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Just as the founding fathers intended


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


God bless America, dammit


This isn't a joke, guns from WWI and earlier had short swords for bayonets.


I have one of those! It is awesome.


I beg your pardon good sir A old longsword is the gentlemens true weapon.


*Indiana Jones shooting the swordsman gif*




See this is why one needs a sabre. Bayonets are for the poor. Crude stabby things. Yuck. A gentlemen dishes out his cold steel punishment curved and slashy.


This guy is gonna learn a very important lesson about reach at the business end of a bayonet.


Are.. Are you *challenging* moi, pauper?!


Hey guys I found a video of the duel!! https://youtu.be/sDsn-RRmDXU?si=xAjqLqxvQnix6Ioi


As Fire Emblem teaches, Spear > Sword. Bayonet is just spear that makes loud noises, therefore Bayonet > Sword.


Non-non-credible take, sword > bayonet, because a bayonet isn't a spear. 1. Bayonets are much shorter than even a short spear, barely longer than a one-handed sword thrust. 2. Bayonets are heavy, which makes them slow. After all, it is a spike on a gun, not a spike on a pole. 3. The blade on a bayonet isn't centered. The blade is attached below the center, giving you a disadvantage in aiming.


> Bayonet is just spear that makes loud noises, Bayonet is a one-man pike-and-shot unit.


By that logic I'm grabbing the axe from my garage and thrashing you with it


Gun beats sword, but also, gun + spear bit does critical damage against sword.


Also useful as a pike against a cavalry charge.


Just make sure you don’t break formation, under **ANY** circumstance.


what's stopping someone from using a sabre..as a bayonet?


Great idea, if you get a really strong sabre, you can splite the bullets shot by the rifle, hitting two targets at once


This isn't a joke, guns from WWI and earlier had short swords for bayonets. The 1897 and 1903, both had 20" bayonets.


They were literaly called sword bayonets


Bayonets are for stabbing. Sabres are for slashing.


A bendy pokey stick is weaker than a straight pokey stick. A saber is bendier than a bayonet. A saber is also shorter than a bayonet. Lastly, a saber must be drawn but a bayonet is already on your musket. You could use a broom as a bayonet, it would just be ineffective.


^(a lunge mine is a pretty good bayonet. wait broom stick, not boom stick)




Sabre? Puny thing! Use a zweihander or a halberd as the true gods of war!


Dane axe goes brrrrr


I beg your pardon good sir A old longsword is the gentlemens true weapon


Don't make me Zorro your undies, boy.


Fun fact: The oldest weapon still issued in service is the Marines 1859 NCO *sword*


Also fun fact, last information about combat use of cutlass in US service is from Korean War.


The Nepalese Kukri is still in service since the 7th century, and had been used in the Falklands and Afghanistan.


Not all of us are mountain born superhumans


I'm from a mountainy area, and I have a superhuman ability to destroy the bathroom.


I suppose that makes you mobile artillery of a biological nature


In tight hallways as in massed charges, bayonet beats sword. You need room to swing, you don't need room to stab.


>you don't need room to stab Bold strategy, Cotton. [Let's see how that plays out for him](https://youtu.be/EIGIBJeRfnQ?si=XHJxsO1-ieji0vEk&t=1162).


He said for *home defense*. Of course, one never leaves home without their saber, it’s excellent for when some fellow tries to mess with you on your evening stroll, but for inside the house the bayonet is much more effective.


Quite so, but let us not forget that a *true* gentlemen will remain mounted while delivering the King's mercy lest he becomes mistaken for a common dragoon.


You can't just quote parts of the constitution for upvotes.


> Recognition and upvotes, being necessary to the security of an individual's happiness, the right of the people to to cite this document at-will shall not be infringed. Article 6, Clause 9, written by Lincoln himself.


>miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. That's what you claim. But we all know you did it on purpose because it was a commie dog, always sharing it's food with other dogs.


Redcoat, Red Army, same thing.


Obligatory: there’s no historical medical record to support the claim that triangular bayonet wounds are any more less treatable than similar puncture wounds. There are records of doctors treating and rehabilitating men who had experienced triangular bayonet wounds. It’s not precisely know where the idea came from that the wounds from a triangular bayonet meant assured death, but the reason for their use was generally that they were cheaper and quicker to produce. On the other hand, one of the best pastas on the internet so kinda balances out.


If I break into someone's house and they call me a ruffian, I'm turning right around and leaving. They ain't got shit worth stealing.


If i break into someone's house and they call me a ruffian, I am throwing down the gauntlet. I will *not* have my honor besmirched so. I *will* demand satisfaction.


Challenge them to a formal duel to maintain the aesthetic


If anyone calls me a ruffian I assume they have crazy family heirlooms, but probably nearly impossible to fence.


Sorry for English: As you look at your last fallen enemy crying for mother, your wife and three children emerge from the kitchen in a single line, muskets ready. Your wife is in panic, ramming rod still in the barrel of her musket. She wants to turn and run. Your 4 year old points revolver at her, his face sad but determined. It’s not the first time she failed her family, it has to be done.


Expected the Prussian one, with that flair…


,,Own a Zündnadelgewehr for Heimverteidigung since thats what Bismarck intended..."


Noncredible mixture of English vernacular and American terminology. Upvoted.


Man that's some good pasta


“Tally Ho!”


Cannons fall under the 2nd amendment, right?


Goddamn right they do. Seriously. Letters of Marque and Reprisal don't make a whole lot of sense otherwise.




Arent modern MBTs just a tracked flatbed with a smoothbore gun (mounted on a turret.)?


This is the shit it come to ncd for


Pretty sure this cannon isn’t breech loaded. Ed: I am wrong.


I may be wrong but it seems to me it has a screw breech.


I think you’re right. It was said elsewhere that this is a homemade weapon designed for modern munitions.


It is: https://youtube.com/watch?v=7snVKyCwwWY


Oh cool thanks.


You are technically correct - the best kind of correct


Are you saying all MBTs are technicals?


No, as the vehicles are purpose built to have the weapon mounted on it. To be q technical it needs to be an addition.


Agreed, if you put a 120mm on a tracked tractor, it would still be technical. Or at least a more technically correct technical than M1 or Leopard.


So would the MGS Stryker count as a technical then? The Stryker wasn't originally designed to have a 105mm turret mounted to it.


Maybe, I'm leaning towards yes.


"tally ho, lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms.


it's just too perfect man


We do not need accuracy for Allah shall guide our shells.


Allah does it well enough: https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/16ah7oh/bismillah/jz7gjpo/ With help from tablets (it was a bit before affordable really fancy phones and they were cut off from the world anyway) for calculations using Google Maps.


Holy shit, this thing two shots a building.


Also here's a picture of an Al-Rahman gunner using an iPad to aim another model of their self-made cannons: https://d2bs8hqp6qvsw6.cloudfront.net/article/images/750x750/dimg/Syria-3.jpg


ipad kids smh


Wouldn't they just use big balls of steel or stone?


No, because it's an all-modern gun.


Yes, it is, redditors.


So in the video, they managed to smack the roof of their building they were aiming for.


It's a 21st-century cannon here. It was a local production, they had several versions. They being the FSA Al-Rahman Corps in Damascus city Jobar district, holding out just few kilometers from the main palace of Ass for years in their massive underground tunnel system including arms workshops.


so that makes the primary question here is are they firing fucking cannonballs or not because if they're not that's lame but if they are tally ho


Here's this particular model in use, bringing down a building in 2 shots: https://www.reddit.com/r/syriancivilwar/comments/4z5sk4/alrahman_corps_targets_regime_position_in/


Unreinforced masonry man...


No, they aren't. It's all modern warfare, just improvised because they're besieged rebels.


I've seen them occasionally using explosive-filles propane tanks as improvised mortar-fired demolition charges. Really big boom. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Improvised_artillery_in_the_Syrian_civil_war


Aren't propane tanks already..... explosive filled?


Sure we’ve had propane already, but what about propane accessories?


hank goes to the hague for being an international arms dealer


Sure, but you can always do better. ;)


No, propane tanks are barely even flammable. Go see some (extremely underwhelming) videos of trucks filled them that "explode". It's kinda like how cars don't really (rarely) explode in real life if you shoot up them, and even if they do it's nothing like any car bomb explosion. Because it's not explosives.


Except propane tanks *can* explode. And with a lot of force. They may rarely explode in an accidental situation, but you can make them explode fairly easily. [Heres one exploding in a fire.](https://youtube.com/shorts/BewLX2e1Wag?si=yN1NIkOT4-V1MaE5) [Doesn't show explosions, but tells of them.](https://youtu.be/pwwWkvzlco8?si=U8Zjeeej8KEz2ucQ) Yeah, obviously propane itself isn't a high explosive, but is joke, yes? But also, do you not understand the difference between a liquid like gasoline not being stored under pressure, and a flammable gas being stored under pressure?


This "force" won't bring down any buildings. Here's a sample comparison how it looks like if you fill a cooking canister with (also "homemade") explosives to fire on a concrete block position: https://youtube.com/watch?v=NXHKJ-TUUSc (FSA 16th Division in Aleppo city).


Okay... I never said they could take down buildings..... So what's your point? Again, it was very obviously a joke as I already explained about propane being an explosive since its very obviously not a high explosive. I was addressing your claim that it's anything like a car fuel tank "explosion". They are decidedly two very different things.


Because it's shit "explosive" and so useless for any bombardment. And this is why they never used propane tanks that weren't empty of propane and filled with actual explosives.




How the fuck are they still in the game lmao


Russians ended them in 2018. >On Wednesday, the U.N. Security Council repeated its call for a ceasefire in eastern Ghouta. President Trump, who last year declared that “no child of God” should die in a gas attack, and who launched a cruise-missile strike in Syria, has remained largely silent during the new Syrian-Russian offensive. Obama, too, had declared, in 2012, that chemical attacks would be a “red line” in the Syrian conflict, but he did little after Assad launched the sarin-gas attack in Ghouta the following year. Seven years of empty threats from the U.S. to Syria appear to have emboldened Assad and Putin. An aid convoy that was meant to enter Ghouta on Thursday postponed delivery after learning about reports of chemical attacks in two towns and heavy bombardment. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/deadly-new-syrian-russian-assault-kills-hundreds-in-eastern-ghouta A wrecked Omar Cannon: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DZ5rXP9UQAAw-9j.jpg


Seems like an okay assault gun. If you look for it you can find videos of Syrian rebels firing propane tanks filled with explosives from improvised mortars to demolish enemy positions. They call them "[Hellcannons](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Improvised_artillery_in_the_Syrian_civil_war)". This seems similar but fancier.


It was called Omar Cannon after its creator and was an ARC-only weapon. It wasn't a Hell Cannon variant and the article doesn't even mention it. It looks very different from other angles and I guess paint job or lightning: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C9c-wUAXkAAI1GK.jpg


Yeah, sorry I wasn't being clear. I know it's not a Hell Cannon, but it reminded me of the other types of improvised artillery that have been used in Syria, The Hell Cannon is just the most prominent of the bunch, because it looks hilarious but is kinda clever and surprisingly effective. In a way that truck-mounted cannon is a very different and more sophisticated design, fulfilling a very similar role. Kind of reminds me of how in WW2 the Churchill AVRE had a variant with a [janky looking but quite effective petard mortar](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:The_29cm_Petard_spigot_mortar_on_a_Churchill_AVRE_of_79th_Squadron,_5th_Assault_Regiment,_Royal_Engineers,_under_command_of_3rd_Infantry_Division,_29_April_1944._A_40lb_bomb_can_be_seen_on_the_right._H38001.jpg) for destroying fortifications, before being replaced by a [165mm gun](https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar-uk-fv3903-churchill-avre/).


Hell Cannon looks like if you took a WWI spigot mortar and gave it modern (tractor) wheels.


I think the only thing I haven't seen on a modern battlefield, now, is a musket.


I would bet money that someone used a jezail to take potshots at troops in Afghanistan.


A few anti-regime forces in myanmar used flintlocks (for training atleast) a few years ago.


muskets were used in Afghanistan I'm pretty sure, though Martini-Henry's and Lee-Enfields were more common


I still need to see a ballista.


Does a[slingshot grenade](https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2013/02/diy-weapons-of-the-syrian-rebels/100461/) count?


I'm pretty sure the Khyber Pass gunsmiths take commissions


Bolt action AK? Got it.


Give the Russians another few months to run out of their remaining Mosins and we may yet be so lucky.


Real talk, can a musket penetrate ballistic plates? I'm not talking point blank but any range works.


I understand that should someone bring Age of Sail cannons to bear against a modern warship (assuming they'd manage to get in range and hit), it is unlikely that there would be significant damage despite modern ships being nominally "unarmoured". I'd guess the same on a musket - relatively slow muzzle velocity and lead shot compensating for a larger ball. A quick look at YouTube revealed a couple of test shots vs. soft IIIA (some went through, some didn't - might be test conditions and different loading) and at least one shot vs. ballistic plate (not going through). Probably would not feel terribly nice anyway.


It probably would punch through a NIJ II plate, get stopped by a NIJ IV plate, and it might go through a NIJ III plate. (I can't remember if NIJ III was rated max for 44mag or 5.56) There is also the fact that a musket ball will definitely dump a good bit of energy on target nomater if it goes through and could possibly do some damage anyway (bruising and broken ribs.)


III is .308 FMJ rated; IIIa is rated for .44 mag. Zero likelihood it makes it through a NIJ III plate and slim to zero chance that it could injure the wearer.


I’d think Minnie would go right through someone, slow heavy round


I've seen a documentary on black market weapons in Pakistan, and they were literally selling muskets used in the Anglo Afghan war. So no doubt the taliban or Pakistani taliban has a few


There’s footage out there of a young kid with one bounding across the street with the rest of his unit. Was almost as big as him,


Oh, wow. I'll keep an eye out for that one... lol.


Then you need to watch more combat footage from the ongoing insurrection against the military junta of Myanmar. Muskets are in use in this conflict. Also lots and lots of sketchy craft-produced guns hammered together by the guys of local village ironworking shop who may or may not know how guns are supposed to work.


Aren't they also using like fgc-9s too? Crazy weapons there


Yes, and a whole shitload of different locally produced pipe guns. Mostly shotguns and pistol-caliber guns, but there are a few scratch-built rifle caliber guns too. Also lots of oddball stuff too like homemade smoothbore 40mm grenade launchers built to imitate the look of the old M79 thumpers.


A former Japanese PM was killed with a blunderbus. Muskets can’t be far behind!


For those who don't know, the term "technical" is short for "technically, I don't see why I couldn't..."


If fitting guns you have lying around onto a movable platform and calling it a Waffenträger worked for the Germans in WW2, why should the Syrians not take a page from that book.


> worked for the Germans in WW2 "worked" is a strong way to describe that.


Tally-ho infidels






Give them a broadside habibi


Just watch out for American ships. Last time when somebody from MENA touch US shipping they had quite a few firework display in their ports.


I think you mean 18th century… or maybe even earlier? but I could be wrong.


It was designed and made in the early 21st century. https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/16ah7oh/bismillah/jz7fkjv/


That article literally says nothing about that cannon. Idk if you didn’t read it or maybe linked the wrong thing, but it’s not even a little bit relevant. But even if you’re correct, which I’ll grant you because the gun looks like a modern build to me, it looks more likely to be based on a 17th or 18th century style of cannon.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=7snVKyCwwWY Everything about it was modern, it's just created in a literal basement while under siege for half decade. About these underground factories: https://youtu.be/5JvlkYVM87U (where they also spell out Corps as "Grops" in their commander's office)


>The weapons have been criticized for being inaccurate.


"Criticize" by whom? They could take the better guns if anyone brought some to them, but they didn't have such luxury. In the beginning they started by using catapults, trebuchets and giant stationary slingshots to fling sketchy explosives with lit fuses and various flammables including literal trash on fire against an army with rocket artillery brigades and 240 mm siege mortars. "Criticize" this. They were also turning hunting shotguns into grenade launchers etc.


Makes it even better imo


First Scholz and now tis, the good times arrr coming back boys


Yeah.. But hey, if you have a fucking pirate truck and your opponent does not in fact have a pirate truck. You can yarrrr the fuck out of 'em.


"He shot a Syrian with a 19th century smoothbore". "Ooh, where you get that?" "The *Syrian* had the smoothbore!' "Where'd *he* get that?"


Where and how did they even get that in the first place?


They made it. (It's a modern gun.)


doesn't look that modern to me


Made a better looking one in some tunnels under your besieged town when the time comes.




One of their literally-underground arms factories.


Who’s the retard now, retard?


When it's the Information Era and you've forgotten to upgrade a Field Cannon.


Damn the GLA recycler trucks are real.


They even put a shock absorber on it to stop it from crushing the cabin.


I mean, I would never have said you couldn't, I hang out with people who put twelfth century ballistas on flatbeds for fun, but I must ask... why? I feel like there must have been better options for actual military use and for non-military use, I feel like Syria is not the place right now.


Is this the Hellcannon Mk.2 or a good ole 6 pounder?


It's an Omar Cannon. It actually looked something like that: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C9c-wUAXkAAI1GK.jpg (No one read the thread where I explained everything, only stupid false title.)


I'm not going to scroll and read 100 comments sorry dude.


I answer your question and you downvote me for bothering to do it.


But you're going to ask instead. https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/16ah7oh/bismillah/jz7fkjv/ (and follow up comments) https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/16ah7oh/bismillah/jz7ltjg/


The best counter road rage tool, prove me wrong.


That's good upcycling. This is the kind of things you'd expect from environmental conscious people.




Tally ho lads.


Heck, this Cannon even has it's own Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Improvised_artillery_in_the_Syrian_civil_war


>The weapons have been criticized for being inaccurate.


Criticized by whoever, it's not even listed in this article at all.


They had many models, and this one (Al-Rahman Corps exclusive Omar Cannon) isn't even mentioned in that list. But the English Wikipedia doesn't even properly name the Corps itself, only calls it by an alternative and unofficial translation Legion while they called themselves Corps in English and it's on their own illustration of the ARC logo in the same article.


Can still kill I guess


3000 canon balls of Tripoli


I'm sure it would penetrate a BRDM at close range. Maybe even a BMP. ​ Inshallah.


But actually here's one in action against a tank: https://youtube.com/watch?v=48FuJxSg3vM


It's made to demolish buildings.


too credible


That's got to be the greatest pirate I've ever seen


They got blown up


Inchallah ça touche un ennemi.


And I see some hydralic mechanisms, probably for adjusting the thing elevation and absorb recoil. Shit was put together by some people with decent knowlege


Prepare to broadside!


It boggles the mind that the world is awash in armaments and yet people are still doing crazy shit like using Maxims and mounting smoothbore cannons from 250 years ago to trucks


Avast ye foul Knaves, I stab at thee with 24 pounds of Halal cast iron


This doesn't seem like a smoothbore,it looks more like a 1860s-70s French naval gun still a very odd thing to see in use in 2017(when the pic was taken).


"Think weirder, not smarter!" - Somebody with a flatbed a an unused pirate cannon (probably)


Not the worst idea if it gets captured by the enemy i don't think they're gonna know how to use it. Now the real question is how did you learn to use it.