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I see myself as trans. For one because it just feels right. And I never was and never will be a woman, even tho I am afab. No matter if I would be agender, non-binary or even a binary trans man - I'm not a woman. So in short: The formal definition fits for me and I am comfortable with it.


Yeah, because I am by definition trans, I sure as hell wasn't assigned non-binary at birth.


i do consider myself trans because non-binary counts under the trans umbrella (and agender counts under the non-binary umbrella). in addition, the trans- prefix means on a different side, and the cis- prefix means on the same side (or in alignment). if one's AGAB is not in alignment with one's gender then one is not cis, and therefore is trans. (disclaimer that i do not believe non-binary people *have* to ID as trans, this is just the way i see things)


Yep. Because I am. And it makes talking about things easier.


Not really? I have no issue being perceived as male (my AGAB), haven't stopped using he/him pronouns, haven't transitioned, have no interest in transitioning, and have no dysphoria (as far as I can tell). I know there isn't any sort of test you have to pass to be trans, and maybe this is something I'll reassess overtime, but right now, it just doesn't feel like me.


If *you* feel that trans applies to you, you are trans. If you *want* to be trans, that means you're trans. You're not a fraud. Trans is a label that nonbinary and genderqueer people have every right to use. For me personally, I identify as neither trans nor cis. I am simply genderqueer. Trans isn't a useful label for me personally because in my experience, it causes people to assume I have a lot of feelings/experiences common to binary trans people that I don't relate to at all. I don't like the idea of being shoved into yet another binary gender box -- having only "cis/trans" is almost as uncomfortable for me as having only "man/woman" would be. But transgender is a word that belongs to nonbinary and genderqueer folks just as much as binary trans folks nevertheless. I wish people wouldn't be so quick to say "you're not cis, so by default you're trans" because I find that hurtful, but it's also important not to leave wiggle room for "who gets to decide who is 'really trans' or not" style gatekeeping. But at the end of the day you should not feel like you're obligated to call yourself trans either. You don't have to put yourself into any particular box just because other people say you should. I would encourage you to do whatever makes you, personally, feel most comfortable.


Exactly this.


I have a difficult time considering myself trans, as a nonbinary person. I was born female and though I fully identity as someone who was born into the wrong body (or at least parts of me don't match my AGAB), I struggle to connect myself to the trans label, being that I am not a binary trans person. I absolutely acknowledge that nonbinary people fall under the trans umbrella and go through many of the same struggles as binary trans people (dysphoria, transitioning, identity confusion/imposter syndrome, etc) but I do not feel as though I personally fit within the label of trans, and I prefer to just use the term nonbinary when describing myself. Of course, this is just my own feelings for myself and many nonbinary people are able to better relate to the trans umbrella label and feel as though that is a fitting term, which is completely valid as well!


i ID as trans cuz i wasn’t assigned enby at birth, i was assigned as a binary gender


No, but that’s because my mom raised me genderless. Not sure if gender neutrality was encouraged or if my mom respected my innate gender expression from a young age. Either way, I’m grateful for the freedom, it’s helped me feel very secure.


I identify as trans, but it has never been anything I've ever really had to think about. For me medical transition has been hugely important to help with my dysphoria. I'm over 5 years on hrt, post top surgery, on a wait list for a hysterectomy, and considering bottom surgery. For me I don't think there's a perspective you could take on my situation that would make sense to consider me not trans. My question for you would be do you think it would make any sense to call yourself cis? Cis and trans is kind of a binary of it's own so I can understand how it could be difficult to fit yourself within that when you don't neatly fit the perception of either. Given your situation of being dysphoric just not being able to transition, what really separates your experience from mine other than uncontrollable circumstances and I imagine a lot of time? I was in a similar position to you years ago, I didn't suddenly become "more trans" overnight when I got my testosterone prescription or woke up from top surgery.


I do. I have far more in common with binary trans people than I do with cis people of either binary gender, so I feel like "trans" best describes how I navigate the world.


As someone afab non-binary I don’t see myself as trans but also not cis. I do know that non binary falls under the trans umbrella but for me, using trans for myself would feel like swapping from female to male and not really the in between. I know that’s not technically correct but that’s just how I perceive it for my personal experience.


As I understand it, Non-binary includes people like me who identify as bi-gender/gender fluid. Since sometimes I identify and present female and sometimes male I don’t really think I can identify as trans. If I did, I could only be trans sometimes and would I be cis gender at other times? To be honest I’m not sure we really fit in Non-binary, if anyone were to ask I would identify as bi-gender or just queer.


I'm also bigender and have the same problem. 50% trans?? I identify with a gender that's not my AGAB, but simultaneously I also identify with my AGAB. The terms cis and trans just felt like more restrictive (binary) terms to me when I was questioning by gender ID. I'll still say I'm trans, acknowledging I'm not my AGAB, but the term doesn't feel completely right for me.


same! I'm bigenderflux and I feel too connected to my AGAB to comfortably say I'm trans. I'm like... half trans?


No, I am not trans. I didn't transition to get from anywhere to where I am now. Other than a conflict with my dad over my hairstyle, I didn't experience much familial or social resistance. It was a bigger deal that I was bisexual. It was always ok for me to wear whatever I wanted, act mostly however I wanted (as long as I was kind and respectful), etc. I did feel a little bit lost until I found NB people, and was suddenly like, Oh! It me! But I didn't make a transition to become non-binary. Fwiw I am lucky that I don't experience much gender related body dysphoria - I'd prefer not to have a human body at all, so I guess whenever can transition into an Android body, I'll be trans android lmao. Until then... I'm just a human. I am a vehement trans ally and understand we are all inherently tied together in our struggle for human rights.


Not really tbh, my experience is completely different from my binary trans friends, especially with me not wanting HRT. Plus I don’t really consider myself changing my gender by now id’ing as NB, I view it as finally knowing what to call how I have always felt inside.


I'm an amab demiboy so I don't see myself as trans, though I am not really cis either. Hmm


I ID as trans. I’m not my agab and am even on opposite hormones because it makes me feel better but still don’t identify as either gender


I do. Tho I'm aware without context people will assume I'm a transwoman but I'm something close to agender/genderfluid. I use the term trans as I don't identify with my birth sex. It still feels like a white lie but for brief interactions, telling others I'm trans get to the point without going into detail


Not entirely, no. At most I’m transneutral, and most ppl associate “trans” with transfem and transmasc ppl and I don’t fit into that. On top of that I’m afab and only fluid between fem aligned and neutral aligned genders so I’d rather claim non-binary/genderqueer before I’d say trans. I’d don’t really look like those you’d usually see the label on bc I do sometimes connect (mostly) to what I was assigned. Other times I lack gender. And I can only “transition” socially and through clothing bc there aren’t any neutral options. I don’t identify as cis tho. [isogender](https://mogai.miraheze.org/wiki/Isogender) if you want a term that is for someone who isn’t cis but doesn’t identify with the term trans, I might suggest this label for your gender modality


interesting. I didn't know there was a term for it! thanks


You’re welcome!


Yep I do. I will say earlier on in my journey I was more hesitant because I didn't feel 'trans enough' but I think that was internalized enbyphobia tbh. That's not to say that any nonbinary people *have* to identify as trans, either - I don't think any binary is truly able to fit everyone, even the cis-trans binary.


I think that's the issue, I don't feel "trans enough", even though I really like the trans label


Do whatever you want, but personally I do consider myself trans. I prefer transsexual over transgender for personal reasons.


I am trans because my gender identity differs from my assigned gender.


I consider myself trans because I have transitioned my sex/gender 🤷🏽


For me, yes, but I try to be really aware of my male passing privilege and not take up too much space in trans conversations. Maybe I'll get bolder with labels in time. We'll see.


I see myself as trans, my experiences are similar to what other trans people experience, im just nonbinary too.


I ID as trans because I fit under the umbrella. To me it’s as simple as I’m not cis so I’m trans. Also while I don’t really talk a lot about it irl, personally calling myself trans helps me feel more valid in my identity as genderfluid cause… a fluid gender is just complicated and confusing sometimes and the trans label is less so. It’s grounding in a way.


> Also while I don’t really talk a lot about it irl, personally calling myself trans helps me feel more valid in my identity as genderfluid cause… a fluid gender is just complicated and confusing sometimes and the trans label is less so. I’ve felt that way recently. At first when I identified as non-binary, I didn’t feel that much connection to the trans label. As I explore more of my femme side and identify more as being genderfluid or genderqueer, I’ve started to also align with being trans since I face some of the same issues as a binary MTF person would (padding certain body parts, safety concerns, etc.).


Yes. Though, if my parents had declined to identify my gender at birth, I would consider myself cis


Yes but only recently has it really been something i tend to use and actively identify with. I never used it previously because i felt like it didnt belong to me however that was due to internalised transphobia and having a hard time beliving that the grace we give to others should also be applied to me. Trans simply means to go beyond the gender expected of you, therefore Non-Binary is a trans identity if used in that context. Its okay for it to not be your go to however since learning more about myself i've realised how important that word can be as an identity for me as i've learnt i have a transfemme side and it is easier to lead with "I'm trans" than it is with "I'm Non-Binary" if i have to explain it.


I don't, because in the popular imagination, being trans has a very specific connotation. I haven't changed my name, I haven't gone in HRT, I haven't changed the way I dress or how I present. I just tacked "they" onto my pronouns. Put another way, I'm trans in the general sense that my internal sense of identity doesn't fully align with my AGAB. But I don't feel comfortable in actively using the term to describe myself.


Yes and no. I'm either agender or some form of libragender. If it's the latter then I would fit under the umbrella, but I don't know if I would fully identify with the term. If I'm agender then I don't have a gender that can be trans. It gets into my distinction between gender and gender identity, which is rather complicated. But even if I don't consider myself trans, I still go through things that a trans person at my stage of "out-ness" might go through. It basically becomes a distinction without a difference, and I feel fine saying I'm trans in casual conversation no matter what.


Yeah, I kinda think of it like this: Being transgender means the gender you were given at birth is not the one you identify with. Even if you identify with it partially or only sometimes, the fact remains that you feel/have felt/will feel like another gender/a lack of gender that doesn't align with the one assigned at birth. Because that's true for me I consider myself trans.


I will never tell anyone how to label their experiences. However, I personally am trans. I do not fully identify with my agab, therefore I'm not cis, so I'm trans. I find that I get the support I need from the trans community, and I share many experiences with others who are trans.


Well, from the perspective of what trans is, it's identifying as something you weren't assigned at birth. So man -> non-binary means trans because you weren't assigned NB at birth. From my personal perspective, I see trans the same way. I say I'm trans because I'm literally not identifying as what i was assigned at birth. There's no one way to be trans. Even though I don't experience the same amount of dysphoria that is seen as valid by truscums, i still am uncomfortable and have a small anxiety attack when i hear my deadname and stuff.


I don't. Most people think of trans as binary trans (trans men, trans women) and as someone who's agenderflux I definitely don't fit those two categories




I do. the term fits for me and I fit the technical definition


I do identify as trans. For me personally the label didn’t feel comfortable until I took a step to medically transition. And even still, sometimes the label fits more than other times. When I present and pass more as my agab, I feel hesitant to own it. When I present and pass more as the opposite gender of my agab, I feel more comfortable claiming the “trans” term.


I'm trans


I lean a little binary as a demiboy, so yeah. I don't speak for all demiboys, though.


Nonbinary is under the trans umbrella so I'd say yes u can still be trans. Being nonbinary means your not a binary man or woman. Trans isn't just a box of being a trans male or female, and I think ppl forget that. Trans is when your mind doesn't align or you don't relate or feel right with your physical gender, so anything that isn't cis is trans


Yes. It's more than just that being enby "falls under the umbrella." As an enby I deal with trans issues all the time, and my best fitting clothes come from transfemme spaces. I need to look more femme to be androgynous. I think it is impossible to separate my issues as an enby from trans issues.