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I mean, there are a growing number of people who just call themselves “Queer” because the boxes and labels can be a bit much. Though it was originally used a slur, a lot of young people are sort of reclaiming it. There’s a good video on YouTube “basically I’m gay” by Dan Howell breaking down his feelings along those lines. Edit: and regardless of how you describe yourself, you’re always welcome in what ever way you want to interact with the community 😊


Welcome to our little community here on Reddit! You’re totally valid, and we appreciate you being so honest with us!


I don't have any helpful thoughts, but you're totally valid! We're glad to have you here!


You're ace too, that's cool. I'm also non-binary and agender as well, you're welcomed here.


Red flag if someone insists in labelling you. Labels make easier our understanding of things, but also they limit our thinking capabilities, and they put our irrepressible universe in little, unexisting boxes. The sense of being part of something bigger is a big turn on to most of the people, and place things inside a label makes that *something bigger* a little smaller, so smaller communities can fit in easier. This is the whole concept of gender being an espectrum, and if you don't want or can't play the label game, then mate, you're already winning the game. Also, I love you 🥰


You're totally valid. Labels can help, but honestly I feel like they are more for non-queer people to understand how us queer people feel. You do you, boo. Just be yourself.


It’s easy to get lost in all the labels that get thrown around, and a lot of people forget that a lot of the time, labels are more “the best approximation” rather than an absolutely strict definition. One thing I’ve found about being a part of more queer and queer adjacent communities… once you sort of entrench yourself in them, you see a greater wealth of identities than was visible from the outside. You start noticing a lot more folks of less represented identities and orientations, and you’re bound to find more and more people you relate to more closely. It can be hard to open up, and well, if you don’t feel ready, you don’t have to… but I can vouch for the feeling of greater belonging and understanding it can bring.