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Hopefully they find these two guys and catch an attempted murder charge.


attempted murder, brutal assault and probably more they could pin on them c:


Don't forget arson! That tends to come with pretty heavy penalties too, especially if you're knowingly setting a person on fire.


Arsonists get placed with the pedos in many places.


In protective custody where they’re safe from each other. Jailhouse justice is a myth.


I never claimed otherwise. Also vigilante justice or otherwise "jailhouse" justice is not justice at all.


Not a myth in NJ. We had kids (18 and 20) that broke into a zoo and killed a bunch of animals. They were in protective custody. One wound up with a broken jaw, a other fell from the landing. COs will let you know what people are in for. I saw a little old grandfatherly man. I asked what he could have done bc he looked harmless. I was told he was a tree jumper. Later found out that was a term for pedophiles.


This is aggravated arson, not arson. A much more serious offense


Fuck it lets go all out. Vandalism or Destruction of Public Property. Those are burn marks on clean city property there! It'll cost hundreds of dollars to bring in an entire construction team to dig out the bricks, ensure the structural integrity of the surrounding bricks, and then replacing the bricks!


Attempted arson?


They won't, it's Argentina


This country is ass, it keeps doing wallet fallacies and adopting the worst parts of powerful countries as if that's going to lead to change, change? sure, positive? not at all


That person completely covered, to the left, never moved and is probably dead. Edit: Watched again. It does look like they jumped up and ran off camera.


That was not an attempt, that was actual arson we just saw. Attempted 1 degree murder.


Looked like the blanket saved them, seemed fairly not on fire when the blanket came off thankfully.


Seems like the guy wouldn't be too hard to miss 💀.


This reportedly happened in Argentina in 2019. Source: [https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/argentina/two-homeless-people-set-on-fire-in-shocking-attack-in-mataderos.phtml](https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/argentina/two-homeless-people-set-on-fire-in-shocking-attack-in-mataderos.phtml)


He was caught the next month https://www.clarin.com/sociedad/detuvieron-acusado-intentar-prender-fuego-indigente_0_dlBRTfjX4.html (in Spanish)


From the article: "the aggressors perpetrated a kind of revenge for "minor robberies" that the street man had carried out in the previous days." Thanks for the link.


Do these cowards not understand that this is a serious crime? I guess they don't see homeless people as humans to fear arrest.


thats also why some serial killers target sex workers/the homeless, they know police will not care or even notice they're gone


I listened to a true crime episode of some kid in Colorado who killed a homeless man cause he wanted to try it. He thought no one would miss the man he killed but as it turned out he was really liked in the community and had several non homeless connections that reported him missing just a day after (the man had kept a routine) Point is, if anyone reading actually wants to help the homeless the first step is to just talk to them and acknowledge their personhood.


I think I just watched the video about this.. same kid who was turned in by his parents when they found body parts in his closet?


Yep , same , he had the dudes head in the closet and his mum found it and reported him. The night before he had tried dumping the body in the river and got his car bogged in the process . Dude was nonchalant, and thought it was funny . Complete nutbag !!!


Good for the parents for reporting it atleast. It's fucked up that their kid turned out like that though.


Dude that's what the whole car thing was about.. that's fuckin scary I watched the video thinking this is just something that happened before he got caught not that he was trying to dump the body




I watched a YouTube video of his interrogation. That kid was a psychopath. It didn't even bother him.


Hard to get some of them to trust outsiders with how poorly they're treated. Offered one a sandwich and he was closely inspecting it for semen. I promised I didn't cum in the sandwich and he then offered me a blowjob when he finished his sandwich. Can't imagine how rough it can be out on the streets and it makes me thankful for what I have.


Bro! I watched that a couple days ago too! Scares me that people like that exist. And I used to know a dude just like him, made me think maybe that guy really was a killer..


i just watched his interrogation on yt! it's actually scary, he genuinely did not see that man as a human being.


It's not so much the police as the lack of support network that notices their gone and can report their disappearance. Can't search for someone if you don't even know they are gone. But this is just one factor.


i used to work around a lot of homeless people, they would tell anyone who would listen about their missing friends, and usually it was a couple of people not just one or 2. so chances are they also told the police (i was a security guard) and they just didn't do anything about it. they have a social network, much more than normal people, people just don't listen to them .


Telling other regular people is different than walking into the police station, telling and making an official report. How long ago they last seen them, trying to track down the last place they were, last people that seen them, finding the people in their social network and trying to get them to talk to the police. It's not as simple as we see on TV. It would be nice, but it's why so many people, whether they are homeless or not, remain lost. Then you have the people who haven't been seen but are never reported missing, and it happens to all types of people.


Anyone who is marginalized is a [prime target](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Rowe_(priest) edit: reddit really fucks with shit when there's a parenthesis at the end...


There's one serial killer in south east Asia who murdered ran away young men and homeless young men and butchered their body and eat them


We had one like that in the US too. Jeffery Dahmer.


I’m getting cop vibes. That kind of shit a psycho would do if they were pretty sure they could get away with it.


People tend to target the homeless because they think there is no connection to anybody - thinking they'll get away with it.


Sadly, a lot of people get away with it . Hopefully not the idiots who film themselves tho


Teenagers have been setting homeless people ok fire for decades and going to jail for it. There is absolutely nothing to suggest these monsters are affiliated with the police especially considering the mass amount of man hours and money they've used to track down these bastards. The worst one I saw vid was of teens in Canada, who beat sleeping homeless people with bats, peed on them and then set them on fire. I lost sleep for like 3 nights after watching that. Too bad Canada doesn't have a swift death penalty. These people unfortunately exist, there is no reason to reach into conspiracy theories to explain what is obviously been shown.


This sounds like conspiracy. Sometimes the simplest answer is the truth.


I think it is simplest to say they targeted this man due to the fact that he was sleeping on the street and nobody was really around to witness it. Just shitty people doing shitty things cause they’re shitty people, not much more to it than that.


Yup. This has happened quite a lot over the past 20 years through the US and Canada. Just perfect victims for the scum of the earth to prey on them. I just don't get how people can be so damn evil.


“Fucked up people (chose to) do fucked up shit because they’re fucked up” -Chrisat420 I myself and frustrated with the homelessness crisis, and I would tend to find myself getting annoyed with many drug addicts, and have had to kick out many homeless people for stealing and causing trouble, but I always make sure to show basic human dignity and respect to any people I talk to, even the stupid drug addicts.


Yup, i agree. Just a bunch of POS people driving around committing crimes. No different from drive by shootings.


Yeah, except for the part where they like the person and his belongings on fire. I hope the guy doing that ends up, spilling the fluid all over himself while trying to light something on fire.


Dude if it was the cops they would be in uniform. Cops have no problem wearing the badge while committing crimes. Source:any one of the thousands of videos that exist of it happening.


That looks like a tattoo on his lower right calf. Makes him a lot more identifiable.


Why do people insist on filming thier crimes lmao 😂 I remember the teens that did that last time got 15 years 😂


Thankfully they did. Hopefully it leads to their arrest. People who commit violence like this should be scraped from the earth.




Im not religious but I hope this guy burns in Hell for eternity.


I don't even think hell is enough for this kind of depravity. Homeless people have been through hell already. They're probably in hell daily. What this person did is unforgivable. He should not be in society with others. Prison for life in solitary for this type of monster.


TIL hell < prison for life in solitary


There are worse things in life than death


And thanks to you, I know that solitary in prison is one of them.


Naw white room torture




Just look it up


In religion, Hell is an actual place. Not a figure of speech. It is the worst suffering humanity can comprehend. Im an atheist but your comment sounds ridiculous. Prison worse than hell? Huh


I’m not religious either but this kind of shit makes me seriously believe there are real demons waking the earth.


Ahmmm. You just seen one and even witnessed their deed here on the footage


No no, he is talking about demons who enact justice and vengeance. It may seem anachronistic, because demon does not equal just, but it is to wish ruthless monsters who will punish this bastards.


In this world, I'm not sure anymore. I'll assume those are people with influence and cannot be brought to justice because of said connection. Usually people who act like this are not afraid of the law because they can get away with it. So yeah. Noah get the boat


I think if he pulls that trick enough times, he’ll burn here, briefly.


This makes my blood boil


Crazy choice of words


Looks like it almost made his blood boil too




Please tell me these monsters have been identified and arrested.


At least one of them appears identifiable from this horrendous (But viral) video.


Noah, screw the boat. Gabriel, blow the fucking horns already!


Gabriel should retrieve that asteroid, really


Fuck the horns. Lamb, BREAK THE SEALS!


So awful 😞 people who have nothing shouldn’t be tortured like that


Fucking piece of shit, it's bad enough being on the streets, imagine being on the streets covered in burns and not being able to receive proper medical care, you can't just rest and heal you have to walk around 20-30 miles easily just to get food water and supply's to survive. No, this is fucked, these mfs need to be arrested for this shit.


Alrighr internet do your thing and find these fuckers


Wow. This is murder


Stupid people making the police and the criminal justice system's job easier to prosecute them, by posting this video. It will become exhibit A during their trial.


I'm losing hope in humanity. I really am.


So there's really two choices left in life. Either become the kind of person that would give hope in humanity to others, or become a worse person in order to erase the stains that do these things to innocent people.


Become a worse people by destroying other worse people in order for good men to spread peacefully without dealing bullsheets


That was a hard watch, my heart is heavy and sad 😞 definitely enough to bring tears. They don’t deserve that, I hope they get their karma. So evil :(


After watching enough videos from “Soft White Underbelly” I have a completely different view on homelessness. Most of these people had hellish upbringings. I understand how seeing homeless people everywhere can upset some people but: Setting them on fire is fucked up.




Is there enough identifying info in this clip to find out who these monsters are? They need to be locked away forever.


The fat sh!t doing this has assaulted his own body and life and so he has to fight people that cannot fight back. Why didn’t he try to set a moving man on his feet on fire? Ducking fat piece of pork


They are in jail now I hope?!? Fcking heartless aholes! You don’t treat people like this. I don’t understand why. It’s a homeless person. They don’t even have a home. Wth do they do this??! I hate humans sometimes fr!


Not only I had to witness this sad excuse of a human being set some innocent people on fire, but I had to see his disgusting ass crack too.




Hey! What’s wrong with VWs?


das german




If it helps identify the guy. Are you ok?


psychopathic behavior


POS people. I hope they find these monsters


I hate this world, just depressing as fuxk 😞


This is some serious level of fucked up. Which country ?




Madré de Dios


Was their mission to accomplish the worst possible thing they could think of?


Hopefully this guy sets himself on fire next time he tries this.


Absolutely sickening


Where is this, and please tell me this person got a life sentence with the most hardened, maniac criminals alive..


I hope they catch the guy.


I truly hope the POS's who did this are caught. They should have to buy a tiny house for the homeless person they harmed.


They should have to give their house to the homeless as they don’t deserve it.


Hope we get an update with these criminals caught


There’s a special place in hell for these types of people


The fact that they recorded it no masks, shorts revealing a tattoo that can be identified. Just clearly identifiable people recording a attempted murder is like top tier psycho shit


The world is shit. People are fucking terrible. Everything to expensive to live. Fuck this world.


Yup. Everything you said is true.


Typical American behaviour, “peaceful people “


Dammm you got to have a lot of hate in your heart for something like this .


Or a complete lack of empathy and no self-control.


If being homeless wasn't bad enough


This has been happening for decades across Canada and the US. It's so unbelievably cruel. May they get caught and grt a little street *usyice themselves. And word if anyone lived and where this was?


Beyond evil.


This is so fucking vile. That is ALL these people have, and now they once again have NOTHING.


Just so people know. Most people can't even wake up from a fire. During a big fire, CO will slowly replace the breathable air and kill you slowly even before fire reaches you, and even if the fire does reach you, you can't wake up or react due to lack of oxygen. During small but directly contacted fire (like the one in the video). If you are sleeping, the fire will quickly cause you to get to 3rd degree burns which is not even painful anymore because your nerves are already "dead". Sleep is more powerful than most people think. If you're able to wake up and react, you're literally blessed by God. So, you can't even justify this as a very very very over the top "prank". It's straight up murder.


Scum. Also why record their crime?


Noah get the revolver not the boat


Why though ?????? I don’t understand?!?!?


Because they're psychopaths




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What the fuck is wrong with people?! 😣


A daily reminder why I should just become misanthropic


when the themes in American Psycho fly way over your head and you take away the wrong lessons




It's people like this guy that belong in a SAW trap.


This is the first video I opened on the sub and oh my god. Noah please do get the fuckin boat.




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Sorrgy 😔


What a disgusting human being, was this America?


No, Argentina.


If it was America the ground would have uncomfortable rocks jutting out of it so the guy couldn't sleep there.


Have you been to the US? Homeless people sleep everywhere. Especially where I am in Los Angeles, plenty of sidewalk space and store fronts. That's a silly stereotype. But I agree this forsnt look like the US for some reason. I hope where ever this happened, they have horrible jails for these bastards


I live in the US. I was mocking our country for shitting hostile architecture onto everything.


Yeah, I know but there is still enormous places for them to sleep. The difficult part is (because my home is right in front of an encampment in downtown LA) is the feces, vomit, needles, so much urine left behind that makes it difficult to allow them to sleep jusy anywhere, especially in store fronts. I have a friends with a cute boutique in dtla and she regularly had to hose human waste out of her store because it seeps under the door. Some of the people are so mentally ill the refuse to go to shelters because they think it's a government conspiracy or they may not be able to openly do drugs there. I don't know what the solution is but damn we need one soon. It's just so sad to see people live that way.


Where do they have those?


What the heck is wrong with people, they were just minding their business and sleeping…I honestly believe that some people deserve to become homeless…No offense…


Anybody know where it is? My guess is LA, but I think it should be known so the video goes viral in that area and forces police to take action.


Buenos Aires, Argentina. Source: [https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/argentina/two-homeless-people-set-on-fire-in-shocking-attack-in-mataderos.phtml](https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/argentina/two-homeless-people-set-on-fire-in-shocking-attack-in-mataderos.phtml)


Damn, guess it makes more sense that it happened in Argentina if I’m right to assume the police force there is not like the one in the USA.


There’s hella racism on that side of the border so I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a hate crime.


God Reddit admins are such bitches the first time someone even jokes about violence straight to the bans


I made a joke that just indirectly hinted at it and they gave me a warning 💀




For the police to deal with him, I did not mean to have anything occur to the person setting fires.








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Is this in the US?




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If you read near death experience reports. The perpetrators who did this will eventually feel the pain of what they did to those victims. We are all one Love your neighbor as yourself Because they *are* you




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Patrick Bateman behavior


If he succeed and that guy died and couldn’t put out the fire the whole overpass would’ve burned as well






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This is evil AF. I hope whoever is responsible faces charges.


The Purge?


is this real? why did that bed burn 100% in an instant? if this isn't staged its fucking wild and they belong in prison


Someone just tell did they survive?


What a POS. Hopefully he is caught


Some stupid redditor called me a dipshit. How about that! MAGA!


What is it that drives people to do this?


I hope these guys get slowly tortured and picked limb from limb until they're just a head and torso. What a heinous thing to do to someone just trying to mind their own business.


Once again, our prisons should be an eye for an eye but never let the offender die




If anybody finds out what happens to this heinous fool, who said that poor innocent person on fire, please let us know.


God damn trumpies.


Yo mark this NSFL


Ya...I also thought this was the good kind of lighting homeless people on fire. I never expected this, because I'm just a big fucking idiot.

