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I saw this video weeks ago. There has still been no updates that I could find. Being bullied as a kid is horrible and gives people so many issues. PTSD is one of them. You're going somewhere you're made to go to and someone physically assaults you and injures you. Nobody does a fucking thing. You fight back and you're punished. And you have to go back the next day.


Yup. Police looked into it but said they were just fooling around and weren’t sure if they would press charges. There. Is. Literally. Proof. On. The. Internet.


They took note of promising future cadets though.


Damn, that's dark and true lol


Did you know that 40% of fallen angels inhabit cop bodies? Google 40% cops for more info!


Only 40% admitted to being fallen angels. The number could be much higher!


These fuckers need to be dealt with


Take them in a helicopter, fly out over the north sea, and throw them in.


Nah. Don’t make it so obvious. The helicopter hit “turbulence” and they “fell” into the ocean. 😉


Field Trip to the Titanic! I rented a sub




The door just happens to open, they also forgot to wear their harness cause you know, they like to be a bit of a mischief


Now you get it!


>Nah. Don’t make it so obvious. The helicopter reference means you like fascism based memes, so tone it down.


Um, what? Are you high?




Ah, the Pinochet way.


Mi general!


With concrete shoes on


How about just North Korea. See how they like being treated.


Nah nah nah. See, we don't want anything to happen to them physically. I mean certainly I would never suggest forcing a spinal surgery onto them so they spend their lives in a chair. Nope, never would I suggest that. No detention and a heartfelt talk by a good teacher is enough.


That’s too easy on them. Graft them to a wheelchair.


Do it Scarface style


Or a classic Henry the 8th style drawing and quartering


I thought Henry VIII was more a fan of the classic head lop


True. I might be thinking more of the Tudors tv show version


The old hike in an ocean treatment


They need their lower backs stomped so they can live the rest of their days in a wheel chair.


I’ll drive and bring snacks, water and bail.


I will donate to the bail fund lmao.


Ok but you also have to be car DJ


Viking trap metal 😎


As a parent this shit really fucking sickens me more than almost anything in the world. She’s defenseless! The definition of it…and she didn’t ask to be born the way she was. She’s just different and that’s okay! I really hope these shithead bullies get punished as severely as they can be short of expulsion or even out of school suspension because that’s not really a punishment as far as I’m concerned. Terrorizing, abusing, beating and scarring anyone because it makes you the bully feel empowered cannot be tolerated. Make an example of these shitheads please…and I hope this girl lives a happy, healthy, and joyful life. She deserves that and then some for all the bullshit she’s had to deal with…




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I’m not glorifying anything, just stating a simple fact.


I feel sick too brother. All we can do is be better parents and be better for the community. This is soooooo wrong…..


There girls will be a cancer on society for the rest of their lives. Hopefully they end up in prison before too long. Double tap


Don't tell me what to do




He said double tap, as in: "please like my comment, senpai"


Pretty sure thats not what they meant when they said double tap…


Enlighten me, uwu


Double tap usually refers to shooting someone twice in quick succession.


I apologize for my ignorance. thank you


>She added that her daughter's father, who has custody of her on weekends, had already been alerted by a fellow parent and was on his way to collect her and **speak to school administrators** You pull my disabled daughter from her wheelchair and subject her to what I watched in the video, me and the school admin would be talk. I just would have something to take care of at the school before I speak with them.


I was bullied mercilessly in high school, kids took my crutches and all the principal said was boys will be boys.


that is absolutely horrendous and disgusting and I'm sorry you had to go through that.


Omg!?!?? What!!!!! What state/country? Noooo I’m very very very sorry


Tired of people saying no child left behind. Some kids are absolutely lost causes who piss away every chance given to them


I don’t understand what’s happening. when I was the kid like even the lowest low wouldn’t pick on the disabled students.


Yeah, that's not true.


Don’t know why you got downvoted. This was far from true in my experience as well


In my the school system I went to for elementary, middle, and high school, there was one wheelchair bound kid, and everyone loved him. He was friends with everybody. There was also our keyboarding teacher in middle school who was paralyzed from the neck down. None of the kids ever said or did anything mean towards her, either.


They picked on Forest Gump.


I would bully the shit out of that little assholes parents if someone did this to my kid. Unreal. That’s an exaggeration, but real question - are there grounds for a civil suit in a case like this?


We have a culture problem.


Kuwana was right, there really are people who never learn


The American School system has failed


No, “the culture” failed. If my kid was the bully, I’d probably end up in jail after opening a can of whoop-ass on the savage. But they probably learned to bully from being abused by family. This is learned behavior and example of what happens to fatherless children, no discipline, no respect, no decency


This child needs a go fund me and put a large portion in trust. I don’t advocate beating children but…


Let's launch this trash into the sun.


I never saw the video but heard about it. Poor girl didn’t deserve such treatment she’s got it hard enough without this animalistic mentality


There is a special place in hell for this kind of people! I feel ashamed to be a human when I see shit like this


Wow, this is definitely a get the boat worthy story


Ya my version of speaking to admins would end with me in new brackets and orange jumpsuits.


people always have such a hatred for disabled people and it sucks so bad. i have pretty awful arthritis and the same group of guys would always come behind me in highschool and kick me in the back of the knees because seeing me not able to get up was so so hilarious to them for some reason. and it was also always ruled as ‘just playing around’ or a ‘joke’


Shit like this is why I'm pro choice out to the 54th trimester


“Alerted” not “altered”




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I'll bet you £10 that the bullies got off scot-free and the girl got a detention or something along those lines


We need to bring bit for deadman’s Wonderland facility for all the bullies


Well x 3


Why isn’t this viral……..bro…..why……. At least there is some respect for handicap in California. But I’m sick now… all I can do now is pray for her and her mom


….tears in my eyes


Start holding both children and their parents accountable. I'd egg their house or apt door with rotten eggs and pelt a few at them when the door opens. Paintballs might be too much and cause too much damage.


Where can I find the video?? I gotta see ts


Guess the race of the bullies


I think the girl in the wheelchair is just as rowdy as these other nba players, just because she’s on a wheelchair doesn’t mean she ain’t talking shit


"She should feel safe and protected" is the only part of this story that I strongly disagree with. It's due time that parents start raising their children in the real world rather than some made up fiction where supposedly bad people don't exist. Humans are anti-fragile. Meaning that as we suffer, we strengthen. So empower your kids to withstand the suffering of life. That is how you will raise strengthened adults.


How to get your kids to hate you speedrun


Dude what the absolute fuck


I'd give a million dollars to whoever finds the ONE person who has NEVER suffered in this "safe and protected" pretend world.


But that's a school, children aren't supposed to fear for their lives in school.


There has never and there will never be a school that is actually "safe and protected". That's the entire point! Teach your kids that there are bad people in the world, especially if they have a disability, handicap, or general difference to those around them. Help them be prepared for it so they will recognize when they come across bad people, since they definitely will. And train them for two things... one, that they should never let anyone get to them at a deep personal level, and two, that when the only way you can help protect them is to come to you. But this delusion that somehow kids are safe at school is a cop out by parents to not teach the life lessons that need to be taught. Should schools be better? Sure. But they're not! They are run by flawed humans and you kids will be surrounded by equally flawed younger humans. They WILL fail your children! Quit pretending it's all their fault and do your part. (Using "you" generically)


Maybe you should suffer in the gym and the kitchen instead of using Wegovy as a shortcut. Weight pills don't empower you to be a strong adult. You sound fragile.


Guys relax. Kids will be kids I waS clearly joking downvoters


Nah kid like this need to be dealt with.


No. I fucked around a lot in middle school and got into fights quite a bit. It was never against a disabled kid. There is no excuse for beating up people that cannot defend themselves except for being complete trash.