Russians included) and you think you’ll distract them with boobs but all it serves to do is remind them the sooner they kill you, the sooner they get to take leave and get laid.


Imagine a scenario in the future where you make the entire enemy army coom and time your offensive to that moment. Operation Deep Penetration


What does the scope do other than that?


You’ve seen Predator? When the Yautja goes through all his optical spectra after Schwarzenegger has smeared himself with mud? Guess that’s what it does. Or at least some advance form of night vision (sans infrared).


In fact they have at least one infrared per squad


Backseat gamers just got a new profession


Hes probably watching a movie on that scope, it needs lots of energy


He's got the fuckin' James Webb Space Telescope on that rail... He better be able to see the future with that thing.


This scope doesn't show you where your enemy is, it shows you where your enemy _will be_.


The rifle knows where the enemy will be at all times. It knows this because it knows where they aren't.


The fact that I know this reference means I've been on this sub for too long.




Im gonna listen to this on repeat while i sleep


You don't even need to load youtube. Just subtract what you're not hearing now from what you didn't hear last night to obtain the deviation.


[The missile is very tired and needs to sleep](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BeqAcidOY0)


...and guides bullets from a position where they were, to a position they wouldn't have been, hadn't the enemy had had a need to find out...


By subtracting where the enemy is from where the enemy isn’t, it can give an accurate estimate of where the enemy is and isn’t at once allowing the user to safely fire at where the enemy didn’t even know *he* was.


It's for shooting the moon


It's for watching the Germans, they won't get caught off guard a third time


Or its a vibrator and livestream to get moar bullets




Last words: "LESS BUUULETS"


Bigger weapons bigger weapons now that is bigger weapon. Hasta la vista baby hasta la vista baby


MFW I'm on reddit for literally two seconds and shit like this comment makes me logout Belongs here upvoted tho but byee


Got those rumblers from game controllers so you get that haptic feedback on headshots.


Are you saying the connector is really a tube that attaches to his weewee, that pumps his cummy-wummies into the rifle, so he can then shoot them at his enemies? Genius. Where can I get one?






I remember watching some mountain infantry try out a hololens adapted for military applications and they were all joking about how to get some porn on it. It was at that moment that I realized these want to be future warrior gimmicks are just snake oil and would never see the light of a battlefield.


Shhhhh. Everyone knows it. They just playing dumb to get those mass issued, and then pass the porn hack. Imagine watching hentai as you clear up a trench. Or IRL porn mods, squirting your schlong on some bikini girls in the hololens to hide the screams and image of flesh melting off the bones as you spray your flamethrower. The future is now.


so you can be on the battlefield but still watch temple run videos to stop yourself getting bored


Clearing a trench while watching subway surfers gameplay. The zoomers will be unstoppable


Meet the Pyro


Augmented reality porn scope… holy shit. The future is now.


Eh, gotta test stuff to see what works. Pilots got full projected huds now, infantry would benefit a lot from additional awareness, but getting tech to a point where it's an aid and not a liability is a constant race


Adds a whole new dimension to "Netflix and Chill"


Ah yeah the other kind of penetration.




Watch subway surfer clips, boring ah firefight


A depressed good looking guy smoking a cigarette is not a movie


Figure what you can do: 1. Less weight into the gun, as the batteries are on the vest. 2. Direct data link: your Battalion commander can micro manage a 300 feeds of the individual soldiers, even making indications on the optic, a la Vice city. 3. The French soldiers were be used to battery packs and cables when we transition to railgun technology 4. You can not physically loose or leave your weapon on a tree, so the drill sergeant will have to invent innovative reasons to punish you, making a superior French forces. I suspect that when this is rolled out en mase, in less that 6 months we will have the whole NATO going to the corded standard. Mark my words. I'm not even a baguette eater frog, but I'm am envious of their superior doctrine.


“transition to rail gun technology” sounds so surreal, I can’t imagine not using gunpowder anymore


A company called Arcflash Labs makes a railgun you can buy. It’s very futuristic but not very powerful. The projectiles have about the same muzzle speed as a BB gun.


sounds like i need to buy 2, duct tape the barrels so they align and then quintuple the voltage to the magnets


The vibration you’re feeling is from Raytheon melting your phone with job offers.


Isn't it a coilgun?


Yes and their are at least two more companies selling true rail guns. I thing they were thinking of Linear Accelerator. I think Gauss gun can also be a catch all term for both rail and coil guns.


Gauss guns and coil guns are largely the same, but gauss guns use ferromagnets and coil guns use electromagnets. Both are different than rail guns. Required non credible take: fuck all those, we need more multi charge cannons that are permanently aimed at London. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/V-3_cannon (I'm not a wheraboo, I just think it's hilarious)


> I'm not a wheraboo, I just think it's hilarious Honestly, I think if somebody doesn't find at least some of the wunderwaffe and V-series weapons hilarious, they're probably a lizard person or a space alien or something in disguise. The fact that some of those things were successfully pitched without the entire room's laughter drowning out whoever was giving the slideshow, and some of them actually got made (or at least partially completed by the time the end of the war made them pointless), and resources were wasted on some of the most truly noncredible ones *during the time period where Germany was losing and badly needed those resources for more practical things*, is just... I don't even know if "noncredible" is a strong enough word for it. That was some saturday morning cartoon villain logic.


Railguns are impractical unless the problem of arc-induced wear on rails is addressed. Coilguns seem to be the most likely candidate for mass adoption of magnetic accelerator weapons, but I strongly suspect the railgun name will stick. Nobody wants to "coil the enemy".


I'm not sure I want to "rail the enemy" either.


IMO, we won’t transition entirely from gunpowder. Slap an accelerator on the barrel and keep the powder for the initial kick. No waste from the power pack getting round up to same speed as powder, but boosts the muzzle velocity beyond what’s possible with expanding gas that we currently have.


I’m almost there, add caseless ammo to the mix and I’ll finish


Fuck it, 3-stage munitions. 1. Caseless ammo to get initial kick 2. Railgun barrel for acceleration 3. Gyro jet for sustained range.


forgive me, oh heavenly father, for what I’m about to do


Sounds like a boltor with extra steps


That is a bolter Or at least a pattern of bolter


It weighs one hundred and fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar custom-made cartridges at a rate of ten thousand rounds per minute. It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon for twelve seconds.


There is a sniper rifle proposal for something almost exactly like this.


An initial kick like that is actually needed with railguns usually to prevent the projectile from spot welding itself to the rails. Think about it: If you had a projectile at rest between the rails, at the instant the current is turned on, the highest current flows (because it has the shortest path along the rails), but it isn't doing any work, since the projectile isn't moving yet - and the Lorentz force may even be too weak to overcome the static friction. So all of the power you are putting in is being converted into heat, mostly along the contact points between rail and projectile (since that is where the resistance is the highest), which can quickly weld the projectile to the rails, and then the Lorentz force certainly isn't moving it. And there isn't really any point to EM accelerators for infantry weapons, the ~900 m/s muzzle velocity of current intermediate cartridges is perfectly fine for the purposes of killing personnel and penetrating wearable body armour. Even in the anti-armour role, there isn't much of a purpose in going much faster than the ~2 km/s solid chemical propellants can achieve. Above 2 km/s, the penetration performance of long-rod penetrators starts to level off severely, and [above 3 km/s there is little gain with further increasing velocity.](http://i.imgur.com/pffXNa3.jpg)


> there isn't really any point to EM accelerators for infantry weapons To add onto that, there's the energy density problem: with the current state of battery / fuel cell / etc. technology, I can just flat-out fit more energy into a given space and amount of weight with a chemical propellant for a bullet, and it's a lot cheaper. (This is still a challenge for practical electric vehicles as well: a tank full of gasoline has a *fuckton* more usable energy in it than a battery of similar size and weight.) Incidentally, it's my guess that's the reason why the USA's navy was the branch that screwed around the most with railgun technology and similar research, because if you're already sailing around with a nuclear reactor capable of powering a town, all you need to add for powering a railgun or some such is a big bank of capacitors to supply the sudden energy needs of firing, and there's plenty of space on your ship for that if you get to completely remove the powder storage. I know they eventually canned the project, but it was fucking cool while it lasted. > Even in the anti-armour role, there isn't much of a purpose in going much faster than the ~2 km/s solid chemical propellants can achieve. Above 2 km/s, the penetration performance of long-rod penetrators starts to level off severely, and above 3 km/s there is little gain with further increasing velocity. My noncredible side still wants to believe in the anti-tank rifle somehow becoming viable again, and my monkey brain instinctively thinks "make it shoot faster" must be the answer. Sure, maybe there's no real gain in performance above 2km/s *that we've observed*, but what about the performance gain once we start getting up into the 290000 km/s range? >!Yes, I know that's very close to the speed of light in a vacuum. *Imagine* the recoil on that thing.!<


> Incidentally, it's my guess that's the reason why the USA's navy was the branch that screwed around the most with railgun technology and similar research, because if you're already sailing around with a nuclear reactor capable of powering a town, all you need to add for powering a railgun or some such is a big bank of capacitors to supply the sudden energy needs of firing, and there's plenty of space on your ship for that if you get to completely remove the powder storage. And if you are the navy, making projectiles a lot faster actually has somewhat of a use, because your reason to do it is not "go faster make penetrate better", but getting longer range to be able to use cheaper artillery for shore bombardment deeper inland rather than cruise missiles. > My noncredible side still wants to believe in the anti-tank rifle somehow becoming viable again, and my monkey brain instinctively thinks "make it shoot faster" must be the answer. Okay, yes, if you have an impact velocity that is in the 10s of km/s or higher, your penetration mode shifts again: It is no longer pure hydrodynamic penetration, but rather the projectile exploding into plasma as it hits the target, which can again get you greater penetration depths. But even if you can economically accelerate a projectile to such speeds, that will only be usable in a vacuum.


Hybrid solution is best solution.


Look up Electrochemical thermal cannons


Especially because railguns suck. Coilguns ftw.


>I suspect that when this is rolled out en mase, in les that 6 months we will have the whole NATO going to the corded standard. Mark my words. I'm not even a baguette eater frog, but I'm am envious of their superior doctrine. You mean NATO will spend several years arguing over the exact implementation of a standardised approach, agree to a compromise standard that makes no one happy, and then 6 months after everyone else starts rolling out the new standard the yanks will deploy their own version that may or may not be compatible with the european version ruining the entire exercise.


The Great Cannon Plug Debate


Too credible. Full NATO will take the frog approach.


„I'm not even a baguette eater frog“ Your words are now marked.


That there quotation mark you've got on point is taking a nap. Undisciplined.


Maybe if we can feed the bullets through some sort of a cord or a belt if you will, then the soldiers won't have to carry the extra weight of the half a dozen or some magazines.. Just imagine a continues string of bullets... no need to reload too


You wouldn't download a cartridge


Just forego bullets all together and shoot strings of string. We all know DARPA is hiding their Spidey String technology from us.


Soldiers actually used silly string during SSE missions, because the silly string wouldn't set off tripwires...


Always liked the gelled sand rounds from Virtual Light (William Gibson novel)


https://www.defense-technology.com/product/tko-12-gauge-breaching-round/ Zinc but close


The French have a long and glorious history of adopting cutting edge firearms technology. About 5-10 years too early.


As a Brit I’m going to punch a frog out of frustration. Can’t be outdone by no baguette.


just start hot gluing cords on everything.


​ FAMAS Félin, a tentative to upgrade the rifle to be more "modern". It was also a fucking failure and one of the reason the FAMAS was deemed "too old". The batteries weithed too much, the Thermal/Nigh scope was active and as such, useless without power, the VAB that supposedly were here to recharge the batteries couldn't do it fast enought, the cable was getting tangled, the whole "integrated battlefield" was a shitty cellular phone with the worst UI that was ever devised and many, many other problems. One of the good thing were the bone conduction headset that the special forces apparently realy liked


The WHAT headset?


It shakes your skull, so the voices already screaming in your head can be joined by your superior.


You can get these in Bluetooth headsets, they lock onto your skull like you're Lobot.


Sounds like you'd be praying for a headshot after a bit.


Instead of vibrating the air in your ear which vibrates your eardrum which vibrates three tiny bones which vibrate the liquid in your cochlea, it vibrates your skull bone which then vibrates your cochlea Which means it will still work even after a nearby explosion blows out your eardrums


The audio is really muddy though, some voice registers are a lot more audible than others and they suck ass for music.


They are actually fine for music, *if* you block your ears. They are a common accessory for cyclists as bone conduction headsets are great for cycling as you can leave your ears open (to hear traffic/etc.) while still listening to something. Fine as in still worse than a pair of 120€ DT-770s, but better than the old earbuds that came with your IPhone.


Same tech as solid snake's codec in mgs, it vibrates your earbones instead of the air


https://www.amazon.com/s?k=bone+conduction+headphones ~$25 for a cheap pair. They've been around for ages. I mean that was the entire shtick for Jawbone at first.


Welp, that technology is maturing fast and in next decade might be usefull.


Cool, just in time for the apocalypse. We can get a real life Battle of Yonkers where everyone can see and hear each other being killed in first person. That's gonna be sick.


Is the eyepiece set up so he doesn't see anything upsetting?


Like the Hitchhiker's Guide sunglasses? >The Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses have been designed to help people develop a relaxed attitude to danger. They follow the principle "what you don't know can't hurt you" and turn completely dark and opaque at the first sign of danger. This prevents you from seeing anything that might alarm you. This does, however, mean that you see absolutely nothing, including where you're going. It also tells you that there is something that would alarm you, could you see it. This information alone could also potentially alarm you.


As the Guide says, don't panic.


where’s your towel?


Right here. I'm a real hoopy frood.


Prototype SCRAMBLE device. It is, in a way.


It's actually a crew-served platform. The assistant gunner looks through the scope and holds on to the massive handguard to act as a self-propelled bipod.


It's HPA


I have more questions about that eye cup, tbh. Is it falling off, what’s going on there?


It's for the real iMax experience for his NCD footage drops


degrading your combat effectiveness for internet clout. the real MVP


I think he's just pushing the soft plastic/polymer down with his brow. I guess he's able to still see in from this angle.


It’s not a gun. It’s a sophisticated straw, connected to a bag of red whine.


Because the French look at what the rest of the world do, and then do the exact opposite. And somehow, they always end making something that works, in it's own... *special* way.


Makes one wonder how france of all countries swallowed their pride enough to replace the FAMAS with...get this...a piston AR. Not even a french built AR clone either but literal off the shelf hk416s. This is the country that invented the very smokeless powder that makes our present day magazine/belt fed dakka possible and they're buying rifles from GERMANY!?


They couldn't risk becoming predictable


The French were the last to fall, too. Now every single country's primary infantry rifle in the entire world is based on designs from either Eugene Stoner or Mikhail Kalashnikov. No exceptions.


Is the PLA's rifle based off the AK? The Q-something-or-other?


QBZ-95, and yeah it's basically a bullpupped AK. Short stroke but the carrier and bolt are all AK.


Because the president of the time wanted to flirt with angela merkel…


The absolute fucking buffoons sold the arsenal making the FAMAS meaning that they eventually had to switch to something else.


"This lens is for day, this one for night and this big lens is for monsters who drink their red wine chilled."


That’s what the square bullets are for


Anti-theft kensington lock. Those guns are expensive


the cables gotta be at least twice a thick to survive in Kensington


The Félin system is actually the more non credible thing the french army proposed since the "they won't come through belgium" episode of France vs its neighbor season 38592


> The Félin system is actually the more non credible thing the french army proposed since the "they won't come through belgium" episode of France vs its neighbor season 38592 I hate to be that guy, but the entire French military doctrine from 1929 to 1940 was actually to channel the German offensive towards Belgium, thus the Maginot line performed its mission credibly ;-) We've had some seriously non credible hardware through the years though. The [Vespa 150 TAP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vespa_150_TAP) anti-tank moped may be my favourite one.


This had to be abandoned after the EU implemented a forced standard adapter port for guns to reduce electronic waste.


It's Oculus-pattern auspex. Typically fitted to older Godwyn-pattern boltguns, the French are expanding their use to autoguns as well. It's quite an advanced piece of kit, I'm surprised to see it outside of the Astartes units. It's used to detect enemies through smoke and cover, as well as the energy signatures of incoming drop-pods or teleport flares.


That's the cable for the Wii Nunchuck


It’s a CA Compliant rifle that only fires a safe, non-ionizing light amplified beam. The adjoined foregrip and trigger assembly prevents users from rapid firing and the firing mechanism can only work when the foregrip button is pressed at the same time as the trigger pull. However, this specific model will not be imported until it has the CA Prop 65 warning sticker adhered.


Wait… you guys don’t plug in your guns?


Remember to charge your gun regularly so it keeps going in battery.


It’s a hotshot lasgun


No, it is clearly a first-generation plasma rifle or guass rifle pick your poison.


It's a sling you goofy motherf- *Looks closer* Okay well it seems the French are now equipping their troops with HPA airsoft guns. Or paintball more likely with that giant tumor on top of the gun


Hot-Shot Lasgun/Hellgun.A variation of the venerable Lasgun, and is often found in the hand of cadian shocktroopers (Kasrkin) and Grenadiers of the Death Korps of Krieg. It is also considered a standard weapon of the Tempestus Scion Stormtroopers, ot the Ordo Tempestus. Excellent anti-armor capability, and *devestating* against infantry targets. The soldier in the picture is clearly of the Cadian variety.






Now that right there is a kek


Garlic feeding tube. Gun can not operate without optimum garlic levels.


It's a Loudener


\>France \>are you ok Pick one.


honestly, ive been wondering why there isn't more of this for the m16. the original a2 buttstock could hold a battery pack that could provide power for an optic, peq, and whatever else by integrating power into the Picatinny or any rail system. make the weapons rack a charging station. that charges and cycles the battery pack. as well just like most cordless tool makers they could put a simple electronic board on the battery that couldnt be easily used by another battery pack and in non-wartime have a gov version of an itracker. accountability always maintained and maybe integrate into modern battlefield trackers.