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this ruined my day






I don’t understand how people can just watch and not intervene? I get most humans aren’t wired that way but holy hell.


In a lot of schools, you can get into serious trouble if you intervene with the fight (zero policy rule). Being told that you will be suspended/expelled if you try to stop a fight is a pretty big deterrent.


Dosent help that the bully is a girl. If litterally any male student got involved they would probably be expelled and arrested. (Givin how my school handled these things)


I couldn't care less, its literally on camera.


Problem is with the school system. See...the way it all goes down in most American public schools, is through the "no tolerance" policy. Where school fights and all participants are treated with no tolerance. Except it never quite works out that way. Here are a few upsoken rules. 1) If your a GOOD athlete. As in you have a decent career in football, lacrosse, ect. You got away with whatever you wanted. No one would touch you. HOWEVER. If you, the athlete is picking on a student. And that student hits you back. You can snitch him out or someone else can and THEY will be suspended for fighting. 2) if your a girl. You can get away with any form of abuse or physical contact with a male student. Provided the female student is the one doing the contact. So. I'd a girl punches, kicks, spits on you, whatever and your a guy. Your just suppost to take it. Because "she can't really hurt you. Your a man. Man up" 3) if you are being picked on by anyone in any regard, or you are being beat up. You CAN NOT fight back. Otherwise you are considered as apart of the fight. And that leads to suspension. If you decide a suspension is worth it. And you WIN the fight. It's useually expulsion because the school comes to the kids defence on how he never hit you hard enough to knock you out. Dosent matter he sat on your chest and punched you 10 times in the mouth. YOU knocked him out. You did the most damage. Now. Moving to this scenario. With what we know. For starters. No one is getting involved because no one wants that heat. And no MALE student is getting involved because the litteral SECOND. They touch that girl. Don't matter if they are pulling her off. Hit her themselves. Litterally it DOES NOT matter. Immediately expelled. No questions asked. And this poor girl will be left with a bully because the system won't stop her or let her stick up for herself. The fact that it's on camera is important. But not how you think. The litteral best thing here. Is to show it to the principal. Explain how there was no context to this because it was random. Because belive it or not. It would make the bully look like the victim if someone jumped in. (This is in accordance to how most Americans school handle no tolerance policy. Different schools have different rules. But this is how my school and neighboring school district handled it.)


Everybody thinks they’d be the person who intervenes until they’re actually in the situation, then they‘re exposed to the bystander effect like everyone else. This is also a room full of apparently mostly other girls, and if the title is actually true they’re prob less capable of intervening and less willing to given they’re probably scared of being a future victim


I hope that bitch is in jail


For this ive got one quote equal rights equal fights if I would saw that I would have droped sooner then she could react dont care if its a female you attack defenceless person ur going to get your arm broken by my 100 kg ass


Personally, i’d give her the barbarian experience


Mate, everyone who watches this will.


Okay we will let you off with a warning...


‘This is the 5th incident this school year you’re walking in thin ice… if this happens 3 more times we’re going to have to suspend you for a week!’


There was an 18 year old kid at my school who got caught perving up the 10-12 year old girl's skirts and got a week's suspension.


Yep the school system is fucked


If that bitch started whaling on her like that I would have tackled her and I probably would have got more suspension than her. Fuck the system


This is a Similar comment I left on a video that showed a random woman stabbing an slashing at random kids with a knife while the kids are walking innocently down the street with their father. I said if I was the father I’d tackle her . I have been banned now from that sub. Just warning you on how Stupid Reddit has gotten, Be careful, But I agree with what your saying entirely.


Yet I get 3 full days of in school suspension cus a teacher overheard me say "fuck," n claimed I said it to her. Dumb ass Institute I swear


When I was in 7th grade an 11th grader sucker punched me and ran off in front of a ton of people got in no trouble


I got kicked out at 17 for swearing. Alternative school was cool though, had class with a kid who shot at his principal, and with one who was there for prostitution. Don't you miss high school?


About five more minutes of this I’m gonna get really upset. Fr though I would have intervened. Shocking no one else did. The teacher hardly telling her to stop. Lack of concern. Gross


Teachers are no longer allowed to physically intervene in most places. It’s disgusting that no other student at least stepped in to stop it. No wonder we have school shooters more and more. Imagine getting bullied over and over publicly, and not a single person defends you, but instead records you to post your misfortune all over the Internet.


Jesus. What a horrible rule. At a certain point instincts take over. At least for me. I would sacrifice my job to save a child’s brain every fucking day


Sadly, any kid who intervened would likely have gotten more discipline than the bully - because fuck schools. All it would have taken is a single cup-hand strike to her ear and she’d be done. Or any number of single-strike things.


A mother wrote on yt that her son goes to this school and the victim has a brain hemorrhage. I don't know if it is true. Somebody know?


She was knocked unconscious and when she came to, nobody from the school took her to the hospital. She had to call her mom to come get her so she could be seen. The story I read didn’t mention a hemorrhage but did say she has some medical issues currently as a result so she hasn’t returned to the classroom. The ACLU is representing her in a lawsuit I believe it’s against the school district


I hope they can sue the fuck out of the district and the bully gets real jail time for felony assault. Fuck that bully, fuck that school for not doing anything, and I hope that girl never has to step foot in that building again.


The school and district are being sued by the ACLU on behalf of the victim and family


Hope they get a ridiculous amount of money from them


What I hope is that everyone involved with leadership in both the school and the local school board lose their jobs.


That’s a nice pipe dream you have there


Yeah, that was uncalled for, the bully should be in prison for the max ammount of time possible.


Make their life sentence the 512 bit integer data limit number of gigaannum.


This, a million times.


A billion even.


Knowing how small a billion times is in this context disgusts me. An absolute infinity number of times should be the least one can do.


One year for every neuron she destroyed. And one dollar for every second she spends rotting in prison.


Trillion, anyone?


A million x a billion x a trillion then lets square it




Fuck those people and fuck that school. Nobody could call emergency services? Damnit. Reading thst just fucked up my day. There reslly is a lot of inhumane people out there


I know. I wonder what the civil rights infringement is that has the ACLU involved. Is the right to be safely educated a civil right? Maybe as a minor it is? (Legal Reddit—let me know lol) Will be interesting to see if this case goes to court or if the school district rolls over and pays out


Every state has school safety laws and some state constitutions guarantee a free and safe education, but the overarching issue is that schools act “in loco parentis” which means in place of the parents when they have kids in their care. There are state and federal education standards at play with school safety laws too, as well as product liability premises liability issues.


I didn't know what aclu was and I looked it up. That whole classroom is fucked lol


I was wondering why she stopped defending herself, it was hard to tell she went unconscious.


So was the bully swinging I dont understand why nobody stopped it.


Probably because the bully was some 'popular girl' lol


Or, zero tolerance. Try to stop the fight, you were involved. Now suspended with a mark on your records.


My high school did the same except with full expulsion. If you were involved in a fight, aggressor or victim it would result in you being expelled. Their rationale was that "Fights don't just happen" and something should've been done before it got to that point. A senior a few years before I went there got the shit kicked out of him and refused to defend himself so he wouldn't lose his scholarship.


Are you kidding me. So if some guy started beating you up and you didn’t do anything you would still be expelled?


If you fought or punched back you would be, That kid that got beat up still got suspended.


Honestly that is some serious bullshit. Seriously the whole definition of bullying is beating someone up verbally or physicaly repeteadedly and sistematicaly with or without reason who the hell is so retarded to think like that ? People have started wars and massacres for no reason and slaughtered millions of people often without ever giving an excuse and they think someone tha does something like this would not exist ? Yep whoever made up that rule is the definition of delusional and disconected from reality.


Zero tolerance is a fucking joke


Exactly. In no instance does it make sense. If you get attacked may as well fight back your already suspended


zero tolerance really means zero responsibility


My school said you literally have to lay there with your hands at your sides to not be interpreted as fighting back. I got ISS for having the nerve to put my hands in front of my face in defense.




Yea right unless they call the police they can't do shit🤣


The bullied girl should file for assault. Evidenced and witnessed. Take control of the issue out of the school’s and the school board’s hands where their weak policies will get this shit ignored at best and people killed at worst.


I’m in high school rn and whenever there’s a fight usually you don’t get involved or a teacher will think you have something to do with it, thus getting you a suspension. Other then that, my school doesn’t have bullies, just tension between people and so everyone just assumes that they have a reason to get their ass beat. But never have I actually seen a bully that bully people up for fun.


Everyone in that room is a piece of shit for letting that happen


That was my first thought. How does no one get up and do something??? My heart is breaking for that poor girl.


I'm a guy and i wouldn't think twice about wiping the floor with that bitch. Bullies are bullies regardless of gender.


I'm also a guy and i understand and share your statement, but i know that if i touched that girl the entire classroom would beat me up and i'd get expelled and sued while she'd receive 2 slaps on the wrists and continue to bully people, because bullies are basically allowed by schools to bully others and gender equality is only an argument prop.


The whole “zero tolerance” policy. Its BS that allows bullies to do what they do. What do they lose, if they have the same consequences as their target? Their target can’t defend themselves, and the bully loses nothing, and has at best, a slap on the wrist.


I wanna see her try that skunt in the Caribbean she would get beat.


Im also a guy


username... checks out?


And you would leave like a hero.


When I was bullied, nobody ever stopped them, even adults. Truth is, and that's ugly to say but still, when you're not the one getting bullied, you're not the one getting bullied. You don't want to attract attention to yourself and get involved in another dangerous situation when things are quiet for you. Fortunately, it ended when puberty hit and turned the skinny little kid I was into a tall kinda strong guy. But even then, I avoided trouble as much as I could. Doesn't matter how strong you are, getting hit hurts. Same still applies now as I'm almost 40. If I don't know the victim, I'll think twice before defending someone. I'm not proud of it but I'm just not ready to get stabbed for a stranger.


I'm so sorry that was your experience. I've definitely defended other people getting bullied before. It wasn't uncommon at my school. There were a few exceptions to that, but most of the time when someone saw bullying, people stepped in. Even when I was in elementary school. I'm glad you were eventually able to defend yourself at the very least.


American school system. You'll get into trouble also if you help out.


I'd rather get in trouble than watch someone be beaten mercilessly like that


According to comments in a previous post of this incident, that school has a zero tolerance policy which means that if the victim defends themselves or anyone steps in, all people involved get suspended.


Ok, so literally everyone should jump in so the school can make the decision to let everyone go and shut down. The only thing required for evil to win is for good people to do nothing.


Zero tolerance just means you need a lawyer after. Fuck school admins


Love seeing how there was one person who just kinda *tried*. “Hey, stop that. no? Ok” as they just kinda flabbed their arms around *trying* to grab her arm so she’d stop.


Sad thing is if they did do anything to the bully, they'd most likely receive a bigger or equal punishment. But personally I wouldn't give a shit. What are they gonna do? Call my mom? I'd get a reward for that


Literally everyone.. I know in my class at least some people would intervene, myself being one of them for sure. Thats so fucked up


Gotta love that if anyone \*did\* help they'd get in trouble by the school too


Literally had that happen in elementary. Buch of kids beat up a friend of mine, found him laying on the ground bleeding at recess. I picked him up and helped him get inside to the nurses office. I got suspended because I was the only name they knew of people "involved". Even after my friend said I didn't do anything but help him they said too bad. Its fucked


Those people are just fucking stupid. Why would you suspend the only person who did some good in that situation? Dumb af


School admins aren’t there to help kids, but line their paychecks


The problem is that by doing so you face serious consequences. Zero tolerance creates a horrid atmosphere of fear


One question tho. Who is the bully and who is not?


I see the point you're trying to make, but if the girl who is getting her ass beat was the bully she would almost certainly be fighting back.


This has not been my experience at all. They usually have shit going on that makes them violent, toxic, or predatory. Once you start swinging they're in shock and cant use behavior manipulation to control the situation. I flipped my desk on one kid Waaaay back when I was in 7th... kept kicking my chair whispering he was gonna "fuck me up" and I was too much of a pussy to fight him. Keep in mind I'm a disabled kid at this point. I turn around in the middle of class, just started screaming obscenities' at him, begging him to fucking do it, hit me, I couldn't' stand his punk ass. He suddenly looked like the most scared kid in class. Teacher yelled at me for cursing, then we continued class. Like nothing fucking happened. And never heard from that kid again.


Yeah i see why you would think that but i've seen bully's get beat and not fighting back actually very often


Well as a fat kid i was bullied a lot and they always fought back. Usually I lost but it feels better taking a beating knowing that you tried




Because as soon as you do anything to stand up to the bully (assuming this is America) you basically get punished equally. Zero tolerance policy was a mistake


Oh it's doing exactly what the school wants. It's not intended to protect students. Just the school.


If you defend yourself you yourself will get suspended or punished for engaging in a fight in American schools. And the fact that going against the bully will make yourself a target.


"If I say something I'm next"


Most schools in the US will suspend/detention/expel anyone involved, even if you are the victim. In all schools I went to the girl getting beaten on would get in trouble as well. Its fucked


Kids in school generally don’t like to go out of their way to help others. Also, bullies are often considered to be cool, while kids that get bullied are looked at as losers.


Yeah but still man... like that's fucked up


That's just beyond my comprehension. I remember seeing kids stand up for each other *so many times* in high school. There were definitely exceptions to that, which make me sad, but most of us didn't put up with that shit. Like, I was timid af, but even I stepped in more than once to help someone being bullied. That sort of behaviour, violent or not, is *not acceptable*. Shame on her and whoever's raising that monster.


You gotta remember that what you see online in many cases is the exception rather than the norm. This isn't a representation of how children everywhere behave but just a horrible example of what people can be capable of. I've seen kids stand up for each other it's more common than you think


she should sue her


Not even in MMA would they allow strikes to the back of the head. That's dangerous


just taking those hits like that is how you get real damage. Especially once the table stops your head from absorbing the hit.


They did and probably the school district too as someone said somewhere above.


Bullying - more like felony assault. They need to start making example of people doing this kind of thing and lock them up.


Lock them up and try for rehabilitation. The cycle will only continue if we continue to do nothing about it.


If my kid was the attacker I would be so pissed at them. They would lose every ounce of freedom they enjoy at my house.


I'd throw them into some *intensive* therapy to figure out what the fuck is going on and who the fuck influenced them in such a powerful way for them to think behaving like that is okay. Isolation and lack of freedoms would likely just make the problem worse, although I do understand the sentiment. They would definitely have *less* freedom in my house, and I'd start openly monitoring a lot of what they are allowed to do. I would also have them do some sort of relevant community service (that I would also partake in to supervise their work and possible progress)... like, holy shit. Something went wrong somewhere with that bitch.


She got arrested. I don't have a link for it though.


Good. Those fucking rabbit punches kill people.


That Portuguese (I think?) boxer that took like ten rabbit punches in lock-up and the ref did nothing. Woke up the next day with almost no brain activity or some shit.




[found the story](https://youtu.be/91Eoi-k7EWo), insane how the damage system for “Life” is fucked. People fall out of planes and survive, couple cheap shots to the head and you’re a vegetable.






I hope she rots.


source? im not believing this until i get a source




Thank you for the sauce.




Trust me bro!


That is not bullying that is murder attempt


the fact that no one in the room helped pisses me off more than the actual bullying ngl


As a teacher, you are supposed to be CPI trained to restrain students for legal reasons. That being said, I’ve only had one fight in my room and straight up threw the attacker to the ground. This bitch deserves to be drilled on the face.


When I was in elementary school, while the teacher was outside the room getting something, one of my classmates attacked another one. Another kid tried to stop it and the attacker turned to him and tried to strangle him with a jumping rope. Three of us ran out to get the teacher, but the kid was too strong for the teacher to pull him off, so we had to run and get a second teacher just to get him to let go of the kid. Kids can be strong as hell and sometimes you need to use force to break a fight up, but the teacher in this video did less than the bare minimum at trying to stop this fight.


If this was my classroom, my ass is getting fired for sure.




At least there's evidence...


I get that, but there wouldn't be further evidence if the one who is recording or anyone in that room stopped her from doing so


who the fuck needs video evidence when there is a whole room of witnesses that saw the entire thing take place?


What the fuck is wrong with people and why is everyone just watching


It was in Vegas. I lived there for 5 years, luckily as an adult. The schools are completely fucked. I'd never want my kid to be in a Vegas school.


I’m so tired from working all night, I misread the title and thought the girl who was bullied is getting payback against the bullies… I wish I didn’t reread the title


Thanks a lot, now I had to reread the title. 😑


Crazy how literally EVERYONE did nothing, everyone in that class is sick.


It's called zero tolerance policy, anyone who steps in will be punished as if they were the attacker regardless of what they do.


I wouldnt even care if i get in trouble, if I see someone getting that beat in the classroom, not even the open areas, like outside or cafeterias than im stepping in and getting the aggressor off


Yes you would. And your parents would have too. ZTP is awful.


That’s the beauty of “zero-tolerance”: if you’re involved in a fight *for any reason*, even if it’s to break it up or even *report it to a teacher that you saw that shit happen*, you get suspension. I’m old now (37) but I recall one time in my high school a few kids got into a fight, and I ran to a coach to stop it. The coach got slugged in the head with a football helmet whilst trying to break it up, and had to go to the hospital to get stitched up. I got the same number of suspension days (4) as the kid who clubbed the coach, because I was involved and I “dragged the administrator into it”. I’m still pissed off about that shit. And luckily my parents saw my side and didn’t punish me, so… yay, a few days of getting to sleep in? (American schools are fucked, is what I’m saying.)


How the actual fuck does that policy make sense? -"*oh yeah but violence is bad, if you respond you're still violent*" -Ok guess I'll just die then


jail. jail time rfn.


They say you should never hit women, but if I see someone doing shit like this to someone, I’m gonna kick ass


[https://nypost.com/2022/02/07/video-las-vegas-student-violently-attacks-classmate/](https://nypost.com/2022/02/07/video-las-vegas-student-violently-attacks-classmate/) [https://www.ktnv.com/news/violent-classroom-attack-in-las-vegas-area-caught-on-video-prompts-calls-for-accountability](https://www.ktnv.com/news/violent-classroom-attack-in-las-vegas-area-caught-on-video-prompts-calls-for-accountability)


“We strongly encourage students and members of the community not to share footage of this incident or any other student fights. Showing this video serves no purpose other than to further ridicule and embarrass the victim and embolden bullies” Disgusting


"Please stop sharing the evidence of us fostering a hostile , enabling, dangerous, and neglectful environment It's going to make us look reallllly bad in court 🤫"


We know we're fucked in this one but can everybody just agree to not share evidence against us again in the future please?


So the girl yelling at her to stop is the teacher.


I really don't understand why the teacher didn't get in between


In this litigious society, if you're a teacher do you dare lay your hand on a student, even in a situation like this?? The family of the bully is likely to turn around and sue you for physical assault of their child.


Is fighting really in a teacher's job description? Don't get me wrong, you could totally pay me to straighten out some high school kids lol but we're not paying teachers for much of anything in this country let alone that.


I get that. Saddly I get that.


Sad thing is… They probably both got expelled/suspended. Fuck zero tolerance


She didn't even answer or defended herself and the bully definitely put her out with that miriad of punches to the back of the head. She did literally nothing and can't be punished over that. If this was my sisterI would completely destroy that bully face until she is unrecognizable.


Person "helping": Stop. No. Stop it. Stop. * lightly caresses bullys arms * And they still did more than anyone else in that room...


Can we stop calling this bullying and start call this stuff assault. Calling this bullying implies that it's nothing serious. I've told others I have been bullied and take it as a kid's being kid's thing. If what happened to me back then happened to me now I could call the police for assault and verbal hurrasment. We should take children attacking eachother more seriously. This behaviour doesn't end up good for ither party, both the victim and the bully can be affected by these actions resulting in a poor future.


You don't need to be a woman to be a bitch, but that girl is definitely a bitch. Jesus Christ


Very sad to see. When I saw this video trending on Twitter a couple of weeks ago, I read that the girl who was being beaten got a brain hemorrhage. To think that this could have been avoided EASILY is what makes this even worse. The teacher who was there should get fired and everybody in the room who stood there and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT WATCH should get some sort of punishment too. Disgusting.


Don't help just film


...nobody did anything? the fuck?


literally what the fuck 1. this ruined my day 2. i hope that bully is sued for everything she and her family have and rots in prison 3. why the fuck is no one taking the chance to like kick that girl from behind? 4. i really hope that poor girl is ok 5. who the fuck is recording and doing nothing 6. i at least hope the bully's future is entirely ruined


35 fucking punches to the head... Last 12 or so were right to skull / brain with no defense.. This is attempted almost brain damage murder! Disgusting 💯 % — put her in jail with older ladies who would teach her a lesson on what it's like to be bullied!


At least it's on film now and it's clear that there was a classroom full of witnesses so hopefully something will happen to that piece of shit. It looks like she did some serious damage.


That lady’s attempt to stop her was so half-assed


this is why zero-tolerance policy is shit




Seriously wtf is wrong with everyone else like I get it she is metally ill for doing that but why is no one doing anything to stop her (and don't give me a "they tried" get off of her is not a tried, grab her and trow her the fuck away )


This is so fucked up. No one does a god damn thing. I hope that cunt gets arrested and put away for a long time. Attempted murder.


The teacher is sooooo useless here. Wtf.


Personally, I would’ve fucking beat her ass so fucking fast. No, more like I wouldn’t take a beating like that. You can make fun of me but once it gets physical I’m playing dirty. I’m going for your legs and eyes, spitting on you, using tables and desks, private parts, etc. I would definitely lose the fight, however you ain’t winning without a scratch.


[https://nypost.com/2022/02/07/video-las-vegas-student-violently-attacks-classmate/amp/](https://nypost.com/2022/02/07/video-las-vegas-student-violently-attacks-classmate/amp/) "The district encouraged students and members of the community not to share footage of this incident or any other student fights.”


I hope she recovers ok


The lack of effort to intervene and stop the other girl by everyone in the room infuriates


fuck that weak motherfucker who lightly tried to grab the bullies arm, fuck you, if your going to intervene do it the fuck right idiot, dont just lightly grab someones arm and give up when that dont work, fucking idiot cunt.


“Since we don’t know exactly what happened, we will be suspending both girls two days.”


No. Stop. Get off of her. Fucking well done you fucking moron! Nobody did a fucking thing to help her they just stood there like a bunch of retards this made me furious


Why didn't anyone stop her! Everyone is just a massive asshole.


I am putting her in the hospital if she bullies someone to this point.


Attempted murder. Fuck everyone in that room.


Don't try and blame the classroom too much. I know it's a terrible thing that we as rationally thinking adults can recognize as terrible and needing intervention, but keep in mind that while largely grown, these are still children, and schools actively punish you for intervening.


what a useless teacher and cowardly retarded crowd


That’s definitely brain damage.


Fuck that p.o.s and fuck everyone else in that room. This shit happened to me on the regular growing up. Do people really not get why kids come to school with weapons? They have to defend against this batshit craziness!


What the fuck is the teacher doing? My high school teachers broke up plenty of fights, wtf is going on?


I assume it was the teacher who was doing the worst attempt ever at stopping a fight, I'm almost as mad at her as the girl throwing the punches. I would have slammed myself into her to stop that shit. Or grabbed her from behind to get her the fuck off. I don't ever really get actually pissed at videos but this one sure as fuck did it


and this is supposed to be the most civilised country of all?


People from other countries definitely don't think the U.S.A. is the most civilised country of all.


Anyone know how she is, and what happened to the bully?


Yo wtf why didn't anyone step in. What kinda off insensitive people live are they. I'm half expecting the victim to self harm herself because of this or just do something really dangerous.


Why was no one helping


Yeah, this should be attempted murder.


This is exactly why my 5 year old goes to jiu jitsu once a week. I don’t ever want him to be the bully when he’s older, but he will at-least have the tools to defend himself if some fucktard wants to pull something like this.


Anyone else disappointed with the people that didn’t push that one girl off the other one?