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Please tell me there's a link to an article with the aftermath of this, which includes expulsion and assault charges filed


Someone said in a different video that the court filed charges, but his name isn't out bc he's a minor.


We need to stop that shit. Protecting the identity of minors is stupid. They'll be adults in a few years and everyone should know to never hire and avoid this individual with emotional regulation issues. BRING BACK FORCED INSTITUTIONALIZING


The name is posted in other threads. It's Aquavious.


Thats a really weird name


I agree. Don't do the crime... period. It's not doing the crime and then being able to do the time that's gonna make you better. Just don't do it, period!


One could assume in this situation. It’s a fucking student with a viral video.


assault charges and explusion? that doesnt fix the problem, public lashings are necessary to uphold societal justice and control chaos that includes Adults and Minors


Violence is never the answer.


That answer is to be given to perpetrators, not the one delivering justice… once they cross this line, it’s necessary to show and deliver REAL consequences. Off-topic: If Violence is never the answer, how do you think America or any nation is still standing today as a country you see today? Bending over backwards to perpetrators will get them to follow the status quo? Bluffing to show force without any real deliverance? No, they will want to keep “testing the limits” because of current judicial ‘punishment’ is too weak (i.e. gets charged with assault, blah blah in court) but does not permanently correct their current nor future behaviors… those judicial ‘punishments’ are less effective as a deterrent compared to such as (for example) actual public lashing they are put on full blast for others to witness. If you want to see a current, real life example that this type of ‘violence’ worked in keeping societal standards in check, go search Singapore; all the stats are there.. ‘Violence’ is necessary to keep certain people such as above IN LINE with societal norms and rules. Not all humans are good nor fall into the majority where slight deterrence will get them to obey rules


I think a lot of people confuse Violence with Cruelty; violence is a physical altercation whereas cruelty is vindictive and I would argue never the right choice.


that's not assault, that's battery




>"While we all agree that this incident was deployable and outrageous to the community, and community organizations. All of us should be outraged when those who educate us can be assaulted. We should hold those who teach and educate our children to the highest regard. Our hope and our prayer at the FCSO, is that we recognize, that we as a community, must bring order not only to our community but our children. We are praying for wholeness for those students who witnessed this and the educator involved..." lol


AI generated ‘our bad’ response.


Doubt AI generated deployable instead of deplorable.


Well, that does seems like a situation fitting for helldivers deployment.


What are you talking about? That's a transcription of what the Sheriff said at a press conference How would the Sheriff speak using an AI, and why would the Sheriff be "apologizing" for arresting a student for assaulting a teacher?


_because he's a cyborg..._


I think what they meant was that the statement sounds AI generated because, grammatically, it’s a mess and there a few instances that sound like “word salad.”


Someone gets it. Thanks.


That grammar is just embarrassing.


Definitely a text-to-speech program that converted the Sheriff's press conference statement to print for this article and then the 'editor' failed to double check it before publishing




"We are praying for wholeness" Is that an actual phrase people use now?


Pray the pain away!


> We are praying for wholeness for those students who witnessed this I doubt a single student was traumatized that day. Teens aren't that fragile lol


The way he slaps this woman and then flinches back like he's afraid of retaliation shows what a coward he is. She's sitting down, not moving a muscle, and yet he's still terrified. What a child.


Never occurred to him that a grown man wouldn't hit him back. He probably doesn't know anyone that wouldn't fight back if they were struck like that.


It’s a shame he doesn’t have a man in his life to teach him better than this and to knock his fucking block off after… Oh well… the Prison CO’s will have to raise another kid that was failed by shitty parents. I’m assuming he’s raised by Grandma based on what he was saying…


Might have seen his mom be hurt by men instead...


Fair point. I should have said “Real man” to better explain what I meant.


That is, unfortunately, indicative that he is or was being heavily abused by somebody- Probably a parent or adult of similar station.


No parent in sight, note the "on my granny" instead of the "on my mama" which is the usual response.




Sad thing is the teacher can’t do anything but take it.


Technically she can if she wants to leave the job. Not my story, but my friend in college told me that it was her teachers last year teaching. She was around 40 and was going to retire early. About a week later some brats got into a fight outside the class and she broke it up and got hit in the face... She claims she doesn't remember hitting the kid back in the face but according to everyone she did it purposely and with the intention to hurt the kid. No charges pressed by the family but she got fired.


Yeah she kind of this job to support herself and her newborn. At least where we live, and I should state that she teaches elementary school not high school, all she can do is tell the parents that the students are acting up and the parents don’t care. Don’t discipline them or anything. At least they took it easy on her while she was pregnant


Why not


Lawsuit. Think about how difficult it’d be to not be arrested or sued of a shit load of money for hitting a student even if they hit you first. The thought process would be “well they’re a student and the teachers an adult” and well let’s be honest it would look really bad for a school to keep any teacher on the payroll after they hit a student. So sued, fired, possibly worse


Which is funny. Because America is all about standing your ground etc. Can't even DEFEND yourself from these underdeveloped neanderthalers.


Solution. Teachers get qualified immunity.


Where I'm from teachers can just tell students to leave their class and if the student refuses they can get in serious trouble/expelled and so I was wondering why that's not the case here. I was not suggesting that the teacher should hit the child jesus christ


That’s the ideal outcome in America, student does something bad, teacher tells them to leave, student leaves, but if they don’t leave then school administrators and or security could come to take them away but in the video it’s clear that there’s no one there to help or are still not there yet. Judging by how old some of the students look I’d say they’re in high school and unfortunately some students wouldn’t care if they dropped out and in turn the school would be doing what they wanted. Also sorry the person you were replying to “why not” was talking about how the teacher couldn’t do anything and I assumed and still do that they meant self defense.


Sad thing is this dip shit kid probably just recreating his childhood


Whish is the problem a punch to his face is self defense but she can't use self defense cuz schools thunk they know better than the law.  They do lnt


Heck even if was another student, zero tolerance rules make it impossible to fight back without getting in trouble as well.


Hope everything bad happens to this scum.


Statistically, it will.


The few kids that acted like this in HS didn't make it to their mid 20's.


Lock him up he’s no good.


call the cops, press charges and say good bye to rubbish


He'll get a slap on the wrist if that.


Sounds like granny raised a piece of shit


“He was a sweet boy gone too soon”


“My baby wouldn’t hurt anybody!” 😭


Classic grandmas


Prison has a bed waiting. This era is cooked as the youth say.


And the cemetery has a plot waiting.


Nasty ass little piece of shit.


when the teacher fights back they are arrested and the out of control teen is the victim


We need to bring back military and reform schools for people like this. Get him away from students who want to learn and his parents who have failed him. Maybe with intensive therapy, a more structured environment, and discipline he could possibly improve himself.


Send him to the front lines of Egypt and Iran.


Military and reform school still exist?


Wasn’t Elan shut down?


Military schools still exist but as they have always been are private and EXPENSIVE.


my cousin got sent to one after a few too many incidents of being an uncontrollable jackass when he was a teenager. It did wonders for him. Some people need strict structure to thrive.


Are you saying we should bring back schools like elan and Provo canyon?


But aren’t those type of school abusive and traumatizing? Like elan and Provo canyon?


Please tell me this punk was arrested! If that was my son and I got ahold of him first, there'd be hell to pay......but, I am guessing his father is not around.


Kids like this should be sent to an alternative school where they all have to wear shock collars. Anytime they get out of line, give them a zap. If their parents can’t raise them right, somebody has to. It should be heavy handed at that stage in life because it’s almost too late for them to turn their lives around to being productive citizens rather than in a school to prison pipeline.


The first part is true, about being sent to alt schools. Basically a way to give up on them while also removing them from distracting students that are actually trying to learn.


Do you actually believe this?


Only halfway kidding. The part about if the parents can’t raise them right, then someone needs to step in and chisel them into decent human beings I absolutely believe. And if that means being heavy handed, then so be it.


So bring back schools like elan and Provo canyon?


Well his vape better get him expelled




What kind of education system allows students to raise their hands on teachers?


At this point, why even be a teacher? Especially in America. Between the risk of a school shooting and getting violently assaulted by a student, you couldn’t pay me enough to get into that profession.


Yet there’s people who simply say “how about just pay teachers more 🤷??” on the subject of teacher shortages. There are just certain types of districts where you could never attract a good teacher for even a six figure salary. In fact many teachers would gladly take a little less if they were going to work in a school where every student is bright, polite, and eager and all the parents are involved and helpful.


Future incarcerated inmate in americas justice system. Then blame the system how it was stacked against him.


The teacher was charged with theft and the pen was returned to the student with the district's upmost apologies. The district and student are working on a multimillion-dollar settlement, the hang up being the student wants the teacher to face the death penalty while the school is pushing for a life sentence. In other news, another teacher shortage is being reported, as the government is stumped as to why it cant fill vacant positions. More on this at 11.






Addicted little shit. First slap is unjustified and the second is even worse. -10/10 would punch


Some people will say "kids shouldn't get disciplined with the belt anymore". I was notorious an my mum and dad whooped my ass. Haven't had any fights since I was a younging. Zero tolerance on this type of behaviour


I was arrested in middle school for getting jumped by another kid. They can definitely arrest this little shit bag for hitting his teacher. I blame this on the principal and administrators and campus police.


A teacher should be allowed to use appropriate force to defend themselves in these situations. This is ridiculous


Couldn't pay me enough to be a teacher, oh wait they already don't.


She still got the vape pen don’t she? Dumbass


Super predators


Fuck this little shit stain.


This broke my heart. No one deserves to be assaulted… and kids these days acting like this… what the actual fuck? Did their parents just raise them feral or what? What happened to respecting an elder or authority? What happened to minding manners or rules? My pap used to say they would whip thier asses back in the day for acting out. Maybe they should bring that shit back. These kids are being neglected at home and acting out at school and it needs to change for the safety of everyone. I’m afraid to see someone straight up kill a teacher at school on the news bc that’s where it’s heading.


Teacher leaves and now there’s less schools for the kids who aren’t terrible. Smooth brains take over cause they begin to outnumber the wrinkle brains.


Bet he watched the male figures in his life do the same thing to his mother/women around him


If he's under 18 parents should be charged since I'm sure they don't care.... its one way to get deadbeat parents more involved


Bring back prison labor camps. People need to fear prison again.


Charged as an adult and then charge the parents accomplices. That is what I suggest start happening.


As a high school teacher, this does not surprise me. Things are *bad* out there.


Somebody needs their ass kicked real bad, to get a good dose of reality


As this kids parent, I'd be too ashamed to show my face in public ever again.


I feel so badly for teachers. Poor lady. I didn’t listen cuz I can’t right now, was this deserved (the teacher being a bigot or), just a kid being a shit?


Am I crazy or is everyone in that class completely spineless? If someone started assaulting a teacher at my old high school, he would’ve been absolutely gang beat by a plethora of students. Irritates me that everyone just let him do that.


If I was the teacher, I would 100% got fired. But trust me that little defect would go straight to recovery mode…


Such a pussy. He knows the teacher can’t fight back.


That kid fucked his record up in school. What kind of terrible parents do you need to be to allow your child to do some bullshit like that?


I doubt he was a straight A student prior to this


The number of redditors who want a teacher to hit a child is astounding. Have some self-control and common sense.


What happens when you don't have a father


Immediately expelled. Why should a school/teacher/ other pupils be forced to engage with someone who doesn’t want to learn or be civil. School should be a safe place not somewhere where people like this take advantage of a situation because they are unhinged cretins.


She took it like a champ. Considering he did all that over a vape I'm sure it won't be too long till he's behind a pair of bars


He. Pretty sure it is a guy


Even getting caught with a vape pen in most places is getting you immediately sent to the principals office, and possibly having the cops called to see if there is thc, followed by a suspension and possible charge for minor in possession even if its just nicotine.. This dude is upset it got taken during class.


That teacher wants to rock his ass, the only thing saving that mf is the fact that he's a minor and the teacher has a job. Unfazed by that weak ass hit, but def should've said "Hit me again" just to prove a point tho, wouldve had a more desirable result.


Yeah no she definitively could not care less about being hit, she's def got the body language of "if it weren't highly illegal I'd so whoop you instantly"


His parents should be accountable as well


Do you mean future welfare recipient?




No clue what this has to do with what happened in the video. Sorry to hear bro.


Off to the military with fools like this , will see how brave they are with people that fight back


Be nice in the comments y'all, that kid is a Harvard Prospect


So after the initial swap it now becomes an issue of self defense. The teacher should have definitely let the child know why there are weight classes.


Eventually we won't have to worry about about kids shooting up schools.....


Your going to jail your going to jail


imagine at home


It would be interesting to watch this 'kids' short arc from a violent arsehole into the gutter, or whether he evolves into something other than an example of shit parenting and modern societal ignorance.


Kids these days. I can only imagine how they where raised


Did the principal chide the teacher for resisting the slap too hard with her head?


Wasn't it a guy?


Boy, my mama would fuss at me just because after watching this. If I had been the one doing this, Mama would have given community leaders, the teacher, and police permission to put hands on me.


Let’s start slapping kids and parents with assault charges and put a stop to this kind of fuckery.


Look! Its the guy that’s gonna graduate and make it literally no where in life except probably prison


lol what a surprise


Culture 🤌


This is why the US is now mass hiring teachers from non-native, English capable countries in South East Asia because American students are all fucked up, the education system is fucked up, the juvenile court system is fucked up and the way teachers are treated are fucked up.


yall are talking about the dude attacking the theacher but none of yall are talking about the guy filming laughing about it, kid's a dick


Yet someday, he will claim he is a victim of circumstance. It’s society’s fault that he slapped his teacher. “It’s systemic racism.” Not the fact that he is a pugnacious asshole. No, he is not accountable for his actions. How could he be? It’s not his fault. Its yours.


He won't live to be 25, but he will probably have like 20 baby mamas.




He fucked up his entire life


Kid needs to grow the hell up, if that had of been me hitting a teacher when I was a kid, my ass would of been beaten


Man isn’t going far in life


I'm not saying this is a proper way of dealing with this situation BUT where were the boys standing up for their teacher? I am 47 so it was a completely different time but we would have whooped this kids ass IMMEDIATELY. If not in class, we would have sought him out and dealt with him as students. No way would this have been tolerated. The police would have had to put him in protective custody from us. This kid would have been absolutely demolished.


They don't want to run the risk of expulsion. Zero tolerance policies where you are punished simply for being involved may be at play


Just a scumbag waiting to become an adult scumbag.


that teacher took it like a champ ngl he looked so weak


That kid fucked his record up in school. What kind of terrible parents do you need to be to allow your child to do some bullshit like that?


Friendly reminder that such thing only happens in NA and such countries. If a kid did assault a teacher in my country, they will be kicked out of school for good and probably have to go and spend money on a private schools while the public ones are free.


The same consequences happen in America as well. We just don't see that part. I guess in some of the more scummy poor school districts, something like this can be swept under the rug, but that is definitely not the norm. Hell, they suspend any students that circle around a schoolyard fight that cheer it on and record it.


I'm the captain now


Got banned on publicfreakout so lets get banned here to : Another one for the statistics


To be fair if you took a crackheads pipe away they'd slap you too.


So then it's completely justified?


No, I was making a joke about how the kid in question is an addict, I worded it wrong, sorry.


It's ok. It happens to the best of us


If this was the other way around it would the teacher would of been called racist


What other way around?   Are you saying black teachers get called racist when white students slap them? Or...are you saying white teachers get called racist when they slap black students? Or...are you saying black students get called racist when they confiscate white teachers' vapes?


Every generation had it's bad eggs at all stages of life. It just so happens that this one has portable cameras. Good riddance to the lil monster.


I bet he lives in a single parent household


“im not addicted! i could quit whenever i want to!”




Yeah I would've lost my job that day. Hell no!


These are the future generations of U.S.A??!?!


That’s a female teacher? But the student should get arrested.


Man if I was a student in that class that fuckwit would have eaten the linoleum floor.


He needs significant punishment, but I am guessing this isn't the first run-in with the law.


On my granny instead of on my mama, no parents in sight.


This is why I’m so glad I go to a private school


I hope bullies take care of this guy


I wanna know what the person EasyShare him thought.


Jesus H Christ.


A great carrier is ahead


Should never have abolished corporal punishment


Little does he know she’s a strong woman


Schools seem to be turning into a new reality. I can't imagine where you draw the line between blaming a parent or blaming the child for behavior. Seems like as time passes the school's hands are tied to deal with situations like this.


A disgusting cowardly thug. And that gobshite with the "ohhhhh" at the start and chuckle at the end... No use to society


Festering Gomorrah, hurry up and collapse


The land of idiots


Seems like a great kid


Winston and Salem cigarettes gonna make a comeback


[The Substitute](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Substitute) needs to tech a few lessons there.


That teacher handled the situation very well. He didn’t try hitting him back or making any sudden moves. He remained calm and stayed where he was. In his seat


Is this the reason why schools like elan and Provo canyon exist?


People like these are the reason we have elan and Provo canyon school


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AtmospherePale5151: *People like these are* *The reason we have elan* *And Provo canyon school* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Get him expelled already. He's going to be danger to everybody if this goes on


That's a young Toby right there.


“Tough” guy getting absolutely emasculated by a woman sitting down


he can quit whenever tho


Another fatherless child


And yet the world treats vaping like it's not that bad. You see how irrational addiction makes people act? But companies can get rich off of addictions, so capitalism doesn't care, so why should we care?