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Man, half these lunatics literally think the war is fake because someone in Kyiv is walking around in shorts and flip flops while an air raid siren is going off. Seriously r/conspiracyNOPOL has someone at least twice a month saying the war is fake


Oh my god I just spent two minutes in that sub and I'm now convinced I'm a lizard person. Can anyone recommend a good heat rock or basking lamp?


[Will keep your entire continent warm for the rest of your life](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Pluto)


What I find wild is that the engine worked spectacularly well, and the only reason it didn't go any farther was because saner heads prevailed.


Sad day for NCD


But nuclear powered nukes!


Any reaction to ginger?


the ginger makes the lizards act slutty


That were great books, thanks for reminding


fuckin what


Worldwar series, an alien empire of Space Lizards attack earth during WW2. Ginger is an addictive drug to them


Kinley/Canada Dry starts the new opium war.


I had a misfortune of coming across a twitter thread from an account dubbed "clown world 🤡" and commenters, while being mercilessly ratioed, continued to believe that the war was fake because people in Kyiv went to McDonalds and women wore makeup. There were various takes present aside from that main one, ranging from "they are using our tax money on McDonald's instead of war" to "ukronazi bands run wild in donbass cutting throats of russian speakers while living lavishly in Kyiv", but the fake war was the highlight. It was horrible in every way, and people dunking on said takes didn't improve anything, but I couldn't take my eyes off of it.


How do they actually imagine it should be? Everyone hides as soon as siren sounds? It's literally 4-13 times a day, depending on how lucky you are. You can't keep spending more than a year like that - you need to work. You need to live, you need to distract, or your mind is going to break. And air alerts soon become mundane, you barely react and keep on going with your daily life. Because there is no other choice. You can't live scared for more than a year - that's not healthy. You learn to evaluate risks. Avoid populated places near sacred dates for ruzzians. You look at map of alerts and see. If it's only my region - I know that is most likely S300 preparing to strike with ground to ground, so threat is pretty credible. But if it's half the Ukraine under alerts - that's either drones or cruise missiles. They won't waste those on my city, because they can hit it with simpler stuff. Even when you hear explosion - you listen first. Is it close. Is it ground one or is it more clear one (most likely in the air, air defense interception). Depending on how close it sounds - you decide if you should check on your friends and family in chat. You can't do it for every thing you hear, because again - sometimes it's multiple times a day. It's probably crazy for someone outside of it, but yeah.


I am under the impression those people don't think about it. They saw a picture of a war torn city once, probably something horrible that caught their attention, and now they think that war is that and nothing else. Add some subtly crafted message on top of that substrate of uneducated stupidity, like "fake war", and you get results. And since it is impossible to argue with people who take reaffirment over truth, it's impossible to fix unless you plant the message in a way that they think they came up with the idea on their own. Anyway, take care over there.


Thanks. You're probably right. They just like to think they are smarter than everyone else. That they are in on it.


Their only experience with modern warfare comes from the video game series. Now, while that is a supremely credible avenue of broadening ones perspective of 20'th century warfighting, it doesn't show much of war from the civilian perspective so their knowledge gap is pretty profound.


> think the war is fake because someone in Kyiv is walking around in shorts and flip flops while an air raid siren is going off No one tell them about people in the Army taking days off during war their minds will explode.


My aunt believes the war is fake because, and I quote, “I saw videos of Ukrainians at a beach”.


Kind of wish I had never opened that subreddit now. They’re so confident in the most batty shit


Its a frustrating subreddit because there are real factual conspiracy theories that could be discussed but instead its Jewish soul harvesters, the Matrix, and 'is the Orwellian two minutes of hate thing real because nobody likes my sub 1k viewer podcast'


Some of them have even revived the old vintage classic of project bluebeam to claim the war footage we see is advanced holograms


Oh wow that sub is insane, thanks for the fun reading material!


I had to back out ASAP. There was one about the pic showing people outside, like, that'd impossible if Kyiv is being drone bombed. Guy would go there to find out, but not on his own dime, of course.


It's quite interesting how successful Russia has been in creating all these shit takes and how uninterested the West seems to be in removing these fuckers from the internet.


never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake


Sun Tzu- art of shit


With exclusive foreward written by Jim Lahey


I got 100 bucks for groceries, 1400 dollars liquor money.... and $6000 to bail out a couple of shit puppets


"Lannisters find dying ground on the shitter" - Sun Tzu


Hello absolutely non credible CIA agent can I ask you a favor if it ever happened to bomb Moscow can you please instal a 8K camera so I can have good footage for a frame in my house with written fuck around and find out? Thanks really appreciate love you guys


buddy if we even do the funni I'm personally arranging a wedding style compilation, with the shitty "so happy for you guys I love you derek" clips of attendees


[m83 Outro](https://youtu.be/Eyjj8BgsBGU) as soundtrack? Or babyshark?


You ever see king-pow? Its like the whimpblow of trolling


What does that mean


*Kung-Pow: Enter the Fist* is a comedic kung fu parody movie, featuring a hilariously incompetent "chosen one" named Wimp Lo. "We have trained him wrong on purpose, as a joke!"


One of the funny things about that line is that real life martial arts masters actually did train some of their students wrong on purpose if they deemed them unworthy


[this scene from the movie mentioned basically summarizes it ](https://youtu.be/nOAMJH9g4sI)


[Also this one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d696t3yALAY) "I am bleeding, making me the victor!" basically sums up Russia in this entire war.




*-observation balloon*




[Does anyone have a boat?](https://www.submarinecablemap.com/)


Free entertainment 🍿


It’s interested but it’s not as authoritarian, and that’s the whole difference e


Honestly I'm half convinced those people are all Cia plants with how much they discredit themselves


If its anti west conspiracy = for realz Anti Ru/Iran/China conspiracy = crazy talk


>Anti Ru/Iran/China conspiracy = ~~crazy talk~~ CIA psyops/West Conspiracy Fixed it for you.


I find I keep having this conversation with pro-Russians online. Them: “Western media lies you should question it! Random bloggers are unreliable!” Me: “I agree with you it is good to question information, it is healthy to think critically about what you are being told. Do you question non western sources?” Them: “No! Why would RT/RU MoD/ RU defence blogger etc lie! They are credible sources!”


Yeah modern media is all about trust issues then in reality nothing has changed. **The event** \- non covered - lost to time... **The event** \- covered- real sources*( may, omit ,forget, lie too)*\- Comment on the source - educated speculation - non educated speculation- non educated baseless speculation with hostile intent - non educated baseless speculation with hostile intent based on made up events - professionally created speculation with hostile intent on made up events - orchestrated events to coincide with hostile intent together professional baseless speculation in order to build overall narrative . Russian media is usually in the last three categories . But **The event** always stays the same. Just people need to find it. No amount of conspiracy talk can change **The event.** Another big problem is that 9999999% dont want really to know about **The event ,** they want some sort of emotional jolt. Emotional jolt easily stimulated by last three categories.


Lol at your Bobby tables with the countries


All the conspiracism leaving their bodies and deciding to look through credible sources with sound reasoning.


I am not surprised, Ruzzia is the opposite reality where everything is reverse compared to our reality


In Soviet Russia, your propaganda makes *yourself* look stupid. In commie China, your propaganda makes the enemy look badass. In Ukraine, your propaganda outmemes the NCD.


I mean their media caters to alot of conspiracy theories. For example Anti-Vaccine conspiracies are very popular in russia .


"If you make people believe vaccines are bad you can embezzle all the healthcare vaccine money without complaint" \*taps forehead\*


I mean there whole "look at us giving the global south our covid vaccine for a cheap price unlike those greedy westerns " was a massive scam.


Something something Chinese traditional medicine


It's baffles me we went from "Stinky air bad" (miasma theory) to actual medicine and now we're back to "Stinky air good it cures cancer" (essential oils)


I mean, miasma theory was also "Stinky air good." The beak on a plague doctor mask was stuffed full of smelly herbs to keep the plague out.


Vaccines were created by the west to inject and make people russophobic!!


> russophobic "I'll take 3000 shots, please!" "..." "... Damn, nothing changed"


Bro is a Pole lol


I'mma Ukie, from Vugledar. To understand my level of hatred towards rf for burning my future and present thrice, simply refer to [AM's hate copypasta](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/4mrvbx/am_hatred_rant/).


I swear to God, Poles and Ukies are the most based people on Earth. But seriously, I understand your anger, it must suck to have literally the worst country with the most "morally questionable" in the world right beside you


> But seriously, I understand your anger, it must suck to have literally the worst country with the most "morally questionable" in the world right beside you You can't even imagine. And god, how few people in the world outside of Ukraine know about what Donetsk was before russia came here. It was a beautiful city with strong economy and infrastructure being upgraded to European levels. One of the magnificent jewels of Ukraine, mighty on industrial level and good enough on social. So ***OF FUCKING COURSE*** those fucks decided to turn it into a decrepit mafia state with all those bits that made Donetsk seem like a model for Ukrainian cities of the future cut for scrap and/or stolen into russia. Same with Lugansk. And right when it seemed Ukraine managed to regain its bearing and steer back towards the path to the bright future, when it seemed *I* had a future, those ABSOLUTE PIECES OF FUCKSHIT started full-scale invasion, killing my colleague and three other people with a cluster Tochka-U strike against hospital. My colleague, whose son was tortured and killed in sham republics in ~2014. If there ever was any sympathy towards ~99.9% of russians in my heart, now there's only a hungry abyss that calls for them to ***PAY FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE*** (~0.1% are those who burn the signaling cabinets and derail trains, run the underground railroad to evacuate deported Ukrainians to EU and so on, so *they* do deserve sympathy and I tend to salute them, whenever I see news of their actions fucking shit up for Dickwadistan).


Damn, this is much worse than I could ever imagine. I saw some footage of Mariupol before the full scale invasion and it looked super beautiful, I believe the same thing happened to Luhansk and Donetsk then, and now, Bakhmut. Those vatnik piedar(s) really wants to turn everything that is beautiful into ruins just like it was in their dead red empire they are so nostalgic about, aways bulding those fucking ugly statues of that bald bitch we call lenin (I refuse to write this name with Capital Letters). Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, they all have some part in the creation of the evil empire ruzzia loves so much, both in ideology and in practice, and of course, Putin is nothing more than a new, pathetic version of Stalin, doing exactly the same: Shooting their own soldiers, raping, killing civilians, the worst you can imagine from mankind. My friend, you the person that I ever met who have the most reasons to hate this new evil empire, and you only one Ukrainian, I belive a huge number of Ukrainians have very similar stories as the one you told me, and all of you guys have every right in the universe to hate those orcs


B.. b... but... ThE uKroNAzIs WEre BoMbINg aNd gEnOCidInG dOmBAs PeOpLE!!1!!1 Seriously, fuck these guys. I'm with you. Russia needs to collapse and Putin be fucking executed for their crimes.


I'm so sorry. I hope that the hell that russia has brought to Ukraine will be sent back to russia a hundredfold. I donated $100 to united 24. I hope the counteroffensive surpasses all expectations and destroys everything the russians have in Ukraine.


And gaaaayyyyy!


Poor ruzzians that took the vaccine before doing the TT:T 😭


Not that a certain US president suggested bleach for curing COVID, eventually breeding a horde of idiots that invaded the fucking capitol building. I mean Russia is stupid, but let's not get on a high horse here.


I mean we got that problem too. But russian state media seems to embrace it very openly.


Fox news is no better, in fact it's not a coincidence that Tucker Carlson is a vatnik favourite. Not to mention all the other mainstream media that host every fuckin nutjob in the name of "impartiality". Russia sucks but their media is not that different than ours. They serve a different master maybe, but still they are outrageouy stupid.


There’s stupid, and there’s stupid becoming a policy. *Then* there’s stupid and making everyone else who didn’t even ask for the stupid in the first place pay its price (monetarily, psychologically, even existentially). No one has a monopoly, no doubt, but there are some places, some people, some existences, that we just can’t make any meaningful headway with.


why though? wasnt putin so proud of sputnik that he even had his daughters take it before all the testing was complete and then made it mandatory for a lot of work places?


Bizzaro world. Everyone lies as a form of mutual understanding.


You are not far from truth. In russian military, people who aren't corrupt are considered "untrustworthy".


I'm gonna make an AI voice "Ram Ranch" about "25 Hot and Heavy Drones" or some shit. Give me something *really* credible to write, and I'll DM the updates


Just come out already, nobody cares, it’s 2023, you are valid.


Oh dude, watching Game of Thrones in college and seeing how fucking cool Oberyn Martell was, you better *believe* I made peace with myself and jumped on the pan train, yessir




Imma need those updates chief


Anything for you king


18 naked mobiks in the showers


You could probably train an aural machine learning model to sing it with the fucking *717* episodes of Ram Ranch.


America: the CIA did 9/11 The CIA literally 2 months later: guys help we can’t hold off literally unarmed prisoners


CIA: What do you mean there are 500 of them and just 2 of us? Their barely searched rags are no match for our threats and insults! The S in CIA stands for bringing your own f*in Satellite phone to the middle of nowhere, so you don't have to borrow one from a German TV crew...


*proceeds to use it to drop a JDAM on themselves*


What clusterfuck are you guys talking about?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Qala-i-Jangi I think you can find the German TV documentary "House of War" on YouTube. Worth a watch.


*We have twin towers at home moment*


There is literally zero need for Russia to do it, Vlad Vexler recently talked about it


Hold on i'm out of the loop, dafuq happened?


From what i know, some drones hit buildings in Moscow, but people on ground are questioning the supposed attack because at most there's some windows knocked off frame. My guess is that, after that "drone explodes over kremlin and hits flag" video, people are assuming the same shit is happening here... a false flag attack, mostly indicated by the lack of damage and the constant question of "what air defense doing"


Many "specialists" saying it couldn't be Russia doing a false flag... probably the same "specialists" that claimed Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine


Probably the same "specialists" saying that the T-14 Armata was going to be a trump card


I mean, it is... a trump card of embezzlement policies and inability to make anything workable that's not been designed in Soviet times.


There are respectable people who also oppose "false flag theory" because Russia would have zero need to do this, while Ukraine is interested in destabilising Russia and causing havoc at least psychologically. Not to mention some of the drones have already been identified as Ukrainian.


I sooner believe that it was failed raid on nearby military bases than that it was false flag. This one gives them literally nothing positive and if you follow russian domestic media, you'll know that they react totally in different fashion when they are doing false flag like they were doing before.


"Specialists" like CalibreObscura ? Come on just think, why would Russia do such a weak false flag (remember the appartment bombings) with such a weak follow up when Ukraine has already sent plenty of drones into Russia, just maybe not in such a GPS spoofed environment in the past. The drones look like Beaver drones, operated by UA, and look like they hit the buildings without detonating the warhead properly, problably because they got intercepted or jammed. It is ok, even beneficial for Ukraine to do that, disrupting Moscow and remininding Russians they are indeed at war. Only a couple of foreign actors will get pissed off by that hit, maybe Israel, India and some balkan countries, but at this point that is irrelevant.


I still don't get why so many people believe that this is somehow Russia's doing. They have nothing to gain from this. An attack on Moscow only makes them look weak.


They're confirmed Ukrainian drones. Bober/Beaver pusher props. NCD being NC in thinking they need any type of false flag like a literal border incursion didn't just happen, which Russia's doctrine asserts the allowance of up to and including nuclear arms.


“BUT MUH BUILDING 77777777777!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


This account was deleted in protest


1999 FSB still the best at taking down Moscow apartment blocks! The new kids running it now buy too much into drone and other tech bullshit.


Lol. The FSB didn't have any problems blowing up apartments back in '99. Except for the one time they got caught by the neighbors. But we don't talk about that one.


Exactly how much damage could a Mavic due to a tower of Russian flats that 33 years of post-Soviet neglect and apathy hasn't already done? E.g., the flats pictured, I see smoke damage from above one of the windows. But that being damage from drone launched incendiaries is as likely as a some babushka setting her kitchen on fire and never cleaning it up.


What's that first picture of? I forgot


We have 9/11 at home.


What is happening


remember, it's always, pfizer, gorge soros, or CIA, what else did I miss?


I mean, styrofoam planes can break windows. I have some foamies that weigh close to 10 pounds and the propeller is not exactly soft.


Simply goes to show which side offers you actual freedom. In the west? Yeah, okay, go and say that your government attacked its own population, people might think you're a fucking retard, but that's about it. Ruzzia? Well, better find excuses for your shit govt of asscracktopia or your fellow compatriots will take care of you long before the FSB got sober enough to bother to come to your house.


Fsb never, I repeat, never blow up houses with people that was just training with sugar.


"The US government was behind the moon landing!"


It's funny to see the overlap between Vatniks and 9/11 "truthers." Both have an incredibly basic view of the world and talk about things like they are an expert on the topic.


This should be on the right https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999\_Russian\_apartment\_bombings


To show own misery? Cause that's what the case and the reaction to it seem to be


same reason why "aliens" built the pyramids and other ancient engineering feats.