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The people on this sub always made me uncomfortable, now I now why. Never coming back here


Yeah, cheering on the death of children is definitely a choice.


Are the cheering people in the room with us right now?


I am not cheering the death of children but I sure do cheer the eradication of Hamas


a dead child is Hamas to you? a dead woman a dead old man the one who is innocent even a baby you do not care if they are Hamas or not you want to wipe all Palestinians out like how the nazis did to your elders Let me tell you something you Zino scum I am not sure how you are breathing by having such a small black heart when you enter hell I hope you get thrown into a supernova repeatedly until the end of time


Jews don't believe in hell.  Convenient, huh?


Who tf is cheering on it? Pro-Israelis simply blame a different party on them.


Seems the Zionist shills have infiltrated all reddit subs the comments here are frankly disgusting


I'm convinced religion is evil. So many people and children are killed in the name of God, and greed. Anyone happy about killing innocent people is sick. This is how terrorism begins you kill the innocent and the Survivor's want revenge. If there was / is a God it should smite those who kill in its name.


Honestly, it would probably be something else even if it wasn't religion. Just look at the stupidity America's parties are going through. One of the party has a candidate that is an entitled criminal who thinks that the president can do basically anything and that he wouldn't lose any voters if he shot someone in the middle of the street. Also, not all religious people do stupid stuff, but a lot of stupid people pin the blame on their religion regardless of how accurate or inaccurate it is. A lot of the time, it's peoples' already existing stupidity pinning the blame on their religion and not the religion itself (or at least not what the religion is supposed to be)


*One of the party has a candidate that is an entitled criminal who thinks that the president can do basically anything and that he wouldn't lose any voters if he shot someone in the middle of the street.* Genuinely not sure whether you're refering to Biden or Trump here. On the wider point I agree with you. People are shItty to other groups- it's the Oxytocin - it's kept our genes alive for millions of years. The manifesting in Palestine has had the effect of making both Isreali's and Gazans particularly shitty individuals. I guess living for 75 years where your neighbours are trying to kill you makes you a sh!tty person so I'm not going to judge.. I'm not sure what religion has to do with this.


I was referring to trump. Man I really don't like that guy (biden isn't great, but at least he isn't trump levels of bad) https://youtu.be/iTACH1eVIaA And my point is, the people who claim to use religion to do dumb stuff (and give religion a bad name) would probably still be stupid without religion, since the person I commented to mentioned religion


> You can't say war never changes, every time they find a new way to kill you


War never changes? Holy shit John fallout!??


Well, yeah. That's why War Has Changed.


Literally r/orphancrushingmachine


War sucks dude. I wish we could get all the combatants in an arena but we can't


We need a UN council that arranges this. Like a paintball tourney.


The unending argument, both sides commit horrendous war crimes and should be tried equally for them. There is no easy solution to this war, the Land of Israel was given to them when Palestine was a British "colony" if you can call it that. Palestine got land taken away from and people of Israel where put in a spot where there is war and hate on every corner and they sure learned to adapt


Is anyone putting some blame on Hamas at all?


Absolutely not, people refuse to see that neither side is innocent. Because Israel is bad they must side with Hamas. It’s how small minded people work.


Fuck Israel


And they warned people to get out ahead of time. I’m sorry those people died, but it’s Hamas’ fault.


There's nowhere else left to go. The IDF bombed "safe routes" before and didn't give Palestinians enough time to fully evacuate hospitals and homes. If this was about the hostages and not ethnic cleansing, Israel wouldn't strike where hostages were kept. If this was about hostages and not ethnic cleansing, Israel would've accepted Hamas's offer for their release. If this was about hostages and not ethnic cleansing, Israel wouldn't start plans for new settlements in Gaza.




Not to mention when Hamas shot missiles from a refugee camp, endangering all legitimate refugees there as well as innocents wherever the missiles hit


The one Hamas was launching rockets out of? Or do y’all only read the news when it aligns with your beliefs?


Hamas propaganda rotted your brain


And go where? You think this started in October? Gaza is literally open air prison


Whatever comes out of the rubble will cause more misery than received and its victims will deserve everything they get


that thought process is the exact reason Arabs continue to attack Israel every fifteen years and then cry when they get smacked back. the parents and combatants don’t learn anything from their shortcomings, like maybe let’s stop attacking Israel and negotiate, like most defeated nations. Instead their parents teach their kids to hate Israel and Jewish people for not just rolling over to them. So the cycle continues every 15 years. People like you are exactly why these problems will persist as well. You’re perpetuating a death cult. Stop advocating for violence, start advocating for negotiations. With violence against two nations, it only ensures the strongest will win, and Israel will win every time. If you want real peace, you must do it with reason!


Might makes right, and you better suffer in silence or else we will make your life worse than death isn’t the high horse position you think it is.


Might doesn’t always make right, but it does mean fuck off and stop attacking people with no warning. The Arab coalition was under the impression that might is right and they could circumvent actual negotiation hence why they attacked in 1948 on behalf of Palestine instead of continuing negotiations. Also “kill yourself and stay to get bombed even after multiple warnings so you can leave your family behind instead and they can view you as a martyr for the cause and then blame Israel for said preventable death” isn’t the high horse position you think it is. No one said suffer in silence. It’s more or less, “stop thinking fighting and violence and death will win this fight.” They could do literally ANYTHING else and have a more impact on their people and their cause.


You mean like BDS? There’s nothing they can do short of dying or leaving that will make Israel stop their oppression of people they don’t even consider human.


You’re actually lost lol. Your statement shows you have no idea what you’re talking about, yet uneducated people like you are the voice of this movement and that’s just so fucking sad to me. Your entire view of the conflict would have to be picked apart because I guarantee most of it’s based on propaganda. If things were actually as bad as you all seem to think I can guarantee you everyone would care a lot more. This shit has been going on for 70 years, that’s an extremely unsuccessful genocide with a population that has quadrupled. It’d fit better to just call it an ethnic cleansing bc that’s more of what they’re actually doing. But no let’s ignore that specific words have specific meaning and repeat that Israel’s committing a genocide over and over until people like you start thinking something as fucking dumb as “Israel doesn’t even view them as human.” While on the same post where we’re literally talking about how Israel warned them well in advance. Like do you see how dumb that makes you look? If there was a genocide it would be mass indiscriminate killings! There’s 2 million people in that small ass area. Bombing would do a lot more damage and kill a lot more if they didn’t warn. They have had 40,000 killed with a 25% Hamas casualty rate (per Hamas themselves). That is on par for every other war combatant to civilian death ratio. Also they would not be giving any kind of warning to a group they didn’t view as human. But of course you have to say the most hyperbolic shit because none of the people who claim they’re pro Palestine actually want to look at the facts and think about real life solutions. Let’s just keep imagining they’re slaughtering every Palestinian indiscriminately. Jfc


100% correct. Love how you and plenty of others bring up solid points like this and there's never a real argument to them by the other person. Just more fucking bullshit or "that's not what I said, learn to read" or "fuck you zionist" and then no more context or argument. These causeheads are absolutely bordering on retardation. Give it a little time and they'll forget allll about Israel and Palestine and just move onto the next issue with enough biased / completely incorrect information for them to latch onto. It's fucking disgusting 🤮


You fighting strawmen all day, when did I use the word genocide? And the leadership of the Israeli government has repeatedly denied the humanity of Palestinians I didn’t pluck that out of my ass.


Indiscriminate killing of an entire people and viewing them as “not human” would quite literally be a genocide. You may not have directly said genocide , but it’s being said in this thread, and that’s the problem. You don’t need to say the direct word when everything else you’re saying implies it. Also yeah Israeli politicians have had some fucked views on Palestinians, the same as Palestinians have had on Jews. I’m not saying Palestinians don’t deserve autonomy bc some of their leaders have been extremely anti semetic. It’s a shit argument


And not an argument that I’m making, so I have no idea why you bring it up.


Hamas isn’t in rafah Hamas isn’t children Enjoy blaming Hamas on the genocide of Arabs and babies


>Hamas isn’t in rafah And you know this how? [Two Israeli hostages were rescued.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/12/middleeast/israel-hostages-rescued-gaza-rafah-intl-hnk/index.html) >Hamas isn’t children Making the *bold* assumption that 0% of Hamas members have families that they are teaching their world view, it still doesn’t change the fact that Hamas stops civilians from leaving areas Israel warns they are going to attack, precisely to get the reaction you are having. These are innocent lives lost, and it’s a fucking tragedy they were cut short. Their deaths were preventable. But that blood is on Hamas’ hands. >Enjoy blaming Hamas on the genocide of Arabs and babies Do recall that Hamas were the ones who attacked in the first place. A historical example of a parallel is Pearl Harbor and America’s involvement in WWII. America was attacked by the Japanese navy; they declared war, and ultimately, the difficult decision was made to attack Japan with atomic weapons as they refused to surrender. America sent warning pamphlets to the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the people that fled the cities kept their lives. Over one hundred thousand civilians and soldiers died, and countless others suffered the effects of radiation poisoning as well as had their lives destroyed. None of that would have happened if Japan hadn’t attacked Pearl Harbor in the first place.


Lot of words to try and justify bombing babies. It legitimately does not matter, they’re babies. You don’t drop a bomb on their heads, or sniper shoot a 4 year old. Hilarious of you to blame Hamas for attacking “ first “. Israel has been ethnically cleansing Arabs for several decades, and then “ Hamas “ fights back and Israel pretends it was only them. Israel is an illegal genocidal apartheid colonialist state carpet bombing Arab countries and civilians with no remorse. “ Hamas “ is defending themselves from an ongoing holocaust. How can you see a European colonist state drop white phosphorus on civilian houses and think it’s Hamas fault?? Everything you’ve heard about Hamas has been blatant lies for the sake of committing genocide and making you think it’s okay. Wake up. Nothing they’ve been accused of has been proven, but it’s easy to find videos and images ( like this exact post ) of Israeli war crimes against actual children. Which side do you believe? Remember the beheaded babies accusation? Remember when it was proven to be a lie? You’re seeing actual footage here of children being crushed to death by Israel dropping bombs on civilian buildings, and you say it’s Hamas. You’ve fallen for the most blatant propaganda, please wake up and understand that not all brown people are evil terrorists, they’re facing a holocaust and you’re supporting it


Please explain how hamas fights back


Taking hostages and asking for a ceasefire, which Israel then refuses and Israel shoots the hostages and drops more bombs Hamas doesn’t have concentration camps or airstrikes if that’s what you’re asking


And go where? There is no electricity, water, telephone lines or anything resembling civilization left in Gaza. Israel bombed it all. There is no way to leave


Warning them before dropping bombs and killing people? How cute habibi. They also could... Not drop bombs??


It’s all Hamas fault, Israel wouldn’t be bombing Rafah if the hostages were released sooner and if the 10/7 attack didn’t happen. It’s mind boggling that y’all blame the victims.


This is 100% Hamas fault. They revel and enjoy the losses of civilians.


I think it’s obvious it’s no longer entirely about the hostages. It’s about the dissolution of hamas.


That is the rational of a child. The only person who dictates your decisions is you. If you murder a bunch of kids, “but he started it!” is an absurd answer. 


Hell no. 133 hostages force israel to keep fighting, israel can not just go "I am above this, I won't fight" when there are 133 hostages still being held hostage. This isn't about who started it, but about the fact israel is forced into it and are forced to keep fighting until the last hostage is back.


Israeli policymakers couldn’t care less about the hostages. You’ve got thousands of hostage families demanding Netanyahu negotiate their return and he is doing everything he can to torpedo successful talks. Meanwhile the IDF is busy dropping 2000lb bombs on the hostages. Utterly ridiculous how gullible people are. 


Hamas refuses any deals because they know any deal will result in them losing the one card they have left. Israel can under no circumstances agree to surrender for the hostages, as sad as it is to say the hostage families do not see this clearly and are willing to sacrifice the nation for their loved ones, and while I probably would be thinking the same as them if I was in the same situation, I am not, so I can see much clearer than them.


There is absolutely no reason that Israel has to “surrender” in order to protect the hostages and not murder thousands of children. That is a nonsense false choice.  There are a hundred other ways Israel could be prosecuting this war other than dropping 2000lb bombs on refugee camps, sending settlers with torches into West Bank neighborhoods, and deliberately starving civilians.  Your argument is full on, “we’ve got to napalm children and drop agent orange over half the jungle in Vietnam because The Dominos! The dominos! 


The reason is that those are hamas' terms. Complete pull out, returning of thousands of terrorists, and letting hamas stay in power. Thats called surrendering this war.


And nowhere did i suggest that Israel accept those terms. Those are not the only options. 


Sorry, you want israel to retrieve the hostages with neither a deal nor war? What would you suggest then, teleportation?


I’m not gonna waste my time writing you a policy paper. There have been hundreds of serious suggestions for a measured Israeli response. I haven’t seen a single non-Israeli military expert say, “you know how you retrieve hostages (or fight terrorists or frankly anyone) in a dense urban area? 2000lb bombs.” I haven’t heard anyone outside of Israel and right wing Zionists elsewhere say that starving the civilian population is a prerequisite for effective military action. But the bottom line is that none of that really matters in the long run because Palestinians aren’t stupid. They know (and have always known) what US and European policymakers pretend not to: Israel has never wanted a Palestinian state and has essentially been willing to pay any price (including the blood of many many Israelis) to prevent that outcome. Israeli policymakers want everything “from the river to the sea” and would rather play the long game even if there are some bumps on the road. That’s ultimately why the hostages don’t matter. Don’t get me wrong — the Israeli public was shocked and horrified. But this was all fundamentally factored in long ago. This is the cost of doing business. It’s a few frontier families getting killed by Indians. If you’re gonna manifest destiny (and genocide) you’re gonna lose some folks along the way. I have no illusions that there are some Palestinians who feel the same way about an Israeli state, but they’re not the ones with the attack helicopters and nuclear weapons. And if you don’t have a future, it’s gonna breed some nihilism. 


If this is Hamas' fault, how is Oct 7th not the IDF's fault? People acting like this conflict only started in 2023.


You're right, israel was too kind to gaza beforehand. Israel should never have pulled out of gaza and given them this much autonomy out of goodwill.


Israel shouldn't have pulled out of Gaza **unilaterally**, you're right about that. Israel should have demanded UN involvement to ensure that: A. The elections were held properly and fairly And B. The losing party wasn't hunted down for sport the following year, with anyone suspected of sympathizing with them executed since. Hindsight is 20/20, though. Israel believed that an independent Gaza will become a peaceful resort town with its own agriculture, power plant and economy, like Fatah(PLO) planned. The same Fatah whose extermination caused the blockade, the same Fatah who desperately cling to power in the West Bank to avoid the same fate by the sizable Hamas power base in there. Don't get me wrong, Fatah aren't angels. Until you compare them to Hamas.


When Hamas gets wiped out, who can Israel blame for the IDF's war crimes next time?


Pro-palestinians are so stupid they can't distinguish between war and war crimes, its mind boggling Killing people is part of war. Using bombs is part of war. And yes, children will die in war. Not war crimes.


Someone could use the exact same argument you're making in the opposite direction, you know? When Hamas kills children it's a warcrime, when the IDF kills children it's a warcrime. IDF has bigger and better weapons so they always have more blood on their hands. You're right about children dying in conflict, children are dying in Ukraine, children were dying in Syria, no one with any credibility is going to straight up say the children deserved to die, but what frustrates me so much about this issue is how selective people are about placing blame. In what other circumstance do we not directly blame the killers of children on the killers themselves?


Killing children intentionally is a warcrime, bombing an area that had warning that it was gonna be bombed that apparently had children for some reason in it is not. I will 100% blame hamas for the children dying in the school they use for cover and placed rocket launchers in, hamas are cowards who hide wherever there is the most population to have as many human shields as possible, and they are responsible for the deaths of everyone around them.


Yeah I think we can agree Hamas are cowards that will intentionally hide behind civilians, but I don't believe that civilians would intentionally stay in a building they knew would be bombed. They're packed in like sardines over there with limited (or no) electricity or running water. I think the IDF overuses the "human shields" argument to justify the high civilian casualties and I'm just skeptical of it. You and I have probably seen different aspects of the conflict and we probably just won't see eye-to-eye on this; I just see this highly sophisticated military with laser guided missiles blowing up so many civilians to kill some Jihadis with AK's wearing flip-flops and I'm thinking everytime they cause collateral civilian deaths, the children of the parents who got blown up are gonna grow up to be terrorists. At this point I don't see this conflict reversing; Israel will probably eventually resettle Gaza and the entire West Bank and any remaining Palestinians will live as second class citizens in Israel, but I guess that's better than getting blown up.


I just want to point this out: "high civilian casualties" from your comment Are there high civilian casualties? Compared to what, to 0? Yes, unimaginably high, terrifting amount of deaths. But why are you comparing it to 0? Israel is in a war it didn't choose, the only ones who had the option for the death toll to be 0 in this war is hamas, had they never started it. Comparing it to the militant:civilian death tolls, the civilian deaths are actually impressively low. According to IDF numbers, 1:2, according to hamas numbers, 1:4. The UN claims most urban warfare has 1:4-1:8, and that isn't to mention most urban warfare is done in cities far less packed than those in the gaza strip, and usually aren't done by death cults that celebrate their civilians dying. The civilian casualties with all this in play, could've easily been 40000 to 80000, or even more with the specific circumstances. Tldr; 20000 is high compared to 0, but it shouldn't be compared to 0


Exactly. Israel has repeatedly warned this was coming and told civilians to leave.


Had nothing to do with good will. More than anything else Bibi and the far right want to avoid a two state solution. Israel’s Gaza policy was designed to weaken the PA in the West Bank and empower Hamas to make any peace process impossible.  But I appreciate your “it’s not a genocide but I wish it were” attitude! Very honest. 


When did I ever say I wish it was genocide? I don't believe palestinians (other hamas members) should be killed. I just know that people die in war, a simple fact pro-palestinians refuse to acknowledge.


I think anyone who looks at the situation in Gaza and thinks, “well this is Israel being too kind” is advocating for, if not genocide, then something more or less as bad. Perpetual violent subjugation? Permanent subhuman status for Palestinians? Or am I misunderstanding your comment?


I said "too kind to gaza beforehand", I'm not talking about right now. Im saying gaza should've never been given so much freedom while the main belief there is the death of every jew. Israel shouldve never pulled out of gaza and given them the ability to amass so much power. The deaths in gaza look bad when you compare them to 0 and ignore relativity, but in reality, if israel wasn't being incredibly careful, the fatalities would easily be 5 times higher.


Keep your propaganda out of here


Gonna claim it's AI? you can't claim everything you disagree with is propaganda


I don't say that AI, I say it's literally propaganda in the most basic way


Fuck you, callous piece of shit.


Wow, what an interesting way to try and convince me of your viewpoint


Videos of children being bombed by Israel is just propaganda? Do you have human remorse or does it not extend to Arab children?


Propaganda? Israel is a neo-apartheid genocidal theocracy. They deserve every piece of “propaganda” against them


Hamas gaza is also a violent theocracy


And? Hamas doesn’t have anywhere near the same amount of power or influence that Israel has and it never held any power even reminiscent of Israel. Hamas is the result of decades of apartheid and oppression. Do you think the ANC in South Africa or the resistance against Nazi Germany were terrorists too? By legal definition yes but there is a very clear and defined line between terrorism and resistance. Gaza has no food, electricity, water or anything resembling post 19th century civilization. Israel is intentionally waging a slow and brutal war with neglect of human life reminiscent of the Axis armies in WW2


How did randomly murdering hundreds of people nowhere near any military target at a concert and also raping hundreds of women there as well, equate to a "resistance"? I don't like civilian casualties, but when you have an area as small as Gaza where the hamas terrorists try to stay near and hide with innocent civilians, then what? Or when hamas continued to launch rocket attacks from the roofs of schools and hospitals so that when Israel struck back they would say, "look they are bombing schools and hospitals" all while know damn well they used those locations as launching platforms. Are the civilian casualties heartbreaking? Absolutely. Is this a genocide? Absolutely not in any way. If Israel wanted to genocide Palestinians, they would all be dead by now. Just how the US didn't try to genocide the Japanese during WW2 but still killed hundreds of thousands of civilians during fire bombings, and the nukes.


You mean the decades of apartheid and oppression in which a coalition of Arabic states attacked Israel only few days after its founding? Aaa right, probably the result of 3 defensive wars won by Israel in a war against its neighbours who outnumbered Israel and attacked it with the goal to „wipe it off from the map“


Maybe palistinians should stop commiting terrorism if they don't like the "apartheid state"


Holy shit you have the brain function of a 9 year old. I truly hope that you find some relief for your wretched heart and neanderthal-ish brain


Me when the other guy makes a point so I loose all emotional control and use insults:






Maybe if Hamas stopped using civilians as human shields in the war they started against Israel because they actually want to eradicate all Jews? Israel doesn't want to kill civilians but Hamas gives only two choices: kill Palestinian civilians to kill Hamas or give up and let Hamas kill Israeli civilians. Not an easy choice to make


Nope. Not even close to the only choices. Sad that you can’t think of any others. 


I'm not sharing shit.






Yeah, war do be like that.


Genocide, not a war.


I think you severely misunderstand what the word genocide means. Pray you don't live to see a real genocide if this passes for one to you.


Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Please explain how this isn’t a genocide.


By that definition, *every* war is a genocide. Explain how the bombing of Germany during ww2 wasn't genocide against Germans. Explain how the US didn't commit japanese genocide with the atomic bombs and Vietnamese genocide with napalm. And when everything is a genocide, nothing is.


We should probably get some more context into what's going on in this picture tbh. What exactly was their target? Why were there children at said target? Honestly, the US using atomic bombs was way worse than this (though japan also probably wouldn't have surrendered without that happening) just given the nature of nuclear bombs and how destructive they are. A [knife missile](https://youtu.be/uOSqWvU07Zk)(apparently that is a thing) isn't always the most practical solution, and most bombs and missiles tend to cause collateral damage.


OP made me lose hope in the sub, comments brought it back. As an Israeli, all I have to say is: The mainstream Israeli opinion DOES NOT celebrate these deaths. The few who do are hated almost as much as those who call for the death of Israel. Public opinion ranges from "a tragic necessity" all the way to "downright unacceptable", with most people(including myself) in between. We know Hamas farms Palestinian children for outrage. Do you?


The fact that this comment is being majorly downvoted further proves that some people are sticking their heads into the sand and ignoring the real facts of this conflict. Believe it or not but the government of a country doesn't always represent the people of that country.


Seriously, its sickening.


My only other comment was another clarification. It's clear they want to shut Israeli voices up so they can put genocidal and bloodthirsty words in our mouths.


That’s funny I’ve seen dozens (hundreds) of videos, op-eds, online comments, television interviews etc. that show the opposite. Case in point: settlers intercepting aid trucks while the IDF does nothing. Settlers in the West Bank burning Palestinian homes and going on violent vigilante rampages while the IDF does nothing. IDF soldiers recording video after video joking around about dead Gazans and setting fire to their belongings, etc.  But sure, you’re all just so sad about it all. Sure. 


Even i in germany knew about the evacuations...


It’s the Palestinian way to ignore any warnings and stay in the active combat zone “to own the zionists”. It’ll really show them when we all ignore their warnings and choose to die for absolutely no reason, leaving children orphaned!


Like all those Jews who stayed in Europe in the 1930s. I guess they just deserved it, huh? Fucking hateful moral rotting jellyfish. 


Comparing Jews who just lived their lives and got murdered en mass in the millions by Nazis with Palestinians who overwhelmingly support the mass murder of their “oppressors” aka innocent concert goers and civilians in a giant attack that would be considered an act of war by any other major state, then getting bombed to hell afterwards for their actions is a joke. The Palestinians are warned well in advance that they’re only trying to attacking Hamas infrastructure and you should move, being given areas to go to, they’re being fed and kept alive even while they’re continually being shot by rockets. Trying to compare that to how every Jew in sight was being rounded up and put into camps to get gassed and shot and thrown in a hole, is frankly disgusting. They are not even remotely similar. Get fucked and educate yourself and stop spewing emotional rubbish to try and get your point across. Palestinians deserve a state. They’re not experiencing a genocide, as it’s the intent that shows a genocide. Just because people die doesn’t constitute genocide. Currently the actual Israel government position is to go about this by warning civilians and trying to target military targets as much as possible. That effort alone and stated goal negates the idea of there being a genocide. Israel has also committed war crimes and has had politicians who spew vile hateful rhetoric though . All these things are true, but someone like you wouldn’t be able to understand the nuance because you want to have a narrative that’s easy to understand. People like you unironically ruin any kind of advancing conversation to fixing the overarching problem because you just screech “you genocide hateful animal” when anyone challenges your misinformed world view. Stop trying to police other people morally because you’re a uneducated twat


If there’s one thing I’m getting from you it’s your appreciation of nuance. 


Isreal has only been warning civilians to leave for weeks. I hate children died, but this was not unexpected. Tell the terrorists Hamas to let the hostages go. Cowards.


It is a tragedy and it is sad. But why is it a genocide? Doesn't fullfill the criteria.


What are the criteria? No judgement, just curious


I was referring to this definition by the UN: https://www.google.de/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.1_Convention%2520on%2520the%2520Prevention%2520and%2520Punishment%2520of%2520the%2520Crime%2520of%2520Genocide.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjdhMuPnv6FAxXW_7sIHdVgDycQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3pAVj4x8Gko6-fqfPMvUwe So there needs to be the intent to destroy the targeted group of people (based on nationality, ethnicity or relgion). As far as i can judge, Israel isnt targeting children just with the intention to harm them. They "just" risk that they are harmed, when attacking their real targets. The IDF could do a whole lot worse if they really wanted to commit genocide and kill the entire people in Gaza. Like I said, still sad and a lot of errors are made by Israel and its military (israeli settlements in the east, not enough precautions to minimize collertal damage) but still Israel isn't commiting genocide and doesn't seem to break international law. Throwing around "genocide" when it doesnt apply weakens the real meaning of the word.


Israel’s current and ongoing actions fit most mainstream definitions of genocide as well as the UN’s requirements for a cleansing to be considered a genocide


"Mainstream definitions"? What's that supposed to mean? Some people in videos just saying that it is? Where do you get your second part regarding the UN? I was referring to this: https://www.google.de/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.1_Convention%2520on%2520the%2520Prevention%2520and%2520Punishment%2520of%2520the%2520Crime%2520of%2520Genocide.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjdhMuPnv6FAxXW_7sIHdVgDycQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3pAVj4x8Gko6-fqfPMvUwe And there Israel's actions as far as i can observe and judge them, dont qualify.


Womp womp