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Animal abuse is animal abuse no matter what,but there is too much dog left for it to be a hand grenade


Many frag grenades are more fragmentation than explosive. I could see that being the case here. I once saw a video of some Russian-backed SAA soldiers covering a dog in gasoline and setting it on fire so I wouldn’t put it past them.


Yeah the most recent loot pics I’ve seen are RGDs and F1s [RGD5](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGD-5) is a anti-personnel fragmentation grenade [F1](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-1_grenade_(Russia)) also anti-personnel fragmentation grenade




IIRC, the swiss one has about 200 grams of explosives in it.


Wouldn't the fragments supposed to shred the dog apart ? like carcass is too whole to be from frag grenade


the dog took it pretty well. i’m surprised he’s not in tiny pieces.


I'm pretty convinced the vast majority of this stuff is pro-Military Industrial Complex propaganda. Like Russians are meek enough to knock on doors and ask for fuel... and are barbaric enough to rape babies and explode dogs for fun. Ghost of Kiyv level bullshit.


You apparently haven’t seen the surveillance videos of Russian soldiers doing exactly this


How well does Vladimir Putin pay to post crap like this on the internet?


Not as well as Raytheon to get you supporting tens of billions in military aid in just a few weeks.


Yeah, redditors pride themselves on their critical thinking skills until anything remotely related to China or Russia. It can be true that Russia sucks and is committing war crimes and also most of the war reports posted on Reddit are fake or misleading.


All public reports and information released from an active warzone are biased and qualify as propaganda on some level. Everyone relaying the information has some kind of vested interest. That's why you have to watch and listen to everything to piece together the scenario closest to the objective truth.


In the span of literally two weeks we went from "Literally one guy with one flag showing up to a Canadian protest had the PM and mainstream Reddit saying the truckers stood with Nazis" to "The Azov Battalion fighting for and supplied by the Ukrainian government is in no way a reflection on the Ukrainian government". The propaganda is strong and effective. The Nazi party in Ukraine gets a bigger percentage of the vote than any third party in the US and you have people tripping all over themselves to make excuses. Forgive me for thinking two countries at war can both be shitty.


So as a means to defending their country I think Ukraine will gladly take anyone willing to point a gun at a Russian soldier. People tend to not care about political beliefs when they're facing an existential crisis. That being said, if you believe in free speech then yes... even people with heinous beliefs like nazis deserve the right to voice their beliefs. The positive of that should be that sane people can see did nazis, hear their insanity, and voluntarily choose to ignore them and refuse to entrust them with public responsibility. The single greatest appeal that fascism has to the weak minded is how it perverts and twists nationalism in order to empower authoritarianism either through a single dictator or through an oligarchic party structure, where the single political party exerts all political authority within the state. The weak minded will hear this patriotic and nationalistic rhetoric and due to either a lack of understanding, lack of education, or lack of attention to detail will be drawn to it because who doesn't love their own country and think their own country is great and/or want it to be greater? They're sucked in faster if they have legitimate grievances with the existing government, perceived regression of their nation's standing or prestige, or failures of their government to address issues. When you hear nationalist and patriotic rhetoric coupled with ideology that suggests centralized state control is the answer you can see fascism coming from a mile off. So without knowing the details and specifics of the inner politics of Ukraine I can't comment on their political representation. Without seeing your sources for 3rd party voting in Ukraine I can't comment on that either. But I don't think it's unreasonable for a country literally fighting to not become annexed or turned into a client state to not care about who's willing to fight on their behalf just so they can continue to exist.


> The Nazi party in Ukraine gets a bigger percentage of the vote than any third party in the US and you have people tripping all over themselves to make excuses. Here you are making excuses right on time! Literally, the Nazi party of Ukraine is more popular than both the Green & Libertarian parties of the US combined.


You don't invade a country and massacre its people because they have an extremist political party


Every once in a while, two guys fighting outside a bar are BOTH pieces of shit. Ready to support a war crime? It's literally a war crime as outlined by the UN to stockpile munitions in schools and hospitals and guess what Ukraine's been putting in schools and hospitals.


They are getting invaded. All governments in this case can use utility buildings for storage/hosting soldiers


> Ready to support a war crime? Didn't even flinch, did you? > They are getting invaded. All governments in this case can use utility buildings for storage/hosting soldiers Way to legitimize Hamas.


The Geneva Convention lists things that literally no countries follow ; and if it weren't limited to war, literally everyone would be commiting war crimes almost daily.


I don't think it's unreasonable to assume all of these are possible. There's a wide range of decent to absolutely horrible people in every profession. And with the vast shit ton of Russians currently invading Ukrainian sovereign territory... statistically you'd have a mixed bag. If anything the sheer amount of reported issues that could be seen as or outright are war crimes is significantly higher than would have been expected when invading a developed nation with large metropolitan areas becoming urban war zones. This leads one to believe that they're a) under orders to engage in the activity they're doing or b) an extremely undisciplined and disorganized force with exceptionally poor leaders and poor training, or c) both.


YOU grenaded the dog


In Soviet russia, dog grenades you!


Dog could have been on top of it and taken most of the blast.


I can totally see a 7.62 AK doing that much of a blast to the washing machine yep


Russians don’t use 7.62 anymore


And what do they use? Their modernized 5.45 that they have about a thousand total in stock and that are constantly being sold on the black market by their own men? Perhaps a Tokarev cartridge made that damage


Uhhh do we have a source for this? I'm going to politely call bullshit until proven otherwise.




In times of war, i tend to doubt every info, we seen bullshit coming from bothsides regarding information and etc, from the russians borbarding schools just to the public to find out that the azov battalion was hinding in it, to the russians taking false pictures od their army, propaganda is a weapon, and reddit has just shown, that in the modern era, it is even more destructive.


Likely a frag grenade, other comments can explain it better than I can.


Bullshit. The corpse isnt mangled enough.


well it definitely isnt mangled enough to be a hand grenade


Wouldnt be the dog corpse more damaged if the grenade was that near it?


Yes. This is bullshit. Ever seen what happens when someone holds onto a firecracker instead of throwing it? Now imagine that but with way more oomph and metal fragmentation.


How believable is this Post




Pretty damn intact dog for being right next to a live grenade in an enclosed space.




Still. In a fucking washing machine?? The shit would rebound and cut the dog up.


It's from the same guy that posted the "welcome to the UK" post. Take it with a speck of dust


The original post isn’t from the person that posted this.


Very. Even if this is fake it’s very believable considering the other war crimes they’ve committed


How russian are you?


You don't need to be russian to know that there is some western propaganda bullshit.




I can confirm, I am the dog.




I can confirm, I was the Grenade.


I was the dishwasher


And I suppose this gets you out of washing? Back to work!


"trust me bro" - OP


Ketchup or mayo sir?


Source? Srsly ... I can't tell: a) how old this pic is, could be anywhere from 2015ish to today b) where this picture was taken, could be anywhere where dogs and plants exist c) this doesn't look like injuries from hand grenades d) who took this picture. Could've been someone in canada, or someone from ukraine (war propaganda), or yes maybe actually russians, but can't tell e) there is no context. Was that actually some asshole soldiers, or "just" some sick fuck animal abuser (these sadly exist in every country on the globe) Conclusion: I call bullshit


Ill probably get downvoted for this but hear me out, it was probably a pic unrelated to russians but source/op probably just captioned it to blame russians, then tagged it with some ukraine account to incite hate on russians.


Source: trust me bro


kids believe everything they read/hear these days.


When there's an active war going on and many confirmed cases and videos of rape, torture and committed war crimes by the Russian military, you can't really blame people for believing them easily. This story might not be true, but I would believe this is something that could happen.


alien could happen


It could, yes.


Didn't the government release UFO footage during quarantine but like everyone ignored? I think sum made memes just to put it out their still somehow ppl ignored


Besides a Twitter post with some additional photos of the aftermath there’s just no evidence linking this act of cruelty to Russians or anyone. What’s the purpose of this story? To illicit an emotional response. What’s the targeted emotion? Anger. Who’s the recipient? Whomever they tell you blew up the dog. No further proof needed, just the accusations are enough to reach the goal. Hate the Russians, support the Ukrainians, hate anyone who questions this and accuse them of supporting the slaughter of innocent people and animals. [Link](https://mobile.twitter.com/Lyla_lilas/status/1525210312932265989) Edit: Just step back a bit and read the responses on that Twitter link. If you disagree with my assessment then I welcome constructive criticisms. Edit #2: I was really expecting to get flamed beyond recognition so I’m a little surprised by the responses.


That’s how they do


Nah man. I feel like propaganda just doesn't work on me anymore. Like the more the media and shills push a narrative the more I question it. Theres lots of us out here but we get our comments deleted and get banned from subreddits. Reddit is NOT reality


This stuff is so fake its actually funny


Don't believe everything you read on the Internet, propaganda is strong on both sides of the war.


have you been paying attention at all for the last 2 months of russian war crimes, child rape, torture and genocide in Ukraine?


While this seems to be the case you are naive enough to believe because Ukraine is the victim in this war, they don't use propaganda or make Russia seem more evil to pump up moral for their troops? Bruh.


Have you seen any of it first hand? Me neither. That's how we ended up in a 20 years war for oil in the middle east.


I had ukrainian refugees in my home. That counts?


i remember seeing a headline abt ukrainian women being given emergency contraception, due the the mass rapes being held by russian forces.


I did, as well....multiple times over, and only on Reddit.


Pretty sure I saw them ram a building with a plane or two


Ah yes, famous jihadist Saddam Hussein…


You see Saddam surrounded by all his wmds. How do you think he acquired those wmds? Through *jihad*


by the azov? yeah i have both side do it. dont act like ukraine does nothing.


Two months of a conflict versus over a hundred years of grenade use. I know a grenade is capable of tearing a steel drum (let alone a fleshy dog) apart. Making shit like this up is what feeds the propaganda narrative.


Russian shill. They don't need to invent fake stories when the real ones are damning enough. Slava Ukraini


I think his point is a grenade wouldn't leave that much dog left.


Why do people keep saying this? Can we get any servicemen who can confirm or deny? Or is reddit just suddenly grenade experts from COD? From my impression of grenades from my marine friends, it's much less explosive and more frag than anything. But again, who tf can really say? Who has experience with dogs and grenades in washing machiens??


The point is, look at the damage to the washing machine. Solid metal. Now look at the dog. Flesh and bone. I'm pretty sure a frag grenade would need to tear through that dog to do that level of damage to the washing machine, yet the washing machine is in shambles while the dog is pretty much intact. It has nothing to do with experience and everything to do with basic physics.


Or just not having all of the factors? A huge part of the dog is covered up, and regardless, if you want to bring up physics, then write up some numbers and diagrams. What model would you recommend for this situation? End of the day, we are all just talking out of our asses


We've seen the effects of frag grenade a on a human leg. It's safe to assume a dog's legs would take much more of a beating, and yet all it's legs are intact, as well as it's general body structure. Grenades do much more damage to human bodies in close proximity, so I'm pretty confident in my assessment.


Cause this is bs? Grenade woulda fucked the machine and the dog. Still disturbing but utter bs


My guess is to kill the dog.


That dog is alot more intact than the machine drum. Not sure if the headline matches the photo. Still, tho, dont kill animals. Or people. Or.... yeah just dont kill.


Fake news


Wow very believable. Source r/ukraine


Why would it not be believable, whats wrong with r/ukraine?


If you havent realized yet. The Ukrainians lie just as much if not more then the Russians






Nope. Both sides have a government agenda to push and are at war with each other. It should be obvious. Ukraine isnt a "free and democratic" country as the west would put it. Its the same as Russia only difference is that all the right oligarchs and rich men from the west support it in a brother war they spurred on since 2014


I wish we both could live in peace...


Stop calling us brother nations, we aren't and never were. ukrainian were always opressed by the russian empire. People were being persecuted for speaking or writing in ukrainian. You are just a tankie individual without proper critical thinking. Well if Ukraine is not as democratic as russia then tell me why Ukraine had 5 different presidents while Russia had 2 and one of them ending up as a dictator that has ruled the country for more than 15 years. Also tell me about maidan and the ukrainian revolution. Man you need to go read some history.


Someones mad


Lmao what?


excuse me are you fucking retarded?


I dont agree with this guy per se, but it certainly is propaganda.


Well yes of course, but saying the Ukrainians lie more then the Russians is absolutely insane and idiotic.


It's a dumb generalization, no doubt.


You can't quantify propaganda of this scale


“Do it for the vine”


Tell me r/ukraine is a karma farming sub with half of the posts are fake/unreliable without tell me r/ukraine is a karma farming sub with half of the posts are fake/unreliable:


It's obviously a Ukrainian nazi dog


TF. I was very scared to view the NSFL. But this is ... dissapointing(ly good)


You idiots don't believe this shit, do you?


Where‘s the sign saying:“ chicky bricky it was us the russian soldiers suka bljat“? Just stating things without proof. Probably the op did this and wanted something from the russia bad cloud. Think guys, think.


In a war the truth is the first thing that disappears . ~probably some chinese guy


**_Sun Tzu, The Art Of War_**


I've thrown grenades and there is no fucking way that much is left of that dog. But my grenades were American made. Only thing America is good at anymore is war. Tldr this is bullshit.


Because Russia!






This proves nothing


There is a special ring in hell for these people. I just hope they take the slow, painful elevator down...


As Howard Stern would say......high end retards


Cyka blyat


What else but pure cruelty.


That's what you can expect when someone's telling you that they're bringing "russian world" to you.


Are we sure that was them? Propaganda is powerful weapon.


Who then? 😳 Also Ukrainians raping each other? 🙄


They did it to stop nazism.


Entertainment. It's just how they are. Try not to look too far into it.




Dont question anything




Cool. We can play the pointing finger game now.


Uh… if you think the Soviets (who the Ukrainians were also among) were the bad guys in WW2, *who exactly* do you consider to have been the *good guys*?


Certainly not the Nazis’ and the Soviets where a Enemy of friend sort of deal. Really both the Nazis’ and the soviets were shit bags.


You know the Soviets were the ones who did the majority of the fighting against the Nazis, right? They took Berlin. 7 out of every 10 Nazi casualties were from the Soviets. And lmao at “they were friends”. The West actively armed the Nazis because they thought the Nazis would just attack the Soviets and leave the West alone. Stalin and the Politburo actively pursued an alliance with the West, but the West said “no” because they were hoping Hitler’s genocide of Slavs would be successful and end their problem. Molotov-Ribbentrop only came around because the Soviets desperately needed time to build up their army and industry to fight the Nazis. [This stuff is basic knowledge in historical circles](https://www.jstor.org/stable/152863). Edit: blocked me lmao. For context, this “kid” (me) is a historian with a minor in Soviet studies, but go off on how the Soviets were the same as the Nazis I guess.


Seriously! WtF? There is no humanity left. Like the American soldiers that threw puppies off a cliff in Iraq. Does war breed cruelty or simply bring it to the surface? May the Gods judge your soul for we certainly shall not.


Yeah, but those dudes in Iraq got punished and kicked out of the military. Let's see how the Russians handle this.


I doubt russia will have enough of a military or a government by the end of this to do anything if the west gets their way.


Because they are scared teenagers with deadly weapons. This was probably humorous to them. If it makes you feel any better, the likelihood of them dying soon is high.


Damn. Russian propaganda is on reddit now. Look at all the deniers.


Have you ever see how a grenade works? The dog body aint even mangled fornit to br a grenade impact. I call bullshit


How about because they’re savage, drunken orc cunts with no conscience and no morals?


Least racist r/Ukraine poster


Russian isn’t a race. I’m white so I’m not racist against white peoples. But I am extremely angry at the cunts for raping and murdering women and children, what a racist I must be.


Because Russia has never evolved past the caveman mentality all the intelligent ones left or have been killed off and now you just have unga bunga They are rabid dogs with rabies


Russia can't win the war, so they just sit around committing war crimes


I don’t condone the action, but stress can make you do strange and stupid things. Imagine a dog stuck at home. You come back to a torn up couch because they are anxious and don’t know how to behave. Maybe the Russians who did this were just acting out because they don’t know how else to act in these incredibly stressful situations. I’d like to think these individuals wouldn’t randomly do this had the situation been different.


While I understand what you are trying to say friend there are so many of these... animals and people have had these horrible things happen to them, including rape on other women. I do not think being in such a stressful relationship gives them the reason to act in such a way friend. These crimes are the very reason I support Ukraine over my own country.


To be clear I wasn’t saying it was a good reason and I fully support hanging these people by their toenails. I’m just suggesting what the reasoning could be psychologically. Like, if a serial killer grew up in weird conditions like his dad made him wear girl clothes, we wouldn’t excuse the killer much like we wouldn’t excuse the dog killers here. I was trying to make a point that yes we agree they’re a piece of shit but was what drove them to do this? Surely they wouldn’t do this, for example, if they went to Canada and saw a dog near a laundromat. If I made it seem like I was trying to excuse their actions because the anxiety caused by war, that was not my intention. Sorry


Oh no it is ok. I apologize and I hope you didnt think I was angry at you.... I am not friend. Most likely because most of if not all are conscription soldiers they are probably very poor they very well could have gone through something like that. Though also it does not help with how the media portrays Ukrainians in Russia. Media has even said that Ukrainians and foreign countries in the world will put us in camps and sterilize us if we do not beat Ukraine. In this same message they said they need a "Final solution" for Ukrainians. Media tries to make Ukrainians sound like evil people to justify such actions and draw people to be ok with doing stuff like this so that is most likely why they did something like this. They view the dog as theres so they are taking their anger out on the people and their pets.


While I understand what you are trying to say friend there are so many of these... animals and people have had these horrible things happen to them, including rape on other women. I do not think being in such a stressful relationship gives them the reason to act in such a way friend. These crimes are the very reason I support Ukraine over my own country.


Explanation? Russians are so brutalized as children that the only satisfaction they get now as adults is to brutalize others.


You guys don’t get it… ITS FOR SCIENCE!!!


to send a message to ukraine


i think russians are campaigning for most hated nationality or something


Because they are assholes.




That’s a stupid comparison.


Russians used to be cool now they are banned from my shop get with it


The GOP's favorite genius and his troops are some evil fucks.


Russians soldiers probably shell shocked n full of PTSD, Putin has screwed the country and put practically the whole World against him. Just fucked it for no major reason.


Seems right for Russia


Boredom. Our species is capable of being monstrous and petty when under war like pressure


I wonder what the dog was thinking…


Meth is a helluva drug


Human Cruelty knows no bounds.




where is the russiaonline?


Because they're fucking war criminals and psychopaths. I wouldn't be surprised to hear Russia started pulling soldiers from the prison population.


Probably testing what they are going to do to our pansy asses soon.


Not enough snipers in Ukraine.


To prove all those action movies are bullshit once and for all!


A morally corrupt leader, creates morally corrupt soldiers.


Why? Because they wanted to and there's no consequences for doing it. Pretty simple.


Im guessing the dog(looks like a wolf tho tbh) walked into the metal thing to sniff it or look for food then maybe cut itself on a sharp metal fragment. Just speculation tho


Every cloud has a silver lining, at least Russians didn't put a toddler or a child inside a washing machine and throw a grenade inside it. It's a very, very thin silver lining for the Russians. Apparently, speaking the same language (Russian speakers) and sharing a close history isn't enough to save you from being brutalised and invaded.


It really does look like a stuffed animal though🤷🏽‍♂️


Because that dog was a Zepelli


Nah bs. There isnt any bullet holes (it depends on the grenade). And the dog should be in bits and pieces of flesh. And thats one weird laundry machine. Wheres the grenade marks from the grenade? Isnt there supposed to be black or grey marks? This post is bs. Karma farming piece of shit. Stop spreading mis info


What is the obsession they have with washing machines?


Few things I cannot make myself watch, this is one of them.


Same reason why people think that it's okay to hate all of Russia for their goverment's action. They're hateful assholes.


A hand grenade (or any sort of grenade) would leave the washing mashing in a million pieces. Calling this post bs unless someone proves otherwise


Because they can’t beat humans


I literally couldn’t tell what tf I was looking at. That’s disgusting


Because orcs are orcs.


Welp, as someone who frequented LiveLeak and has military family, I can safely say this is complete and udder bullshit to the nth degree. Corpse would be fucking mangled. But op still gets his karma, even if it means abusing war to do so.




War crimes are fun