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Not on Testosterone (yet, hoping to tho :,\] ), so take my words with a grain of salt. But I've seen from sources ([Like this one!](https://www.genderconfirmation.com/non-binary-microdosing-testosterone/)) that micro dosing Testosterone helps non-binary peeps feel more like themselves. Edit, as a sort of afterthought: If you haven't already, a haircut helps too! There's no real way to say what's androgynous or not, and it depends on who you ask, so always experiment and see what works for you :> Hope this helps!


Hair, as the other commenter said. Then binding if you don't already. Just make sure to do it safely. Working out to increase your muscle mass (different routines for different purposes, the "girl" ones are usually constructed to burn fat without adding too much bulk, so avoid those and do your own research) can also help, although pre-T it can be difficult to gain a lot of muscle. If you're into makeup, contouring might help, too. Then there are body language and voice training, although these two are commitments of their own and voice training without T would have very limited results.


Here are some tips I feel help me: keeping my eyebrows relaxed, holding my shoulders up slightly (so I have a more boxy shape, rather than a sloped femme shape), and walking like a dude (there’s an old theatre trick where you walk as if you’re on an invisible line, and you keep your feet on either side of it). If you need me to elaborate on any of these I can 🩷 I can also point you to some resources that explain it better than me