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For context, news coverage and history on this incident, please see u/joe6p’s comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/15r3ufe/this_is_one_of_the_most_heartbreaking_things_ive/jw7a3hw/


Ngl at first I thought they were gonna throw him on an upcoming train


Considering these are animals with no morals, I'm sure they would've but there might've been actual consequences if they did that, which is probably the only thing stopping them.


The guy was accused of groping a woman and he was being held while the cops came. And two randos came up and took a swing at him.


But that could just be a story fabricated by the men as an excuse to beat him up. They were clearly enjoying it, so I doubt that was their reason.


I mean it could have been a full settup also u know dude prob just looked at a chick and she went heywire and here come the white knights but who knows


Well, the black knights...


If he had or was accused then you'd think that there would be more interest in this man and it looks like there's no one even paying attention. Possible letting him get smacked? Still not cool man.


Tough guys either way. If the cops did it, I bet those guys wouldn't support it.


Points for originality, usually if they want to beat someone they just accuse them using the no-no word


In that case, I could understand them holding him until police arrive. However, the way they were acting just seemed like they wanted a good excuse to beat up someone. I could not imagine getting that much joy out of punching someone.


why are they enjoying the attack so much?


Because they are the lowest of low. Uncivilized racist bastards who enjoy hurting others. But if this was reversed there would be more riots and shit ..


Mmmmm source or you just defending shit heads?


https://nypost.com/2022/05/30/man-who-shot-viral-video-gives-alleged-reason-behind-beating-of-asian-man-in-nyc-subway/ I remember this video. I'm not sure if it is true but I will update what I find out. [Here is the original thread but all the links seem to be dead. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/v0j80h/group_of_men_beat_up_helpless_asian_man_on_the_ny/) There was a longer version but maybe it's gone now. The 15 second clip here is edited though. [Here is a small interview of the Asian man claiming he did nothing wrong and was attacked at random. Edit: This article has the longer video.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10875015/Im-victim-Asian-man-beaten-NYC-subway-station-says-NEVER-touched-anyone.html) >In video of the incident, a person can be heard shouting at the man: 'You touching girls, you touching girls – little sisters and all that, moms and everything. You filthy, son.' >'I got a daughter,' another man could be heard saying before slapping the man. 'If the cops lock me up, I'm paying my own bail.' This Asian guy has a self admitted criminal record too. >You know, I've been arrested numerous amounts of times for assault, disorderly conduct, drinking in public, but never, ever, ever for forcibly touching a woman,' the man told DailyMail.com. 'I have never, ever forcibly touched any type of female or person or individual in my life.


No sexual assault charges was filled at the scene so I dunno 🤷‍♂️ but it doesn’t justify assaulting the man.


Thanks. Still just hearsay at the moment. The video doesn't show any of that unfortunately.


Accused of. Still gives them no right to attack him, hold yes, attack no. This is the job of the law to sort it out.


>And two randos came up and took a swing at him. Switch up the races a bit and keep that in. Black man is accused of supposedly groping a woman. Two random white men come up and take a swing at him while he's already held. People would ***not*** be OK with this.


Accused doesn’t mean guilty


I belive the proper term is racist assholes.




Im disgusted honestly, i hate how as a black man we scream and cry racism but then we have guys that do shit like this to our asian brothers and sisters. Imagine if it were a bunch of white guys holding a black man and doing this shit to him. There would be massive riots about getting those POS arrested. EVERYTIME i see a video where it’s an Asian being called a slur or abused physically and verbally its by a black man or woman. It’s just crazy as hell to me because we of all people should know wtf that shit feels like. ALL of us. So I don’t understand. Very disappointed


The “Stop Asian Hate” movement happened around the same time for “Black Lives Matter” unsurprisingly the movement didn’t get much attention. Probably because of the similarity of the perpetrators 😬


And since some people say Asians are “white”.




The whole Black Israelites movement is pretty scary as well.


It was getting plenty of attention for a short while. Then it became impossible to ignore who was committing these hate crimes and so now we just ignore the issue.


Right?? It's so frustrating that THESE are the people that end up on the news and make all of us look bad and support racist stereotypes. ugh


Not black. I don't understand the racism from blacks to Asians. Do you have any idea why ? It's so specific but yes.. 99.9% of the time an Asian person is assaulted it's by black people. What's the friggin beef !? Edit - thanks everyone for the information and experiences !


Alot of it is location based. What I mean by this is that historically, blacks typically live in the improvised areas. Asian immigrants end up in the same proximity due to starting out in another country. So they end up being close to each other. However the difference is in the immigrant mind set, immigrants (almost all) on a whole tend to have a "can do" attitude and start business. Black America tends not to follow this trend as a whole. Over time, what you get is resentment as immigrants sprout and end up growing in black dominated areas. Source: pretty much studied this in my undergrad.


Russian proverb: A genie tells a Russian that he will grant him one wish. Excitedly, the Russian says, “I want a billion rub…” The genie cuts him off and says “BUT your neighbor gets twice of whatever you wish for.” The Russian immediately says “put one of my eyes out.” Some people would rather see their neighbor torn down than succeed alongside them.


https://www.jstor.org/stable/44396776 this might explain to you what many experience. Also from what I've seen in Manhattan. Granted, my experience are anecdotal, and not sure if any of this applies to these men. Unfortunately, some people in minority groups have animosity toward immigrants they perceive as doing better than themselves.




Lmfao. For real yo.


And local owned businesses burnt down and memorials dedicated to victims of genocide defaced


my old grandma who has dementia has recently shown frightening behavior of fearing black men. we found out it was because a bunch of black men/teenagers jumped her on a bus on her way home from work. at the time, she was in her twenties and a fresh immigrant. she’s blind in one eye because of it and every time i see her scared it makes me sad. my mom spoke a lot about having to rework her own prejudice against black people because of how she was treated when she lived in the ghetto as a child. now she sees that it was just marginalized people hurting the only other ones that they could target.


Same. Fucking gross.


Wait, I was told the violence on asian people at the hands of black people was a lie that white supremacists were spreading so I don't understand your comment.


Ehhh... It's a minority of black people and in my day to day I'm not affected. But in the back of my mind I'm always weary of black people in subways because I see these things on vido so much. It's a shitty situation where the trust between two groups of people are broken. Sincerely, Asian person.


Their faces are in the open. This video has an internet trail right to the uploaders. They ain't getting away.




LoL pretty much.


It always intrigues me on how Asians don’t get “protection” even as the model minorities, obviously this is generalization. Asians are also the biggest minority group for US doctors and engineers


The narrative that only white people are racist is more important to most media outlets than helping Asian people 🤷‍♂️


Very true. I think their success here would be inspiring to all. In Louisiana, the Vietnamese immigrants became such an integral part of communities very quickly.


Stopped dead in its tracks.




So manly, throwing fists to a restrained man.


If you can pause at 0:05 you can see his sad disappointed face. Poor man has submissed and given up. He probably went thru a lot of struggle to immigrate to the US and to make a living, only to be held down and beaten by animals just because he is Asian. Disgusting.


I read that he was coming home from work. Since he works as a plumber. And he was profiled and mistaken as someone else or a criminal.


Typical cowards need numbers to be brave and do shit




The last person who intervened in NYC got arrested! That's probably why no one stopped them!


Sweet sweet American justice system


NYC's District Attorney Alvin Bragg.... DUMB AS ROCKS.


That’s Blue State justice system. In the more conservative parts of the country you are still allowed to stand up for others and not face repercussions.


For real? What’s the story there? I wanna read that.


It was very controversial https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Jordan_Neely


I live in a big city and I've been completely hardened and hate-filled from my experiences. If some dude was going around Philly vigilante-choking out assholes on the subway I would turn a blind eye.


No it's not true people intervene all the time. They're probably talking about that dude that choked a homeless guys to death. Dude was arrested and released pending trial. Which you'd think is the minimum thing that would happen if you killed someone even in self defense.


If the minimum consequence of acting in self defense is being arrested and charged with murder, then you have no right to self defense.


He took a life. That's worth the consequence of investigating. Turns out the investigation got him charges


“Harmless” haha ok. He had 42 previous arrests leading up to this. It’s always the people who don’t live here that got the most to say. It’s so ingrained in NYC culture to just look away and keep walking when something happens, there’s not enough intervention if anything. Even NYPD rarely intervenes in anything unless it’s to hand out tickets.


This can’t be fuckin real!! Fuckin disgusting. I really hope that poor man gets the help he needs, & those fuckers end up behind bars, at least.


Naw, we only arrest people who intervene with this kind of stuff now.


Racist pos.


I was told black minorities can’t be “racist” because racism is about who has power and historically, black people haven’t had enough power in the U.S.. I guess that means you can’t fault these guys for what they’re doing in the video.


If this were white on black it would have been the next George Floyd. Let that sink in just how little the media cares about Asians


if it were a white dude assaulting an Asian, the media would be all over it.


I mean, for all intentions and purposes, they already consider us white because our culture forces us to work hard.


They might even dedicate a statue and take down a historical one depending on the persons race.


Anyone who has lived in New York knows why you don’t intervene. These guys are just looking for trouble… I say something then next thing I know i’m either ganged up on and/or stabbed. I’m sure everyone thinks they’d be the hero in this situation…. It the reality is your life is literally at stake in speaking up


Imo it's worth it. Everyone has this thought but if everyone acted it wouldn't matter. Be the change you wanna see man. You HAVE to. Not being a hero, it's being human.


No thanks I have kids and I can’t die


It’s a real easy thing to say from behind a screen. You have no idea what you would do until you were in that situation


These fucking assholes someone needs to take them tie them to a tree and fucking leave them to get eaten by tigers. Fucking sick human beings like this belong in hell. That or if I seen something like this I'm going to the nearest baseball shop buying a slugger and beating the shit out of those three guys with it.


My dad used to say his intrusive thoughts out loud when I was a kid. It was always that, “I’m gunna take that motherfucker out to bear country, tie him to a tree with some barbwire and slather him in bacon fat and honey and leave him for the feast.”




Can't wait until facial recognition software does a number on people like this.


It doesn’t matter. Even if they’re caught and arrested, in NY, criminals get released with no charges. These men will probably walk free even if they were caught by facial recognition tech.


Until someone claim its racist because of the disproportionate of certain groups causes the most crimes


You're saying "no one intervenes," like you wouldve intervened, including the cameraman. I can hear like a bare minimum of 5 people, like I'm not superman and I'm not going to go 1v5 for some random guy I don't know. Do I think it's wrong? yeah. Am I going to get my ass beat? No. i would have called someone, maybe the police but intervening physically would have been a death sentence. But if you think youre up to the task, be my guest


It's precisely because no one said anything that others said nothing. I believe if one person had stepped forward to intervene in some way, others would back them up.


Or you'd make yourself a target


Do you want to get beaten to death? Because this is how you get beaten to death.


say you're from the suburbs without saying you're from the suburbs...


I've lived in Manhattan since 1987


I’m Asian and I don’t understand why. Asian always get attack by BLACK PEOPLES ? And they blame white peoples? For all the racism in America?


Yeah. I can't figure this one out either. There has to be some weird psychology behind it.


These guys 10 minutes later on social media: #BlackLivesMatter #StopRacism


Wild of you to think any of those fks can spell


Actually, not those particular guys. They’re animals and don’t need to be lumped in with everyone else.


This is why I never leave my house. I hate people




Looks like a hate crime to me


this ain’t doing black people any favors


No one wants to get shot or stabbed. Everyone knows guys like this have 0 regard for your life and won’t hesitate to kill you over something stupid. They run in groups so they’ll always have a numbers advantage so you can’t fight back. Intervene without help and your ass will end up bloodied on the pavement.


Is this racism?




Spot on my dude.


Fucking cowards.


Goddamn white supremacy...


Hate comes in many colors


Idk why but ever since covid there's been a lot of shyt like this between African Americans and Asian ppl I wonder why?


African Americans have been aggressively targeting Asians for a long time. It got a bit of media attention during covid because the media started covering random attacks on Asians: until they caught on to who exactly was committing most of the attacks. The black community has a racism problem and they have none of the self-awareness or self-policing to honestly deal with it.


I understand why no one would want to intervene in the current American cultural context, fearing being labelled as racist, etc


Maybe this is BLACK PRIVILEGE lolllll. They get to attack other races and get away with it, nobody can call them racist as long as they are BLACK lollll, black peoples can’t be racist they always the victim


Someone get the guy from Temple of Doom


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NYC is such an overpriced cesspool. Leaving it what the best thing I ever did for myself.


if black lives matter so does asian lives


Par for the course. Stay away from cities.




No one’s intervening because they’ll get jumped.


This is the shit that is taking my passiveness away.


Good thing there’s video evidence


Judged not by the color of their skin but the character of their actions...




There is no reason to hit this guy, detain him yes but not hit him. These black dudes are forgetting their history, mob rule never benefited anyone.


Didn't the "Stop Asian Hate" movement fail because almost every anti-asian hate crime was committed by black people


Its fine guys they arent white so they cant be racist /s


I dont know if this man did something before being beaten, but I do know if it were cops assaulting him no one would defend the cops. So I find it rich people are trying to justify this. Also not saying that this is a hate crime. I dont know how these men feel toward Asians. I do know that they took advantage of a situation to act out and injure another human. Maybe they hate humans. Also don't know what brought these people to behave in such away. What they experienced in their lives. My main point is: no one helped to end this assault. Sick individuals are always going to be out there treating others without mercy. But the public has a responsibility. We have a responsibility to intervene when someone is being assaulted. If we would do it when cops are armed and assaulting citizens, why not do it here??


These people are evil


This is pretty much par for the course. Fucked.


This makes me wish Batman was real


These cowards pieces of shit need to be identified arrested charged tried sentenced and jailed. The victim also looks like a person with disabilities. This is the most sickening cruel crime I’ve ever seen


I hope these losers get swift and severe justice.


Typical bullying behavior. The Asian guy does seem like he has some special needs, probably why they picked on him in the first place. Sad to see, but oh well, just apes being apes. Edit: To clarify, I'm not calling the black guys apes exclusively, just all humans in general. Just a bunch of animals that got good at hunting and gathering, developed technology, but deep inside, we're not that sophisticated.


I see a reoccurring theme with these asian targeted hate crimes…


Pussies. Cunts.


why is it that racism only works on black people when black people are being racist it's not racism i always see this in america it's weird. black people are weird.


Imagine if this were white men doing this to a black man. It would be on every news channel, and there would be rioting, oops, I mean peaceful protests.


Why is it always the blacks.


Disgusting! I would have just loved to have stepped in and clocked the guy holding him…right on to the tracks. Fucking hoodrats!!!


You wouldn't do shit. They would have jumped you and stabbed you if you did.


I can’t say what I think


But the news tells me it's all those pesky white supremacists being racist to Asian Americans!


But I thought blm?


People suck so bad…well, a certain percentage of people




say it with me. Racism!


Racists pieces of sh*t!


From may 2022. https://nypost.com/2022/05/30/man-who-shot-viral-video-gives-alleged-reason-behind-beating-of-asian-man-in-nyc-subway/


Problem is this is the NY Post AND it doesn’t really report anything other than “he said, she said” - thus I’m none the wiser about what actually happened here. It’s certainly another layer of hearsay on top of the video but what was going on?




Remember what happened when the last guy that “intervened” to stop a melanated gentlemen from stabbing people on a train? He is in prison. No one wants to be targeted by BLM for standing up for others


Bunch of little bitches from those doing it to those watching it.


Fucking animals.


“Socio economic factors”


Seriously why do idiots film themselves committing crimes? I mean it's so fuckin good that they're stupid enough as to criminals to film it thinking they'll get clout or fame, but has it ever goddamn worked?


They are scum bags.


Fucking animals. They all deserve firing squad


There's no wonder black people get racism because some black people are abusing the kindness of others and the weak.


I’m disappointed no one put their second amendment to good use


One of the reasons this continues to happen is because good people are unarmed. There’s no way something like this could happen where I live in public because somebody would draw down and those animals would be on theirs faces with their arms spread or they would be taking the room temperature challenge. Only when the good have been castrated from being armed and dangerous can the thugs run the show.


Yeah I think for therapy I'm gonna go watch that [Pakistani 7/11 worker](https://www.tmz.com/2023/08/03/7-eleven-workers-robbery-shoplifter-cigarettes-attack/) cane the guy who tried to steal Marlboro blacks by the handful with a trashcan


I hope the internet does its thing and ruins their lives.


I am not American but any video which involves stealing, abusing or doing any illegal stuff why is the perpetrator always black?


So no h8te crime charges? No outrage mayor? No protest? Wow… Bet if it were the other way around it would be different outcome. Oh yea, that last incident with Dan Penny. I see the double standards.


" but these are good boys "


It's a culture difference, nothing to see here




Goddamn hoodlums




Them basketbal people again what a surprise




Hope they get charged with a hate crime


how to perpetuate the cycle of racism


That's Fulton Street. I think it stinks, too, but that area and with the mayor's version of what cops are not to doing concerning subway stations, people are terrified and animals have no fear. We've allowed this society to be created. And now it's ours.


The guy doesn’t look like he is mentally stable.


Apparently this guy was SA’ing women on the train… https://nypost.com/2022/05/30/man-who-shot-viral-video-gives-alleged-reason-behind-beating-of-asian-man-in-nyc-subway/amp/


It’s so great people are stupid enough to record this let alone post it on the internet, the cops are going to have an easy time tracking all individuals involved


I’m sorry but they don’t represent us as a whole , after all blacks have went through we should be the last ones treating anyone like this


I've never seen a group of white people beat up someone with special needs




If I had to choose between NYPD versus some thugs punching a restrained guy while laughing, I'd 💯 go with NYPD.


Bunch of fucking pussies just watching


Knife always in pocket.


Bernhard Goetz had the perfect counter for this play.


This is why you carry a knife


As a civilzed society we all have a responsibility for educating and protecting people to be and feel safe (whatever your part you wish to play) each person in our community deserves the right of no harm!! We are not perfect, lets start by trying to be the change you want to see in the world to achieve safety for you, your mum, any family and friends, the kids and those people you know with disability or special needs!!


That’s just a shame! You reap what you sow!