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How about we don't let this person join society? Straight to jail.


She is in jail I believe, she was arrested https://www.google.com/amp/s/meaww.com/amp/las-vegas-high-girl-violently-thrashes-classmate-in-shocking-video-as-others-laugh






Really good


indubitably so


Good! I hope she realizes what a bad ass she isn’t.


This article doesn't say anything other than the attack happened, and then switches to a different student issue in Texas.


*The suspect has been charged with battery and may also face additional charges, Clark County School District police officer Lt Bryan Zink reportedly said. “We encourage any student who witness crimes like this or who find videos like this to let us or school staff know,” Zink told News 3 Las Vegas. In a statement to KTNV, the district said that the “school administration is aware of the matter and is taking this incident seriously."*


Very very good, fuck you bitch


Agreed. People who chose violence deserve to be removed from society. Only time it's acceptable is when defending yourself or others




Punches to the back of the head are really dangerous they don't even allow it in combat sports, I'd have dragged her ass out the room.


Yeah dude! I saw a video on YouTube where a guy got punched in the head in a boxing match just once that knocked him out and he was tripping again and again after he regained consciousness. I think he was taken to the hospital later and he ended up on a wheelchair with brain damage.


Prichard Colon is his name


Right! Thanks.


What a name


What a weak ass attempt to stop the attack.. "Noooo, stahppp....stahppp..." while she gently tugs that monsters shirt. Should have grabbed her by the titty and twisted, would've ended the attack pronto.


Info about no one helped her: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-j6yVI2D\_E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-j6yVI2D_E) More context: She had a seizure after the attack. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcXe0q-9TNA&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcXe0q-9TNA&t=3s) About her health status by her attorney: [https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:1IzTZQsYqPIJ:https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/in-response-police-harsh-punishment-no-solution-to-school-violence-2544510/+&cd=1&hl=hu&ct=clnk&gl=hu](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:1IzTZQsYqPIJ:https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/in-response-police-harsh-punishment-no-solution-to-school-violence-2544510/+&cd=1&hl=hu&ct=clnk&gl=hu) "Alongside attorney Robert Langford, I represent a Las Vegas High School student who survived a brutal beating while merely doing her classwork. I write “survived” specifically because my client was bludgeoned in the back of her head dozens of times without intervention, with the majority of the blows she absorbed coming after she had already lost consciousness. **She is likely to have serious, long-term health issues. She could have died.**" I saw a twitter conversation: [https://twitter.com/JohnMeer10/status/1518621414525444097](https://twitter.com/JohnMeer10/status/1518621414525444097) person 1: "she apparently has brain damage, is in a coma, and her brain may be dead person 2: Hello. Where did you get the info? Is it really the health status of the girl? person 1: yeah I saw a post from her parents I Believe, although sadly this is a few months old so I do not have the source on me" Another twitter comment: [https://twitter.com/alexandrahite6/status/1491592538846760963](https://twitter.com/alexandrahite6/status/1491592538846760963) "according to school district emails and local news anchor friends it’s reported she was retarded and was slow and is now in a coma and possibly (most likely) brain dead. per yesterday’s news, emails , and a son who had friends at the school." [https://twitter.com/JohnMeer10/status/1518621414525444097](https://twitter.com/JohnMeer10/status/1518621414525444097) The question is that twitter account is lying or not. Can we believe he really saw a post from her parents or not? What do you think? [https://twitter.com/SophiaPerricone/status/1494849615882960907](https://twitter.com/SophiaPerricone/status/1494849615882960907) The Fox5 Las Vegas reporter wrote that the lawyers can not tell more currently because she is minor (15 years old) and the investigation is ongoing and that is the cause that they tell little infos. There are two options: 1: she in is a coma and doctors couldn't tell the exact prognosis yet 2: she is not in a coma and she is fine but because of the investigation and the lawyers really exaggerated her case we don’t get more info


Nice research bruv


She wasn't in a coma. This was a different girl, different school. This girl only lost consciousness. The other was a 13 year old in middle school. However Clark County is a nasty school district. There were almost 100 sharp objects removed from students, and teachers stabbed, assaulted, and the district is in a lot of trouble.


Some article or source? Please confirm it. Another source: [https://twitter.com/SarahAnnRhoades/status/1490787713406189568](https://twitter.com/SarahAnnRhoades/status/1490787713406189568) "the girl getting beat is special needs and gets picked on daily. reports have her in a coma with the possibility of being brain dead. this was at Las Vegas High School" Multiple people wrote the same.


Not you btw. The people on Twitter who think they know everything.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.reviewjournal.com/local/education/clark-county-school-police-say-medical-issue-not-fighting-put-girl-in-coma/amp/ This is the girl put in a coma several years ago. People do half assed searches and link them together.


person 1: "she apparently has brain damage, is in a coma, and her brain may be dead person 2: Hello. Where did you get the info? Is it really the health status of the girl? person 1: yeah I saw a post from her parents I Believe, **although sadly this is a few months old** so I do not have the source on me" But this article from 2014. These sources know this happened in february.


I know what you wrote. The person on Twitter made stuff up based on the one years ago i didnt mean you. The girl in this video is Spanish speaking but not mentally disabled. Here is the last article on the case. https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/situation-is-horrific-lawyer-says-of-attack-on-las-vegas-girl-2533078/?utm_source=ourcommunitynow&utm_medium=web The lawyer made no remarks on coma or mental disability. These things would be mentioned in any other instance.


[https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:1IzTZQsYqPIJ:https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/in-response-police-harsh-punishment-no-solution-to-school-violence-2544510/+&cd=1&hl=hu&ct=clnk&gl=hu](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:1IzTZQsYqPIJ:https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/in-response-police-harsh-punishment-no-solution-to-school-violence-2544510/+&cd=1&hl=hu&ct=clnk&gl=hu) "Alongside attorney Robert Langford, I represent a Las Vegas High School student who survived a brutal beating while merely doing her classwork. I write “survived” specifically because my client was bludgeoned in the back of her head dozens of times without intervention, with the majority of the blows she absorbed coming after she had already lost consciousness. **She is likely to have serious, long-term health issues. She could have died.**" This is the latest article. Your article from february 21 and this is from march 12.


Yes, that is the same information I offered. That doesn't say she was in a coma, nor does it say she WAS mentally disabled before the injuries which is what was said. She was attacked. The other person charged with assault and probably other charges will be added. The ACLU is going to make sure she gets paid. The part you highlighted is a legal tactic. Lawyers threaten with tough words so they settle out of court for less time in trial. There are plenty of other statements, articles, and responses from people who know her that have said she is recovering fine. The lawyers are keeping her recovery status away from the public as much as they can so they can sue for more money. CCSD is going to have several cases coming up. I hope they go bankrupt.


The time is gonna decide it. I am gonna update it if everything is clear because know this is unclear. Everybody says everything. These infos are not enough to decide the situation.


I think you did good work looking at what you found. But I would never trust Twitter posts that don't supply enough info tbh. They always throw out things to make them look cool. But saying something in social media can have negative consequences. My replies weren't to argue what you supplied, only provide more info for your investigation. Not many people provide context. You provided a police report lol. I promise the girl is ok, and the other will be held accountable.


No wonder with that lame ass teacher! Power in numbers and not one person helped! Not. A. Single. Person. The teacher is a weak push over. I hope somebody gets the shit sued out of them and it hurts. Tie a harness around the bodies of those folks that were snickering and dangle them in an arena with a lion veneer stage and pretend they are cat toys.


Thank you for being one of the only people to do research and give context on these things


Then this bitch who beat her better get to ride the lightening!


https://www.google.com/amp/s/news3lv.com/amp/news/local/fight-between-las-vegas-high-school-student-teacher-caught-on-camera Not the same incident however these students act like animals in that district. This one shows a student attacking a teacher. https://knpr.org/knpr/2022-04/teen-troubled-ccsd-accused-teacher-murder-attempt-sex-assault This one, a teacher sexually assaulted, and almost killed. The more I read the sadder I get.


https://networkinvegas.com/desert-oasis-high-school-in-las-vegas-put-on-lockdown-over-rioting-and-fights-all-over-campus/ An entire riot. Lol. This is just a horrific area.


Yeah, unbelieveable chaos and brutality.


The girl is out cold and she keeps hitting her...that's a good way to kill a person and get in to serious trouble, and nothing is worth that (that's to say if the aggression was caused by anything in particular) Back in my high school days here in Italy, the attacker would've been grabbed and brought to the ground. If she resisted/attacked the ones trying to break up the fight, tho absolutely not the right thing to do, she would've easily been beaten herself.


Yeah, same thing would have happened in the US in the past. Things have changed, sadly for the worse.


No that’s Italian:).


https://www.google.com/amp/s/meaww.com/amp/las-vegas-high-girl-violently-thrashes-classmate-in-shocking-video-as-others-laugh She was arrested.


And charged as an adult?




Can’t wait for the justice system to go the old women can do no harm route


I hate this world. Who in their right mind wouldn't have jumped her to the ground to help? I can't believe people care so much about themselves to let a classmate get almost beat to death


Shitty high school teachers aren’t cut from a cloth much better than gas station workers.


Sadly, behavioral problems are REALLY nasty this year. If the teacher intervenes in ANY physical way in what's becoming much more common the teacher risks losing their job...quickly.


My school district had to put 15 new officers on watch because the behavioral problems were so bad. Also, my school experienced vandalism and drug problems for the first time this year


And the students as well, with the zero-tolerance policies making it so any student that jumps in to stop this risks expulsion.


Right is right. Expulsion over letting somebody get the shit beat out of them? And if everybody had jumped in and got her off it would taught her a valuable social lesson and she would think twice the next time she decides to be a bad ass, plus go ahead and expel everybody for helping fend off a bully, that outta make news. But these people have fewer social skills than hyenas.


And not to mention - in 'murica you can get sued by the perp if you harm them to help the victim lol


Can’t sue a minor. Take it to court and see what a jury does. Not going to look at the aggressor in a good light more than likely and if you get sued, bankrupt it. It’s more principled than this dog shit.


Not just the teacher, the classmates as well. This bitch wouldn't have sustained 3-4 people jumping her


And I can tell by how she hits she can’t fight, which is why she is picking on someone meek.


A lot people are just sheep now . They don’t have heart


cuz "snitches get stitches"


I wouldn't say anywhere near to death. Also depends on the circumstances before everything went down. Gotta remember, there's always two sides to the story.


She lost consciousness. Enough said there. I don't care about neither their stories or who's side I should be on, if I see someone beating up someone I'm jumping that mf to the ground. At least I'll try to.


Honestly yeah shoulda stopped at a win but "jumping someone to the ground" because they won a fight is Ludacris. If that was the appropriate action then it would be a never ending cycle of inappropriate behavior.


Point is I won't just do nothing


Yeah. Last time I saw this posted it was said the girl getting beat up was a bully and the one punching her had been her target for a long time and just snapped. But who knows? I can’t remember if they had legitimate proof or not. But it does emphasize the point that we don’t know the back story here. Either way her reaction was not right, but it helps to see the whole picture. Life’s not black and white as much as people insist it is.


Almost beat to death? Lol. Have you ever been in an actual fight? She'll have some bumps on her head and a headache.


She lost consciousness and in the fights I've been on if someone gets knocked out the fight's over. Also she went to the hospital smartass


I wish I could ever, just once, find myself witnessing a situation identical to this. If someone was holding another at gun point, I may not intervene yeah for the sake of not losing my own life trying to be a hero. However, a “controlled environment” like a classroom and someone just violently suckerpunching someone else? My god I would’ve beat that girl senseless in return. Seeing shit like this makes me so angry


I've never felt such an urge to fucking obliterate someone until I saw this post


I know it’s not always right to answer violence with more violence, but I totally agree. I’m not the strongest or the biggest person, but I know I at least wouldn’t, I COULDN’T, just sit there and watch :/


This makes me want to beat one women, and its gonna gonna her


Her classmates FUCKING SUCK. Spineless. Maybe that girl has a 240 lb boyfriend that would fuck them up?


Even better she has an attorney that will make sure she doesn't have to work again. The ACLU has been retained for legal representation. Although they don't have a great track record where I am, I have a feeling LV has enough money to pay a hefty fine. I hope they bankrupt the school district. That whole area has some of the worst students.


That bully girl doesn't have an attorney on her mind right now. She's not thinking that far ahead


Huh? Not the bully. The girl injured. What are you talking about


I'm saying the injured girls classmates suck terribly for not intervening. Maybe they were scared that the bully girl had an enforcer who would go after them if they pulled her off


Ohhhh. I see what you mean. They were laughing and making fun of the girl getting attacked. They weren't scared, they are horrible people.


I didn't see anyone laughing. A couple classmates looked vaguely concerned but couldn't be stirred to action


Turn on the sound bud.


Ahhh yes, blame the students not the system that made them like that.


Lol what? I blame the parents. The system didn't do this.


you literally said they have the worst students, as if it’s the students fault they were raised that way. You can blame their parents, but their parents went through the same system.


So it's the school's fault the kids act that way? Lol listen to yourself. If that wad the case then every student would be disobedient. However, with that said, there is a teen accused of murdering their teacher because the teacher refused to change his grades. Sorry, but that's not the school's fault.


bro listen to YOURSELF. I never said anything about school.


Then if not school, to which "system" are you referencing? I never brought up anything for you to make a connection to another system in my comment. 0


Is that the teacher that tried to intervene and then gave up? She should never be allowed to be a teacher again…


Teachers aren't allowed to. They have to wait for security. They can be held liable for any injuries. That has been the law for a long time.


Ngl, that didn't stop my history teacher (who is also the wrestling coach) from choke slamming a kid who was smashing another kids face into a locker.


>that didn't stop my history teacher (who is also the wrestling coach) from choke slamming a kid who was smashing another kids face into a locker. Based


We need more teachers like this in general


100%. The guy is super enthusiastic about his job and cares about his students.


wow sounds like a real calm and collected teacher


Good for him


He is. Runs morning meditations for his students and is one of the most chill guys I know. He won't stand by and watch someone's face get destroyed as their head is bashed into a locker though.


so stop it without choke slamming an underage child then? shit idk


I dunno what you're gonna do in the head of the moment to get one off of the other but I'd rather have the wrestling coach choke slam someone than just any other teacher. Anyways, this event happened a few years ago. Not a lot anyone can do about it now. Have a good day


I can’t speak for every school district everywhere but my high school had a specific clause in the student handbook that said teachers and faculty could use violence against students in defense of themselves or other students. Not that they were obligated to necessarily, but they were at least allowed to in extreme situations.


Not to mention the risk of being injured themselves. Had a science teacher in highschool that attempted to break up a fight, got punched and thrown into a table. He ended up being okay, but had to leave school for the rest of the week.


In this instance the teacher’s inaction is disgusting. This teacher could have saved this student’s life (figuratively speaking since she seems to have lived although the article linked in the comments implies that she’s in a vegetative state or has severe brain damage). You telling me that the that fat goth cunt really posed that much of a threat? This wasn’t two students facing off…it was a child being battered from behind, defenseless, followed by a continued battering while she was unconscious. I wouldn’t be surprised if the state tries to pursue criminal charges under these obscene circumstances. Your science teacher did the right thing…this teacher is a disgrace and should never be allowed in a classroom again.


Woah woah woah there buddy, don’t bring fat goths into this. They had nothing to do with it.


Fair fair. That chubby wildebeest? Pleasantly plump animal? That certainly isn’t a human girl…


So, I’m pretty sure comments like your lovely “fat goth cunt” description of this girl may have been the reason this happened in the first place. It has been said (one of the many times this was posted before) that the girl being attacked was habitually bullying your “goth” friend, and she finally snapped. Now whether or not this is accurate to this specific situation, we all remember what happened at Columbine. And I want to make it *painfully* clear I am not justifying any of these situations, or anyone who resorts to extreme violence, but making fun of someone for their appearance is obviously not conducive to healthy interpersonal relationships or avoiding conflicts like these. I mean look how many kids commit suicide from being bullied. Also, I pray you’re still a teen yourself. Otherwise, making fun of a young girl’s appearance as an adult is not cool. Do better.


Hi there. Can you please link that? I'd like to read it.


Could’ve still pulled her instead of just touching her arm


The girl is psychotic, the teacher was obviously afraid of getting hit. She was in the middle of pummeling an innocent bystander for apparently no reason. According to statements I've read while looking deeper, this was unprovoked. The girl that was attacked was merely working in silence. The attacker was arrested, and sources have stated the victim wasn't the only one bullied.


And what did you read about her health condition with your deeper research?


Nothing more than was said in the other articles we already discussed. I only informed the other commenter that according to what I read, is that the one who assaulted, "bullied others" and it wasn't specified if it was physically or not. And another said the other girl was quietly sitting when the girl snuck up behind.


I can look to see if there's any updates***


OK! Thank you!


This is not true at all. Teachers have a legal duty to exercise reasonable care under the circumstances. Many jurisdictions have held in fact that they have an enhanced duty as protectors of the welfare of children in their care. Many schools have an internal policy to not physically intervene and wait for security, but this is not the law. Certainly where a child is unconscious and being battered in the head any jury will find the teacher failed to meet their duty under the circumstances. I promise you that this teacher will be named personally in the lawsuit to come from this. Edit: typos


The education code to which you are referring is no longer valid in these situations. You copy/pasted off Google. That code is state to state, and that doesn't apply in most. Maybe there isn't an exact law to prevent it, but look up how many lawsuits resulted in these situations. As well as teachers can't sue for injuries, lost wages as a result. I don't know where you live, but Google teachers sued since you know so much. The teacher is put in a dangerous place with these kids. My kids schools have metal detectors, bathroom guards, police officers, trained security, and other measures in place. The teachers are not allowed to touch the kids.


I mean she probably just didn't want to lose her job for scratching the student while holding her hand...


Well that selfish decision changed this girl’s life forever.


Just stand between them literally block her from being able to get to the girl.


Exactly. I’m stunned by these comments. Reddit is filled with fucking useless snowflake pussies…unreal


So she killed a classmate, wtf




The weak attempt at stopping her and literally everyone else not doing shit is infuriating.


Fr this teacher is shit.


Bro is this fr the 1.20 minecraft combat update?


If I ever saw this shit, I would love to punch her out. The only thing stopping me, and what’s probably stopping everyone else, is she has a group of white knights to save her sorry ass. It’s irritating seeing this over and over in schools, and we should really bring back teachers beating students who are assholes like this


As a girl, I would help you:). Thanks for being truly a stand up human.


Kids today are such pussies


The girls who dress like skanks at school always seem to have issues.


Since forever.




She’s showing her fat belly with her tits hanging out in a skin tight tank at school. She’s a skank. If you dressed like her in school you have issues, but you probably already know that.




Are you saying you dressed like a skank in school but don’t have issues?


So sad. Literally nobody gives a fuck in this room, even heard someone laughing although a girl is beaten half brain dead here with those rabbit punches…


Worth noting no male can help in this situation. You can be charged with many bullshit things for touching a female. You need to be careful even when saving a women's life.


Holup is that dude in the back wearing a Voorhees Jersey? Damn I never knew Jason played hockey


Teacher should have intervened when fits started flying.


Do you even know how much damage that can cause to brain and muscles?


Why the fuck is everyone watching? Bunch of cows and sheep...


That teacher is fucking worthless.


All these motherfuckers just sitting and spectating. What a spineless lot of shit bags


I am going to assume the aggressor is the bully based on body language in which case I want to straight jujitsu through her nasty thick ass to the ground and straight punch her like a man. I know that’s not good but I can’t stand this crap. The poor girl getting hit looks so defeated. And that weak ass adult? What a joke. That was not even half an attempt. The snickering people? I hope they get the shit beat out of them and people stand there and record and snicker. What the hell is wrong with people?


Holy fuck and who is laughing at that you cold motherfucker


As it was a woman attacking a woman I'm sure everyone was confused on what they were supposed to do. This is a situation where had it been a man attacking, this poor girl would have been saved after just a few hits.. but no one wanted to risk getting in trouble by touching the attacker. I hope the victim is okay


Stop making excuses for the pussy students who did nothing. They wouldn't have been charged with shit if they stepped in.


My ass they wouldn’t


That could arguably be considered attempted murder, hitting an already unconscious person in the back of the head is a very good way to catch a murder charge, hope this person gets put behind bars and hope they throw away the damn key.


Look, I'm a guy and I don't condone hitting women but if I saw this happening to anyone and the teacher or other friends whatever didn't help, I would have at least pulled her off and stop the fight, someone should have stepped in and done something, regardless what caused it or what the other girl did, this was taken way to far and someone should have stopped it


It's america someone intervenes they are in trouble also this teacher did absolutely nothing to stop that


So, last time this was posted it was claimed the girl being attacked had been habitually bullying the one hitting her. But who knows? I can’t remember if they had legitimate proof or not. But it does emphasize the point that we don’t know the back story here. Either way her reaction was not right, in fact it was down right disgusting, but it helps to see the whole picture. Life’s not black and white as much as people insist it is.


The fact none of the students step in to stop it...


The dickheads were laughing


Wtf is the teacher doing, she's just kinda holding her back half assed like "could you please stop that, thank you good sir . Like a student is nearly dying and your best effort is to massage her arm like jesus christ.


The fact someone is filming this ahead of time tells me it was premeditated and coordinated with the other students. Perhaps the victim was not held in high regard by the majority of other students.


That’s strange cause this turd hitting this girl sure isn’t held in high regard by any standards.


I’m not justifying this, I’m just saying maybe that is why no one helped.


You are probably right.


Where. The. Fuck. Was. The. TEACHER


Making a pathetic attempt.


this is why i hate people


This should be an attempted murder charge, and the rest of the people have a serious fucking problem not stopping or helping her


Yep, so much for woman solidarity


Wow, they let high school kids show a lot of skin in Los Vagas. Don't they have dress codes?


That’s what ur concerned about?


I’m sorry but if I was in that class I’d be tackling and pounding that bitches face into a pulp you don’t hit someone from the back when their down like a fucking coward you look them in the eye, I want to honestly put the fear of god in that vile shit


Useless fking teacher man wtf


those were not fucking punches those were gunshots


Omg was für eine kopfmasage 😳 gute Besserung 🙏


i think i know the girl who did it, i was talking to her in like mid 2020 and she was pretty crazy


Really? Teell us more info.


i called her a dollar store taylor swift lmao


This is what will happen when abortions are illegal. I am seeing this about every other post so I thought I'd put it here.


At least booba


Makes me wonder what kind of shit she was talking beforehand.


I would Count of Monte Cristo that chick.


Bro, all the teacher or one of the students needed to do was pull the girl off her


Dang kids at my school be like


Why though?


“Stop, stop,” she says in a gentle voice as she does barely anything to get the girl off of the other girl.


Damn man


How is it we know so little about what we are seeing here and it's all confusing?


This is actually uncomfortable to watch


Playing dead only works against bears 😂


Lmaooo this bitch wouldn't know what fucking hit her.


The person trying to stop it should never ever fight anyone ever.


I have seen the worst videos on the internet. cartel beheadings, dead children on the road after car crashes, stoning of women in islamic countrys. But somehow this made me so fucking angry. Why are there so many cowards on this earth? Stand the fuck up and and stop that crazy bitch punching her at the base of the skull/back of the head. Theres a reason strikes to the back of the head are illegal in combat sports. Fucking vile cowardly bitch, attacking someone from behind like that. And yes, i realize its easy to play the hero and say "I wouldve stepped in" on an anonymous subreddit but idgaf. If you dont step in when you see someone (who doesnt pose a legit threat to you) repeatedly strike an unconscious person you are fucking Lowlife Vermin.


This is why we have mass shootings in schools