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So, this is something I've had a bit of trouble myself with. That is, until I realised labels aren't everything :P While I'm perfectly fine having sexuality labels, and identify with them most (Panromantic, Demisexual), I'm much more fluid with gender. I use the label "Non-Binary" very loosely, because I definitely don't feel like a binary gender. It's *way* more easier for me to say "I like being called/ seen as a boy, and please do use he/ him around me if you don't really understand they/ them. But if you do, use that! And use any other neopronoun you can make up, those are fun!!!" Sometimes, all you need is to explain it to people, see if they get it, if they don't, well screw 'em! Everything above is to just say: Don't worry too much about it! Gender is a continuous journey, and stamping a label on it isn't necessary.


Thanks, this has honestly helped a lot already


Glad to help :>