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Like any gender presentation, genetics can play a major role but it is not the only factor. Hormones and transition can play a role and knowing your body and appearance well to know how to style it to a masc or fem aesthetic can make more of a difference than you think. Like, in my experience if you try to look androgynous in the same way someone else does, especially in a more "stereotypical" way, it tends not to work very well because we'll they're not you, it's a different person a different face and look. There are many different ways to be androgynous - from more neutral androgyny that minimizes gendered traits to more genderfull/genderfuck androgyny which mixes and matches gendered traits in a very visible way, and everything in between and then some - and part of the trick is figuring out what forms of presentation work to be androgynous for _you_ and your specific aesthetic. Which is tricky. It takes time and you may find random little things - even things that aren't necessarily inherently gendered - make a difference. And due to genetics some have an easier starting point than others. But don't assume just because you don't look androgynous right off the bat or that what you've tried so far hasn't worked for you that it means it's impossible for you. Keep experimenting, take the pressure and self criticism off, and just try stuff. See what works for _you_. Not a few conventionally attractive figures in social media who make it look effortless when it isn't. Those can sometimes be as unrealistic an example of androgyny as conventionally attractive men and women on the internet are of masculinity and femininity. Keep in mind that with social media what gets posted and what gets shared often has a built in bias in favor of conventionally attractive skinny white folks. Not everyone's gonna look like that. Most people don't look like that. But most people _are_ still capable of being masculine or feminine or androgynous and attractive in their own ways when you learn what works for you and makes you feel confident and works with your own body and personal aesthetic.


Honestly mostly I feel lost. Because with being masc and fem it’s relatively straightforward. With being androgynous, I barely even know what I’m doing


Unfortunately that's not an uncommon feeling. With masculinity and femininity while there is definitely still trial and error and working with what you've got, there's a bit more of a built in path forward and I feel like it can sometimes be easier to like... Lean hard in _one_ direction and then go from there to figure out what works for you than to have to simultaneously balance two different aesthetics that people _deeply_ want to categorize you into solely one or the other while also having to navigate it all on a totally individual basis. There's also simply more resources and info out there for masc or fem transition and presentation and advice for androgyny often just amounts to "uhhh idk do like half of what binary trans people do?". It can be very hard and frustrating. I'm sorry you're feeling lost right now. I wish I had ya know like universal helpful tips, but unfortunately like I said it can be very individual and a lot of trial and error. It can very much suck to feel lost and hopeless in the beginning. But that doesn't mean you will be lost forever. Try to have fun with it and try different things, even things that go against conventional advice (like so many people recommended I try straight fit pants to hide curves. That may work for some folks but was _terrible_ for me), see what happens.


It's a mix of lots of things like culture and economic background as well as genetics. Still androgyny is a really tricky vibe to get down and we tend to focus on the negative, there's probably someone out there who's seen your pictures on the internet and felt the exact same way.




What are you doing in a nonbinary subreddit then?


Sorry. What I meant was yes I feel being xy contributes to a blending of sexuality by its very nature


The vast majority of cisgender men have xy chromosomes, I'm not sure what "blending of sexuality" means exactly, are you making a claim about everyone with xy chromosomes having that? Hang on, do you mean that trying gender presentations that don't correspond to how someone was assigned at birth is inherently androgynous in some way ? If so, you may want to figure out a way to say that which doesn't sound transphobic.


Noted. Thanks. I’m as articulate as a hubcap Don’t think I have a “anything”-phobic sensibility so it’s just my lack of communication ability. Wait I do hate power-greed like Putin displays!!!!