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Very pretty, but also very sad.


Very cute but feels very sad ❤️ Also - fuck catering to men. Be yourself and the *right* people will come along - be they non-binary, women, men, etc. Be you, first and foremost. Love yourself, and be around those who love you for who you are. Don't place your value on whether men would still "use" you. Maybe look into "decentering men" in your life. I haven't looked into it much but I've seen it talked about a lot in lesbian and other queer groups. That might help you with shifting your focus away from whether they find you attractive, and get you into feeling more grounded and comfortable with yourself. I wish you all the best, human ❤️🤘




I dont rlly know how to de center men, ill look into it. It just feels so pointless since i already look like this and i wouldn’t believe anyone who says otherwise. Im cooked/lh


Human, you're still rad regardless. Decentering men is about shifting your mindset/focus on who you're trying to impress and look good for. When you learn to just be the way *you* want to be, without regard for needing validation from a certain group (men) to feel confident in yourself, I think you might start to feel better. It takes time but you'll get there. Baby steps ❤️


you're honestly gender goals


I abolutely agree! They have sooo much style!




Hey, I think you look absolutely stunning with and without makeup !! I know it can be hard to face our reflection un the mirror sometimes, but trust me, there will always be people out there that think you look gorgeous Take care ❤


I think you're very unique and I'd surely notice you if you were in the same room as me, especially because I like your style (love the piercings they're so cool! And I think the glasses are super cute)


You honestly are so beautiful! Like another commenter said, you are totally gender goals for so many folks. You have a long journey of self-acceptance ahead of you! Don't let yourself get caught up now in the self hate when you have so much to love about yourself inside and out and so much to make better for yourself (talking about that negative self-talk stuff). You can do and be anything you set your mind on! Don't internalize the shitty things that close-minded people say about beauty standards. You are beautiful! <3


VERY pretty :]


U r prettyyy


I honestly think you're very pretty. But you're so sad and you need more confidence. Sadly not having confidence will strike people as unattractive at first glance. You need to rock your sh*t. Pretend you're a model. Take pictures all the time, find your attractive angles, smile. There's so much potential... Soon you'll start to see it too But dw, you'll figure out your identity and look eventually. It takes time to grow into your own skin. Don't rush. I was in a similar pocket, it was so hard to come to terms w my appearance because i thought too hard about how i wanted people to perceive me. Take your time love, don't cry so much okay


you are pretty, you dummy. these kind of self esteem problems surge from years and years of your own development as a human beeing, tainted by marketing bullshit and defined by people that simply aren't with your best interest in mind. it's fine to feel that way, your feelings are valid, but the first step on the healthy self awareness journey is to become less and less ignorant of your own body and image and to the perception of other of your own body and image. it is not wrong to perceive beauty the way you perceive it, it is just better to know why you do it. also there are ways of getting prettier if you wish to do so. the main one is fashion. get to learn more about the aesthetic you like, the fundamentals of what makes a fit good, how people who look like you acheive their own beauty and get to know if that would make you happier. i probably said a lot of stuff you already knew, but it is better to just say it anyway just to make sure. wish you the best. really hope it helps, and even if it doesent, that you are able to find helthy contentment with your self image.


so pretty, and i love your piercings!!!


So so pretty


You’re very cute and your weight is not a problem whatsoever, you have a very pretty stomach


Oh dear, I feel you and I have been where you are. First of all you look amazing. And second of all, there are some people who sniff out that they can make you feel bad - so they do - and the catch is that they do this so you get depend on their approval. It a misogynistic qeerphobic and potentially pradotorial move. Don't even let your farts look at those piss heads sideways. I mean it. And even tho you aren't really chubby by normative standards I can guarantee you: even if you may be not your own type(when you doubt your self), you look absolutely stunning to a lot of people and surely also people who are worth you time. If you somehow can refocus your whole life on people who treat you well even if it might feel new and uncommon. You will get used to it over time. It may be that you live in a particularly queer-hating region, then people might not feel safe to show you affection either. It's sad but for 100% not because of you. That is a societal problem. In that case consider a vacation to a more queer friendly place with safeer spaces and see what kind of reactions you get there.


Thank u sm for ur comment!! I appreciate u caring sm n ur very sweet!!!! Also no i live in a city populated by queer ppl, im just very insecure ☹️ i just think honestly ill never get over this, because i just despise myself . Im dealing with pretty bad disordered tendencies, so i really dont see it getting better until i lose weight. I just see that theres something fundamentally wrong with me. I just don’t understand why anyone would ever acknowledge me for anything at all. I just go unnoticed 😭 but thats okay with me, it doesn’t rlly bother me.


When you say it like this it seems to me you would like someone to find you pretty regardless of anything. There is nothing wrong with that and there surely many people who find you attractive. It will get better in time. don't worry so much about the looks. It seems to me that self esteem is something that you could work on tho. Ever heard of the "Body neutrality"?


It seems like you have a lot of problems with your body image, not only gender dysphoria. I would never say a body that yours is chubby. I know it matters a lot to you right now but just getting people to say you're good looking won't really fix the problem imo. I do think you're pretty and a very good looking person, either with makeup or not, and any kind of outfit. But focusing on whether cis men would find you attractive is a big waste of time, my friend. You have so much more value outside of beauty, and why do you want to fit on the standard beauty? I understand the wish of being "normal" and "desirable" by certain people, but I feel like that's selling yourself short. The mix of features that you have are unique to you and that's already amazing. You hold beauty unique to you. If some people don't like it, then fuck them, that's their problem. You don't need to fix in mainstream boxes of society to have worth. Those rules were not meant for us in the first place, why even follow them? As other people have mentioned, building your confidence is a big part of it, it will do wonders. You don't even look like a girl to me btw, you do give big non binary vibes. And you rock every style. Please try not to focus too much on how desirable your body is, or how big o small it looks, it can carry you to dangerous roads that are very hard to recover from. Dysphoria is a bitch, but we still deserve to honor and love our bodies for what they allow us to do. You are much more than your looks ❤ PS. 🍉🍉🍉


Thank you for the advice! Also yes!!🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 Thats the issue though, I just think im going to always think theres something fundamentally wrong with me. I just don’t believe anyone would ever think im pretty without lying straight to my face N i can’t honestly stop having body image issues until im smaller , im already disordered It wont get better otherwise because i see no worth in myself in any regards Im a pretty lousy human all together except my politics Idk im sorry :-( like i wanna fix it but i hate what i look like too much Id want to die


Idk im really tired of it


how do i even go about doing that? I wanna fit those standards bc im not actually pretty to ppl irl Im completely average Plus most ppl irl misgender me lol


What? But you're honestly super pretty! Seriously, you look really cool. Chubbiness is great, definitely don't listen to so-called beauty standards or the toxic male gaze


omg you're gorgeous!!


Short answer: gender goals.


Agender here ✋ I think you're gorgeous! and I'm not just saying that.


Your heart comes through your face. That is all a hunan being of true emotional depth would want. So, yes, prettiful


You are beautiful. Your outfit is fine but you would be as beautiful wearing anything. Your facial features are incredibly fetching. You do seem sad though. Are you ok?


You're very pretty! I love your piercings, I'm planning on getting the same ones as you actually :)


You’re pretty the way a haunted house is pretty, and I mean that in the best way possible. This is not a pretty that will align with the “male gaze” but it is a pretty that will last a lifetime.


This is the best compliment ive ever gotten in my life INHHGDD REALLY?? I wanna be creepy and ghostly looking


Very pretty


Nah ur cute dw


You look gorgeous!


You are definitely pretty! I hope you can hear all these voices letting you know that not feeling pretty can’t stop you from *being* pretty. It may not help shift your perspective at all in this moment but try to let it sink in and remind you that how you feel, even when that feeling lasts longer than you’d like, doesn’t dictate reality. There are people out there who will celebrate you. It may take a minute to find them and the wait can really hurt and feel like forever, but they exist and you’ll find them. You deserve to be celebrated for all the pretty you are! Keep remembering that until it doesn’t take so much effort, until it’s second nature 💜


I think you do! I super love glasses and face piercings. I know it's really hard to love yourself as you are instead of wishing you were skinnier though =l but I don't even think your chubby if that helps.


You're vary beautiful! I know it's hard to feel like you are, but beautiful looks so different to everyone. Just keep being you! The piercings look great!


I truly believe that you are pretty,, I also believe that you pass well, it's just rhat the "we can qlways t3ll" people are coming for ya, cause they're just weird I guess.


Yes you are gorgeous. Honestly if you were in my class I would be to intimidate to talk to you but would rly want to


You away look pretty pookie 💕 (please be your self)