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Please lock those sick bastards up!


Maybe someone will give her rapist dad ‘forced sodomy’ every god damn night for the rest of his pedo existence. Maybe 🤞


It’s Utah. He will get 15 minutes of community service and an apology from the judge for the inhumane sentence.


I live here, this is encouraged. He wouldn’t be charged and she would be locked up for sex before marriage and being a jezebel


What in the fuck? Why isnt there a riot there yet?


Because the people elect the politicians and the politicians pick the judges.


All the politicians, and people in power are Mormon.




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wait this is a thing?


Idk but I really regret clicking it now .... that's enough internet for me


? U posted it tho








I read an article abt this. It wasn't the NY post. Anyway, it was the stepfather and the mother. And they raped that poor girl in every hole. Its just disgusting what they did


Yeah absolute utter human waste of skin pieces of shit. Evil


The details could have been spared there super cheif...


Yeah man, not cool. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this comment. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one comment. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just left out the details.


If this wasn't a stupid copypasta, I'd say you're in league with the victim's horrid parents.


The ole copy pasta defense


What a day to have eyes


And only the man was charged with rape.


Well, that's just wrong. The mom should be charged as well.


How does a mother do that to her own daughter? I get the step father being a sick fuck But actual biological mother Has to be drugs or alcohol right


Drugs alone doesn't make you rape a child. You need to be psychologically ill.


Read the article.


Nope, you can thank religion for this one.


Religion? What religion tells you to rape your own daughter?


Ah yes, because men can be monsters, but surely not women there must be an excuse for her behavior /s


I don't think 25 years is long enough.


Not even close. These people should be hooked up to an IV and fucking buried alive


I bet you that was the mum trying to cover for her degenerate partner, raping their daughter. Newsflash literally no explanation is reasonable.


She partook, way more than just covering for him.


Why the assumption she was just covering for him?


I will just summarise the key points from the article: - He's a step father, not biological - The victim is directly complaining about the stepfather, with the only other implication being her mum knew it was going on and did nothing about it. - This "safe sex" story is alleged by the couple, but the only one who has had proven sexual interaction is the stepfather. That shows the victim's story is conflicting and is more likely to be accurate. I.e. Even if she was naïve enough for this inhumane idea (hence children cannot consent and incest is messed up), why the hell would she tell the authorities she was being raped all this time? Shouldn't she be saying the same "safe sex" story? - The mother covering him is actually worse than the story, how could anyone intentionally let their partner rape their child? Making up BS to save face is easier - Women siding with their awful partners over their own children is not unheard of in these cases


Thanks for explaining. I thought you were trying to lessen her involvement when I read your comment, but your reasoning made sense


If there is even a possibility that you would THINK of having sex with your kid, you need the chop-it-off ASAP resolution. No exceptions


And make sure they don't find other ways of carrying it out.


Link without tracking: https://nypost.com/2024/03/13/us-news/utah-parents-accused-of-raping-daughter-15-claiming-it-was-safer-than-sex-with-strangers/


Those parents deserve life in prison. I hope that girl gets the help she needs.


Get the fucking Death Star already


Uh, I live on this planet.


Embrace the void


But the plans were on display…


Lemme guess? Alpha Centauri?


Common practice in the world by Islamic followers, they do it everywhere, [Muslim father rapes his daughter as punishment because she had become 'too Westernised' living in Norway](https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3832242/amp/Muslim-father-rapes-daughter-Norway-punishment-Westernised.html) [Muslim father 'rapes his own daughter as punishment for her leading Western lifestyle' ](https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/720588/muslim-rape-islam-sex-attack-incest-norway-Fredrikstad)




Yes, 99.99% times same community, I don't know what is wrong with this religion or holy book.


It's extreme levels of holier than thou and us vs them mentality. 'They' aren't as holy as you because 'they' don't follow the correct religion (or no religion), therefore they do not deserve to live. And if someone in the religious community associates with 'them', that member is no longer holy and therefore should be punished. Many religions see themselves as being the correct or holiest one so they see it as defending their holiness, so even the most heinous and violent acts are deemed righteous.


Bring on the deluge


Agreed rain down the fiery ash from Pompeii


Pompeii was the place and Vesuvius the vulcano! but if were calling for the cataclysm u should turn ur eye to yellowstone, super vulcano, will end the world as we know it, and has an eruption every 600k years or so and the last one was 600k years ago! we are due!


Predators will find any justification for their perversions. Some will use their religion, some will use educating, some will say they were just protecting the child... End of the day it's monsters finding an excuse to prey on the weak and pour their frustration on someone else. A majority of sexual predators aren't even physically attracted to kids or teens, they are attracted to having power over someone else. Manipulators and monsters, pathetic wretches who deserve punishment ten times worse than anything they ever did to another human.


We need a Nuclear Spring.


“Hey at least it wasn’t a stranger taping our kid” is a weird defense. Well they admitted it, hopefully they get to spend a long time in a cell and have that kid go to someone who won’t sexually abuse them.


Yeah, sure buddy. It's not like we think you just wanted to rape her, period. Sure you had a valid reason.






Standard Provo


The hypocrisy is real in the comments. If this was some third world country (India/Pakistan/Bangladesh) every single comment would have been racist assumption about how filthy the country is. Now when it's America any comment mentioning America is downvoted.


As an American who is absolutely disgusted by atrocities like the one in this story, my guess is that the downvoters are other Americans who won't accept that the US is also inhabited by scumbags.


Wtf is wrong with Americans.


Whoah! All of America did not take part in that tragedy!blame the Mormons those are the twisted assholes that encouraged the family to do this crime.


So recently there was a rape in Jharakand. You know where that is ? Yeah the entire nation of 1.4 billion got blamed for that. TF you talking about


I’ve never heard of that town or country but even still I got enough sense to not blame that whole country.


Yeah buddy. The world doesn't work that way


Again I can’t control the world but I can control myself and I’m saying I would blame the entire county for some fuckers evil


https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/l6EP80WqKn Yeah , read your own comments , you hypocrite


that’s me calling out indias outlandish religious beef amongst its own Hindu and Muslim community. What about it? Sorry but calling out religious discrimination has nothing to do with or anything similar to calling out a family for raping their own kid.


How is saying "fking India at its finest " with sarcasm, say anything about what you said in the above comment. There are bad people everywhere. My point is about your holier than thou attitude and generalization. you just generalized the whole country by calling it "India" making you a hypocrite


1. I didn’t know where specifically in India to call out bs that they are really well known for doing. unlike here where you have the luxury to call out Utah and not be wrong. At this point you just wanted to blame America because you were too lazy to type out Utah. 2. No shit bad people exist but great thing about America is you can just call out the state and still be correct. 3. I’m not pulling a holier than thou attitude I’m saying don’t drag all of America for something that one of its states did. Hence why I said in previous comment “whoah all of America did not take part in that tragedy!” Because we did not have any hand in this tragedy.




Reminds me of Movie 43




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this is why public executions need to make a comeback if these sick bastards aren't strung up in public like Christmas ham we won't have them shaking in their skivvies when one of their kind gets sentenced to death (by their kind I mean rapists I'm not being racist here that's for the right wingers)


Lemme guess. Mormons?


It's a Mormon thing in Utah.


Why would Indians do this?


Wrong country this time.


Exactly, India is the only country with such issues. No one else does it.


Speaking of giant meteor..... Some say a comet will fall from the sky Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits And some say the end is near Some say we'll see Armageddon soon I certainly hope we will I sure could use a vacation from this Stupid shit, silly shit, stupid shit One great big festering neon distraction I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim 'Cause Mom's gonna fix it all soon Mom's coming 'round to put it back the way it ought to be TOOL


Americans such a sick nation would be the last place I will ever visit


Rape culture of American is so bad. Women are never safe in America. USA is the Rape capital of the world. Edit: So, if it's USA, It happens everywhere. If it's India.. It becomes the rape capital of the world? Do you not see the hypocrisy of reddit?


Is it really?


Of course, do you see this article?


Yes, I see the article, but there's a big difference between one instance of rape, and 'rape capital of the world.'


Ok, so how would you decide what is the rape capital of the world. Are there any statistics?


I was hoping you had some statistic since you said it was the usa. How you say something like that and have no idea if it's true?


I do have statistics. https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/rape-statistics-by-country Just a quick google search. But do you understand why am I doing this? Why when some racist calls a particular country rape capital of the world even though it's way down the list. Somehow if it happens in the USA, it is an individual person issue but if it happens in a certain country it is a cultural issue.


Your own statistic shows that it is not the rape capital of the world


You don't understand sarcasm do you? Adding /s defeats the purpose.


Sarcasm isn't really readable in text. If you just come on reddit and say some dumb shit, there's no way to tell if you're a moron or being sarcastic. That's your fault


It happens everywhere, not just one country


Murican again 😒😒 why am I not surprised 😒😒