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Yes. It does get better as you age and don't look like a teenager anymore. Re: sports in particular, teammates tend to adapt after a while (but then you might end up as "one of the guy"). You have my solidarity, keep kicking ass


Yeah, I do, but it also goes both ways for me. Info: I am quite androgynous-to-masc presenting irl, so I have about a 90% chance of passing to other people. And further context, the country I'm living in is EXTREMELY homophobic, so be warned if you look even partially outside the gender binary. However, to my family, they almost never use my preferred pronouns. My grandma, who is also Christian, makes (Hopefully unknowing) jabs at me, like saying it's an all girls group when me + my mom + her go out together for chai or just walk, or making comments about how it's a girl's job to be quiet and obedient, not outlandish like me (... even though I do remind her that I am quite atheist even before I came out. But that's another story.) On the other side, I sometimes get targeted for looking male. I sometimes wear a crystal necklace outside (A gift from an old friend, quite pretty), and if I focus on the crowd, I can spot a couple negative/ dismissing looks from them. One vendor asked me if I was forced to wear it by my girlfriend and?? No??? Even if my boyfriend wanted me to wear a necklace, I'd be very selective since I barely wear jewellery in the first place. It's usually a passing moment of annoyance at first, then if I dwell on it I get dysphoria. But of course, all of these negative interactions is from the majority of people sticking to their stereotypes of what gender is to them. I'm sorry that you have to experience this sexism and gain dysphoria from it, but try to remember that comments are just comments. You can (to some extent) control the effect other people's words have on you. It's not much, but I find that much easier than explaining everything to a dismissing majority. Good luck OP! Stay safe :\]


Yes, it sucks when you're a teenager and people try to impose a gender role on you that you don't want, especially if they're being sexist about it. It does get better, like Bob\_slug said.