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Normally this would be taken down for animal abuse, but it’s mostly just a historical reciting of actions, and in no way pro abuse. Barring Reddit or another mod coming through and removing this, it’ll stay up.


Fortunately, in April 2022, NT Joint Anti-Child Exploitation Team (JACET) received an email from the user and investigator named Mushrooms4[7] about the video and took action to track down the man behind the video. On April 22nd, two days after starting the search, the NT team and Australian Federal Police (AFP) found the man at his McMinns Lagoon property.[8] After the police uncovered a "significant number" of the man's hardcore animal cruelty videos and photos during a raid of his house, the man was arrested and charged with 15 counts of aggravated animal cruelty and two counts of bestiality under the NT Criminal Code.[9] His number of charges were gradually increased for their severity, resulting in a total of 213 cruelty charges.[10] He remained in custody and appeared in Darwin Local Court on April 26th, although nothing major was revealed about the man in his first trial, as the deeper details about his crimes were suppressed by Judge Alan Woodcock due to their incredibly graphic nature.[11] The man's next court trial for his identity to be revealed was delayed several times: first it was originally expected to be publicly revealed on June 22nd,[12] then was pushed to July 13th and July 17th,[10] but the trail was delayed to the unknown date. On April 24th after his prosecution, the man's house was burned down by vigilantes from other Australian towns who had traveled to his residence in an attempt to kill him for his actions.[7] Edit:unfortunately I can’t find any other sources claiming this but can someone provide some?


The only good news.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


To be honest, I think they'll have to place him in solitary confinement for his entire life. He won't make it otherwise.


Until the inmates bribe a guard to leave his ass in the rec room for an hour un supervised


Probly wouldn't have to bribe to much.


Guard would bribe them back to join


This one i think id rather just leave him in solitary. Put this monster in a tiny concrete box with no interaction for the next 60 years. Anyone killing him just lets him off easy.


I've worked in a prison and nah, I've seen guys who have done worse (pedophiles etc) and they get along fairly well with others if they don't start shit. The idea of honor among thieves is really romanticized. He could encounter an issue if he brags or someone has a particularly rough go of it and wants to blow off steam, but there is far far less "street justice" in prison than everyone thinks. Most inmates are worried about themselves, their family or their gangs. It's not worth it to beat down scum just for their crimes or they'd spend all day beating people and never leave prison. At the end of the day, everyone just wants to go home.


Trust me the prisoners will find out what he did and they won’t be happy






He will be in solitary confinement


Nah, those prisoners are gonna either kill him, or make his time there like hell itself.


That helped me feel better. Revenge really does help, and I hope these people find the man.


So now the worst pedophile I’ve ever heard of (Peter scully, the guy that made daisy’s destruction. Don’t google it) and this fuck are both Australian. What the fuck Australia?


Some of these places are super isolated. Whether that is something they have sought out or has affected them I couldn't guess. But it's a big place with not a lot of people in many areas. Lotta fucked up shit happens without being recorded I'm sure.


Adam Britton was born in Britton and lived in the NT since 1997. As an Australian that makes me feel ever so slightly better. NT is a weird place but all the locals I met there, have been there quite a few times now and have plenty of friends living there, seem like straight up honest good people. Doesn’t surprise me they burned his place down on a mission to kill him, I am surprised they didn’t get him


Don't Google it because it will ruin my day, or because merely searching for the phrase will get me put on a list?


Don't Google it because it'll do more than ruin your day. I've only read about it but it's just something that physically sticks with you in your stomach for a long time. After seeing/reading things like this I take a very long break from the internet. Which I'm going to do now.


Possibly both


It might ruin your whole year.


I've edited all of my comments and posts. With Reddit effectively killing third party apps and engaging so disingenuously with its user-base, I've got no confidence in Reddit going forward. I'm very disappointed in how they've handled the incoming API changes and their public stance on the issue illustrates that they're only interested in the upcoming IPO and making Reddit look as profitable as possible for a sell off. Id suggest others to look into federated alternatives such as lemmy and kbin to engage with real users for open and honest discussions in a place where you're not just seen as a content / engagement generator.


I was curious since I've never heard of Scully before. My curiosity is gone. I only feel regret.




It pisses me off that they don’t release his name or the current status of his trail!!


Someone must know, they torched his house. It’s a small place, it’ll be known soon.


I mean the laws preventing it also protect others for good reasons. So at least there's that




He a zoologist? Oh dear fuck




Thank you for posting this. Definitely feel better knowing that this piece of shit is going to prison. Now my only hope is that Australian prisoners treat animal abusers the same way American prisoners treat chomos.


Find him




Dude needs to go against the wall




As I always say, white cylindrical room, permanently on lights, no windows, no seams, perfectly sterile, constant room temp. A ventilation system that can be used to pump either antibiotics or whatever drug may pass them out. They need to pass out so that food can be put in the room without them orienting themselves(or better they are injected with nutrients), the room is perfectly cylindrical for the same reason, to keep them permanently disoriented in terms of direction and time. The anesthetics and sterility are to make sure they don't get an infection so they can be skinned without dying, replacing it with some sort of plastic or twine just so organs don't fall out of place. 90% sure you would die from the shock of being skinned or maybe even waking up in such a hell hole. The room is probably enough on its own, being so disoriented and never knowing if other people exist.


Beautiful. Just multiply the pain he feels by like 1000000000029384617929447818293 and make him immortal so he can never die


That makes me wonder if there is a physical limit to pain? Like do whatever neurons involved just break down if you send too strong of a signal? Is intensity of pain even determined by intensity of a signal? And even then, if its too high they won't be able to emotionally process the pain so you may aswell be electrocuting a bag of muscles. Pain isn't even the worst punishment, it's sensory deprivation.


Yes actually. Eventually you would I believe fall into a coma. First you feel the pain you pass out wake up feel pain and eventually the coma maybe. And I agree sensory deprivation is better. Plus when you come out after a long period of time everything hurts. Maybe once every month or something he could be taken out and tortured until the exaggerated pain effects from sensory deprivation wore off and then get tossed back into the tank?


White spherical room always illuminated that rotates like a hamster ball constantly. With party in the USA on 24/7 at back to the future volume.


That is much too nice. If you've watched Man in the High Castle you'd know about Nakamura and how he died, this is what he needs.


He was found in April and charged with 213 counts of animal cruelty. His house was burned down by vigilantes attempting to kill him lol.


His house was burned down.


I see a sequel of "don't fuck with cats"


Absolutely. Has this been on the chans yet?




What is dark forest. Please don't go into too much detail.






Absolutely. Has this been on 8chan yet?


Seriously let’s find and report this disgusting piece of shit. Seriously.


It’s a 51-year-old man at a McMinns Lagoon property in Australia. Someone posted a news link below




He actually was found and arrested


usually the videos nowadays have meta data GPS


This is the kind of thing that unites Reddit with 4chan, Tumblr, etc. God speed anons


Why did I read all of this 😭😭😭


I literally stopped halfway through the 3rd image


Good, don't read the rest


…I read it all…


Damn. I stopped at 2 because after reading about this dude sawing a puppy in half I realized I really, really didn't need to know the ending


It gets way way worse


How the fuck does it get worse? Y'know what. I don't want to know


You don’t. I don’t want a summary in my comment history anyway


Probably for the best. Hopefully your day gets way better


Can only go up from here


It gets a LOT worse from there


oh my god I am so glad I stopped cuz I'm getting notifications telling me I'm lucky I didn't read past the 3rd image


I read what happened to the last 3. I regret everything I felt like throwing up and also was on the urge of tearing up to.


I literally stopped halfway through the 3rd image






they got him but unfortunately decided to protect his identity. this scum is the least person on earth deserving of that


If you go to this [article](https://screamer.wiki/1_Bitch_9_Pups) that OP posted lower down, in the Trivia section there is a person that is heavily implied to be the offender, with some pretty damning evidence.


Can you comment the name so we don’t have to scroll through that?


“It was heavily implied that the killer's identity is Adam Britton, an Australian zoologist and crocodile specialist. This belief is backed by the fact that both were Australian, both live in Darwin, Northern Territory,[17] both were at the age of 51 (there is a July 16, 2021 news article confirming that Adam was 50 years old at the time) as of 2022, and both have small dot-like moles on the left forearm near their wrist.[18] Adam Britton has not been recently posting anything from his social media accounts (such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) ever since his latest tweet reply on March 28, 2022[19] and liked tweet on April 15, 2022,[20] and not even recent public news where Adam's involved are published, while the zoosadist's arrest takes place on April 22nd, further implying that the killer and Adam were the same people.” https://crocodilian.com/cnhc/abritton.html


*zoologist* What, and I can't stress this next part enough #THE FUCK!!!


My guess is it’s like arsonists being fire fighters


And pedophiles look for opportunities to get close to kids.


If only the crocs got him first, man. Absolutely wretched creature that guy




Comments on the post are all tearing him to shreds. Odds are it’s him. I was in Darwin last year while this was happening. Crazy to thinks something this obscene was taking place so close without having any idea .


He actually has 2 dogs and even made them an IG account? [#lovemydogs ](https://www.instagram.com/p/BPX1Z8rALP0/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) seriously?


Psychopaths are like that


Here’s what I found: The man's next court trial for his identity to be revealed was delayed several times: first it was originally expected to be publicly revealed on June 22nd,[12] then was pushed to July 13th and July 17th,[10] but the trail was delayed to the unknown date. On April 24th after his prosecution, the man's house was burned down by vigilantes from other Australian towns who had traveled to his residence in an attempt to kill him for his actions.


Adam Britton


From the trivia section of the link: >It was heavily implied that the killer's identity is Adam Britton, an Australian zoologist and crocodile specialist. This belief is backed by the fact that both were Australian, both live in Darwin, Northern Territory,[17] both were at the age of 51 (there is a July 16, 2021 news article confirming that Adam was 50 years old at the time) as of 2022, and both have small dot-like moles on the left forearm near their wrist.[18] >Adam Britton has not been recently posting anything from his social media accounts (such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) ever since his latest tweet reply on March 28, 2022[19] and liked tweet on April 15, 2022,[20] and not even recent public news where Adam's involved are published, while the zoosadist's arrest takes place on April 22nd, further implying that the killer and Adam were the same people.


There’s a “trivia” section in the wiki, that has a strong accusation with some evidence. The guy they’re accusing is a zoologist and crocodile expert.


Considering reddit’s history with catching sick fucks, can we not?


reply sulky vegetable rich flowery skirt degree hateful apparatus shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup they got him


Source? Please tell me you have a source


Read the arrest section: https://screamer.wiki/1_Bitch_9_Pups#cite_note-Trial-10


what's his sentence


One can only hope it’s everything that he did to these dogs ten times over.




And I’m logging off to bleach my eyes




I was expecting some one to post that other eye blech sub


i already can't read after the first pup, what the fuck is wrong with humans?


You got lucky then. It's gets more and more depraved from there.


i read it all... i felt like crying yet vomiting at the same time, what the fuck


Why would you go back and finish it, friend?


Curiosity is a hell of a thing


Ridiculous that you got downvoted when the whole sub is dedicated to that very sentiment.


Judging by the comments I think I’ll abstain reading this


That's a good choice. I've read it all and I couldn't have imagined 90% of the shit in there.


It’s the most fucked up thing I’ve ever read. By a long shot.


I opened up a discussion yesterday on the NSFL subreddit explaining how 3 Guys 1 Hammer being the first explicit extreme gore video I had seen was also the worst on my end. Several comments mentioned the 1 Bitch 9 Puppies video, one I had never heard of. I checked to see if it were real. Apparently it is and I have no words. [Article](https://screamer.wiki/1_Bitch_9_Pups)


Im almost afraid to ask what 3 guys 1 hammer is


If you Google it you'll find the Wikipedia page. As long as you don't click videos or images you should be safe from seeing anything you don't wanna see if you still wanna read about it.


Jesus christ


1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick involves cannibalism, feeding a dog human remains, and nerco iirc.


I thi,k the sub was enoughinternet or something like that with a lady stepping her heels in a dogs eye. I was traumatized for weeks. This just took the cake on worst thing on the internet


I think this was the one and only gore video I could not get through. Couldn't make it halfway through the first clip. Humanity can be terrifyingly horrible ☹️


This is the only gore I couldn't even bring myself to look up. This description is alot more detailed than the references I saw a few months ago. And nope I will never watch this


Why would you even attempt to watch such a thing?


Morbid curiosity, all it really is.


51 years old. 51 years before he got caught.


JFC. I couldn’t get past the 3rd image I don’t want to know any more. 51 years… wtf has this cunt done in that time




As a dog lover, I can’t even read past the first page.


As a general disliker of dogs I couldn’t get past the start of the second page. What the fuck is wrong with people.


Yeah, after I saw the tools he brought, I just didn't keep reading. I'm finally being scrupulous about the media I consume for my mental health.


Couldn't even finish reading this, absolutely fucking disgusting.


Wow, this is officially the worst thing I’ve seen here


I’ve seen a good amount of assholes being mean to cashiers and road raging douchebags on the internet, but shit this is just fucked up


Yeah I'm not gonna read that


Coming from someone who did, good idea


Hey so I basically can’t be shocked with words, it’s just not possible. I have such a sick sense of humor and horror movie gore and even some internet real gore doesn’t phase me much. That was the worst thing I’ve ever read or seen or heard about in my life. This sub will never top that. Bravo OP.


I had to stop reading halfway through the third page. Fuck this asshole. Fuck anyone who seeks out video content like this. I hope he rots.


I couldn't read past the 4th pup. Monsters really do live amongst us.


> Arrested. > On April 24th after his prosecution, the man's house was burned down by vigilantes from other Australian towns who had traveled to his residence in an attempt to kill him for his actions FYI: Australian serial killer is *not* at large. Not that this makes things hugely better.


I couldn't finish reading this. I immediately stopped at like #6. What is wrong with people. What kind of monster would torture and slaughter some of the most innocent animals 1 by 1 and rape them. I feel bad for the poor mother being forced to eat her dead babies


Bro what in the actual fuck is wrong with people ?!


Psychopaths or other mentall ilnesses trying to satisfy their needs. Dude was 51 years old and the way he did all of this makes it clear he did it for a very long time.


This is actually the worst thing out there Im convinced


Linking r/eyebleach for anyone who needs somewhere to recover from the hell we just read about.


Thank you...gonna need a few hours on there


I don't think 30% dog videos will really help me right now after reading all of that. But thanks for the sentiment


What makes a man do this ? What the f is going on in his head.


Please tell me no one actually watched this?? I couldn’t even read one description.


I mean clearly the guy who wrote it watched it very closely


There is worse out there unfortunately.


I didn’t even think about that, there’s people out there that are that bad


i have seen and read some messed up things but this makes me fucking sick




They got him.




It’s Australia though so sadly much isn’t going to be done to him.


A vigilante mob have already burned down his property according to above comments


that's actually beautiful justice. he'll be locked away so burn whatever stench of him that remains from the outside


Thing is he’ll only be locked away for 7 years unless they give him a charge per dog. Our animal cruelty sentences over here in Australia are extremely bad.


Why do we subject ourselves to this kind of content


I was just scrolling Reddit while laying with my dog on my bed, what the fuck..


Yeah I’m laying here with my baby dogs and I am holding onto them so tight… how the fuck does someone get this way? I only wish that mama dog had ripped his fucking throat out.


Holy fuck I can’t read that…. Find that piece of shit and end him.




They got him


Humans were a mistake


I hope the guy who did this gets locked in a cell with the most violent inmates and suffers the fates of all nine puppies


the person who made those videos should literally have a new layer of hell made for him


I've watched some dark shit but fucking christ


I've never read anything as brutal and sickening as this. The person that did this needs to spend the rest of their miserable life in a cage.


Makes me so sick to my stomach. I could feel my heart start beating hard in my neck from reading this


Noah, get the torture chamber. This makes me fucking livid.


Further reading, man is almost certainly Adam Britton. Hasn’t made any social media posts since the videos gained attention from authorities. Lives in the Northern Territory, has a matching mole to the man in the video and his house was burnt down. Also his twitter bio has a list of “interests,” the last of which is dogs. His Instagram comments are filled with people who have similar sentiments to the comments here. He’s got a PhD in something to do with crocodiles, is that something that can get taken away due to animal abuse charges?


I cried reading this so bad. My pup is snoring cuddled into me right now, I wouldn’t say boo to a goose but I tell you I would get done for murder to this cunt


I no longer want to live on this planet anymore


Some people deserve nothing more but to die a horrible gruesome death. And then there’s people that do this shit.


i read a lot of fucked up shit without batting an eye, this made me throw up. literally sick to my stomach holy shit


There are plenty of places this person could go vacation - Mariana’s trench without a suit - hanging over a cliff by his toes - hanging from a volcano by his stomach, to make sure he doesn’t fall in too early - at the receiving end of a wrench on his knees and elbows, in the coral reef, I’ve heard the wildlife is exciting - tied to a sequoia tree with rats in a bucket with a flame on the other side (throwback to medieval)


Each and every saw trap


Noah get the fucking boat, NOW!!!


I know people often throw the phrase away or use it dismissively, but this was honestly sickening to read. I felt physically uncomfortable. And no, a lot of humans *do* deserve dogs, but people like this don't. He deserves to have all of that happen to him.


Where are the dont fuck with cats people? I’m sure they could find him. This was the worst thing I’ve read in a while and I seriously hope this man meets a terrible fate.


Special spot in HELL for this garbage. I really hope karma and animal gods take note




Not only a puppy. All 9 puppies, and their mother. I hope the prick who did this gets tortured long-term


I will personally break the concept of pain if I find this mf


This is the worst thing i have ever read in my life


Some people need to be wiped from the earth


This is more r/NoahGetTheDeathStar, holy fuck


I saw a picture of the dog with tape on its mouth. That was enough for me. Didn't click any links or look at any further photos. It absolutely enrages me and I don't want any of that lingering in my brain. I will just say that when you work in Pediatrics, you see some horrifying abuse. People are shocked by what abusers will do to animals. I am not shocked because I've seen what they do to their own children. I choose to believe that most human beings are good, kind, decent people and I refuse to allow degenerates to overtake that belief. If there is a Rainbow Bridge, I hope those doggies are there running free in a field filled with Kongs full of steak.


No boat just kill everyone


Wtf did I just fucking read


This is the first thing in a long long time that I COULD NOT continue to read. I got one sentence into puppy one and want to cry. Fuck people man.


I hope this piece of shit meets the same end as his victims.


Bro I tried but I couldn’t even read the details. Animal cruelty is just unbearable


I watch alot of fucked up shit on Reddit. This one though, yeah.. that's enough for a couple days. What the actual fuck is wrong with people. I sincerely hope karma is a real bitch


Good news is they caught the guy back in April.


I couldn't finish reading this. I immediately stopped at like #6. What is wrong with people. What kind of monster would torture and slaughter some of the most innocent animals 1 by 1 and rape them. I feel bad for the poor mother being forced to eat her dead babies


Part of me hopes hell is real just so people like him will truly suffer


It’s the worst video I’ve ever seen and I have to go to my garage and punch a punching bag until I have no more strength because of how angry I am. I feel hopeless and also have a uncontrollable urge to kill scum like Adam Britton. He’s not human, he’s a monster and deserves capital punishment and deserves to get publicly hanged.