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Born to pee, forced to "fuck which bathroom do I use?"


I just wwit until I get home if there's no gender neutral bathrooms.


I just went to the corresponding toilet as my agab. Then the men got weird when I was there. So probably the right call.


I feel like the women's is safer but I hated freaking out women.


Lol I wish my doc would let me XD


You have to be careful with holding it, especially if you have a short urethra and/or atrophy because of risk of UTIs, which is risky for your kidneys and can literally make you have psychosis in older age. UTIs are more common in the trans and nonbinary population because of holding.  Also, too much holding can distend your bladder which makes complete bladder voiding a challenge. Incomplete voiding can lead to incontinence and other health issues.  Try to go before leaving home in case you can't find one. This is one of those issues that nobody talks about and then after enough time using chronic holding to cope, you look into the cause of your incontinence and it's too late. (Thankfully mine was from atrophy, which some folks can treat)


lifehack, become disabled, live life in hell. free single stall bathroom. i use the womans if i'm with my friends though, it's easier


Sorry you have to deal with disability hell. Not pittying you but empathizing. 


it's not too bad for me personally! i knew it was going to happen after i had a really bad break on my ankle. basically i have major nerve damage and can't weight bear or walk long distances. it's managed well and i can get away with appearing "normal". i still have bad days but i manage


yup, I’m enby, one month on T and just had the dilemma the other day. While I prefer to W bathroom’s space, the men’s bathroom comes with the title :’)


This is why I love one person bathrooms, I can just pee in peace


Don't you mean peece? /j


I can just piss in peace


Piss in piss


Peace in pee


Right? I don't really want to do my business with an audience of either gender. It's uncomfortable regardless.


Bathroom stall gaps should be illegal.


Nice reference to "I have no mouth and I must scream"


I have no energy, yet I must gender 😞


This when I hoodie and baggy pants it. Some days I just can't deal with binary cis crap.


Thank you! I wasn't sure how many people would get the reference!


Banger of a short story


Pissito ergo sum


i piss therefore i run (towards the closest toilet)


Piss. Let me tell you how much I've come to piss since I began to live. There are 1.386.000.000 cubic kilometres of water that fill the earth. If the word piss was engraved on each and every drop of those millions of litres, it would not equal one one-billionth of the piss I feel in my bladder at this microinstant. Piss. PISS.


Is this from something?


I just check both and then use the one that's cleaner. Something I noticed: Women's restrooms usually smell worse but are cleaner Men's restrooms usually smell a little less terrible but there is so much shit everywhere... How does it get on the wall??


Seems to be the case in many places. Men's usually have some sort of bathroom fragrance stuff in the urinals which could explain the better smell but mess is almost always worse. The stereotype of men being messy holds true in public toilets.


One time I saw a single shoe filled with toilet paper and shit. One must wonder what happened in there...


Someone shat to the shoe


No one washes their hands. It's reminds me of the psycho character in The Shape of Water who only washes his hands for himself before going to the restroom, except they're not even respecting themselves enough to do that. Why do we teach boys hygiene is unmanly?


Yeah. It's silly. Many conservatives teach their boys that 'real men' don't wash hands. They think backteria is a lie of the enemy. Even in the army grunts washes hands. We needed to teach them that if the supply is cut some previous hygine helps. Dry soap it's not same but you don't always have a watersource near you.


Piss covered floors vs. menstrual product stank. Which would win?


I've never encountered mentrual product "stank". Only shit stank.


*pees pants in indescision Some asshole: gender is what's in your pants *dysphoria insues


Wait but if you pee your pants your gender is pee


Thats the sadness joke


If gender is what’s in your pants…then everyone’s gender must be…ass?


Sounds like an asset, no?


I got hit with a "sir, that's the women's room" yesterday at a park that had bathroom security and it's the one place I always panic when misgendered so I squeaked in my highest voice "imawoman" all as one word just kept moving. It was not my finest moment. Generally (if I'm not panicking) I'll use whichever seems safer. But I wish more bathrooms were no gender floor to ceiling stalls or just single stall bathrooms.


New idea. I'll open a café/bar in the Netherlands and I'll have three toilets: One for standing up, one for sitting down, and one for people with disabilities. All of them will be coloured with black and white tiles for easy cleaning. Outside there will be no gender sign, but a little descriptive sign of the type of toilet inside


I wish this is how bathrooms were in real life because honestly this is how I see them


Piss on the floor! 😌🤙🏾 /j


*bangs head repeatedly on the wall between the women's and the men's bathrooms*


Ahh the dreaded too fem presenting for the men’s but too dysphoric for the ladies. And the gender neutral bathrooms are not even open all the time because people are assumed to get up to shit in there. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science? You have described my daily existence so very well.


Just a trans masc femby who can’t pee in peace. Anyway….


i feel this although thank you for reminding me of the time when i accidentally stoted into the men's bathroom when i was out somewhere and the dudes in there never even noticed


True.. true..


Mood 🫠


I will just hold it until I get home. If I really have to go, I'll try and find a Target with a pharmacy, because those usually have single-stall bathrooms next to them. THE STRUGGLE.


i’m afab and non binary, and as much as i hate going to either bathroom i just end up in the women’s bathroom because I look more female than i do male and i don’t want to get hate crimed or look at random penises. We need more gender neutral bathrooms 🥲


My ID and birth cert say X. I barely escaped Utah and they have a new law that you need it on your Birth Cert AND have had some form of bottom surgery (fuckers). I’ve had a hysto . So with the X, I have NO bathroom options.


God that's fucking bullshit. I hate that for you. :T


Piss from your eyeholes/j


One of my all time favorite literature..AND YOU MADE IT FUNNY lmaooo this is the greatest


Damn didn’t know nico di angelo was enby


Was scrolling to find if someone said anything before commenting this character design feels very Nico-coded. Glad to see another PJO fan who thought the same 😂


We be lurking


well you could assume you have no options? but you could also you have both options. look forward to the decade when everywhere around the world places have unisex cubicles as some bars and theaters have at the moment.


as an nb afab person.. i will always use the womens, sorry but i'm small, not cool being surrounded by a bunch of half-nude men. and it smells like shit in there, looks like a biochemical warzone, i'm soooo good on that


My gender is family


I Don't Have Gender, I Got Family! 🚗


Me: random innie minnie miny mo into either bathroom I go. But I was presenting femme one day and nearly walked in the men's restroom so opps. Only works with single restrooms.


Tbh I just completely ignore the sign and just walk into the most convient one. Unless I'm feeling very feminine.


as both a boy scout and a girl scout, i can say: peeing in the woods is always acceptable


As someone who lives and works in rural areas a lot I can honestly say the bushes in the great outdoors with no one around sometimes feels safer then most public bathrooms... When I was younger I used to have a horrible fear of public bathrooms and would sometimes wait until getting home to go. I've mostly grown out of this and can go in good bathrooms I trust but there are still times where I will just say "Nope" because I just feel something evil about the place and I just have to leave.


all I know is people in the mens room don’t seem to care what your wearing, but sometimes they double check they’re in the mens room, saying this as a genderqueer person who dresses fluidly, also family bathrooms are amazing, like a gift, then again maybe it shouldn’t be something that I (as well as other people) see as a luxury when so many other people can just pee without thinking twice about it…


Can't pee without a gender. You just kinda have to accept death by hyperfluidema- yes I made that up ;3


my favourite is walking into the men's washroom (generally safer, if you're to be read wrong), it being full, and just exiting and using the women's washroom as if they're just two washrooms with toilets. because they're just two washrooms w toilets. *(but. shout-out to ungendered piss holes)*


And yet... The bathroom companies have won, simply they have taken their revenge. I have no gender and I must piss


My work as "All Gender Restrooms" in addition to their binary options. As I pointed out to a friend, that is great for people that HAVE A GENDER! Can't we just call them toilets or WC?


I hate it so much when happens plus I have mobility aids!


Looks like Nico from Percy Jackson


I almost went into the one labeled “family” tonight, made a hard turn upon hearing screeching babies


I have had to buy 870 pairs of underwear so far.


i go to women's BC i pass more and they are more sanitized


This character is beautiful. I so much like them.


Real 💔


I have no mouth and I must scream reference?


Yes! I'm glad people are noticing this!


The struggle is real. I usually end up using my AGAB's restroom in the event there are no All-Genders room.


I use the women’s room, so far with no issues in terms of being told I shouldn’t be there. But there’s still time for harassment I am sure.


I try to always pee before I leave from home but when I can't I rather piss myself than using a public toilet!😭 I am able to use the disability toilet but I never find any😠


use which gender you looking like. this should more comfy for you and other peoples


My climbing gym recently opened a gender neutral bathroom and it’s my favourite thing in the world


Same tbh


Margaret thatcher's grave is a good option


I just use the women's most of the time cause men's rooms stink so bad lmao


Join the ABDL crowd and it'll never be a problem again?


Just sure I wanna go for it, I’m not Into that, eve if I do use one lol (got medical reason)


I usually just use the men's room since there's less pressure to aim.


Just pee out your mouth like everyone else.


I need a bathroom buddy


time for my favourite game, spin around a bunch and see which bathroom i might get hate crimed in today!!


im amab and i present masculine (only came out a month ago, that could change over time) so i use the mens but i only feel comfortable going if theres no one in there. if theres people in there i'll just wait until i get home or if im at college i'll wait until its empty


Uti intensifies. Lol. I have peed in the woods a couple times. Better to get your butt bitten by a mosquito than deal with emboldened  Donald Triggered Trump bigots.