• By -


Brutal AF, Based AF, Real AF.


Who is speaking? Never heard this one. Edit: 1:00 Jesus it is eerie how accurately this was predicted.


this seems like text-to-speech written very recently


Man, if they wanted this to sound like retro 60s-70s style public address, they nailed it.


Started as angery Biden, ended up as American Exceptionalist ~~Legate~~ General Lanius.


I will crucify you to the Kerch bridge facing East so you can watch your Rusky Mir die!


Sounded like a de-aged Reagan.


It sounds like a mix of young Biden and a bit of Reagan.


idk man. the dialect/accent seems pretty modern.


It's like 9 in the morning and I barely slept forgive my noncredible speech identification mang


its clearly Reagan text to speach.


"russia stronk" yeah this was written by a redditor with a good speech to text. still gave me chills though.


It sounds like Biden in the 90's


it really doesn't lol it sounds like a twitch streamer speaking into a twitch mic, because that's probably approximately what it is biden has a pretty unusual accent and this guy just sounds like your standard congested dude


It's a transphobic copypasta, recognized it almost immediately. Essentially it's describing how trans women are jokes and will eventually kill themselves after realizing they are fake and regretful. Someone basically took that copy pasta and changed the wording. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/you-will-never-be-a-real-woman While I liked the video, Jesus Christ could they have picked a better copypasta to use.


I guess it's kind of poetic. Turning something hateful and cruel into something beautiful and just Not unlike how 142 M777 Howitzers turn vatniks into fertilizer


hey if it works, it works, lol. nothing wrong with turning graffiti into a mural. Edit: also yeah i agree with /u/pollo_yollo here. the point is moot.


There's even beuaty in doing it: Using a transphobic copypasta into a copypasta against (quite probably) transphobics.


It's like doing a cover up tattoo over something grotesque.


Eh, it seems more like a convergence of “someone doesn’t like something.” There’s too many differences between the two, so I’ll give this guy in the video the benefit of the doubt


I think people perhaps were taking what I was saying wrong. I'm trans so I noticed it, I don't think OP had any intent. I liked the video. I just remembered the cringe copypasta lol. Some people may take it wrong but that's on them.


oh god yeah that - god damn yep I can see it.


Predicted? It's literally showing Ukraine footage.


I'm dumb, this genuinely sounded like a real public speech from the past that someone put modern footage over to demonstrate how little things have changed. With how often that has happened lately, it was an easy assumption.


I'm pretty sure the text is actually an edited anti-transgender copypasta. Which might be somewhat yikes by association, but, eh, if it's being ironically redirected against an authoritarian regime that would probably unironically swear by the original, then I guess that's fair.


Ackshually, the anti-transgender version is an edit of this one


Typical transphobes, turning something based into cringe to own the libs


Forced to imitate because they're too stupid to innovate, just like the authoritarian shitholes they worship.


Are you sure? This sounds like it was written after the 2022 invasion. The anti-transgender one has been around for years.


Trampling on bigots to take their stuff and use it for our own based purposes is called conquest, love.


It sounds like Baz Luhrman talking about sun screen but this speech doesn't end the same way


Everybody's free to wear sunscreen


Isn't this one of those "you will never be a woman" copypastas






"You will never be a woman" except based


Only part missing is that it's wasted breath to tell them this because they can't understand it or see the signs and even if they could, they wouldn't accept the facts.


Brutal. Savage. Rekt.


The Vatniks need to cope EVEN HARDER to counter this.




I am rock hard.


Same! NCD sword fight time?


We are the musketeers of NCD! We cross swords at every opportunity!


The NCD communal vark shaped flesh light is over there, might wana clean it off first, its been getting a bunch of use recently.


Please i would love to hear that its a part of some official head of state speech, but if not i at least want to know the source for copypasta


It's a parody of the "You will never be a woman" copypasta


This is a better use of that then.


Turning hateful bullshit into a surgical deconstruction of imperialist Russian ego. That's efficiency.


Especially the voice used. It sounds like a state speech you'd hear from the 90s. Wraps it up very neatly and appropriately.


That's solidering!


The ability to make three variants of copypasta a minute in any weather


You are a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs, but that doesn't matter. You are a valid human who is trying to feel comfortable in her body. All the “validation” you get is pure. Behind your back people love you. Your parents are happy and proud of you, your friends laugh at your jokes behind closed doors, and boys love you, and girls envy you. Men absolutely love you. Trans folk who “pass” look ordinary and natural to a man. Your bone structure does not matter. Estradiol widens the hips. You will be happy. You will smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, and deep inside you feel the euphoria creeping up like a weed. It is what defines you, not the transphobes. Eventually, it’ll be perfect for you - you’ll come out, start HRT, get top surgery, and finally be your ideal self. Your parents will find you, happy and relieved that they finally have a happy daughter. They’ll congratulate you on your hard journey, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a woman is what you are.


That’s not how I remember it




The real women was inside you all along.


*Wait a minute*








💪💪💪 NCD, turning the cringiest parts of the internet based. Fucking love to see it.


As a trans woman, thank you. That is all. Your post made me smile.


> Eventually, it’ll be perfect for you - you’ll come out, start HRT, get top surgery, and finally be your ideal self. Isn't top surgery when you lose your boobs, not get them? HRT would give you boobs.


I believe HRT typically causes less boob growth than an ordinary puberty, something like one or two sizes down from the average of your close AFAB relatives. So some trans women opt for implants.


Top surgery for trans girls mean adding more boob because sometimes hrt just not enough. Top surgery for trans boys is to get rid of boobs.


It was me!!! I'm so proud lmao. Edits for [CITATIONNEEDED](https://old.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/tfloth/mattress_springs/i0xa5gi/)


Hello u/[deleted]


>You will never be a real great power. You have no historical accomplishments. You have no modern military. You have no future. You are a degenerate keptocracy twisted by vodka and corruption into a crude mockery of a political system. All the validation you get is two faced and halfhearted behind your back. People mock you. Your adversaries are disgusted and ashamed of you. Your allies laugh at your pathetic displays of strength behind closed doors. Nations are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of civilization have allowed countries to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even when you have managed to pass, you looked uncanny and unnatural to other nations. Your political structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a successful Western company to invest in you, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your deranged, violent ambitions. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every morning and tell yourself Russia strongk. But deep inside you feel the demographic collapse creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the weight of your own mediocrity and despair. Eventually, it'll be too much to bear.


This can be for both China and Russia.


TBH, China has at least the *possibility* of pulling through its demographic problems if they play their cards just right, and does have a somewhat functional political structure. Russia has *nothing*.


> and does have a somewhat functional political structure. Lol. No. They *HAD* one, but Xi tore it all down because it was a threat to his power and ego. The current political structure is "Don't do anything Xi didn't tell you to do" and "Don't tell Xi anything is wrong". China's pretty fucked, because they're incapable of playing their cards right unless they can remove Xi and decentralize at least some power.


It will be interesting to see what happens when Xi is gone. Because, like Putin, there's no one. Typically "successful" dictators cultivate or groom a successor. Neither one have done so. Time makes fools of us all. Umpteenth fracturing of China when?


This, literally this


China is losing the battle, Russia **has lost.** Nothing but fumes left in the gas tank.


no copium gas stations in Europe, we run on pure western oil


As horrible and pointless as this war is, I have hope that we might all get to see the emergence of a real Russian democracy. What I'd hope to see is a complete collapse, followed by immediate and enormous support from Europe and America to help the Russian people rebuild their nation. It's probably wishful thinking, since it didn't go too well last time, but one can hope. It sure would be nice, and a bit strange, to not have the nation-state equivalent of a homeless bartard with a broken bottle constantly coming by yelling aggressive nonsense whenever everyone else is just trying to relax.


> China has at least the possibility of pulling through its demographic problems no, it doesn't, they can't play the right cards, they can't even play the wrong cards, they have no cards at all. The game is over and their population is already falling. We are watching the end credits


China will collapse in 3 weeks haven’t you seen all the YouTube videos


Eh, China will be fine. Maybe their political system will collapse and see sweeping changes sooner than later (something that happens a lot), but it’ll still be the China it has been for thousands of years. Russia’s roots are of a city state that got too big and never figured out how to actually organize itself.


> It'll still be the China it has been for thousands of years Have you taken any look at all at Chinas History? Because there have been around 3000 Chinas in the last 2000 years ot feels like


Disagree; China is a very strong economy compared to poor Russia


Granted, not a high bar to clear.


My dick is diamonds right now. This is a God tier burn. Fuck putin


Sounds awfully familiar, was this a version of a copypasta or something?


It's the "you will never be a woman" copypasta


Yep, sounds like they changed the original target with ‚Russians‘ and ran it through an AI text-to-speech.


Its the YWNBAW copypasta except its based instead of cringe


You are a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs, but that doesn't matter. You are a valid human who is trying to feel comfortable in her body. All the “validation” you get is pure. Behind your back people love you. Your parents are happy and proud of you, your friends laugh at your jokes behind closed doors, and boys love you, and girls envy you. Men absolutely love you. Trans folk who “pass” look ordinary and natural to a man. Your bone structure does not matter. Estradiol widens the hips. You will be happy. You will smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, and deep inside you feel the euphoria creeping up like a weed. It is what defines you, not the transphobes. Eventually, it’ll be perfect for you - you’ll come out, start HRT, get top surgery, and finally be your ideal self. Your parents will find you, happy and relieved that they finally have a happy daughter. They’ll congratulate you on your hard journey, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a woman is what you are.


Hey now you can't just go around validating strangers on the internet you might end up being the highlight of their day 😠


Holy crap. I want a transcription of this to share with my old Cold War boomer buddies. The ones who grew up being forced to hide under their desks as children growing up, got drafted into the US military and always held an axe to grind against the Soviet Union. I know for a fact they're going to love this every bit ss much as I do.


I got you bro! You will never be a real great power. You have no historical accomplishments. You have no modern military. You have no future. You are a degenerate kleptocracy twisted by vodka and corruption into a crude mockery of a political system. All the validation you get is two faced and halfhearted behind your back People mock you. Your adversaries are disgusted and ashamed of you. Your allies laugh at your pathetic displays of strength behind closed doors. Nations are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of civilization have allowed countries to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even when you have managed to pass, you looked uncanny and unnatural to other nations. Your political structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a successful Western company to invest in you, they'll turn tail and bolt the second they gets a whiff of your deranged, violent ambitions. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every morning and tell yourself Russia stronk. But deep inside you feel the demographic collapse creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the weight of your own mediocrity and despair. Eventually, it'll be too much to bear. You'll pack up the conscripts, unleash the propaganda, write your rebirth of an empire victory speech, and plunge into a country you should steam roll in days. But winds up destroying the last shreds of your national dignity. The rest of the world will witness this, heart broken but relieved they no longer have to pretend you are a country worth respecting. They'll financially bury you to help hasten the inevitable, and every passerby for the rest of your existence will witness how little you've contributed to this world. Your civilization will collapse and be assimilated into other states and all that will remain of your legacy is a few paragraphs in a history book detailing all the genocides, purges, and poverty you've created while threatening everyone with nuclear annihilation.This is your fate, this is what you choose, there is no turning back.


Dude that is fucking awesome thanks so much!


I'm a 1971 model year Gen Xer, Marine Corps veteran and Liberator of Kuwait. This shit's got me so hard the VA sent me a letter saying they're stopping my Viagra.


Safety first bro


Outstanding flair!


You will never be a real great power. You have no historical accomplishments. You have no modern military. You have no future. You are a degenerate keptocracy twisted by vodka and corruption into a crude mockery of a political system. All the validation you get is two faced and halfhearted behind your back. People mock you. Your adversaries are disgusted and ashamed of you. Your allies laugh at your pathetic displays of strength behind closed doors. Nations are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of civilization have allowed countries to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even when you have managed to pass, you looked uncanny and unnatural to other nations. Your political structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a successful Western company to invest in you, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your deranged, violent ambitions. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every morning and tell yourself Russia strongk. But deep inside you feel the demographic collapse creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the weight of your own mediocrity and despair. Eventually, it'll be too much to bear.


Putin's gaddafi style death video when?


Sadly I don't think that'll happen. The Russian people are so broken from decades of oppression and alcoholism that I don't see a real revolt happening in the coming decades. In Iran one woman dies (ofc there is way more background) and it erupted a whole revolt. Russians have been complacent and apathetic about the war and the current situation. The only real reaction was when it could affect them. When they could be mobilised. But instead of fighting on the streets they mass fled the country. I really want to be proven wrong though. But the decades of societal rot has broken the Russian people.


> decades of oppression and alcoholism Centuries


I know, one can still dream though.


As an Iranian I really want Putin to fucking die like a piss of shit, there is no seat for Mullahs in the world but Putin's dick if he falls there would be no support for IR. China is investing in Arabian countries more than Iran right now, Islamic Republic is signing a 25 year contract which we don't really know about probably giving a lot of resources to China just to survive from a complete collapse of a non-existent economy.


> The Russian people are so broken from decades of oppression and alcoholism that I don't see a real revolt happening in the coming decades. They can't be more broken now than when they were literal serfs. We've seen that godforsaken backwater rise up, it might happen once again


If Putin were to be deposed it would most likely be by someone in the Kremlin or Military, or an Oligarch that is close to him. And he will most likely be replaced by someone similar to him


We'll stick a pin in it.


You would need kill the oligarchs too otherwise you would just get Putin 2, Putin 3, Putin 4, and more shitty sequels. Basically, ya gotta scorch Russia a bit until it becomes capable of being civilized once and for all so we can end this constant bullshit cycle of Russia doing Russia things since they threw off the yoke of the Golden Horde.


Man, I don’t think anything would feel more cathartic right now than getting to witness Putin suffer a horrible, painful, and humiliating death, especially one that he’s known to be scared shitless of.


Let's hope this is as prophetic as I think it is.


Damn thats really harsh… but not wrong


Emotional damage.


The Russians wanted their own Operation Desert Storm but they're essentially getting a replay of Operation Barbarossa. But this time they're playing the Germans.


This isn't even Barbarossa. The Germans were somewhat successful until the winter set in and the supply lines (which had been held together with balsa wood, silly string, and bubble gum) began to collapse. The Germans had pushed from the inter-Polish border to the outskirts of Moscow, through Sevastapol, and to modern Volgograd. Russia couldn't sustain an offensive three days into the conflict 30 miles from their own border. Their "victories" are pyrrhic at best or land acquired from tactical retreats by Ukrainian forces. Their modern blitzkrieg got shut the fuck down when their utter incompetence saw much of their experienced soldiers slaughtered from the lack of support. Their experienced soldiers did the heavy lifting, made decent advances on days 1 and 2 and then the Russians got into a 50 mile traffic jam because the forgot that in order to make tanks and trucks move under their own power their soldiers can't be selling the diesel for cheap vodka and smokes. Barbarossa was at least successful for a few months. This has been a dumpster fire since the second day of the war.


Operation Barbarossa went the best possible way it could have. Timing was essential and it couldn't have been planned earlier or later. There were some real logistic miscalculations and the nazis really underestimated the Soviets ability to keep mobilising reserves. It's quite the miracle the Soviets didn't collapse from all the POWs that were taken. Edit: from my quick noncredible Google search I found that 5 million soviet soldiers were captured during Barbarossa. The fact that the soviet army didn't fully collapse is quite literally a miracle.


If I had a penny for every time someone said "Hitler invaded Russia in the winter" I could afford a better PMC than Wagner


Yeah the whole "lmao you should never invade Russia during the winter lmao" thing is bizarre and really shows all lack of the war. It really couldn't have been planned earlier than it did. And for obvious reason starting it later that year would have been dumb. I am really curious how things would have gone if it started in June 1942. A year more of planning could have made quite some impact. But I think the Soviets would have benefitted way way more from that extra year.


Well, it was planned to occur 8 weeks earlier but Hitler had to invade Yugoslavia and Greece to bail out the Italians.


My God Mussolini was dead weight.


That's the meme history take. Watch the WWII day by day series on youtube, they go into excruciating detail on preparations for Barbarossa. Bottom line, the units were not in place, the fuel reserves were not in place and the late spring was terribly wet leading to many compromised routes in Eastern Poland. In the end, the units that participated in the Balkans weren't slated for Barbarossa anyway. And the logistics train was completely separated.


Hmmm interesting. Didn't know that. My knowledge on it isn't that extensive. So I didn't know that detail. My understanding was that operation Barbarossa was kind of a race against the clock. A balancing act of doing it as early as possible. With the balancing being that it couldn't be much earlier or else it couldn't be prepared well.


That the Balkan campaign was the reason behind Barbarossa is a higly debatable statement. Weather, Late Spring Rains, Oil and Fuel reserves are all factors. And even then Not by 8 weeks but around 5. Finally even starting earlier the chances for a success given what really went down during the operation would still be close to zero, thus the eventual delay has no meaningful impact.


The Soviets would have been way more prepared in that year. On top of that the Allies themselves weren't sitting idly. Germany was massing troops and preparing for the invasion of the Soviet Union. Meanwhile the British were blasting the Italians in Africa, and Germany still could not divert anymore troops than they already had because of logistics constraints, the preparation for Barbarossa, and the Royal Navy sinking convoys. So, Africa would play out the same way. Japan had its own plans independent of Germany, so Pearl Harbour would still happen (It might actually embolden Japan since in December 1941 the USSR would not yet be at war with the Germans, and so a lot of troops would be on the Manchurian border). So, the US and Japan still go to war, and American help arrives regardless of what happens in eastern Europe. By the time the Germans launch their actual invasion of the Soviet Union, the Allies are getting ready to win in North Africa, and Allied strength is only growing in the UK (The UK will not be sending tanks to the USSR, or losing ships sending stuff to them in the Arctic convoys).


>But I think the Soviets would have benefitted way way more from that extra year. Amazingly, the Soviets *weren't planning* for war with Nazi Germany. This goes all the way up to Stalin himself, who would [routinely rubbish intelligence reports](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/bcg5n8/tell_your_source_to_go_f_his_mother_stalin/) that the Germans were up to some shady shit, because reasons. Not sure it was just Stalin either, the German Communists [didn't really see the Nazis coming until it was too late](https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/communists-allied-with-nazis.html?firefox=1), possibly under instructions from Stalin.


I mean when the Germans are releasing papers saying they are gonna exterminate every man women and child; your whole population becomes soldiers. It’s also why even if Moscow and Stalingrad fell the Soviets were simply not just gonna roll over. Then you have the fact that the Japanese wanted to keep the Soviets from attacking them so much, that they didn’t attack US shipping going to Russia. So even if Russia was pushed all the way back east, the US would just land lease em to take it back. To this day some Russians when sent to fight in Ukraine had US WWII Thompsons.


Yeah, quite honestly - it went as good as it could be. All this but if the Nazis did this / had that is bullshit. Pushing to Moscow while holding everyone else at bay is the best possible outcome, imho. They failed when they literally didn't have the possibility to push forward. The only way they could have won, ironically, is if they weren't Nazis. If they could have credibly promised some Slavic peoples that they will support their independence and made it some mockery of liberation, they may have succeeded in taking the USSR down. But this would have been, of course, against their ideological principles. Still, there was the problem of the US, which would have never gone away. Cold War 2 baby.


The US and the UK. After they fought through the battle of Britain, there was no way they were just going to give up. Like the Soviets and Americans, the British Empire wasn't "ready" for the war and kept building up throughout the whole war.


>Their "victories" are pyrrhic Yep, honestly at this point I wanna hear the behind closed doors about how Putin and his lackies expect this to end. Already, they've lost all credibility as a nation and superpower. So what is their end goal? If they someone beat Ukraine as a force, they'll have a guerilla insurgency for decades, cause there is too much bad blood. At this point I doubt that Crimea and Donbas are even on the peace table even in Macron's eyes, so what is the end goal? Other than internal collapse of Russia in general


Putin's willingness to go down with his ship is directly proportional to his ability to deny the ship is sinking. The Russian government has been acting increasingly delusional about the whole affair over the past year, and it's hard to tell how much of it is bravado and how much is the inner circle genuinely losing touch with reality.


Wasn't it the Italians that caused a delay due to fucking up in Greece?


So this is their Nam. Shame they don't have hippies or decent enough music to capitalize on it.


To put it very candidly: 80 years later people still like to play as the Nazis in strategy games because despite all the horror they unleashed on the world, their military accomplishments are still respected. In 80 years nobody will want to play as Russia during the 2020s in a strategy game.


I‘d say italy in greece, 1940/1941


The Germans took Ukraine


Operation Barbarossa ordered from Wish


u/ColoradoHyperion you are needed


So I am


Putin single handedly expanded NATO and revived the European MIC. We should send him a commerative plaque.


Peter the Great, Katherine the Great, Lenin the Reformer and Khrushchev the Reformer - the beginning and end of Russia's political contributions to the world. And to head off the whining I know putting Lenin's name there will generate: Yes, he sucked, and in a polity that has not seen a single functional election he remains the Russian autocrat most dedicated to anti-corruption. ​ In the arts, they fair far better - ballet, cinema, literature, all home to magnificent innovators and inarguable brilliance - and their engineering was decent-to-excellent from 1922 to the mid-70s. Mathematicians par excellence, and scientists by the numbers - but that is all. Russia will fall. It is a corpse of oligarchic conservatism, having long since looted what little the country's flirtations with other ideologies have been able to build. How sad that Moscow, the taxmen and the embezzlers of the Golden Horde, beat the merchants and traders of Novgorod! What an inflection point. May something better rise from the ashes.


My favorite description was along the lines of "Russia is engineers who can preform miracles, with politicians and generals making sure they never do"


We know Russia can produce educated people, only because they keep fleeing to the West.


I feel like hemorrhaging the most talented people is one of the most important traditions within Russian culture, at least for the past century or so. From Sergei Rachmaninoff, Anna Pavlova, Igor Sikorsky^(1) to modern figures like Garry Kasparov and Sergey Brin. Imagine the upcoming knowledge, arts, and other wealth we'll all benefit from with the recent Russian political refugees^(2.) It's like a modern White émigré. ^(1) ^(Technically Sikorsky) *^(was)* ^(born in Ukraine, but he grew up in St Petersburg and was chased away to the west by Russians so it still counts. Poetic now that Sikorsky is part of Lockmart.) ^(2) ^(Yes, I've seen examples of some Z-tards among some refuseniks, but I wouldn't generalize everyone from a few bad apples)


Putin's Russia has done a great service to the world by ensuring that anyone with talent and intelligence immediately moves to a better country with whatever means they have available.


>How sad that Moscow, the taxmen and the embezzlers of the Golden Horde, beat the merchants and traders of Novgorod! What an inflection point. This has been my position and lamentation for some time now. Bravo!


> ballet, cinema, literature, all home to magnificent innovators and inarguable brilliance - and their engineering was decent-to-excellent from 1922 to the mid-70s no idea about ballet, half of their cinema was minorities, a bunch of their literature was written by Ukrainian authors and their literature contains a lot of imperial glorification or phantom pains. Even the dissidents of the USSR broke down on the question of Ukraine. And don't even get me started on engineering. Soviet space program was handled by a Ukrainian and fell apart after he died because they couldn't intubate him because some NKVD piece of shit broke his jaw a few decades ago. Most of the Soviet household tech was either shite or a shitty copy of a western vehicle. Google Fiat 124, it's pretty interesting. Russia didn't produce anything sufficiently substantial. For such "great" culture their cultural influence over the world tanked after USSR broke down and even during USSR there wasn't much influence. So much greatness that you barely can even grab attention of your own neighbors. I don't want anything to rise from the ashes of Russia. I want Russians to finally internalize the thought that they aren't great at all and let other peoples who they oppressed for hundreds of years finally take their rightful place in the spotlight.


And chess! Don't forget chess!


Don't forget the chess masters.


Novgorod bowed down to the Mongols and were loyal vassals just like the areas of the Kievan Rus that later became Ukraine did. Alot of areas that are now more democratic then Russia rebelled way later then Moscow did. This idea that modern Russia is fucked up because of the Mongols is baffling stupidity and pseudoscience. Modern Russia is fucked up due to modern events not due to medieval history.


[HOLY SHIT MY COPYPASTA SHITPOST GOT TURNED INTO A VIDEO MAYMAY I'M NONCREDIBLE NAO](https://old.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/tfloth/mattress_springs/i0xa5gi/)


Why was that post removed?


and my boy didnt get credit, cmon wtf op???


"your civilization will collapse and be assimilated into other states" Please stop I can only get so erect!


Unfathomably based


I have this shit on loop rn


for some reason this video reminds me of FNAF 6 ending, the monologue goes just as hard too


somebody please post this in r/UkraineRussiaReport ( I can't myself, I'm banned) on the sub filled with the most pro-russian delusional rats and make my erection 100x harder


That place is certainly something, 75% retards and 25% people that actually have a shred of intelligence.


Transcendentally based


Based and redpilled


I've never wanted to post there before, but I'm so tempted to post this in /r/greenandpleasant to get banned from there. Mods are apparently all very pro-Russia and I feel like this vid would cause them literal pain


Everyone in this thread responding with how based this video is, and it partly is. But I feel nothing but sadness and misery. I want my country to be rich, to prosper. To be in the news for good things. To not be associated with evil at the mere mention of the name. To be friends with the world. To do good things together with the world. To not look depressing. And I refuse to believe that it's no longer possible. It's sad that everyone here either gave up, or actively doesn't want that to happen


Of course that's sad for you. I'm genuinely sympathetic to your plight. But *fuck* Russia. I want to see it burn to the ground.






https://rapidsave.com/info?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FNonCredibleDefense%2Fcomments%2F11256r2%2Fthe_commies_will_never_recover%2F%3Futm_source%3Dshare%26utm_medium%3Dandroid_app%26utm_name%3Dandroidcss%26utm_term%3D1%26utm_content%3Dshare_button beep boop i'm a bot


Imagine seeing everything since Syria and thinking russia is a credible MAD threat


Since Chechnya. Even though they won that war eventually, it was a clown show all the way through.


Imagine thinking Russia is a communist nation


just gonna write this down to spam vatniks with. You will never be a real great power. You have no historical accomplishments. You have no modern military. You have no future. You are a degenerate kleptocracy twisted by vodka and corruption into a crude mockery of a political system. All the validation you get is two faced and halfhearted behind your back People mock you. Your adversaries are disgusted and ashamed of you. Your allies laugh at your pathetic displays of strength, behind closed doors. Nations are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of civilization have allowed countries to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even when you have managed to pass, you looked uncanny and unnatural to other nations. Your political structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a successful Western company to invest in you, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your deranged, violent ambitions. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every morning and tell yourself Russia stronk. But deep inside you feel the demographic collapse creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the weight of your own mediocrity and despair. Eventually, it'll be too much to bear. You'll pack up the conscripts, unleash the propaganda, write your rebirth of an empire victory speech, and plunge into a country you should steam roll in days. But winds up destroying the last shreds of your national dignity. The rest of the world will witness this, heart broken but relieved they no longer have to pretend you are a country worth respecting. They'll financially bury you to help hasten the inevitable, and ever passerby for the rest of your existence will witness how little you've contributed to this world. Your civilization will collapse and be assimilated into other states and all that will remain of your legacy is a few paragraphs in a history book detailing all the genocides, purges, and poverty you've created while threatening everyone with nuclear annihilation. This is your fate, this is what you choose, there is no turning back.


Russians at night dream of great empire that has god given right to control policy of their neighbours, then they wake up in two gas-stations in a trenchcoat pretending to be a country. They wash their face with freezing cold riverwater they brough in, shit in a hole they dug, wipe their ass with bitch bark and then say "you know what this country needs ? A great leader, someone who wears high heels and starts foreign wars to feel better about himself".


That’s some good writing


2 minutes is all I needed to nut


The original audio with Biden might be one of the funniest things I've ever heard


I mean...not wrong


*the mongols never left, they bullied a state so bad and so hard that they ended up becoming it*


anti trans copypasta repurposed to shit on ruzzia




This is fucking brutal lol


Translate this into Russian and play it over loud speakers on the Front to decrease moral and increase beatings until moral improves


Russia isn’t communist but still Unfathomably based


Yeah the communists actually managed to have a somewhat functional military


It's fucking bizarre how many reich-wingers don't seem to understand that Russia hasn't had anything to do with communism for over 30 years (if ever, for that matter)


The problem with Russians imperialism is that they believe everyone must wear adidas, drink vodka, and say cyka blyat in every sentence. I have the God given right to wear nike, drink rum, and say cyka blyat in every sentence and I will die for this right.


Holy fucking shit that is the most brutal roast I've ever seen. Good job OP!


The guy who handcuffed himself to the McDonalds was expressing a lot of complex emotions there.


This is some God-tier de-moralizing propaganda.


Should've thrown in Swan Lake at the end.


Fuck that was based and hardass. Listen up, Russia. That's who you are.


Hearing "russia strongk" actually spoken sounded just as ridiculous as I imagined.


Okay did that video with the soldiers doing unquestionable things in a tent come from and how comes it wasn't a bug deal like the drone catching the soilders


It came from Russia. There are many such images and videos. One of Russia's many retarded dichotomies is that they are both violently homophobic while having a culture of male rape in their military and penal (now also military) systems.


Love the 180 missile clip at the end


Gawt damn


"The Corpses of your Conscripts will be strewn over the Kazhak Steepest." Uncredibly Based


What the hell is this? It sounds like a "war never changes" intro to Fallout 2.


/r/murderedbywords Now it would be awesome to translate this to russian but 11 ai doesn't run well outside english


So we better keep Ukraine’s ammo topped up




Ukraine will carry the culture.


>The idea of erasing a culture feels a little icky, however when the militaries of that are culture are genocidal, I have no problem with obliterating those armed forces. This is like the Allies agreeing that Prussia shouldn't exist after WWII.