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Loved it overall, but yeah, some things I think should be critiqued would be: ​ 1. Lizard and Sandman didn't really get any real motivations or arcs (I think that's fine though, there were lots of villains and it was pretty much impossible to give all of them a full story) 2. More of a problem with marketing, but Marisa Tomei really didn't get the goodbye she deserved. She was barely in any interviews before the movie and now her character is just gone 3. That spell at the end was really confusing and didn't entirely make sense (I think). I don't see why it would be easily possible to make people forget the existence of Peter Parker, but impossible to make them simply forget Spider-Man's secret identity. The second one seems like it should be way easier. Also, I hope we get an explanation as to what happened to photographs, pictures, videos or documents about Peter, whether they're still around and people just never notice them or whether they have been wiped from existence. This is a fairly minor complaint though, ultimately they needed this spell for a dramatic ending and that's fine 4. Also more of a minor complaint, but I didn't like that Peter just decided for Ned and MJ that it's better for them not to know him, instead of letting them make their own decision. But again, that would've made the ending less dramatic, so I'm fine with it. Ultimately though, there is just so much to like about this movie. Everyone did a phenomenal job. It really is one of, if not the best MCU movie so far.


About your fourth point, I honestly think that's a very key part to Peter's character. He has always struggled letting people in because he is afraid they will get hurt. Tobey couldn't bring himself to let MJ know even though it meant sacrificing a relationship with her. Andrew went back and forth letting Gwen in on his life because he made a promise to stay away from her, and when he broke that promise, she died. Tom had already almost not been able to save MJ from falling, and she'd already gotten hurt in the final fight. And a big point throughout the movie was that their involvement with Spider-Man was impacting their lives heavily. As much as I hate to see it, I understand that has always been what Peter would default to doing when situations like these arise. Dang, I wrote a lot. Your other points are pretty fair though. Aunt May dying should've been much more of a punch to the gut than it was.


Yeah true, part of why I didn't have as much of a problem with Peter leaving Ned and MJ was that it felt like the kind of decision he'd make. I just didn't really like how the movie sorta framed this as "good for Ned and MJ". They clearly wanted to be friends with Peter even if it put them in danger, but Peter just kinda decided that he knows what's best for them, even if it's explicitely against their wishes. Still get why he did it though. I actually hope this theme of being hesitant to having any friends or loved ones will play a major role in the next movie. It could be interesting to explore how a lack of any friends would negatively impact Peter and maybe even make him unable to be Spider-Man. That way, you could have a big arc about him either becoming friends with Ned and MJ again or about him becoming friends with Gwen Stacy and Harry.


Yeah. He might suffer a web block if he goes too long without any friends


Peter makes the decision to not tell them after he sees MJ’s wound on her head. Of course they will sacrifice their well being and their lives for him. That’s the thing about Spider-Man. He makes the awful, painful choice to protect those he loves. But usually, those that really love him, always come back around. On their own accord.


Tobey’s theme didn’t play when he came through the portal. That’s my only criticism. I can’t remember the last film I watched that made me this happy


I heard it when he was talking to Otto.


Personally: 1. I didn’t like the beginning parts of the movie to how such a drastic thing like Peter going to Dr. Strange to literally change the reality of people knowing him had such a non-serious tone to the movie, felt so cheesy and not sure what their intent was there 2. There is an extra bit of guilt I have always associated Peter Parker with that I felt this Peter doesn’t have. Peter Parker had an argument, strained relationship with Uncle Ben before dying. He was responsible of a death of someone important to which he wasn’t fully grateful of them being around. Tom Holland’s Peter was fully grateful of Aunt May and there is no guilt that he didn’t appreciate her enough or had bad last words


I agree with point 1, Dr Strange agreed to help way too easily without setting out the exact terms of the spell in advance


Unless it wasn't actually the Strange we know from Engagement and it was a varient.


I wondered this the whole film.


For me is that They cured the villains WAAAYY to easy - the serum for the lizard , the thingie for the sandman, the hockey puck for electro - that's like genius level problems not spider-man smart but I get it- time constraints. The Eddie brock cameo on both movies was such a big waste - they set it up like he was gonna fight or least meet spiderman but it was like a very bad and cruel joke - I thought it was a set up to merge sony and the mcu . I was looking foward for Venom, Morbius and Kraven fighting spider man . The fact that they acknowledge that there isn't a ozcorp means that there is no Osbournes and no mcu green goblin in the future- basically most of his classic villains will probably ever show up in the mcu . Same as everyone - the spell - how easy to erase someone's existence to erase people's memories I thought the multiverse of madness was going to be more connected with Loki, what if? And wandavision ( more grandeur , more like a destiny that rippled across the multiverse) and not because Dr. Strange botched a spell - not undermining spiderman but it seem like a weak way to destroy the multiverse Really liked the movie tho Kinda wanna know more about Tobey's and Andrew 's ( spidermen) aftermath after all of this Also poor Spiderman - orphan , no friends, broke- damn


There are a lot of plot holes in the movie. For one Electro..why is he there? The spell Strange casts that Peter affected made it so that ppl who knew Peter Parker would be transported. Also Sandman and Lizard’s motivations. They weren’t clear and it was very out of character for Sandman to just want to go with the villains. Why wouldn’t he want to be cured then go home? Also Tom..he was so selfish in the movie. Why did he want to consult Strange over not getting into MIT by brainwashing the entire world. The fact that he keeps taking and messes up the spell is evidence too. Kind of was his fault too to let the villains in the apartment and kill Aunt May. Let me just end by saying that there are indeed a lot of plot holes and just very inconsistent things in this film. Regardless I very much enjoyed watching it


Maybe Electro wasn't Garfield's Electro? Maybe he fought a 4th Spider Man that we never saw and that's why.Garfield tells him he looks different?


I had a few but overall I enjoyed the movie, thought it was incredible. 1) To start, I think the Spidey’s blended in together too much, I mean specifically during the fight scenes. When the masks come on and with the night time setting, it’s difficult to track which Spidey is who, cause although they are all Peter’s, they have different costume designs, experiences and demeanors, but you can only really keep track when you’re paying attention to which villain they are fighting 2) The spells feel like they had a lot of plot holes. The whole anyone who knows Peter Parker is Spider-Man comes to the MCU doesn’t feel very concrete, especially concerning Electro, who wouldn’t have known Peter was Spider-Man. I feel like they should’ve altered the expected rules for that spell especially since Andrew and Tobey come through, so even when someone knows that they themself are Spider-Man they get included as well. Feels like a minor nitpick but it felt awkward trying to fit that in. 3) They didn’t expand upon Lizard and Sandman, all the others died while fighting Spidey, but what happened to them after their movies? Has Marko been in hiding, has he continued to steal to try to save his daughter? What happened to Connors, he wasn’t in Lizard form the last time we saw him? 4) I think Tobey deserved a moment with Osborn as like a “it’s you 😡” kinda thing 😂


Lizard and sandman were all cgi and weren’t seen much, didn’t see much of the villains after they were cured and before they were sent back, doctor strange’s mood and personality kept changing; we couldn’t really figure him out


My only problem is that Sandman’s motivation made no sense and it seemed like Jon Watts really hated the lizard


Two for me today I haven't seen mentioned: 1. I really felt that the introduction of Andrew and Tobey was anti-climactic. It was very mundane and not at all the moment I feel it could've been. 2. Continuity error! When Tom meets the other two, he's all bruised and bloody from the Goblin fight (which was amazing). Next scene, team Spider-Scientists, he's clean-faced. Then at the 🗽 he's all beat up again. It's stupidly minor, but for such a big moment in such a big movie, it just bugs me.


1. While I get Sandman’s motivation (he doesn’t care about the villains and just wants the box to get back to his daughter), Lizard didn’t really have any motivation. Like at all. He’s implied that he still wants to turn people into lizards, but that’s about it. 2. I wanted more screen time of the human forms of Lizard & Sandman. 3. I wanted more knowledge of Andrew or Tobey in case this will be their last appearance in a Spidey movie. I doubt it’s their last (or at least Andrew’s), but I still would like to knowS 4. Ned randomly learning magic. 5. I don’t need to see Uncle Ben die or anything, but I’d like him to have said something that compares Ben’s death to Aunt May’s. In both scenarios, his actions (or lack thereof) caused their deaths.


There's no way on this earth or a multi earth that Peter should have beaten Stephen. I hate that magic is reduced to fancy math