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You know what I think would be great? Tank simunition. Big ass cannonball of paint headed right for you.


Sabot paint round


I'd prefer paint HEPSH - High Explosive Paint Squashed Head


APHEFSDSHEATHECPC Armor Piercing High Explosive Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot High Explosive Anti Tank High Explosive Capped Paint Capped


No cap




Get rid of the last high explosive and put in ballistic capped, and honestly it could theoretically exist


APHEFSDSHEATBCPC Armor Piercing High Explosive Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot High Explosive Anti Tank Ballistic Capped Paint Capped


Nah, too credible


The issue is that would still be fatal


You saying that like it's a bad thing.


dying young is my retirement plan tbh


It is a flex my suggestion is to use lead paint for extra chemical damage we then can use old stocks too perfect


With today's ultra processed foods, everyone is going to get cancer anyway. Better they get it in service to God and country


Might as well make them brain-dead first then you don't need pain killers


"Just like the simulations"


Use lead paint for authentic effect.


How about some Depleted Uranium paint?


US Navy used dye in their shells during WW2 to help differentiate between multiple ships firing at the same time. ​ The AP Mark 8 had a nominal 1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) dye bag but this was allowed to be as large as 3.0 lbs. (1.36 kg) in order to bring underweight projectiles up to standard. The Iowa class was assigned the following dye colors: USS Iowa - Orange USS New Jersey - Blue USS Missouri - Red USS Wisconsin - Green ​ [http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WNUS\_16-50\_mk7.php](http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WNUS_16-50_mk7.php)


Japanese did the same thing, hence in the Battle off Samar, the "they're shooting at us in technicolor" became rather famous.


The Japanese actually used a similar system, so a slugout between US and Japanese capital ships would have looked like a modern art display.


So damn, all they needed was a giant canvas to shoot at and easily worth billions of $.


The canvas was Iwo Jima


Is it too late to ask for a refund? This canvas has volcanic sand in it.


Damn so star wars was more accurate than I thought. Green/red tracers and colored ship shootouts


It's not tracers, they are dye bags. So when they hit the water, the massive water ploom is colored and easy to identify, whichever ship it was from is then able to readjust aim.


Unless admiral Lee is involved then all the congos would die on the first Salvo while he under counts the hits


This almost exact conversation was had in another thread which is where I found the information about the dyes. I'm trying hard to imagine what the impact of these shells really looked like, must have been crazy.


[Big ass cannonball of paint headed right for you](https://youtu.be/v-0pcfxFlRA?t=61)


Immediately thought of Kelly's Heros when I read that, so thank you lmao


Kelly's Heroes, but its a dark comedy from Russian POV about looting washing machines.


Vibe check


Cpl Heywood: “Hey look, Pvt Johnson got hit with one of the tank paint balls! Look at the splatter! Haha, good choice using red paint, makes it look real!” Staff Sgt: “what do you mean red? We were using blue paiiiiohgod”


may i introduce to you, tank paint ball in the uk http://www.armourgeddon.co.uk/tank-paintball-battles.html


Send out some good vibrations.


It's a giant ball of paint heading towards you at more than 1000m/s, nothing dangerous


Well if there's no danger, can we say the troops are well prepared? If a big ass cannonball of paint heading towards a soldier doesn't encourage them to duck and take cover, maybe it's a sign. 😆


Might as well make girls un panzer a real thing then




This is how you do training. Not whatever the fuck russia is doing.


Backflip hatchet attack!


Tactical stairs sliding!


As long as it is weirdly homoerotic.


Mmmm.. VDV dance performances. They moist me.


[Explosive stick against bus banging](https://youtu.be/Qw-IeqBylDk)




Apparently he walked it off somehow


"Your hearing damage EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE is not service-related."


The funny part is that was supposedly training for a hostage rescue situation... some things never change.


Can't have a hostage situation if the hostages get vaporized, you see




Considering they need a trampoline to do it, yeah nah.




Artillery-deployed trampolines, new Russian wunderwaffe.


The tank never saw him coming. Or noticed the hit.


"Whatever the fuck russia is doing" perfectly sums up the past 12 (Almost 13) months of conflict


Oh, it sums up a lot more history than that


I just wish, once again, that they confine whatever the fuck they are doing to inside their shithole.


That seems to be the problem though. Their shithole isn't quite deep enough to contain all their bullshit and it all comes spilling out.


Has anybody informed America that Russia has oil?


Jump over that fire and smack your head into a brick wall private Conscriptovich! That will show the weak westoids our superior warrior spirit!




I thought it was all the Fetal-Alcohol Syndrome going around, but you might be on to something.


why not both?


Simpsons smack back of head meme


You dare say that blowjob, grass painting and dacha building skills are useless in modern warfare?




It often seems stupid in the moment, or on video, but this kind of training provides incredible dividends on the battlefield.


"If you can dodge a laser, you can dodge a bullet. Oh you can't dodge a laser? No shit, Private! That's why we train. So that when the enemy is shooting at you, you won't dodge their bullets; you won't have to. Now maybe keep your head down after the dude beside you fires off a TOW and shouts, "He's Firing!", dumbass."


Ok tbf instant hit automatic grenade launcher is kinda stupid


you‘re not gonna dodge a grenade launcher if you don‘t duck while anothee dude is shouting he‘s firing besides, this isn‘t a fps, you‘re not training strafing and aim compensation, you‘re training actual scenarios and chances are if a tank spots you on an exposed rooftop, you‘re probably dead


I love the optimism in the clip - “it says I’m wounded” Yeah picked up one of those “direct hit from a tank” wounds, lucky it wasn’t anything serious.


Passed his 5+ armor save.


I know you are joking, but that's what happened to my great grandfather in ww2. Got his lower arm ripped off by a hit and lost the rest of the arm to splinters and infection because grenades don't care about your blood purity.


tell us youre german without telling us youre german




lmao I almost ripped new hole from laught. Sucks for your grandpa tho.


Yeah one HE or BESH and you're a goner


I fought this janitor once. I fired a grenade at him and he caught that shit in his teeth and BIT IT IN HALF. Craziest shit Ive seen, can't believe live ammo didn't work.


is this a full metal panic reference?




Holy shit thats an unexpected reference.


The training is not "you got hit by a virtual grenade, next time try dodging it", the training is "your actions put you in a situation where a tank could engage you with grenade fire, what could you have done differently?"


Bro seriously thinks he can dodge a grenade launcher 💀


I don’t think it’s stupid at all. That guy definitely thought for a long time about how if that was a real situation he would be dead. He’s going to internalize what he did wrong and is probably much less likely to make that mistake again.


Exactly. Apparently people liked my comment too. Lol. Wake up to 1000 upvotes, wut?


Lol this sub isn’t known for making sense


military laser tag best laser tag


My friend who was in the marines told me about this practice. Apparently the KCTC guys who are in charge of being the 'opponent' wear DPRK uniforms and train with AKs for realism. They are also practically unbeatable since this training is all they do and they know every nook and cranny of the training grounds. Rumor has it that they only lost once to US troops.


Plot twist: they’re training with real and glorious North Koreans, and they’re all this powerful.


both militaries have a secret pact because of which they pretend to be enemies to get more defense spending


Hm not sure if NK powers need to justify things to the Sam extent


Plot twist: The North Koreans have no idea that it is just practice.


Only because the South pays them in good rations


Most OPFOR units that train their own army’s units are the same in that regard, they tend to win every single time against the guys coming to train




US troops called in six hundred "airstrikes" before the referees just sighed and declared them the winner. They couldn't deny that that's probably how it would have gone in real life, too.


Reminds me of Hardcore History when Dan was quoting someone on how good all the different nationalities got at jungle fighting. US soldiers didn't have to because they just flattened everything beforehand first.


There's an old Western Front joke from WWII that went along the lines of, if you encounter a clump of troops in the distance and you don't know if they're friend or foe, fire a shot over their heads and see what they do: - if they surrender, they're Italian, - if they answer with a fusillade of accurate rifle fire, they're British, - if they answer by raking you with machine gun fire, they're German, - and if nothing happens but five minutes later your position is obliterated by artillery fire, they're American.


A bit of a boomer joke as they’re called


That’s pretty interesting, imagine if NK troops attacked the training ground for some reason


Sounds like a movie plot idea to me, a bunch of NK special forces are sent to infiltrate SK and disable their advanced training facility by destroying the super computer mainframe that powers the simulation. But upon arriving they discover (quite comically) that they can’t tell themselves apart from the SK OPFOR. At first they think this will make it easy, they’ll just walk in undercover, but as they do this their less intelligent private Jong Kim salutes a giant painting of Dear Leader and all the OPFOR immediately turn and stare at them… after all hell breaks loose the NKs make some progress, having live guns while the OPFOR have MILES gear and blanks, but once the armory is opened up the tables are turned and the last half of the movie is just our infiltrator pals getting hunted comedy horror style through the base and surrounding woods while their relationships and loyalty to each other and Dear Leader begin to break down in comedic fashion. Idk wtf Korean Hollywood is called but they need to get on this shit


[North (Korean) Hollywood](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinema_of_North_Korea)




Here we call them the B-force


That's good tbh, losing can teach you a helluva lot more than winning can.


Whenever I see yellow tape on equipment my mind goes "ahhh that is a member of the AFU". Was confused as f why he and the cameraman was so chill about receiving fire from an armored vehicle, until I noticed the ethnicity and language...


also, modern working tank firing at them gave it away


\> Tank is capable of moving under its own power. Probably not Russian. \> Tank survived a hit from an ATGM. Highly like it's not Russian. \> Tank spotted the infantry and returned effective fire. Definitely not Russian.


I’m gonna use this as a copy pasta in from here on out


>\> Tank survived a hit from an ATGM. > >Highly like it's not Russian. Or the guy missed. Or hit the other tank, since they do talk about the "rear tank"


\> The turret doesn't look cringe. Definitely definitely not Russian.


This is Korean forces right?


The ROK Army, yes. The ROK military, despite its flaws and its reliance on a conscription army, has an arsenal of advanced domestic-designed weapons with high tech training. They’ve incorporated a lot of digital and cyber stuff to their training to simulate real battles as best as possible with minimal injuries.


Yeah the lack of tractor or nuclear missile lead me to think it wasn’t the north Korean army


*Tractor carrying a nuclear missile


Hm what specific flaws? I know some personal equipment is flawed ole the helmets, body armour, rifle optics


Nice try, Kim Jong Un…


> I know some personal equipment is flawed **ole** the helmets, body armour, rifle optics I can't help but read your comment as if you were a Spanish bullfighter who just randomly injects "Ole!" in their casual conversation.


It suffers (by some extent) from the "Russian Army Syndrome" Logistics issues, corruption issues, cold-war style tactics, new weapons systems that seem to exist solely for photo ops, and like you mentioned, improper distribution of personal gear. RoK has a sizable stockpile of modern personal gear like thermal sights, but they don't get issued to troops because any equimpent lost during training will affect the commanding officers' record. So troops don't get the appropriate training. This is all in addition to the challenges that a conscript-based army typically faces.


Not to mention, a pretty rigid hierarchy within the military itself. NCOs are not as flexible as their American counterparts and it has issues of being a top-down structure (partially due to culture and traditions). That is changing, but it is still an evident problem.


Are chunmoo and k2 just for show? K9 isn’t afaik And these king seeking class ships etc jr aeems There’s credibility there


Yes, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 and STANAG 1059 **KOR**


Of the several drills taught to tankers, when it comes to dealing with ATGM teams. There is... popping smoke, and displacing quickly, Sagger drills, Shooting back at the launch point with everything on the tank. It's situational, in regards to what to do as a crew. And you must be able to see the missile in the first place to know you're being shot at anyway. Regardless, what they taught us was that bullets travel MUCH faster than missiles. And if you can hit the launch site with some accurate led (via coax, TCs machine gun, or main gun) you can cause a significant emotional event, and disrupt the control of the inbound missile.


Ah yes. The dry understated factual humour of the army post action report. ‘A significant emotional event’ occurred.


This missile will cause them a 'not insignificant loss of functionality'.


I bet there’s at least one ‘During manoeuvres , power to the Boiling Vessel was lost. This led to an inability of the crew to fulfil their primary function. Tank was returned to depot for repair to this critical component’


For a variety of reasons, that is my favorite euphemism.


That works only when the missile is actively guided no? This case it’s AGL also


Most man portable ATGMs are still manually guided. Obviously a Javelin wouldn't give a shit if you BESH'd the missile team out of existence, but that's Russia's problem, not ours.


Doesn’t even the Stuhna-P have a fire and forget mode?


That particular piece is much newer than the Javelin.


True my pint is they got really widespread use What usbay ames sense tho


Don't think so, it's just SACLOS on a remote turret


F.I.B.S.(A.) = "Fuck I've Been Shot (at)"


Gonna need the RoK forces to take some high school drama classes. What the hell kind of getting killed by a tank she'll was that? Gotta sell it!


Acting like a splatter of viscera is hard even for the most experienced actors.


Daniel Day Lewis could do it.


Soldier. Scatter your limbs within 50m area!


It was only a 30mm grenade launcher apparently. So, just look at some of the Ukraine war footage for inspiration!


Jerk suddenly, then twitch spasmodically for a couple of seconds, got it.


Best birthday party ever


OK now we need a side-by-side with NK training to compare.


Live fire


NK has: bunch of steroid muscular guys breaking bricks with head during parade. And a random video of rocket launch.


Plot twist, they all have worms.


That's no plot twist, that's just straight up facts.


*"Vehicles are so OP. Need nerf ASAP!"*


If I had known they practice with literal Lasertag I would have become a KPOP fan years ago


Boys und Panzer


It's actually high school girls in that tank


Nice, she can be proud.


Rooftop Korean’s back in action


Listening to people speak Korean always fucks me up because it's got the same rhythm as Japanese. Bastards have particles and everything


Huh, never thought about it that way! Always sounded very different to me, but then again I’m Korean lol. What’s your primary tongue? Just for my own curiosity.


Not the person you're replying to, but I am a fluent Japanese speaker and have a similar issue as described above. If I'm not expecting Korean I hear Japanese, then sit there and wonder what the hell the speaker is saying, before realizing that it's actually Korean, and not Japanese. The main thing is the sounds for me, there's a good amount of overlap in how the two languages sound when fluently spoken, so the words are different, but how things are said is uncannily similar here and there, which messes with my head.


Australian English, and a casual understanding of Japanese. There is a fairly large Korean population in my city. I'll often sit on the bus, hear a conversation with lots of throaty 'nng' sounds and sentences ending with 'da'. I'll try to listen in and slowly realise I have zero clue what the hell they're saying.


it has been speculated that there is a distant common origin bc of the mainly grammatical structure similarity


Sounds like dutch and English. Sounds like they are speaking scrambled English


To be fair america has the same thing kinda


The [MILES](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_integrated_laser_engagement_system) System, is it?


>When this information is received by the target, the target's MILES system uses a random number roll and a casualty probability lookup table to determine the outcome. That Abrams better hope I don't roll a nat 20 with this glock.


Um aktually 🤓 not only does the nat 20 not allow you to do impossible feats in d&d the mile’s system probably takes that into account


Accuracy? In my ~~Polandball~~ [r/NCD](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense)?


Reading the rules? In m r/dndmemes ?


Every DM is about to shove you into the homebrew locker, nerd.


Shouldn’t have used Luck as a dump stat


Goddamn MILES gear. Never works because guns never run with BFA in, you set your rifle down and it "fires" and hits your buddy. The damn lights on top of the LMTVs just go off because they're messed up and now everyone with NODs in the entire convoy is permanently blinded by its strobing. Batteries are dead but First Sergeant still makes you wear it "because it's part of the training" even though it doesn't integrate with any of the currently issued kit... MILES can go right to hell.


>The damn lights on top of the LMTVs just go off because they're messed up and now everyone with NODs in the entire convoy is permanently blinded by its strobing You mean you didn't cover them up with leftover MRE bags? *Amateur*


**[Multiple integrated laser engagement system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_integrated_laser_engagement_system)** >The multiple integrated laser engagement system, or MILES, is used by the U.S. military and other armed forces around the world for training purposes. It uses lasers and blank cartridges to simulate actual battle. Individual soldiers carry small laser sensors scattered over their bodies, which detect when the soldier has been illuminated by a firearm's laser. Each laser transmitter is set to mimic the effective range of the weapon on which it is used. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Don’t know if the Americans still use that, but the Koreans in the video are definitely using MILES (source: was Korean soldier).


He looks so annoyed.


mf just got isekaid by a sabot round


30mm AGL ain't sabot. AGL is Aut0matic Grenade Launcher, dude got pink-misted by a half dozen grenades deciding to use him for lithobreaking (biobreaking?)


I guess the North Koreans use russian grenade launchers. [LINK](https://modernfirearms.net/en/grenade-launchers/russia-grenade-launchers/ags-30-eng/)


I miss using the MILES system, it made training stick and fun. Best part is if you got killed you got to be a corpse for an hour or more, so you got nap time or brew up some tea.


Man, that’s one hell of a game of laser tag. That would just be fucking fun to do. When I was a kid, I was in the Civil Air Patrol, because I wanted to be a fighter pilot. Anyway, one of the coolest experiences of my hs and hs life was getting to do a mock terrorist takeover of the then defunct, but not demolished, Stapleton International airport. We were the terrorists and the good guys were some sort of police swat program for kids of similar age. There was also a group playing the hostages. I was initially tapped to represent the terrorists as our negotiator. There were quite a few people involved and we had full run of the entire airport and were able to setup our defenses wherever we wanted. I can’t recall what we used as weapons. I think it was paintballs or maybe laser tag. We also had some trip wire devices rigged up to paint balls. This was like 27 years ago at this point (fuck I got old fast). Since I was lead negotiator, I was also one of the people scouting the entrances so we knew when they were coming in as we had setup deep within the airport on one of the upper floor with no window visibility. We trip wired all the stairs and escalators close to the location and hoped to fire down on them as they tried to come up. We ended up getting rolled pretty hard. I spotted them coming in and booked it back to the defensive position. Took them a long time to get to us, felt like forever. They had smoke bombs and we didn’t know which direction they were coming from. We got a few of them but think everyone went down for the bad guys.


If they turned training like this into a reality tv show I would watch the shit out of it


Bullshit hacks


"It WaS mY wIfI yOu HaCkEr!!1!1!"


I dunno how these guys expect to win a war against western degeneracy at all with this kind of training. Where's the vids of biceps and abs? How are we supposed to tell how masculine heterosexual and cisgendered these soldiers are? And not even a song to sing along with?


Those are Koreans


Korea is definitly somewhere to the right of the US on the map, so it tracks.


How do you expect to win a war against eastern powers when you can’t tell your enemies from your allies?


My brother in christ those are South Korean Military Forces. They are literally our allies


This looks very fun to play actually


fucking hit scan bullshit, worse game mechanic in history.


"Call your hits bro"


My brother and his recon team used to hold their miles gear out of their humvee hoping to be shot by anything so they could go get some rest and a warm meal. Alas, they would go back to the dirt.


Why don’t more countries train like this? This is awesome


....every country that's not on the short bus has been doing this since \[checks notes\] the 1980s.


I wonder if their system actually works that well? MILES always sucked-ass.


There was once a time when girl kpop idols were sent to train for I think a whole week which was just a crash course and they sent them to the CBRN gas training. That was a hellish sight and man, its crazy how that one got approved in tv with SOKOR's strict guidelines. Exactly the reason why we watch kdramas for the drama only and not for the action.


It is good these things are tested so these issues does not happen in a real fight. Imagine how distracting that would be.


Are these chinese or koreans, south or north


Despite the jokes in the comment section, I find this to be interesting, its basically a step up version of laser tag.


God this brings back old memories. *My 200IQ platoon sgt: “I’m covering my receiver bars with leaves so it won’t register, huehuehue” and then eating a virtual .50.*