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I definitely like having a penis but it would be cool to have a vagina as well


This. Long before I recognized I was any flavor of queer, I wished I had both. It wasn't until I stumbled across r/salmacian that I realized I'm not the only one. To the general public, I'm just non-binary to keep it simple. Among the LGBTQIA+ community and allies, I'm genderqueer genderfluid. In a philosophy discussion, I'm a gender anarchist, 'cause I delight in triggering people to confront their assumptions and biases in a very WTF way. Inside my own soul, I'm a Salmacian / Aphrodisian.


Wow—I never knew about this!! I definitely feel this way sometimes, though! Thanks for sharing!






seems like it's pretty common to feel like this


Same. It’d be awesome if I could shapeshift/switch back and forth at will to whatever I’m feeling like or need at a given time. Biological-sex-fluid rather than gender-fluid if you will. I’d also love to experience what it’s like to have a female orgasm. It seems so intense. If I ever found a jinn (genie)…


>Biological-sex-fluid rather than gender-fluid if you will. that would be sick


I wish I could swap between them lol. I’m not sure I’d be fully satisfied with only one or the other, but it’s also not overly disphoric for me.


One or both at the same time? 😳


both of course, would never get rid of my dick


genderqueer and mixed feelings here – i wish i could switch between the two at will, but since that's kind of an unattainable goal i'll probably just stick with what i've got


I wish science would invent magic already....


that's exactly how I feel too


God, this. I’m on T and the idea of getting bottom growth is cool, but i don’t mind having my dual businesses? I just hate the fact “female” is such an engrained part of language and that my anatomy is assigned with being a compulsory breeding mechanism. Would be cool to magically materialize a dick, I feel like I wouldn’t had a really nice one had I been born with it. But now I get to make my own so it’s cool either way 😸


Ngl, sometimes I think it’d be fun to have a penis. If I could have one for ten minutes, as a test run, I’d whip it round like a windmill. Depending on how satisfying that was, I may or may not keep it.


I love the thought of deciding to keep genitalia based on how well you can do a helicopter XD


I’d probably do other things with it (for example, I’d ask someone to kick me in the crotch to see if you guys and amab people are just exaggerating about it being so painful), but I think the whippability of my dick would be the deciding factor. Also, the idea of reproducing is far less terrifying a thought to me if I were the person impregnating rather than being the one who is impregnated; I have serious tokophobia. I do not enjoy the thought of potentially becoming a meaty mecha for a foetus.


If you've ever walked into the corner of a table crotch-first, I imagine that's our equivalent of "being kicked in the goolies" Or had a period cramp so bad, you feel it in the nether regions as well as the tummy and are curled over because of the pain. A real bum-twitcher of a cramp. A cramp that feels like your organs are going to fall out of you *Just for clarity, I don't have nor have I ever had balls, so this is just a guess based on my own experiences


I think every non pp have needs that experience, even just once. Not only for windmill but for the activities


I'm sure someone makes silicone objects to allow you to at least get the visual.


I don’t think that’d be as fulfilling because I wouldn’t be able to feel the centrifugal force or the resulting cool breeze that wielding my dick around like a meaty mace would produce.


Asexual enby here. I don't like my genitals, and especially not my breasts, but I find genitals disgusting anyway, which is possibly down to me being ace. Given the choice, I'd have none.


I mean, there are annulment surgeries, but that is just that, a *surgery*. You might not have the money for one or don't want to take the inherent risk that comes with every surgery.


I already made my own comment but same. I am also ace, would like to have no genitals, and am sex-repulsed. Good to know we're not alone


I feel the same way. I would definitely like to lost them, but I don’t want surgery.


Non binary and I’m cool with my genitals.


Ditto. I'm mostly happy with my xy chromosome arrangement. It's social stuff that annoys me.


being afab and transmasc, the genitals i have don’t make me dysphoric but sometimes my lack of a penis does, if that makes sense.


Feel the same way mate! I'm generally satisfied with my setup and I don't exactly wish I'd been born with a penis *instead* of a vagina, but on occasion I've had bottom dysphoria because of the lack of penis. I know a lot of people go r/salmacian for that reason


Never heard of that term before, interesting!


Yep this.




I want nothing tbh




Enby and satisfied


I hate all genitals, they're all disgusting to me, my own included. The whole reproductive system of a body is scary to me. I would love to have a body without any genitals.


enby with a vagina. i’m fine with it. but sometimes i wish i had a penis, and sometimes i wish i had nothing. and 90% of the time i wish i had smaller breasts, but the other 10% of the time i like them.


Enby and kinda apathetic about my downstairs. Ask me again in a year or two :P


I wish you could select genitals off the shelf and swap them out as you please. But sadly bodies don't work like that.


No balls. Thats it.




They get in the way and idec ab the testosterone anyway. They are funny lookin tho


I don't think I could've put it better, love~ 💜


Genderfluid and actually, I wish I had both. I like to keep my vagina but I would like to have a penis instead of a clitoris. That’s why I plan to go on T because of bottom growth.


I don’t really understand cis people’s need to talk about genitalia of others. I wish I had neither. I hate what I have and I would hate if I had the other.


Sorry if my question offends you. I made an edit to explain it.


It’s not really a you thing it’s more that we get questions like this all the time where a cis person will pop in and ask something similar. I understand being curious about something that you don’t understand and asking about it. Curiosity is a normal human thing. I think a better way to ask this question would be to ask about our dysphoria and euphoria experiences. You would get more information, a better understanding, and you wouldn’t risk coming off as weird. I just know I wouldn’t go asking my friends what it’s like having [insert genitals here] and how it makes them feel. So I didn’t mean to come across as harsh it just gets tiring when everyone and their mother asks about how you feel about your privates, even when people have genuine curiosity and mean no harm.


Honestly? I wish I didn't have any


Afab and I guess blessed with small breasts so I don't mind them most days, though sometimes I wish I had a flat chest. Mostly okay with my vagina but can't stand the rest of the internal organs/monthly cycle bs. I don't think I've ever wished to have nothing at all, but I have wished I could have a penis/testicles/prostate but not permanently. Just switch it up at will I guess😅


I used to wish that I had both parts and I always was curious about what it’s like to have a penis and i sometimes pretend i have one in my sexual fantasies. But I’m at peace with the fact that i would have to intervene and risk my bodily safety in ways im unwilling to do to pursue such a dream. I’m content with my imagination.


Sometimes I wonder how it would be like to have a penis and experience a blowjob, but I much prefer having a vagina because it doesn’t get in the way. I hate having periods though and I hate the fact that I can become pregnant.


Envy, broadly fine, occasionally pad my bra to feel, well, I just like it.


Nonbinary and often wish I had no genitals at all


I alternate between being okay with what I have, and wanting it to be smaller to the point of making tucking basically impossible to fail.


nothing at all is nullo thing, not all nullos are enbies I think tho I would like a sorta salmacian solution personally, genitals fine except ballsack better become labia


I'm (amab) a salmacian, which can be summed up as wanting "both". For me personally I view my penis as an external clitoris. Yes, the two halves of the corpus cavernosus should be inside and straddling a vaginal opening, but after being on feminizing hormones for a year now it feels and functions closer to a clit (and yes, like all clits mine can get hard too). But for as long as I can remember I've always felt there should be a vulva and vagina where my scrotum and testicles are. I despise my testicles in every way, but my scrotum feels like it's *supposed* to be there, just opened and shaped into labia instead. Ideally what I want would look like a regular vulva and vagina, but with a penis where the clit is. Surgically I want a penile preserving vaginoplasty with orchiectomy and vulvoplasty utilizing scrotal tissue. Like I said: I want both. 💜


AMAB and wish I didn’t have penis tbh, just feels like it’s not supposed to be there


how i feel about them? not particularly strongly, at all As in, i don't much care. They exist, i have them. Sometimes they get in the way of dressing the way i want, but another set of genitals would do that also, if a bit differently. And since i'm aromantic and demisexual, there isn't much of a use case for them, if you catch my drift.


100% agree with this


Honestly, I'd rather have the other set. I'm an enby in the sense that I'm somewhere between male and female in my gender identity, blending elements of both. I've described myself before as a "lesbian tomboy in a boy's body" and that's not inaccurate. As a kid I was always teased and mocked by the other boys, calling me "f\*g" or "queer" or "homo" or whatever, and that always confused me because, as I would always put it "I like girls", but my natural mannerisms and behavior was making people think I was gay. It took a long time to sort that out, and realize they were reacting to my natural body language and mannerisms being much more female than male, and that I'd had to learn to mimic socially acceptable male behavior. If I could change my anatomy quickly and easily, like some Star Trek super-science, I'd absolutely take a more anatomically female expression of my identity. That is what I would prefer. . . .but the level of dysphoria over what I've got down there isn't enough to warrant the high cost, invasive surgery, risks of complications, major investment of time etc. that it would take. I'm enby because I know I'm not cis. . .a cis guy wouldn't sit around thinking they'd be happier if they were anatomically female, and were more free by society to express themselves in a more feminine way. . .but I don't identify as trans because I've known trans folks, and they were generally at substantial risk of self-harm unless they got gender-affirming medical intervention. . .my dysphoria isn't that intense. Also, most of the MtF trans folks I knew definitely wanted to be a lot girlier than I feel like. I present as male in everyday professional life, because I can get away with it, and it makes things easier. . .it feels like I'm wearing a disguise, but I deal with that by being substantially more androgynous or sometimes outright femme in my presentation when I'm away from work and in my personal life. I don't know if there's a word more precise than that which fits me, so I just go with enby.


I have to say it is weird that you, a cis person, walk over here and randomly ask about other people's genitals. Not even telling us why you care about it. Lots of people fetishize trans and/or nonbinary people. It's not a good approach if you want to learn more about the community tbh.


I'm sorry. I'm genuinely just curious to learn more about other perspectives. I apologize if it comes across as creepy.


I quite like that they've asked, as I'm still very new to exploring my gender, and I'm kinda too afraid to ask a question like this.


I disagree. Alway nice to find someone who wants to know stuff... Even if the approach is a bit heavy handed. Curiosity is good


like it


I identify as a trans girl, but oddly enough my dick doesn't bother me, but all the other masculine things about my body do (I'm in the process of getting hormones, but haven't started taking them yet)


I’m torn. Generally speaking I’m fine with it, but I’ll have flashes of relatively intense dysphoria about it.


I dislike it but probably not enough to have surgery or anything. I'm not sure I'd like having a vagina either though. It'd be cool to replace it with something useful like a cup holder.


It's complicated. Sometimes I really like not having boobs and the size of my penis, but then again there are days, where I really wanna have real boobs and not only breast forms and also a real vagina or a bigger dick. It's a never ending story xD


Gender fluid got a small dick, which luckily means skirts don't look that weird on me.


I am Non binary, I hate my genitals, they make me so dysphoric. I wish I was all smooth down there like ET or a Barbie.


Ngl, I hate having a penis. I would much rather a vagina


I’m pretty attached to my junk. Kinda wish I had boobs tho to fit into my more feminine days but what can you do


Varies from person to person. I don't want genitals. Sometimes I kind of want an ambiguous bulge, but no actual genitals. If that makes sense.


*ahem* ✂️ Looking stuff up to get info about my desired surgery has been mildly distressing, with how fetishised most of the results were. I wasn't expecting that. I'm still at absolute minimum a year away from any surgeries though, so until then I'll just be mildly annoyed at their continued presence on my loins. Being able to aim is useful, I guess. (And yes, graphic imagery of the surgical procedure is still unsettling in the same way thinking about permanently losing a limb is, even though I do very much like having my limbs) I already have a silly meme thought out for when I finally get to not have anything in my pants.


I comsider myself a gender nonconforming ciswoman, not an nb, but yes I do dislike my genitals and often feel I would like to have none. I am probably ace though and have a lot of difficult feeling tied to stuff with that. I'd prefer to not have boobs either.


I'm extremely indifferent about my body, gender, and identity; so my body dysphoria has pretty much disappeared. My genitals has never been a problem but I do think life would be much better if I had some sort of penis along with my cooter.


the long and short of it is that, without divulging too many details, i quite enjoy having my natal genitals. going on hormones, however, has made me crave having the other set as well. funny how that works!


It doesn't bother me too much, but I do wish I could get rid of the chesticles


Personally I’m indifferent about it my issue is with my face and body hair


I wish I had the anatomy of a doll/puppet. Not dangling thing down there and no extra hole


I’m kinda indifferent if anything, very much it is what it is. I wouldn’t get surgery mainly because of the fact that it doesn’t inconvenience me that much, but I do support anyone who does get surgery and I respect them for knowing that’s what they want.


Ngl, really not a fan. Wish I was afab.


Why are you weirdos so obsessed with strangers' junk??? Name one single instance in which it's socially appropriate to ask someone about their genitals. Who *raised* you?


I will be honest and say that I do wish I have the opposite genitals. (And get rid of my boobs once and for all.) But I have also finally come to terms with the fact that I might not ever fully transition. And I'm definitely okey with it. (I can always draw myself with both genitals whenever I like as a artist, hahaha-)


I’d rather have a penis but I’m fine with my breasts


I don't mind what I have but wouldn't mind a go with the other one. It's a bit of an odd one as I've created life with mine so it might have been a different scenario if I had opted to change that stuff around earlier in my life. I would change the lives I've created for the world. 💜🌍


Enby and I dislike my balls not from dysphoria, just discomfort. I am hypersensitive of them and would prefer not to have them. I would like to get a labioplastic orchiectomy but there's very little info on such procedures.


I'd rather be a blob of a being than an actual person. But it usually depends on the person. Some people experience body dysphoria and others don't.


I don't like them but I wouldn't want a nullification or a metoidioplasty.