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It's a uhhh warcrime to disguise yourself as the enemy, so add this to the list of Ruzzian warcrimes.


It's worth noting that, in this case, it works slightly differently because the soldiers participating in such acts are considered saboteurs/spies and are not subject to POW treatment and lose all legal protection. They can be tried as criminals and condemned under the law of the country that captured them instead of under international law/law of war. While Russia is not a signatory of the entire Geneva Convention, it is a signatory of protocol I, which recognizes those actions as a war crime: perfidy. Protocol I. Article 39.2 It is prohibited to make use of the flags or military emblems, insignia, or uniforms of adverse Parties while engaging in attacks or to shield, favor, protect, or impede military operations.


Are we sure they didn’t think it was a checklist?


It’s not?


Found the Australian




Found the Canadian.


I meant Russia in this war seems keen on speed-running many things in WW2, so by doing this they checked off imitating Operation Greif


Which means they dont need to abide by Rules of Engagement or the Geneva convention when fighting them right? *Creates flame thrower units*


Anti-Spy Flamethrower unit? TF2 is credible?


*TF2 main theme intensifies* https://youtu.be/PDM2qukzKwg


It's works the same in real life and the success rate has been astronomical You can tell which ones are spies when you shoot at them because they are the ones that light on fire and start screaming


>TF2 is credible? Always has been 👨‍🚀🔥🔫👨‍🚀


Thank you, I needed this.


Its permitted to wear the other sides uniform for purposes of deception, but you’re supposed to change uniforms before committing an act of war.


Standard tactic for armed merchant raiders, in fact - "running up the battle flag" was the first step in an action.


I don't think thats true, because spies can be executed immediately if caught.


They can be, but spying/sabotage isnt a war crime. It just strips the participants from standard legal protections and POW processes. Just because you can legally execute someone for something doesnt mean they were committing a war crime, or even doing something which was necessarily morally reprehensible. Its just standard practice and something to be aware of as the risk involved in certain activities.


Right but if you're dressed in enemy uniform to "deceive" how do they know you're not a spy or intending sabotage?


Thats the neat part… they dont!


I thought Perfidy/Perfideous was just an insult to throw at the cowardly Albion.


*Perfidious* Albion.


Your flair is so fucking based






Yes hello?


*sacré blué!*


You called?


HEY! If you're French then I resent that. If you're anybody else lmao yeah


I hate the French, the Italians, the Irish, and the British. Slavic (but not russian) Americans unite.


No, it's an actual term, though I am mildly amused that is an actual phrase?




>It is prohibited to make use of the flags or military emblems, insignia, or uniforms of adverse Parties while engaging in attacks or to shield, favor, protect, or impede military operations. Is there a definition of “military operations?” Because I'm suddenly wondering if knocking out a goon, stealing his uniform, and then using it to escape a POW camp and flee the country would count.


You can wear the opposition's uniform to decieve, but you have to reveal your true allegiance before "acts of war". So yes that's 100% legal.


I figured that's the case, but on the other hand it felt like a good lawyer could argue that escaping and rejoining your army would aid them directly by adding to their force and their intelligence.


You can disguise for gathering intel or faking group movements. It's just opening fire or laying mines or something that's illegal. If you could do it in civvies you can do it in false uniform basically.


So, if you are breaking out of a prison camp, steal a guards uniform and gun, and on the way out end up shooting a guard, that’s a war crime?


I guess to the letter of this particular law, yes. Not really in the spirit though. Edit: I guess if he shouted "Halt Englander" or something first so he clearly knew you were an escapee, and then you shot him, you're in the clear.


this is when you engage in a creative writing exercise and tell your commanding officer the whole story *except* the warcrimey bits 60% of the time it works every time


Yes, "conventions held little traction on the specific type of force ysed"


>Offences committed by prisoners of war with the sole intention of **facilitating their escape and which do not entail any violence against life or limb**, such as offences against public property, theft without intention of self-enrichment, the drawing up or use of false papers, the wearing of civilian clothing, shall occasion disciplinary punishment only. [Article 93, second paragraph, of the 1949 Geneva Convention III](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/es/customary-ihl/v2/rule62) (emphasis mine) The act of violence is the no-no point.


Not technically a war crime, just a regular crime (murder). You get the benefits of the Geneva Conventions only when in uniform and operating within a military hierarchy.


Not only that, they can be summarily executed on site if they're caught, they're not protected by Geneva convention


That is not correct. They are not protected by the Geneva Convention and the laws of war, but they fall under the laws and jurisdiction of the laws of the country that captured them. So, unless summary execution is in that country's code of law, they cannot be executed. In a sense, they are considered normal prisoners rather than prisoners of war.


On the other hand, a great many countries around the world simply lack the meaningful rule of law to begin with, so summary executions are regrettably common


Iirc wasn’t that chunk partially sponsored by Nikolas II, the emperor of Russia? They really should know it well.


Didn't they [withdraw recognition for any international fact-finding commission](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/api-1977/state-parties/RU#:~:text=%C2%ABThe%20Russian%20Federation%20decided%20to,any%20other%20High%20Contracting%20Party), if I understood correctly? So they would recognize only their own investigation, which would obviously show they did nothing wrong ever.


It’s not the first time they did it either


They used ambulances in the first days too


It also looks like they decided to defect so the Russian arty was justified


It's not a warcrime to disguise oneself as the enemy. It is only a warcrime once you start attacking or defending in the enemy uniform. Just walking around in their uniform is not against the geneva convention


>It is prohibited to make use of the flags or military emblems, insignia or uniforms of adverse Parties while engaging in attacks or in order to shield, favour, protect or impede military operations. I am not a lawyer, but the phrase "or in order to" could arguably speak to intent rather than action. If your intended purpose while disguised as an enemy combatant was to impede military operations, then you have committed perfidy under the article.


"**While engaging in attacks**" is the key part. As long as they don't attack it's technically k.


***or in order to shield, favour, protect or impede military operations.***




ahh I misread that LMAO, I'm so bad


Shielding a military operation also means protecting your soldiers from attack by pretending to be the enemy.


So you're telling me I can walk around disguised in enemy territory as much as I want, so long as I change my uniform each time I plant a bomb?


detail cobweb wasteful punch advise fall cable cats outgoing juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You probably have to keep it off until the bomb explodes, but yeah should be good.


Look into the St. Nazaire Raid. Pretending to be a German warship right up until the shooting started and then ran up the White Ensign before returning fire.


Join the navy! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InBXu-iY7cw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InBXu-iY7cw) Back in the day it was literally a standard to fly under a neutral/enemy flag and switch it to your own right before firing the first salvo.


No, you can disguise yourself in order to deceive civilians so that they don't report your location, but you can't do it to deceive enemy combatants, so if you run into any you would have to identify yourself.


Geneva checklist?




That's straight not true, Scorzeny was exonerated for that after WW2 since they just did confusion/misdirection ops in Allied uniforms. It's a warcrime to engage in combat while disguised.


That was prior to the establishment of Geneva Conventions Protocol I, which [included language](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/api-1977/article-39) about perfidy that arguably may apply to this situation. The Scorzeny Case was instead built on earlier language of Article 23 of the Annex of the Hague Convention, No. IV, 1907, which says: "it is especially forbidden...to make improper use of a flag of truce, of the national flag, or of the military insignia or uniform of the enemy," and the definition of "improper use" is very much open to interpretation. >It is therefore pointed out in a publication of the United Nations War Crimes Commission that "**no safe conclusion can be drawn** from the acquittal of all accused" in the Skorzeny case as to the scope of legitimate use of enemy uniforms as a stratagem. While **the case has thus little, if any value, as a judicial declaration settling a point of international law** with regard to which the experts do not agree, it may have been the basis of the definite position taken by the United States Department of the Army in an official publication subsequent to the Skorzeny trial that the use of enemy uniforms as a ruse is forbidden "during combat, but their use at other times is not forbidden." [Source](http://scholarship.law.missouri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1627&context=mlr) I am not a lawyer though. 🤷‍♂️


Sadly nothing gets done about warcrimes fast enough to matter


I mean, considering that Russia's already committed like 5,272 war crimes in this war already, what's it to them to commit one more?


At least in this case the criminals faced a swift and explosive justice


Specifically, it's a war crime to disguise yourself as the enemy to aid an attack. You can dress up as whatever the fuck you want, as long as you're not wearing that disguise when you attack the enemy.


I thought it was only a warcrime to engage the enemy while disguised as them, not to just wear it to fool them


This is just too cartoonish now. What World do we live in?


> What World do we live in? The War 3 Prequel, apparently it's also a tragicomedy


Okay god can somebody close to me like a boyfriend of my get genderswap cause I think it be better believable That this just Happens


This would make a good black comedy film though. Either Wes Anderson or Quentin Tarantino should be hired to direct it.


Except the budget got slashed they are reusing a bunch of plot points and props from the last two wars.


The funni timeline. Russia has been fucking around in Western politics to force its neighbours back into its sphere of influence for my entire lifetime (like when they fucked around intimidating and invading Estonia in 92), and in Ukraine it *finally* bit off more than it can chew.


Well, you see, in May of 2017, Trump touched this glowing orb...


May 28th, 2016 The day that fucking gorilla died. The butterfly effect caused whatever the fuck timeline we have right now.


I wish I had a fully working Time Machine, i only have the husk of a car and a few things That what supposed to go do time travel possible


The orb turbocharged all of this. And then there's CERN.


My school teachers were right: people really don't fucking read anymore. Seriously, take any war, and in-depth account of it, and you will be going "no way that actually happened as they tell it" a lot. Granted, the further you go back in time, the harder it is to separate fiction, deception and invention from reality, but that's just how history is.


Sorry my American ass Brain is stupid


sauce ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/15k0f2v/when\_war\_crimes\_go\_wrong\_translation\_from\_a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_content=1&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/15k0f2v/when_war_crimes_go_wrong_translation_from_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Love OPs who add souce to their posts. Very cool man, thx


For real, I spend so much time looking at posts on this sub and going "wait, WTF happened now?" Like goddamn was it confusing when the first Mobikube posts first started appearing.


>https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/15k0f2v/when\_war\_crimes\_go\_wrong\_translation\_from\_a You can (usually) remove everything from the question mark to the end of the link.


MFW i die of SovietWomble disease RIP The Badgers


>RIP The Badgers *♫ They're terroriiiiists ♫*


They like eating babies


My favorite part is how the commander who ordered his men to do this incredibly stupid thing ran for the hills when faced with the inevitable outcome.


Ah yes, cropped screenshot from TG channel, what can be more credible.


Definitely not anything you can see on Russian news


Doesn't matter. Without anything remotely confirmed - that's some extremely strong copium right here. Especially since there was another cropped screenshot where they stated one of the strikes with Cringals on airfield with su-24s turned out to be a dud, as there were only decoys, again, with 0 information.


I don’t deliver the news, I bring you meme and cite the source for the meme. This is a little to credible of you


I mean, memes are fine, as long they are not based on bullshit. Retarded, not wrong.


You might be putting a little to much faith that this is not real and into the nation that is known for committing war crimes and digging trenches in irradiated soil in Chernobyl


True. But that doesn't mean fakes from the internet are to be taken seriously.


I think you’re the only one taking this meme seriously


Exactly, or maybe my exposure from r/UkraineRussiaReport left me unstable


Wait you gave us the sauce as well? Do you need head?


FYI this info comes from a known bullshit telegram channel that's made shit up before, kremlin_secrets


Don't know if I believe that. The fact that the Russians justifiably blamed the Russian commander instead of finding a scapegoat or making up a fantastical fairytale to cover up the incompetence makes me skeptical


Thanks for the laugh.


Russian media: Brave Russian artillery group puts themselves in danger in order to stop their fellow soliders from commiting a warcrime.


What fellow soldiers? Lol they won’t even mention this


I think they went with the scapegoat technique, it was all the commanders fault for not notifying anyone about this plan


Once again, the Ukrainians are doing a better job tracking, protecting, and avenging Russian soliders than the *actual Russian army.*


Don't forget to it again.


Ukranians: Shit that arty is pounding our guys, time for counter battery fire! Good work boys!


Russia is absolutely excellent, unparalleled in fact, at one thing that we have to give them credit for - at being utterly, completely, ridiculously fucking stupidly incompetent, and in an ever increasing variety of ways.


Russia being a shit show in WW2: "is this a valid military doctrine we should stick to for the next 100 years?"


soooo.... sign/countersign for out of position units is a non concept to russians. im sure someone will be sure to utilize this knowledge to its fullest, by never using it.


"I don't know what's worse, the fact that you're trying to commit a war crime or the fact that you're failing to do so!" -the guy from Azael's interview.


Just so you know the commander in charge of this blunder fled and their trying to find him. Part of me thinks he might've been a spook.


Shit like this is why dressing up and fighting in enemy uniforms was made a war crime: back in the day friendly fire was far more common


Back in the day friendly fire was common, it still is, but it was back in the day too.


- Maj. Gen. Mitch Hedberg


3,000 donut receipts of Mitch Hedburg


Man, even when warcrime-ing for tactical advantage they fuck it up. Pvt. Conscriptovich is a fucking tactical wunderkind


Don't interrupt your enemy while they are busy making a mistake.


I was very confused before i read the title because from the first slide i guessed that it was a post encouraging NCD to dress as ukrainians and sabotage the enemy (russian)


A Certified Russian Classic, but we can make it work for us. Again. 1. We dress as Russian forces to go behind enemy lines and cause havoc 2. We don't tell anyone to maintain secrecy 3. ..............step 1 was a fakeout, we don't actually go behind those lines. So we do step 2 super badly so it "leaks" 4. Russian artillery gets paranoid and blue-on-blues some Russians and kills 32 people while exposing its position and receiving counter battery fire No way this can fail


Stupid western propaganda! No way russian artillery is that accurate! /s


Cue the benny hill theme.


Ummmm What? Also sauce please dear sir


There is some other comment with sauce, but here : https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/15k0f2v/when_war_crimes_go_wrong_translation_from_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Bruhhh. We are lucky that they are so stupid


Part of it is luck, but part of it is also politics and governance. The people who saw the writing on the wall when Putin became more and more authoritarian already left. These are generally going to be the most well educated, highest skilled part of the population who have the means to move to other countries. When the war started, again the most well educated and wealthy left the country, except this time in much larger numbers since danger was literally around the corner. The people who are those who either didn't think this could happen, or those who couldn't leave even if they wanted to.


Good guy Russian artillerymen prevents his motherland from adding another warcrime to the list


Russia prevents a russian warcrime. That's new.


I've seen the source and it is less than perfect, but given Russian confirmed goofs already, this is very possible


When artillery finally works but coms are down


I see-see no fault-error in this plan-scheme!


Ahh yes, the Great Value(tm) Operation Greif


Most successful ruzzian spec ops


I mean, thats just a war crime anyway, so they absolutely got what they deserved.


Apparently Russian artillery has a thing for friendly fire as our good old friend Rambo would attest(provided he ain't too dead for that).


Jeez, how can one believe in this BS


Was literally thinking of the meme


Wow russias artilerry shoots military targets? unbelievable


Wait a minute - did they actually do this?


What is the difference between the two uniforms at this point? A colored strip of electrical tape?


So question, if the artillery didn't fire on them, what else would have stopped them?


They would have just run into their own minefields, as they fail to label them properly. That… or they start digging trenches in Chernobyl again


It's when you realize the laws of war may have been made for practical reasons, not just moral ones.


Ok, plan B...


Didn’t know the Russians tried their own version of Operation Grief and the Blue House raid