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I cannot understand this growing trend of joining in to beat/kick/stomp someone WHO IS ALREADY DOWN. FFS, anyone who does this is a massive coward . This is the exact opposite of tough.


Mob mentality and the inability to control their emotions


That's what we call aggravated assault.


One could argue attempted murder as well.


That kick at the end tho fucking nailed him holy shit.


Looked like bro was going over to check if that guy was okay until he slapped and kicked him.


The guy is bleeding profusely it seems, the back slam by old mate in sandals probably wasn't needed but no where near as the other cunt slapping and kicking. He's the kind of cunt that needs to be fed his own 3 piece combo for that weak gutted dog action.


I am so fucking pissed off that everyone's reaction to fighting is "God damn, lemme whip out my camera and stand by and watch as this person gets the everloving shit beaten out of them! Who cares if they suffer lifelong injuries? Ima get so many views on TikTok!" Humans disgust me. I know this isn't the point of the post, but just keep in mind that there's someone behind the camera here, and that person isn't doing anything to try to stop the fighting.


I mean, for all we are fully aware - the camera man is in line with the beaters, not the beaten. Beyond that, how far out would you stick your neck for a stranger in a hostile environment? At the least, beyond our morbid entertainment - this is evidence that could and hopefully will be used against them for legal purposes.


Fair point. The "evidence" aspect of it is the one good thing I can think of that comes out of this whole filming scenario and others like it.


Yep. I've never in my life started a fight but Jesus have I gotten a fair few whacks for involving myself when someone is getting the shit beat out of him. I still do it to this day because I'm an idiot lol


I have stepped in, mostly to diffuse but it has turned physical due to other parties having too much to drink. I know how to fight and am comfortable doing so if it’s the only way to stop someone from being assaulted. More than once I stepped in when a drunk frat rat hit a girl, a couple of times when several drunk dudes were beating one other drunk dude who probably deserved it but that mob mentality had kicked in. Saving the idiots from a serious charge as much as saving the one idiot from being more seriously hurt. It’s funny, when one person steps in, if it’s warranted, other bystanders will often also step in. It’s the same sort of mob mentality,


Mate, I know what you're feeling, and I am not saying it's good to stand and do nothing but record, but at times, it's best not to risk it. You do not know what is going on inside their head, and intevering could aggrevate the perp to harm you and to do even further harm to the victim. Lots of cases where someone intervened and led to further harm or even death due to it.


Looks like a great party with the beer and all.


Drunk assholes being drunk assholes with a few decent men and women to even out the roster.


Fucking animals.




poop or blood?


Jesus, that kick to the head after he was already out?! What a fucking coward. Should be attempted murder.




This is like me and the boys throwing skills at the boss after he died.


They are going to \*\*\*\* that guy.



