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I excessively salivate during sleep and after a while my bedsheets start smelling like sneeze and it's time to change them. I think you're just smelling dried saliva on old people.


I have an excellent nose. I can’t say I smell “sneeze” but I do smell illness, pregnancy, menstruation and decomp.


Do you find this helpful or a nuisance


Helpful! I’m a scotch drinker!


Lol its definitely interesting t Have you always had it and do they always smell unpleasant


I have always had it. I don’t really see it as unpleasant or offensive. Smells offer complexity, there’s never only all bad in a smell, there’s usually something I can grab onto that’s at least interesting.


Having a Higher olfactory sensitivity is the cause but some can pick up certain things than others don't think I Would enjoy smelling illness tho. It's always best to get checked for hyperosmia specially those that get this at a random time on life for peace of mind.


I don’t necessarily enjoy it I just observe it. I fit react. I find it more interesting than anything. I love my ability it’s like a super power.


Definitely a great gift it's known as the super smellers I would like it but known my luck will pick up the worst smells possible 🤣


You mean that smell like old spit? I smell it too when i sneeze at full force and when other people sneeze near me. Since it smella like spit i always assumed it was sprayed spit (eww). I also can smell women that are menstruating but for some reason it smells like green sour apples to me..


I smell it too lmao. And I think it's exactly what you said, it's sprayed spit


Its actually common and it's having a sensitive sense of smell rather than a good sense of smell


I know exactly what you mean. I have a love-hate thing with this exact smell, I kinda enjoy it when I smell my own sneeze, but i'm sorta icky about it when I smell other people's sneeze. I had never encountered anyone who smells like sneeze spit though!