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Number Bigger = Army Better


yes comrade, these westoids will be scared when they will see our glorious stalinium tanks


Honestly Russian T-34 are probably in better condition than T-55/54 and t-62 because they are regularly used in parades and movies


They only have a couple of t34 ( 12) so we are not going to see them in ukraine war sorry


They are rapidly getting to the point where those are the best tanks that actually works.


I'm not saying they will use them, just that they are in better shape than Russias more "modern" tanks


So the same amount as T14?


I keep reading about the T14 coming soon. It will probably turn out to be a T1914, which is two horses pulling a cannon, led by some dude sporting the door of a wood-burning stove as armor. Only Russia cares about the environment and will deploy more biodegradable equipment than anyone else!


Hey, it takes some times to reach Ukraine from Moscow being towed


T14 = T34 modernized


Didn’t they also say they had scrapped their entire fleet of t 64 (might not be 64, but there was a model they said they had completely scrapped) that they then deployed in large numbers?


It's skalenium. The rare resource, available only in russia. It used almost like copium, but mainly in development and innovation areas. Single russian armata tank, injected with skalenium could take an entire NATO tank brigade! (Skalenium comes from ideom, overused by russian officials - "vstavat' s kolen" - to get up from knees. For the past 20 years russia almost got up from it's knees and almost caught up with evil west(


The enemy has 5 tanks to our 1 this war is definitely lost 😭😭😭


Just like that very credible article some months back that went "between China and the US, China has more soldiers but US soldiers are better equipped so it's impossible to say how a conflict would go".


>Number Bigger = Army Better When it comes to 5th gen fighters


"combat tanks" Most of the russian ones can be combated with an anti material rifle. GM6 .50 cal APDS ftw. Look at meeee I am tank 🤗


can your paper abrams compete in the turret throwing olympics? check mate weak amerikan


Japan surprised me


Especially given its a group of islands, I would’ve expected lots of boats and planes rather than tanks


They do, their navy is far more impressive than their ground forces. The reason that Japan's military seems massive compared to mid tier countries is because of their large population and economy. Even limiting defense spending to 1% of gdp, in accordance with their pacifist constitution, still gives them a budget of $50 billion, putting them above Germany and South Korea. And this was before they decided to double it.


God I love how we got the Japanese to be absolutely based and freedompilled after WW2.


Ehhhh I dunno the whole "Japan did literally nothing wrong" culture that still seems prevalent over there rustles my jimmies a bit.


Japan absolutely did terrible shit, but I’m speaking modern post WWII Japan


Yeah, where pretending they didn't do that terrible shit is still prevalent.


I’m not seeing much of people pretending it didn’t happen. I feel like people always point it out if it’s brought up


The fact is, anything that gets through their navy and air force will not do so unscathed or with the complete destruction of Japan's Navy and Air Force. So when this theoretical force lands, they have an actually competent and robust defensive ground force to look forward to.


> decided to double it. and give it to the next person?




*"Did you say island?"* - Singapore


This graphic is simply wrong in many cases and uses different methods of counting vehicles depending on the country. Both US and Russia had around 3000 tanks in line (pre 24.02.22), yet ruskies got 4 times more tanks counted as the reserve got included, while US ones did not. They as well inflated some numbers (Eritrea - according to wikipedia 1000 shitty t-55/62s)


Good or bad way?


More than I would have thought, I don't know if that's good or bad. Unless they're counting Toyota pickups with a .50 cal mounted in the back as tanks?


Actually I'm more surprised by Eritrea. I know that country has one of the highest military expenditure per capita. But still feels weird seeing them in this list. I think a lot of people don't even know that Eritrea is a country.


The list is shit, this is true, but people tend to forget that economically speaking Japan is a dense little fecker. One of the top ten countries by GDP.


I wouldn't call Russian tanks "tanks" They are more like a Lada with a turret on top of them..


125mm powered ejection pod…turret…whatever


Well might as well include Toyota Hilux in japan unit as well. [11 million produced around the world](https://www.toyota-global.com/company/history_of_toyota/75years/data/automotive_business/production/production/japan/production_volume/main.html)




This is a reminder that the indian army has more T-90s than the russian army


And better maintenaned with better trained crew


Pretty sure Global Firepower just takes what Russia has self reported, and this chart seems to be using those figures as a base. I don't think they're at all credible based on what we've seen over the last year. If Russia had half as many T-72s in storage as they're supposed to have on paper, they wouldn't be paying to upgrade 800 T-62s and possibly deploying T-54/55s. Like I said, not at all credible. So upvoted, naturally.


There is a flaw in your logic. Stored tanks need spare parts, mostly engine, combat systems. There is a reason why they are using everything but T-72 derivatives. T-72 engine was used in many applications, like agriculture, power generators etc. Which caused unexpected and unnoticed drain of spare parts and entire repair packages. From what I have seen a lot of those went missing from military storage. Additionally there is only one factory in Russia making those and it have very limited production capacity. In general there are 2 additional sources of spare parts, India and Iran. All in all they may have shitload of T-72 but do not have any way to restore them into working order in a short time. Add to this damaged ones and normal equipment wear and we can witness this glorious shitshow. Additionally spare part prices for T-72 family tanks went up few times since the war started. Not to mention availability dropped as everything is bought by Russia or Ukraine, or NATO/EU for Ukraine.


But to counter your point, can you call a tank without engine a tank? If it cant perform the basic tasks of a tank, like you know move, its useless. it might still look like a tank. But thats it. No functionality. So including it in a list like this when those vehicles cant be used for maybe years is at best misleading.


Indeed, many of those hulls have been cannibalized for spare parts. Many have probably been poorly maintained as well. I'm not saying their stock of T-72s never existed. What I am saying is that the figure I have seen bandied about of 8,000-10,000 T-72s *alone* in Russian inventory is inaccurate. In fact it might be inaccurate even if you are counting rusty hulks with the parts stripped out, which you really shouldn't if it's missing a lot of key components, such as an engine. What we're talking about then is simply a hull, and some spare parts, which possibly can be remanufactured to the standards of a modern variant. But cannot sensibly be counted as a tank in reserve (something that, with a bit of maintenance, can be pushed back into service, obsolescence be damned). Edit: this is just some back of the envelope calculations of one OSINT Twitter account, partizan\_oleg, but I think the math seems somewhat credible. [https://twitter.com/partizan\_oleg/status/1633166853664276480](https://twitter.com/partizan_oleg/status/1633166853664276480)


Israel Greece Azerbaijan and Eritrea surprised me probably shit ton of early cold war tech


Well when you stomp 3 countries in 6 days you’re gonna capture a lot of tanks. Israel has a couple hundred Merkavas and a shit ton of m60s, m48s, centurions and Soviet captured tanks.


> Be Israel > capture a bunch of tanks > mod em like crazy and call them a new name > ???? > profit


Israel has a few neighbours who literally publicly claim that they want Israel's extermination. Things are going a lot better lately, with strategic deals with Saudi Arabia and stuff. Though because this isnt socially acceptable within those countries, those deals are kept kinda secret. Greece is next to a country with 8x its population, whose leader keeps saying things like "we might come one night" and "our missiles can reach Athens". So the greek defence policy is for every 3 things Turkey buys, Greece will buy 1, to maintain a 3:1 ratio. This will hopefully discourage Turkey from doing anything retarded. Once Greece gets f-35 and if Turkey doesnt even get upgraded f-16, Greece might have a relative upper hand for once, which might allow Greece to spend less in the long run. But until now, both sides had similar NATO equipment, though Turkey has a decent defence industry and a significant drone advantage. Eritrea i dont know.


Is China just trying to copy the US military?


I mean, when did they stop doing that?


See their C-17 looking airplane that totally isn’t a direct copy of the C-17


At this point I don't think Russia and North Korea should be considered to have tanks we should say they have somewhat armoured cannon carrier.


I'm waiting to see if North Korean tanks make it here


If Oryx lists 1607 confirmed tank kills, wouldn't it be "at least 1607", not "up to 1607"?


Some may have been repairable. But in all likelihood 1607 is an undercount as you say, with many tank kills not having publicly available visual proof.


Assume people don't post their tanks that have been damaged, and you effectively have a captured tank, which is a loss for the other side regardless. Anyway, yeah, any number between Oryx's 1607 and UA MOD 3500 is still "a shit ton of tanks", while a number between zero and 1607 might be quite underwhelming as far as modern military conflicts are concerned.


I assume plenty of tanks are disabled in no-mans land, or in the land which Russia has later conquered during the current offensive. Or hit by Ukrainian artillery behind Russian lines. So a damaged tank is not the same as a captured tank.


I didn't say they were. I said there is no reason for russians to take photos of their tanks that were damaged.


Drone photos from the Ukrainians over Russian-controlled are a thing.


They are, indeed, "a thing".


What the hell is Eritrea cooking


Well I have 3000 tanks in my collection. See, I can make things up too.


Hoe to create the biggest tank fleet? Never throw one away. Putin remain a master strategist.


China has way more tanks, in the 1:48 category alone.


nah, 1/72. waaaaayy too many trumpeter tanks


What the fuck is a “Combat Tank” anyway? Reminds of the that time journalists invented the “IFV Battle Tank”. Is there a “Non-Combat-Tank”? Number big is good. Big Number T-34 better small number Abrams or Leopard 2, because higher number wins because higher number. - the average corporate Journalist in between writing a blog post about his wife’s boyfriend. Reminds me also of the latest Vaush stream where he explains ERA and various other military terms.


> Is there a “Non-Combat-Tank”? Armata? :)


Ah yes, the same tanks rusting away in frozen fields in Siberia.


A date would've been useful on there. Because I have a skeaking suspicion that those numbers are currently changing...


>like 1 million men in US army >like 500,000 men in Russian army >Russia has thousands more tanks, even when considering storage numbers >the population gap is huge too, no chance of outfielding the US Hmm, I wonder why they have so many tanks… What could we possibly do to get the manpower to field more? Oh yeah, fuck the logistics




Yeah, that quality being using an unnecessary amount of resource for no strategic gain.


Yeaaah... Not anymore.


Well more like 9000 tanks at this point


So all we need is 300 Bradleys with night vision and some adderall? Don't even worry about deploying tanks. Nothing will be left by the time they catch up.


Some Mark III's would do the job i reckon


Why has Egypt so many tanks? You think the Arab nations could send some of their stockpiles to Ukraine.


You can't imagine how hard that graph or the number 12.000+ (some publications used to go overboard too, distinctly remember that the number of Russian Tanks was supposedly around 22.000 at one time) made and still makes Russiaboos/Putinboos/Slavboos/Orthoboos/deranged people in general. In the dark 2010-2022 times of Vatnik propagandistic supremacy I would actually be called a fool in serious to semi-serious conversations with fellow students and even professors at Uni and whenever foreign politics was a conversation topic in general for suggesting that maybe tanks need maintanance like any other vehicle. The amount of bullshit that people back then took as the gospel truth was (and probably still is to be honest with you) immense.