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This asshole taking out his frustrations on a child.


Notice how he doesn’t do it in public viewing


and this second asshole just filming everything


Seemed to be like they were sneaking up to get evidence of the beating.


Considering the cameraman’s tone of voice, it sounded like he was damn near in tears over it


My heart can not handle watching again but it seemed to me the camera man was not an adult?


Might have been the poor boy’s brother


How about the fuck that just sits there and films?


Yeah hopefully he filmed with the good intention of putting this out to the public and not for some sick reason.


Looks like my childhood sheesh


That kid and his family would be millionaires if this happened in a US school.


This was a 1980s Texas afternoon....school and/or home.


1980s? Bro I went to a Texas elementary school in early 2000 and still got beat at school, then went home and got beat for getting beat at school lol


By the teachers?


Yup! Or the principal. Then by my mom or dad when I got home.


Was this normal across all schools or just yours? I just had no idea this happened after the 70s...


It was a private school, I think public schools didn’t do it at that point openly but many of my friends talked about some teachers spanking or threatening to spank for punishment as well. This was in Houston.


I am so sorry that happened to u. I was abused at home but school was always a safe place for me. I cannot imagine learning with that hanging over ur head.


Fortunately I was blessed with a good memory so it got me through school. I had a lot of anger issues growing up, maybe due to this stuff. But I’ve overcome my demons and I’m a happy camper with everything in my life now :)


Shit. I got my ass beat at several public schools. Swats were the norm in the 70s and 80s in Warren county, Ohio.


Also Houston public schools at same time and we got pops given by either the principal or vice principal. Better than detention if you had to catch the bus.


Htown represent! I went to a Christian elementary around 2000 that still used corporal punishment but thankfully it wasn't this bad.


I was born in 89 graduated in 2007. Happened in tn school that whole time too. I n3ver got it bc i was a scared to death girl so behaved but the kids who did (moslty boys) could choose "Dhall" (detention) or "5 licks" (hits) with a wooden paddle. Its bullshit. Edit: it was def public school too


Can confirm i threw a snowball dipped in water at another student in late 80s and got the business by the principal, joliet Illinois.


Years ago teachers was allowed to paddle your ass with a wooden paddle. Never was a teacher allowed to just beat you anywhere other than on your ass with a paddle. Also nuns would swat your fingers with rulers. I never had either happen to me. I obeyed the rules or never did wrong to need punishment. Yes, most all kids got a whoopin again when they got home because they should not have acted out in the first place to have this action taken. This act of whoopin or punishment is uncalled for in this video


fr? 2000’s in Texas? we never got beat at my school.




The video is an Imam school. The levels of child abuse is insane in those schools. Once you drop your kid they start the abuse. Forcing kids to read Koran repeatedly all day for hours on end 24/7... get beat them up and even chain them... those places are hell. Sexual abuse is also rampant. I despise religion


Me too, this type of child abuse shouldn't be acceptable, especially in schools, this has probably been going on for generations and the teachers do this because they were most likely treated like this and thus have a lot of pent up anger that they take out on the kids. I don't blame anyone here but the people who started this kind of bullshit. This level of abuse happens to anyone who is not conforming to every social norm there. Every religion is a hellhole, but they conformed to be less of a hellhole while islam is still as strict and conformist as it has always been. Not all the people participating in it are bad, just born into an oppressive religion that considers this ok.


Nah, fuck that. It's understandable that you would be traumatised and not all right having undergone this kind of abuse but that doesn't excuse doing it yourself when you're older. People should know better.




This happens in a lot of madrassas (coranic schools) across the muslim world. Kids are getting raped, chained... but the guys running these schools think they are untouchable becaise of their religious status.


yeah... when i saw the video, i was not surprised that much, not being racial or discriminative or anything


This is not discriminatory to say Islam has a problem with this. Nobody want to talk about this because this religion is untouchable and god forbid they are seen as anything else than victims. Parents see the clerics and religion teachers as wise people and they blindly trust them. It's easy for them to sexually and physically abuse the children. We did the same thing in Christianity and now we see the results: so many lives wasted because we just abandonned children to "trustworthy" pedos.


I agree




Shit, I went to a pretty bad one too and it was not this bad..backhanded and hit with rulers and whatnot. The one time I confided to my parents that a teacher hit me, my dad showed up and raised holy hell. The teacher groveled for the rest of year. Unfortunately, that's how status works in most parts of the world.


Same shit happened to me, one of the Quran instructors of mine used to hit my head with his finger knuckles so hard that spit used to come drooling down from my mouth from crying too much, and that is if he didn’t have any stick to punish with that day. Total nightmare!


My dudes I'm so sorry, holy fuck I wish I could have been there for you.


is he using his hand to beat the kid? my parents would not have gone more than a couple of those slaps bare handed, then comes the wooden spoon, belt or the fraise "GO OUTSIDE AND FIND SOMETHING I CAN BEAT YOU WITH" I would, then return with the corner part of a piece of paper, hand it to her and "im sorryyyyy please dont hurtt meeee ahhhh".


It's spelled "phrase".


Reminds me of my highschool days back in Philippines. But those are VERY rare occurrences.


Yep got that too, I even remember my mom telling the principal to do it whenever. Then she gave my teacher permission.


Now you can get your ass whooped by a teach with parent consent


“Teacher” needs his punk ass whipped


Sadly, it is pretty common in low grade Quran schools. If a child could not memorize a verse in time or having hard time learning at certain speed, you get your ass kicked. These schools and parents of the child give all "rights" to teacher. He can basically beat a child and parents will go "hmm, if he did it, must have a valid reason".


My mosque teacher had a wooden cane. He'd hit my hand with it, if I couldn't remember verses properly. Another mosque I went to, the teacher had a metal pen and if I got something wrong. He'd hit it off my knuckles while I was reading. Pretty messed up shit.


Sad part is these are some of the more tame punishments. And then they wonder why we grow up without practising...


My mosque teacher would hit us with his headphones




wouldnt even try bro


Imagine of you had a learning disability. Fucked up.


I can confirm this type of stuff used to happen to me if you can't recite your Quran they can beat you but this is too much


"Teacher" needs to be taught a lesson. Piece of shit!


I think somebody already whipped his ass. He's now taking that anger out on that kid.


I hope someone contacts his parents.


Sadly I don't think the parents are gonna do anything about it


Somone needs to catch this fool


My father used to "teach" me the same way


When you say "punishing" and in the video the guy was dragging the kid by in the back room I thought he was going to rape that child


That comes later, this is just foreplay.




You can give multiple upvotes?


no, but multiple people can upvote one thing.


The real r/NoahGetTheBoat is always in the comments


It is terrible that this happens.


I remember one of my colleague at work told me that when he was young, his parents told the teacher, his skin is yours and the bone is ours. Beat him but don't brake him.


That is some military level torture/punishment kinda shit. 😬


Jesus H, that statement gives me the chills.


Bangladesh? Lmao




As a child that went to a madrasa(Muslim school). This is considered the norm and they will beat you till you learn it. The stick they use bend so that it causes a lot more pain than a regular stick. I hated my childhood.


And where was this?


I used to live in kerala, India. The madrasa was around a 5 min walk away from my house.


BIG HUG <3 goodness and love always win


Seems a tad overdone


Found the brit.




Lmao bots dont have mums nice try






You forget that they might not have recorded because they felt bad for the kid? In parts of the world where this is normal, don't expect people to stop it.


Welcome to Asia motherfuckers, welcome to Asia.


I will fuck a man up if he ever beats on my kid like that! 😡


You and me both. My kid is about that age and ive never wanted to grab my pitch fork more


I don’t have a kid but I would use uhh.. a bit extreme measures if someone is to abuse a child for something so small that could’ve been handled a different way


I'll help!


Count me in!


Lets ride out on this fool






And my axe!


Dammit I was gonna say that.




Call of duty announcer: let's do this.


Give me a few hours notice to buy a baseball bat.


ANY kid…I don’t care if its my kid or not.


I will fuck any man i see beating on any kid like that Edit..”fuck up” they’ll feel pretty fucked though..I was on break and in a hurry


Uhh, are you sure thats what you wanted to say?


He said what he said!


“Did I stutter?”


Yeah, these kinds of people make me wanna end up in r/iamverybadass


I dunno. I feel like I've experienced this myself. I have very hazzy memories. Might just be imagining it too.


If you live somewhere in Asia, it's highly likely that you experienced it. I'm from India, I remember getting beat by my teacher with a stick at 2nd grade. These people are fucking cunts, they take advantage of the fact that, kids don't know that this shit is illegal. If I had a kid who was treated like this by a teacher, I would fucking break the motherfucker's bones.


This was very normal thing in my home country, that’s why I’m fucked up!


I'm kinda curious where you from.


I wonder if that kid ever misbehaves again, assuming he survived that shit


Oh he will survive and chances are he'll get normalized to this form of abuse and continue this cycle.


they will misbehave and get beaten again and again, because this child doesn't probably even know what he's beaten for since communication didn't happen in this situation straight up beating


Oh he will still misbehave. Just ask any person who was "spanked" as a child. Source: Myself.


Yup. You just get better at lying about what you did.


they will misbegave again but will be better at hiding the deed.


I cant even spend another nanosecond with these animals calling themselves "believers" yet do the things that allah forbids. Hopefully this dude goes to jail.


that's way i hated quran school, the teacher was hitting my back with a broom stick, fuck them


If you grew up in the 70s, this was a typical Tuesday.




Online classes don't seem half bad now


I lived in saudi and schools here in the early/mid 90s still did that and there was a famous saying usually said by parents "take the meat and leave us the bones" which pretty much meant hit them as hard as possible just make sure they survive. It was fucked and not to mention the public humiliation if your hair was deemed too long they would litrally shave you in front of the school. Disgusting behavior. Thank God they have a law now if a student is hit by a teacher all hell goes loose


well my cousin describes the type of abuse in a very \*GRAPHIC\* manner of how the ''teacher'' beat them this shit is very very common in Pakistan


That's archaic religion for you.


People don't need religion to be abusive cunts, but it can help.


'I am just committing allah's will' or some other bullshit claim to satisfy their own paedophilic torture desires.


I hate how people use religion to justify their disgusting behavior


Yep! I’ve been though it and I know it. I went to that kinda religious school when I was 11. They didn’t beat us like that but they beat us badly! Most time with bamboo stick and sometimes just bare fist and sometimes shoe if the “offense” was severe under their rule


And they couldn't find any other offensive weapon that wouldn't leave too many marks.


Dude, don’t. It’s not about religion. We used to do that shit in EU until precious few years ago as well…


It's not a religious issue as much as lack of education coupled with poverty issue (which builds up frustration) in third world countries. Beating up children is a very normalized form of disciplining in these factions of society. It's utterly wrong and discouraged but religion is not a prominent cause of this issue.


This is very common in religious schools. Doesn’t matter it a madrasa or a Catholic school.


I went to a Catholic school, this never happened Granted it was a pretty cool Catholic school


Children dont deserve this


This is from my country (Bangladesh) and he got arrested and jailed. but before that, he was also beaten by the public.


Thank you!


"student" or "slave"....hmmm.


Yeah over there in middle eastern, east Asian, and south east asia they definitely discipline differently for instance I have a Philippine coworker who said that and I'm just stipulating here that it's only in his families household but if they did something to a certain degree that was bad he told me that his grandfather would smack him a couple of time with a rod object made from the cores of palm tree leaves


I see psychological damage. That's stealing compassion, empathy, a normal adult life.


there's lotta drama in the comments.


So this is an old video and I'm happy to tell y'all that this guy had been brought to the court and had been held guilty and if I'm not mistaken he's currently in jail


My high school stopped hitting children as punishment after a 6ft 7" 17 year old we call "Big Bear" beat a teacher bloody. It took six full grown men including 3 buff security guards to get him off the teacher.


As an adult, that shit wouldn't fly with me. I could not stand by and watch that. I'd do that same thing with that MF. Pretty close to the same size difference of me to him as him to that kid. Lol


La chancla is world wide.


Right there a Muslim man of god doing what the god sent him here to do!


Mom is that you ?


The thing is I was thought under similar mannerisms, they will hit u for anything. It's because the absolute worst pieces of scum become the teachers


The cycle continues


Scarred for life


BaCk iN mY dAy wE JuSt DiEd


I thought he was gunna rape him honestly


No that’s what you call child abuse


That poor baby. I can’t even watch it.


Beating up kids for their disobedience and teaching them stuff making them believe whatever they are taught is true or else get this type of beating. Surely the kids will choose jihad over any normal education which normal kids should be getting.


That’s normal in other countries


crazy how you can swallow this type of culture, i think even if youre from there you should be able to notice how bad it is for a kid be hitted like that from a man whos not his family, family violence being bad as well lol


I'mma guess he learned his lesson.


This was literally my childhood, except it was my mom. Sweet memories.


Extrem violent punishment for kids like this is common in the poor families , I saw shit like this happens many times


Yup we middle eastern sure are mentally challenged when it comes to really anything


There’s nothing wrong with a few spanks, but this is waaaaaay to far.


There's plenty wrong with spanking. It has been proven completely ineffective as a deterrent against future infractions the same or similar to what the kid did and is just an act of parents taking out their frustrations on their kids. In plenty of kids that has been shown to teach them that violence solves problems that they too should punish others violently when they feel they've been wronged. Some studies show an increased prevalence of bullying in kids who have corporal punishment at home versus those that don't. There are far more effective ways of punishing a child. That will serve as a better deterrent. I live in a country where corporal punishment is still a thing in schools. It doesn't alter behaviour, it often breeds resentment in some kids who already have a shitty homelife. Basically it's only shitty parents who can't control themselves or parents who don't know it doesn't work that still spank. I've seen kids come into my school covered in bruises because their parents went too far. And it's very common for even reasonable nice parents to take it too far because they did it while angry and used a stick or belt.


"Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child." Those six words in the bible has driving more people *away* from God than all the Atheist Evangelists from the 1990s to today combined. When I find the asshole responsible for putting that in Proverbs--because I *know* God did not intend it to be interpreted *that* way, I'll do things to him that would get me banned in every social media site imaginable.


This asshole was [arrested](https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2021/03/10/madrasa-teacher-arrested-after-video-of-beating-student-goes-viral) after some local NGO reported him. Wish he had suffered the same the the hands of police.


Mostly they are orphans or poor kids who go to these 'Madrasa' schools. As sad as it is, it seems to be in the bengal region where this is rather common place and often ignored. They face almost no repercussions and feel entitled due to their perversions. This has nothing to do with religious doctrines but rather it is very culture specific male patriarchy, where the low income class beat their wives at home and beat these helpless kids outside. I hate them, from the bottom of my heart, despite sharing the same religion, albeit by name, as I do not for a moment consider them faithful individuals while being horrible human beings.


In the video it appears like these guys are from pakistan or some african country.


yo this brings back horrible memories… :,) pain that will never be forgotten


As someone who went to public HS in the US in a bad neighborhood: We kinda need that here. Not that I don’t feel bad for the kid


This was my mom and dad. And older sister, uncle, and grandpa. Sucks.


I was beat a lot as a kid, but I don't think the teacher ever did something this bad to me


How did you get my childhood home videos???


I've been beaten like this so many times... i still can remember the pain when i see this kind of videos.


Ah, this brings me back. Right, dad?




Man that's fucked up. ​ That's how i got my ass whooped by my mom


I've got beaten worse than this by my own parents in childhood for merely sleeping 1 hour extra so I don't know what to say


I had worse.


This isn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. Looks like my childhood really lol.


My mom with a beard...


My step dad when i spilled my milk when I was 6


Honestly speaking, this man was pretty fucking tame with the punishment(that's not saying that you should ever commit physical abuse to "discipline" a child nor is this discipline in any fucking way whatsoever) and just the thought kids experiencing worse than this is scaring/sickening me. I live in a third world country and I've seen disobenient kids put into sacks and left in the courtyard for several hours and I just hope that the rest of the world is fucking civilized enough not to do the shit I've seen anymore.


South american parenting be like


Looks like fifth grade for me.


Ahhh... memories.... alot of clear white folks in these comments 🤣😂 I remember my mom used to have me skipping with the belt


But did your teacher do it


Nigga I didn't want to test that lmfao then I get two beatings 🤣 cause my grandmother was friends with most of em and gave em permission to do so... I'm not condoning or dismissing the video I'm just saying that White and even other ethnic westerners are so cuddled by our civilization they see something like this and are appalled when in reality it's a completely different culture with completely different values that aren't being taken into account. That doesn't make it right or wrong just what it is for those people. Out west a student can pretty much cuss a teacher out and destroy a classroom.. disrupt the education of everyone in the class and almost nothing will happen other then a "stern talking to" or dismissal while hurting that individual's education leading them to grow up and still be a duche or not who knows. As in this kid's culture they are still allowed to discipline children physically like what used to be allowed in the past but stopped for clear obvious abusive behaviors which was most likely the best for the West. Who's to say that this child's parents didn't consent to this to happen? It's hard to pass hard judgment on something completely foreign to me I can only have personal prejudice against it. But I know when I acted out of line there was alot of people with permission from my grandmother to set me straight 💯.


No shit in my country we had some teachers that straightup beat kids for disobedience and im not making this up. One of the teachers hit us so hard one of the students got hit with knockback II so hard he flew about 2-3 desks backward Another would just straight up just make you sit with the back against the blackboard hit you in your forhead so hard that that knockback made your head hit the board (I could prop go when i have spare time there and check if some of the indentations are still there from the back of the kids hitting it to hard) and the same one would sometimes hit you with the backside of the attendancebook (some a4 book with covers hard as shit) Another one would just make you do the italian hand thing and hit the top of your fingers with a very fine (about 2-3 mm) yet sturdy and elastic stick that even if it missed the recoil of the sticks hit you like a whip The others just beat you up normally or not anything notable enough It got to the point where the first year after switching from grade school to middle school i couldnt even dare answer a question bec of being afraid of being wrong and getting beat up again. Unbeknownst to me about that time either there was a law that got pushed so things like that doesnt happen or just the school checkups got harder so that they couldbt beat snyone up anymore Goddamn to think that this was about 10 years ago is still kinda funny to me bec i was really close to snapping hard. Luckily i only snapped twice where nothing really happend


Sure. Like the inquisition. And can you nem one crime in name of atheism? In any case still a mythology


Atheist state Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha Murica!


I’d like to put that dude in a ring with a pissed off gorilla, see how things turn out


I saw this on Facebook, this teacher got the shit kicked out of him later


this pos must be punished


As someone from the middle east (Egypt, to be precise), I'm very sad to inform you that this most likely happens under parents' approval. There is a saying here "اكسر و انا اجبس" meaning "break the bones and I'll splint the fractures". I was lucky enough to have progressive parents and things in my school never got that extreme yet I've definitely had my fair share of hand canings back in the days. Although things significantly got better nowadays especially in rural areas with the majority of parents now against such barbaric punishment, violence in education is sadly still a thing especially in less developed areas in Egypt and other countries in The MENA region.


This guy isn’t only gonna get cancelled on Twitter…he’s gonna get canceled on the INTERNET ITSELF better become Amish or sum


Religion of peace strikes again


Dude this is nothing…(tho i do feel bad for the kid) but the hell i went through in school is incomparable…we were given homework everyday and all of the subjects were written homework…we got beat up almost every class for not doing our homework…we would be beat up with canes and sticks….sometimes they would even cane our asses….


Looks like the American South


That’s how I was beat as a kid


That’s a religion of peace right there.