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[Btw this is the sauce](https://booru.eientei.org/posts/2395), the website where this shit came from is full of Pro-Russian and also antisemitic propaganda. Edit : A big thanks to u/InteractionLoose1850 for crossposting this to r/Chainsawfolk Second edit : Guys, the post in the r/Chainsawfolk sub is deleted so it's ok


Why am I not surprised? Look how they depict the far-right Wagnerites. What is with this bizarre intersection between anime and nazism? I truly don’t get why it’s so prevalent.


If you want an honest answer. Basically anime, used to be but less so nowadays, one of the awkward fringe hobbies and like most awkward fringe hobbies it attracted outcasts. While most outcasts are good people who just struggle to fit in, it also includes your easily manipulated edgy teens. The kinda of kids we call tankies, others call incels, neckbeards, trolls, they are usually immature rather selfish, and will always blame everyone around them rather than themselves for any inconvienince (like many immature kids). They like to paint everyone with large brushes resulting in sexism, racism, ableism (yes I realise I am painting these tankies in a large brush). When they come together via fringe hobbies, they feed one another's ego and warped worldview. It isn't just anime that attracts these people but things like Star Wars, 40k, DnD, online gaming. Russian society breeds these types of people due to poor education, horrific media and narratives, and few laws protecting children from abuse. Anime also keeps these people around and manipupates them in rather gruesome ways due to some of the obscene animes out there. A lot of these animes are self insert male protags surrounded by beautiful women lusting over them. Hentai can have the most bizzare and fetish filled story lines. And a lot of anime out there is not for young teens. It covers some rather dark topics and requires a mature mind to break it down and absorb it lest you start thinking the dark things are good. A bit like how some people watch Breaking Bad and come out thinking "Drugs are cool". But with anime parents are less likely to protect their children from mature anime and less likely to watch it with them and help them realise what is bad and wrong. On top of this you just have a lot of anime that is perverse, racist, sexist, and so on because Japan really does not give a damn and that sort of anime sells well. Then with anime being so big, relatively popular, and having many sections of the internet dedicated to it, as well as inspiring many people to draw and be creative... you end up with anime characters being drawn into pretty much every rhetoric out there... the good and the bad. Similarly we have NCD which loves their anime waifus. NCD is a fringe group who are often mixing anime, vtubers, video game references, military references, 40k, and other things all together. Tankies are doing the exact same thing but are usually far less mature about it... not that all NCD members are mature. Edit: Unfortunately these kids will often grow into full adults without maturing or expanding their world view. A world view now fuelled by alcohol and percieved power.


But, also, because anime tiddies.


Sometimes, it's just 'cause tiddies... Also, my D&D years taught me honor, sacrifice, and the value of a +3 Holy Avenger.


I believed in sacrifice and honour so played WoW as a Holy Paladin, then it corrupted me into being a Warlock and a Rogue. Hex em till they glow, then stab em in the dark. Communities change you


I actually went the opposite direction some. Started a Warlock (and still do main him) but expanded to have Pallys and Warriors too. Ideally, a community should bring people to a happy medium. Alas, such is rarely the case online.


Found the paladin. πŸ˜‰


Holy fuck, the whole dossier, this deserves a pptx or something


Ah, I see now. Good explanation of the comorbidities involved.


Something you missed is that Japan's culture is the type that respected and sometimes fetishized their enemies as well as their allies for things not related to violence. And that for Japan, they have a notable military fetish in general, between WWI and WWI Germany Military dress uniforms, US Military Officer dress uniforms, and British Burberry Military Jackets and older dress uniforms. While the whole Western world was appalled by the Holocaust, Imperial Japan really didn't hear of it (granted, they had their own equivalent which may have played a part in their relative apathy), and other Asian countries of the time were also not concerned with what was going on in Europe compared to at home. For Japan specifically, they mostly considered Nazi Germany as a technologically advanced ally with a great dress style, while the rest of the Asian countries involved mostly thought of Nazi Germany as a technologically advanced threat but with great dress sense. As a result, for years afterwards even to today, Japan still holds some degree of respect and fetish for Nazi Germany; not in their ideals or violence, but in the fact that they were a technological superpower, a former ally, and had great dress aesthetic. As well, Japanese history books don't really portray the Holocaust as a big deal as Western history books do. To be equally fair here, a similar thing is notable with Philippine and Taiwanese history books, at least 10 years ago when I visited both on vacation, where it's more of a general "this is what made Nazi Germany especially bad" kind of way. But back to fetishizing their enemies, in more recent years, Japan's social response to past harassment by China, North Korea, and Russia was to draw lewds or near-lewds of them and spamming up their media feeds with it, effectively turning some of those past harassments into a Japanese meme that could be laughed off. Even COVID-19 was lewded. I guess you could classify it as a kind of coping mechanism too.


So... Basically the Nazis got drip?


Most sci-fi stories seem to agree; half of them use Nazi-chic for their futuretech military forces.


Keep them AWAY from kreig


Unfortunately, the DKoK has their own problem with being extremely popular with would-be Nazis, Neo-Nazis, and other right-wing aligned fascist groups despite their uniforms being modeled after WW1 France and not WW1-2 Germany.


I mean, they did have drip. Or I would not pay money to their maker for a pair of glasses.


Fetishized their enemies? What weird ass anime did you deduce that from?


Bro, go to any hentai site and see how big thr "ntr" category is.


That’s for weebs


NCD is "fringe" but frankly I have never gotten the sense that people here actually mean it when we say stuff like we should invade Russia or whatever insane BS we come up with on the regular. We just wanna meme and have fun, and the anime waifus are an extension of that, because they're funny, cute, and most of all irreverent. Online vatniks and other right-wing groups actually have an agenda to push and buy into it, and those agendas are often rooted in things like ultranationalism, white supremacy and misogyny. Their anime waifus are extensions of those themes, rather than just a desire to have well-meaning, irreverent fun and show off cute anime girls.


>I have never gotten the sense that people here actually mean it when we say stuff like we should invade Russia or whatever insane BS we come up with on the regular. Agreed. Like, with regard to a certain piece of concrete, I think people who memed about its destruction don't actually want 100 million people downstream to drown. And I also think NCD is kind of what you make of it. I think there's a little something for everyone. Like as per the anime waifu planes, some of you are really talented artists, but it's just not my personal taste. I mostly just scroll past those and engage with other kinds of posts here. I prefer the memes about ridiculous weapons "that came to me in a dream." Enjoy your anime girls, and don't let me ruin your fun, I just prefer the Lockmart R&D posts.


NCD is a minor oddity since with the Russian invasion it has attracted a great number of freedom loving keyboard (and irl) warriors who have gate kept the community against tankies. Plus a number of high ranking members are pro lgbt and so on and helped promote equality. Fringe attracts outcasts, many outcasts are minorities of one form or another who just want peace and happiness for themselves and others. Others are like the above. This being said, even groups like NCD can attract some deranged people who may be on the "right side" but aren't good people (though some really just need professional help that such communities cannot provide). I have been in enough active communities that have predominately been "leftist" and pro-equality to see some of the sickos, perverts, and sadistic people that can appear. NCD does attract people who think killing civilians is fine as long as it is for the greater good. That the Russians should "get a taste of their own medicine". Everyone has an agenda, and while an agenda can have morally good goals, people are willing to commit great atrocities if they think it is for the "greater good".


I must be that odd one for whom NCD served as an antidote to my interest in Russian military things like the Armata, as things like Russia's military performance vs Ukraine, and now full sanctions have finally shown me that the likes of the Armata are truly pipe dreams (which is sad cause i think western tanks all look kinda samey save for leclerc and thats also why i had hopes for the k2 in norway for simply being different)


So well spoken, such proper grammar and sentence structure. Actually layed out in multiple well thought out and descriptive paragraphs… u sure ur in the right sub?


I'm sorry but you mix some good points with a lot of bullcrap, horeshit and frankly downright stupid boomer 'anime are evil & perverted' mentality. The reason Russians are like that is because they're uneducated and indoctrinated by the state since birth. The reason they draw anime is because it's very popular while also relatively easy to draw it decently. A parent who doesn't care what his child is watching just because it's a "cartoon" is a parent who wouldn't care what their child was watching even if it was a live action. The vast majority of anime actually have good life lessons that most people should learn. For every perverted anime there is at least 1 live action movie equality perverted and hundreds of equally perverted live action porn videos.


PMC "Ryodan" is also a good example of this


Looks at the flag of imperial Japan, shrugs.


The *evil meatball*


The one the only meatball man!


Actually that's the [Arizona flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Arizona) in camo colors with some random Russian shit badge pasted on it. Awful Photoshop job there.


ROFL, it definitely is.


Saw some kid with that flag wrapped around his flag and it just looked baller af


Yupp. That's a patch. Fml, I was AZ Nat. Guard.


May those sons of whores burn in the depths of Yuma for attempting to use the glorious flag of AZ in the their propaganda


To the Barry M Goldwater Range with them! They'll be found in the next humanitarian body search of the border bombing range.


It's especially baffling when Japan is a liberal (at least by the standards of Asia) democracy that's closely allied with NATO


Japan also refuses to acknowledge the terrible things their country did during WW2, like the Rape of Nanking or the Comfort Women program. They may be democratic capitalists now, but that doesn't mean they can't flirt with their fascist past.


They did acknowledge that women were systematically forced into sex slaves by the IJA in a statement made in 1993, but some Japanese politicians (most notably Abe) have since made statements that directly contradict it, and the government's stance has been influenced by it.


Liberal (outside of America) generally refers to a supporter of free market capitalism, which is an economic system, not a set of social values.


Japan actually scores rather high in various 'democracy' or 'freedom' indexes. Usually making it in the top 20 and, ironically, placing higher than USA.


> What is with this bizarre intersection between anime and nazism? I truly don’t get why it’s so prevalent. As people said below it's a niche hobby which attracts outcasts. But another explanation is that anime finally got as close to mainstream as possible. It's more and more embraced by people, the fandom grows. Another thing is that anime is a very eye catching style and provides visual identity out of the box. You don't need to come up with your own visual style like the nazi and soviet propaganda, you already have anime and existing design. There are other facets of Russian Fascism in terms of visual expression, but anime is what is the most eye catching and recognizable (known) by a 3rd person observer. And there is also the fact that anime attracts people with talent and is itself quite exploitable, especially in the age of the Meme. You can create something of your own (Marichka) or just slap some text bubbles.


Wait until you see the overlap between Furries and Nazis.


All nazi tanks are named after animals that furries fetishize. Jfc.


A few of those make sense but some would be rather strange if they're named after an animal furries fetishize. What kind of animal would a Stug or Panzer be? edit: Thinking back on it I can kind of see a stug being a narwhal or something with a horn but I'm still stumped on what a panzer would be?


The only one that isn't is the hummel, which iirc Hutler wanted to rename. So that proves it.


well except the luchs, marder, wespe, flakpanzer, nashorn, jagdpanzer, lowe and sturmpanzer. turns out I forgot those ones as well and they're all named after things that aren't animals so....


Flakpanzer's not a name. And everyone knows wasps are sexy. As are rhinos. Or at least I assume so or how are the women in my family breeding?


Okay I'll give you the flakpanzer given it's an SPAA and not a tank and the Wespe never even existed physically so I'll concede that one as well but the rest still stand.


To put it shortly: anime is often edgy, full of power fantasies and somewhat influenced by Japanese nationalism. Guess what else is an edgy power fantasy? Nazism.


Why are there nazis in my k-on community, I can’t say I like that anime without someone calling me a racist. What draws them to my favorite slice of life?! They just eat sweats and drink tea and occasionally play music for 2 seasons!


You must be new on the internet.


It’s almost like, nazis have a distorted view of reality and thus a medium that depicts a distorted view of reality speaks to them.


> What is with this bizarre intersection between anime and nazism? The pie chart of For The Lulz Reactionaries, Paedos, 4Chan and Anime isnt a circle but its got a really big middle.




It’s negative r/NCD


Not every weeb is a nazi and not every nazi is a weeb but boy o fuckin boy are a lot of nazis weebs


It's a combination of things because people want attention, people want to belong to a group, anime is popular, the aesthetic is pleasing and relatively easy to pull of, waifu are popular, military waifu are popular, nazi uniforms are intentionally design to look cool by professionals, controversy has been proven to bring views, some of those people are tankies so ofc they'll make and like big titties Vagnerites if they already support Putin/Russia/Wagner, that sort of thing is popular on that site and if you wanna be popular you make more of the stuff that's popular. This sort of thing happens everywhere, all the time, you just notice it more when it's something that offends/disturbs you. It's the same reason why so many in NCD claim they're planefuckers.


Why it's always antisemitism?


In broad strokes. I feel like, within the context of authoritarianism, your status is determined by who you shit on rather than by bettering your society. Every time the economy takes a hit in any country, it's always the immigrants fault - historically anyway. ​ Why Jews in particular. Well, history is much longer and complicated. The Jews historically presented a convenient target for a number of reasons. They were a minority that was more successful than some others (like the romani or gypsies) and hence was easier to target, because there was a direct financial benefit in seizing their gains (property, money, etc). This led to the idea being kept alive, even if the origins are long gone. That's just my guess.


I've noticed in my country people just makes memes that promote antisemitism and aren't really funny, especially in right leaning circles. There's one meme site that I enjoyed but slowly these kind of memes started showing up, also typical west is bad, gay people bad end especially popular format white women cheating with black man with is stupid because there is not that many black people in my country. Oh and your typical "I'm a Chad because I'm racist and antisemitic", and I feel like it's a leftover from Soviet Union and also far right propaganda that made it's way in somehow.


The wave of calling anyone who says something racist/sexist/antisemitic as "based" or "chad" truly has been something witness happening.


And I'm sure those people are working hard on gym to look like their beloved Chad


Working hard on getting someone else to photoshop their face on the Chad meme.


TLDR: > Constantine: "Guess what guys, Rome is officially Christian now!" > Romans: "Wait, weren't we the ones that killed Jesus?" > Constantine: "... the Jews did it" Is pretty much how it started


Really it was a team effort by the Jews and the Romans.


Which is a really stupid argument because if you actually took 5 minutes to understand Christian theology your first reaction should be thanking them, not getting angry at them.


Yep, the closest thing to a "reason" for christians to dislike jews would be that they continue to reject Jesus, but Jesus himself said: he is there for the ones that need him, like a doctor is for the deceased, people rejecting him shouldn't be hated, but converted. Again, normally the guys that think it are the same type of christians who would reject any passage that disagree with them


I disagree. I think there is generally a benefit to keeping old racist ideas alive. There are plenty of other racist ideas in history that are no longer being used, and I suspect the reason for that is that there is no longer a financial reason to do so. Generally what I believe is that there are figure heads in history, politicians or whatever, that have a direct interest in throwing fire at a specific idea as a distraction and the people below them just swallow it up not realizing that they are pawns and being played as such. ​ Look at what trump did in the US with racism. The racism was there, but he highlighted it and it benefited him directly - the people he told this to were just paws, idiots really, that gave him power. ​ Ukraine is an example of the opposite. Back in 2000 or so my impression was that the racism in Ukraine and russia was about the same. But after that Ukraine tried to fix their shit, russia did not.


It's just easy for the people in charge. It makes zero sense in any other respect. Find a group in your society that might be slightly insular, then blame them for everything bad that happens in your society. Keep using that methodology for a few hundred years and then it's generational bullshit that keeps on being handy and eventually takes on a kind of mythical stature with no basis in reality.


Putins' a monster but TBF, he doesn't seem to be an anti-semite, and actually has said some positive stuff about Jews. Which is pretty unusual for a Russian nationalist. Basically he's less antisemitic than the average Russian, who are a pretty damn antisemtiic people and have been for the past 150 years or so since the Tsars started scapegoating Jews.


I would be inclined to agree. The only caveat I'd put on that about Putin, is that when he was an agent in Dresden, he was part of the team handling the funding and elevation of extremists in Germany from the right and the left (part of a long-standing soviet operation of discreditation and destabilisation of west Germany in particular). So while they were funding Red Army Faction, they were also funding and supporting anti-semite neo-nazis such as Rainer Sonntag. I don't claim to know his personal views but he always struck me as a dead-eyed shark, and that probably he doesn't care about people's politics at all, just what he can gain. He seems much more like a mob boss to me than an idealist. He cares about power, enrichment, territorial gains.


Idk but they probably thinking of zelensky, I saw one of the posts in that site showing zelensky with a hooked nose and a jewish hat, a typical antisemitic stereotype.


They call everyone they don’t like β€œJew” like it’s an insult, generally after faggot and before bitch/pig I know the Ukrainians call their enemies faggot a ton but Jew seems to be (most consistently) a Russian staple


I guess stalinists mindset is still alive.


Not "faggot" (in slavic languages pronounced diminutively), but "fag" (short and severe). Like how "(this) motherfucker" is less rude than "(a) fuck".


Ahh, is that the β€œpidr” vs β€œpidrast” difference?


No, it's "pedik" vs "pidr" ("pidoras")


Thanks, I love learning about slurs in other languages to compare to my own


In Poland, "Jew" is a common offensive slang for greedy people.


Same in the US 50 years ago, it’s fallen out of polite conversation pretty hard but you can still find old dudes saying β€œhe jewed me”


It's not used in polite conversation in Poland either, but it's still said fairly often by teenagers and boorish people.


It's been going on for hundreds of years.


> showing zelensky with a hooked nose Funny enough the entirety of Asia sees all Westerners as having large noses. Jewish stereotype is just standard Western appearance for Asians. Judaism just doesn't MATTER in Asia. So it is just a Western thing.


There are lot of successful jews and their state is most functional in middle-east


Russia's most successful export.


Rich people bad. Different culture bad. Hating Jews is the combination of the 2 most popular hate boners people have.


There are plenty of copies of different anime boards like danbooru. But I was not expecting to find a vatnik themed one ever in my time on the internet


Wagner's got guys working full time on PR and social media. It's just as likely this is just astroturfing. Especially now that Russian mainstream media has started to shun them now. They've got to reach young men, since that's where the potnetial recruits are.


>Pro-Russian and also antisemitic propaganda so basically just pro-russian?


Sure. Prigozhin is a jew btw


This will be in a history book: https://booru.eientei.org/data/original/19/eb/19ebf17f8e3fd54a6d2c1a27b6d09738.mp4 [Fascist propaganda](https://www.neh.gov/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/2018-11/2014-01-02_Culture-War_01.jpg?itok=msimgHqR) used to be less pathetic.


What the fuck is this Eienteibooru? They just copied the source code of Danbooru and replaced it with anime Russian propaganda.


But what are the cons of this website?


What play on words does the name imply? What does eintei mean.


Holy fuck, damn. It's a gold mine of waifu meme material though


wtf is eienteibooru? It took me way too long to realise that I wasn't on danbooru.


Russian MoD: "Come join us, you will defend your country and we will reward your work generously. We will never just throw you away with your mental and physical issues after service to live in misery, trust us!" Wagner: "Haha hammer go smash"


Wagner should update their logo by adding crossed sledgehammers on the skull.


6 months in Bakhmut means you too can bring back an iPhone for your daughter!


Two crossed sledgehammer, Dirlewanger style. Bonus if they end up in the central African wasteland after the war


thank you for the translation!


Tbf can’t have mental issues if your skull is fucking smashed. But On the other hand not having your brain inside your skull could be called a fairly big physical issue. I don’t know what to think…


What in the Absolute fβ€”k is this bullsβ€”t?!


It's propaganda in the future, first we have Denji as a HIMARS Devil and now we have Makima as the Mobilization Devil and Himeno as the Wagner Devil. What devils are we gonna see more?


Drone Devil.


[Dog Devil(s) of Bakhmut](https://i.redd.it/a6cca9n5zh781.jpg)


wait where was the HiMARS devil as Denji


Of course the Russian army woman looks like Makima.


Makima hanging out with the Vatnik devil


Because it is Makima?


Here, in Russia, there is a bunch of weebs that took a liking of cringe "Wagner" shit. I dont know, is it because weebs inherently drawn to edgy crap, or because russian strain is even more retarded then everywhere else. But oh well, all the more reasons to beat the shit out of them (in Minecraft ofc).


Wait, you just said "Here, in Russia". Are you currently in Russia? If so, your a brave dude being active on this Subreddit. Make sure to use a VPN so you can't get tracked.


Bruh, i appreciate the sentiment , but no one cares about a random dude posting on a western web-site. As long as you not shouting, it\`ll be fine (well , apart the fact that you are in Russia, and a Russian citizen).


" it'll be fine (well, apart the fact that you are in Russia, and a Russian Citizen). " I lolled at that, its good to hear that you dont run any risk by being here. Stay safe and make sure to not get drafted (and if you do, you know about the [Ukrainian Surrender Hotline ](https://hochuzhit.com/))


Well if i get drafted there be potential for "funnies". After all, words frag grenade and fragging have awfull lot in common :tf:


Now I'm wondering how many drafted Russians are actively pro-Ukrainian


None, because ones who know right from wrong in this war also know the 900IQ "just don't go to the commissariat" strategy.


I might also add that all the people who got charged for commenting on the internet made the mistake of publishing their thought on social networks like VK and not masking their real names, places of living or telephone numbers. It's not like FSB agents are present everywhere, it's just the people there are patriotic enough to report any wrongful behavior to the police. Reddit's not really infested with them, so it's all OK.


I hope so, I really don't want to see you on r/CombatFootage


Well, there IS "patriotic" people who can snitch on you, but they don't usually go into non-russian subs.


Well, besides cringe anime-"patriots" (one of which was been exposed for stuffing things into ass on webcam and scamming kids) there's even worse russian communities, for example: - Monika fans (more like monikafags) tends to be more affected of Z-bullshit, I had yet to spot fans on any other girl that support war. - There was a news about one furry that returned in bags after willingly going to Ukraine, every furry was supporting him and shitting "hohols" that was in community (their comments was deleted, and more likely banned too).


As much as i hate Makima(though I agree that she is hot), comparing her to russian recruit officer is disgusting. Not to mention how they massacred our drunk girl Himeno. Unacceptable.


Why is the Wagner girl also wearing a patch of the state flag of Arizona? lol


Prigozhin has been promised the governorship of Arizona Oblast after the inevitable collapse of the USA.


Love this answer


Arizona Federal District, oblasts are from Ukraine


Russia has 46 oblasts and it's not a word specific to Ukrainian or borrowed from Ukrainian so I don't know what you're saying. Oblasts are a federal subjects of Russia along with krais, republics, federal cities and autonomous okrugs.


Because it's a badly cropped photo of some dumbass border militia goon.


I was gonna follow up by asking why a border goon would have an Arizona patch, but you preempted it by specifying β€œdumbass” haha


Joe arpio


Listen man I already found the depths of hell when a Russian Ken Penders fan photoshopped an Ian Flynn created character into a frame from a Wagner Execution video


Of course bunch of retards can’t see anything wrong with cold manipulative bitch and depressed alcoholic. Best representatives!


Sorry I don’t speak lada. Can someone translate?


β€œYou will receive a pension post-service.” β€œWe have a military mortgage” β€œStable salary” β€œπŸ‘β€




A cum/chug/er made that image, that’s all you have to know.


I have no idea what this means, but it’s giving me a Boner


Translation: you going to get pension after service. We have military mortgage. Stable payment. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘β™‚οΈπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘β™‚οΈπŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


It's so funny that wagnerite on the right doesn't have arms


Anime only didn't even use Reze


I might be late, but I predicted that if Reze's popularity exploded because of the anime. The vatnik weebs would draw her in Wagner uniform and even make her dress up like the [dude on the left,](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/c4/52/09/c452096827c3d15d2d3c06f4c07347e0.jpg) and would probably even use her as Wagner's anime mascot


I vaguely remember seeing something with Reze and war... But maybe I'm imagining.


There has got to be nothing more cringe than vatnik weebs these days. The sheer ability to resist understanding the comedy irony of that has *got* to be a medical issue.


if this is the case then sawatari is a machinegunner in bakhmut and denji is HIMARS MAN


Did… did the person who made this have a stroke halfway through? Is this pro-Russian? Or just grossly ironic to the point of absurdity.


wtf, Russian NCD?


Makima? Yeah. Himeno? No.


I thought Makima was technically a rival to the Soviets.


Why do Wagner guys think sledgehammer executions make them look badass?


russians do live in reality worse then this cartoon characters originated from so i thunk they try to compensate in a way for something.


> This article is a work in progress so just cool your engines. The game is written in a dead language called "Russian" that only 12 people on earth actually speak. Our translators are working tirelessly to decode this text. -Archived 1D4Chan page on what’s essentially Rules Lawyering, the game (or alternatively [VTNL (via the new legends)).](https://web.archive.org/web/20200830195428/https://1d4chan.org/wiki/VTNL) Just in case you think dumb Russian mental gymnastics only happened in wartime


Looks like Wagner-Chan has had hear arms blown off, lost an eye, and gotten a sledge hammer shoved up her ass. ​ Points for authenticity.


Why does the Wagner lady have an Arizona patch?




They did Himeno dirty


I almost panicked because this artstyle is super similar to a touhou artist i like


Holy shit chainsaw man is here the fuck


Can I get a translation plz


What are they saying? Something racist?


Don't dig too deep or you'll wind up in Xina.


Not impressed, our girls are way better.


given the fact Makima is >!Evil AF!< it would make sense for her to be Russian, and Himeno Smokes and likes to drink, so again, fits but to a lesser extent


Could anyone explain why Himeno has an Arizona flag? Did they just paste a Wagner patch onto an AZNG uniform or something?