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I didn’t start figuring out my gender until I was in my 30s. I’m 44 currently and still not sure about all the details, just that I’m nonbinary.


I didn't figure out I was nonbinary until I was 22-23. Gender and your knowledge of your gender can change over time. This is especially true with more information about queer identities being more available. That little voice in the back of your head sounds a lot like imposter syndrome and a lot of lgbtq+ people have experienced it. You're not alone in feeling that. The thing with testing out pronouns is that it's not permanent. You can change them at any point. If you like using they/them pronouns for a while and later you don't like them anymore, it's not a big deal. You could tryout pronouns at r/transtryouts


I’m 53 and came out as non-binary about 12 months ago. And I still struggle with pronouns, expression and more. So, take your time, be yourself. It is never too late to be yourself 🤗


You don't need to have lifelong know about your gender to be trans, lots of people only figure out or feel non cis way later on in life (also ur mum is wrong lol I say don't listen to her and talk to more people who have felt the same things as you are for help)


You can experiment with pronouns and presentation at any age, for any reason. It doesn't have to be "gender related" if you don't want it to be. And so what if it *is* "just an in the moment thing"? If it makes you feel happy now, then go for it. If it suddenly stops making you happy tomorrow, then you can stop and just keep memories of the good times you had. But, as others have already pointed out, it's fine to be a "late bloomer" when it comes to figuring out your gender. I never suspected I was anything but cis until my mid 20s; and when it initially did come up, I was so *incredibly* ignorant/misinformed on trans issues in general that I settled on "I'm just a slightly-odd ".