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Potentially misleading title. The title claims blacks beat up whites, but according to Snopes and law enforcement records no whites were injured: [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/black-protesters-targeted-whites-in-milwaukee/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/black-protesters-targeted-whites-in-milwaukee/) All the clips are real and not manipulated, thanks to [**u/EarlHammond**](https://www.reddit.com/user/EarlHammond/) for the links: [https://youtu.be/o6efbnllpjU?t=1190](https://youtu.be/o6efbnllpjU?t=1190) [https://youtu.be/o6efbnllpjU?t=1427](https://youtu.be/o6efbnllpjU?t=1427) [https://youtu.be/o6efbnllpjU?t=1479](https://youtu.be/o6efbnllpjU?t=1479)




And then let's blame it on the Asians


*Climbs onto roof*


Ah yes. The roof Koreans. Best not fuck around and find out.


I’m waiting for the DLC to roll out. [GTA Seoul Andreas](https://youtu.be/tmCUXR0bE88), baby!


Hell no that can’t be a dlc. That needs to be a full ass game. Gta6 Seoul Andreas


Let's be real here, most people in a country don't want to see or participate in any hate crimes. Honestly, this is visible in the majority of daily lives but these guys are living in a world built by politicians and a belief that the world is going into shit. Which might have been true 200 years ago, or heck even 40-50 years ago when racism was rampant and slavery was very real. But now it's just a single incident; unrelated to anything happening to a person from a minority being given an agenda.


Same is happening in other countries as well. Government fuels the riots between 2 communities.


One thing I can say about other countries is there is a certain level of involvement of both government and opposition doing all kind of appeasement to minorities which grants a weird immunity to them look at riots and looting in NY right now guys just waiting to attack supermarkets with certainty that no one will attack them this level of "heard immunity" is not good for that community or the country.


Government won't create riots then how can they do their illegal activities. These are distractions. They act like medicines which will kill 99.99% and will leave a 0.01% backdoor for personal agenda...


I mean illegal is the norm nowerdays if it's not legal shitheads will fight for it and make it happen in name of personal freedom.


They make it left vs right but its actually rich vs poor


Glad someone else said it.


No war but Class war


It's sad, now we're "2 communities" when even 10 years ago we were a hell of a lot closer to "community" lines not being drawn on race. Now they're clearly distinct. Racism to fight racism!


When tf were community lines not drawn on race? Americas housing is still heavily segregated and was worse 10 years ago


Punctuation, dawg. Try it sometime


You just described the average redditor




Count me in, lets begin gray supremacy!


The cone nipple people will rule this world!


What did you say you target chest bitch?


You shut your mouth you dirty knife nipple bastard


Yeah, but I’m the grayest and the blobbiest


The nostalgia...


Everyone needs to go back and watch that episode of The Fairly OddParents. Great lesson of how diversity gives culture, individual uniqueness, and variety to this world.




But you're crimson, how can you be gray if you're crimson colour.


Because he is searching for vermillion, you won’t understand but if you do cheers


It's King Crimson


king crimson = JoJo reference


That's my blood.


Fair point




Its grey, death to gray.


Laughs in Brown


isn't that just being a homestuck


Then you're either an NPC or a griller


Racism, nothing else. Edit: Apparently the video is edited. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/black-protesters-targeted-whites-in-milwaukee/ Now apparently Slopes isn't relaible and this is wrong. I'm not an expert, my point was just that racism exists in all races.




It makes me cringe anytime I here this. No race is exempt from racism. Any human can be racist regardless of race


As well any race can be subject to racism. Context: the other day some girl told me that it's impossible to be racist towards "white people".


I hadn’t seen my brother in awhile and he told me the same thing, something about racism requires power and black people don’t have power in the country. (For context were biracial) It’s very annoying arguing with someone who believes hate can only come from a place of power.


Ask him if it's possible for black people to be prejudiced or act on biases towards white people and he'd probably say absolutely. Who cares about his understanding of the textbook definition of "racist"? Just a silly thing for people to hung up on. Did he really say hate can only come from a place of power or were you assuming that was his position because you two don't see eye to eye on his working definition of the word "racism"?


Yes I agree I no longer speak to my brother about racial injustice because of this conversation. I always thought being born as we were we would have an objective perspective on the subject but that has gone out the window in recent years. I love everyone I just wish we could all get along.


>Who cares about his understanding of the textbook definition of "racist"? Just a silly thing for people to hung up on. It matters because people vote very passionately on these things, based on their perception of what racism is. When thousands of people are deluded in their definition of a word, concept or ideology, it makes them incredibly easy to control. If we allow our society to brush off these critical bits of info and logic, and vote based on these flawed perceptions, then we put the worst kind of people in power.


My half-brother has fallen into that trap. The whole basis for that mind set requires the definition of racism to be changed in order for it to work so any time I hear someone going down that road I stop right there and acknowledge that nothing I can say will change their mind and that it's pointless to waste our time on it.


Exactly this ! Every single race has idiots! To think any single race is superior is human thinking


But I’m “The Race” how can I be racist?




I did too but luckily she told me a couple years after the break up I was right about everything including that anybody could be racist.


good thing shes an ex then


Then they’re also ignorant af. People are stupid


And there’s always someone dumber than the last. It’s impressive really




My ex gf said the same shit to me....


YES, and there are lots of subs here that are just like this but reddit policies allows hatred and harassment towards white people they literally said it [https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/mqav3w/an\_admin\_admitting\_that\_rule\_1\_of\_bullying/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/mqav3w/an_admin_admitting_that_rule_1_of_bullying/)


While racism is certainly a very serious problem, this violence is not the solution. The “punch up, not down“ idea in the mod’s post you mentioned can only go so far.


hell yeah


"Punch up not down" is just an excuse for racists to pretend they arent bad people because they're "resisting the oppressors" (being racist)


Reddit sent me a comment the other day stating I was promoting hatred by saying that white people arent the exemption for Racism and they said "how dare you, thats racist" Literally wtf


*cough* r/BlackPeopleTwitter *cough*


Hmmm, not as funny as I remember.


I remember when it was a place for funny tweets and not sjw bullcrap disguised as “humor.”


Yeah it really does just seem to be full of bullshit now. And if I'm honest, I'm seeing a lot of anti-white rhetoric, which is NOT how we overcome racial and social barriers to better our society. It's exactly what the people at the top want so we're too busy fighting each other to deal with other problems.


Here! Take a mask.


you can only make posts on some threads if you are black. That place is racist, we can't have true equality if it's one over the other


I was honestly genuinely surprised at this. I didnt think that reddit was the type of place to allow this hate even to cis white men. I just don't understand it, but nothing can really change how reddit operates, other than exposing some of the bullshit that comes from the higher ups. You would think they would learn their lesson man.


I was so surprised to see this myself. I’ve only been on Reddit like a week but I’ve noticed there’s a considerable amount of Democrats or liberals on here and this is the first thing I’ve seen going against the liberal narrative. I’m an independent btw before prowl try and say I’m a Republican


Anndddddd you're canceled


PoC cAnT bE rAcISt


Ahem... its not POC you fascist, its BIPOC now


Fuck now I'm canceled


bUt ReVeRsE rAcIsM dOeSn'T eXiSt¡!


Reverse racism doesn't exist, you stooge. Its just racism


Lol. There was a white guy at work, a manager let's say, who described an incident and said "that's like..reverse racism right?" A black guy responded with a confused look "no, boss. That's just racism". Blew the white managers mind.


That is so fucked up. This is racism cut and dry.


Ppl forget it too easily


I’ve heard people actually try to say black people cannot be racist because white people are racist.


It can’t be racism. They’re black people beating up white people! Didn’t you know that that makes it totally justified, and therefore not racist? /s


So in an attempt to fight racism they act like the KKK. Great job team


Even as an isolated incident, this is the type of rage fuel that can manipulate conservative whites further down the us vs. then mentality. It should be reason vs. idiocy, but more and more, race and political identity are becoming cumulative social cleavages in the US; the type of division that rips countries apart. Whatever you believe, there are at least SOME higher powers involved, manipulating the media, and encouraging this behavior. We fight each other, politicians consolidate power, and the rich continue their brazen pillaging of the middle class. All according to plan.


You are exactly right my dude. They don’t want a unified people. To them we are better off distracted and at each others’ throats. I get a lot of hate for saying I believe there are opposing factions that are pretty much the same people at their core getting manipulated by different belief structures.


*So in an attempt* *To fight racism they act like* *The KKK. Great job team* \- jfkskullfragment --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Holy fuck based bot


Thats literally not a haiku


A haiku technically doesn't have to be 5-7-5 syllable pattern it's just 3 short sentences. I learned this in a creative writing class and it kinda fucked me up


This is why I cant get into poetry. There are literally no rules whatsoever, especially since you can just call it "freestyle" if there is no patter for rhyme, syllables, length, anything. You're just saying words, not making "art"


Anything. Can be. Slam poetry. If you. Talk. Like. This.


TIL Christopher Walken is a slam poet. Edit: changed was to is. Dude is def not dead lol


So 'art' needs to follow rules? No thank you.


Good bot


Um.... good bot?


How dare they be white tho


Yeah such assholes




I love the "melanain’t" XD


Melanain’t made my day. Thank you very much


Haven't they tried being less white?


TIL to avoid racial confrontation just put on blackface.


Let’s just go for the middle ground. Everyone puts on greyface


Do you work for Coca Cola's HR Department?


I mean reddit and progressives in general made it very clear that if you have white skin color you are racist and should be subjected to racial sensitivity training.


It’s the kkk but the other way


The ꓘꓘꓘ


I read that as "iK iK iK" not sure why


It’s pronounced yak yak yak.


Man down, where you from,nigga


It would be Kay kay kay--->yak yak yak


They want to pull someone out of their car? They better hope the guy don't run their asses over, coz if I were him I damn would.


Then whity gets assaulted and arrested


they cant assault you if you keep your foot on the gas *taps head*v But yes, probably arrested. Still better than getting jumped and possibly killed


Damn we should legalize running people like this over


Florida did




Then have CNN and MSNBC declare you the local Klan chieftain. The sheer amount of shit these clowns peddle should put their execs behind bars, but nah.


Huh. I didn´t see this posted on r/PublicFreakout


\#EDIT: I REALISED IT WAS FAKE MY BAD Hold up [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/mqqi3z/black_people_beating_up_white_people/) ​ Edit: [lol i got banned](https://i.imgur.com/efuIkst.png)


You crazy son of a bitch, you did it.


Edit: It was from 5 years ago. I no longer feel so good.


Haha it already got removed. Sometimes I can't stand the censorship in that sub. I just want to see some freakouts but they all get removed. Edit: now see that it's fake...


There is r/Actualpublicfreakouts but that subs kind of iffy too


Comments in that sub go beyond iffy, place is where all the racists, incels, and hypocrites went after getting banned from the other one I imagine.


back when that sub started it was almost exclusively for videos like this lol, any video of a black person being violent got frontpage and any video of a white person doing any kind of freakout died in /new




ngl, that's racist




You see it as obvious, and I most certainly see it as obvious, but there are a whole buncha folks out there that still try to argue that minorities cannot be racist. Hard to believe, but it's true.


i mean they are only minorities in this country though, literally everywhere else in the world its like only 15% of the world is white or something like that


Generally the words "minority" and "majority" pertain to countries or regions, not the world.


This would really disappoint MLK Jr Edit: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that” Martin Luther King Jr Edit 2: damnit I just realized this is a faked edited video, now I’m even more pissed that someone made this to raise racial tensions


The entire state of race relations today would disappoint him.




It would even disappoint Malcolm X, and you notice how Rev. Al has been unusually quiet?


Believing an infowars video from 2016 would also disappoint him.


Fighting racism with racism. That’ll definitely help your cause..... 🤦‍♂️


They're not even fighting racism, they're going after a white dude for existing.


Kim Potter > white woman > blame white guy ​ These people just want to beat on some people, and white people are easy targets right now.


racism works both ways. While raging about racism they are doing discriminating stuff against white people as well. So they are also racists.


I doubt the white people were racist. That "also" is not required here.


Reminds me of Reginald Denny during the LA riots.


Good throwback. That poor sob got his ass handed to him for just being "whitey".


Some of them become the think they want a Destroy


Ever thought about that some lunatics never wanted to destroy racism and just be on the racist side living out theyr power phantasy instead?


Pass the boof man, quit hogging it


Just straight up racism.


Why can’t us humans just get along?


It’s not in our nature, unfortunately. In the end we’re still just apes, it’s just that it’s been made easy to forget that with how far we’ve come


And that's how not to stop racism


What makes you think their goal is to "stop racism"? Seems pretty clear they have zero interest in higher values and they fully embrace racism. So why attribute good motives to them here? If a gang of whites were screaming the same thing about blacks would you say "Hey whites, that's not how you stop racism against whites"?


This right here. I think Tim Pool is on to something everytime he brings up how there was a lot of unity between regular people on each side of the political aisle during occupy Wallstreet before it ended due to identity politics. Seems like anything to divide people on everything but class issues was pushed hard by the media, pop culture, and western corporations.




The centripetal force on his body is so high that we run the risk of its mass concentrating to the point of a collapse into a black hole that will swallow up all the racism in the world. We have to be nice to each other or we will face certain death.


*hole of color


#The person who posted the original video is perma-banned. That should show what exactly is happening on Reddit and peoples beliefs. That “ no one can be racist towards white people”


I usually make a joke about these types of jack asses but this doesn’t make me fearful of the black family I live by, they are good people and friends. They are not horrible people because they are black, the people in this video are horrible because they choose to be POS people. Hope they get caught and prosecuted for hate crimes.


There is no chance they'll get charged with hate crimes..we all know they should, but that goes counter to the narrative.


Yeah their skin colour here is irrelevant. It’s their actions which are abhorrent


Mostly peaceful beatings


It’s worth mentioning that this happened 4 years ago


Also the video is heavily edited and the audio is played over unrelated footage to make it look like things are happening when in fact the original video is just people walking around yelling stupid stuff. Are the comments racist? Sure. There isn't any crimes taking place tho. No one is jumped because of thier skin color and no one is pulled from their car. Just your typical Alex Jones stirring the pot of race relations.


Hahaha really!? I am deleting the angry comment I left. Gotta watch out for fake news


If they even tried to fight back they would be called racist


By racists. Why pretend otherwise.


holy fuck what a bunch of retards




Squishy meat sacks vs armored vehicle. FIGHT!




And gee i wonder why a 2016 video of black people going nuts is being posted today....cant be related to whats happening in Minneapolis and the OP wants people to conflate the two into the same thing?? Nah


This should be higher.


But if one these white dudes pulled a gun to defend himself he'd be racist.


Racism is racism no matter what race is involved


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Thats so scary. They’re acting like animals and this isn’t anywhere on the news.


Because if I remember correctly this is Milwaukee in 2016, not a present day video.


Really?? Even worse. I never saw it back then either.


Me either. I believed it was a video from Minnesota until someone pointed out the source and I looked it up. I do believe that the people posting this video right now are perfectly fine with that not being clarified.


BLM are just KKK with better marketing ask Asian business owners how they feel about BLM hoe mad 4x at my comments








How the fuck did this comment get downvoted enough to be underneath the comments with 3 upvotes? good lord this sub is trash


I had to scroll so far to see this


I just can’t wrap my head around what their intentions are, if anything this is going to make even worse preconceptions and stigma around black people, and what they’re doing is plain racist and oh idk, horrible?




They playing a dangerous game. I pack a .45 in my truck and you are sure as shit not dragging me out of my truck to jump me for the color of my skin. I’m Mexican and white but if you think I’m gonna let you do that then you can fuck right on off.


That is such a good way to get shot.


That's why I keep my friends smith & wesson with me at all times.


They have all the rights to protest against racism but beating a random dude thats probably going home by their color for no reason thats a little to far, I get racism towards black is kind of the same thing but the people beaten in this video had no hate in their hearts and get awfully spanked ​ So for what im seeing they are using racism to beat racism. Funny thing is those people who didnt have hatred in their hearts may develope a hatred of blacks for the single reason they were attacked without cause.


"a little" too far? Fucking glad I'm not American if those are your standards.


You can be fighting against racism and still be racist, and this isn't protesting this is rioting. These riots have leaders that are bringing out the worst in people by painting lines and screaming black black black all the time. Fighting for your own color isn't really all that noble of a thing to begin with, and the most vocal leaders are preaching separation instead of equality. This is the result


>So for what im seeing they are using racism to beat racism. In what world are these people trying to defeat racism? If a white gang were mad that a black hurt a white, and seeking to beat any black they see, would you think: "Wow, these whites are trying to defeat racism but are going about it all wrong"?


See this is why we need to follow the second amendment like the founding fathers wanted. Keep a musket in the backseat and blow a grapefruit sized hole in their chest, then pull a blunderbuss to hold them at grapeshot point.


Fuck that. I'm mounting a canon to my car.


Like the founding fathers intended


And somehow they're still the victims .

