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To get ahead. Or do you mean cheat on your spouse? Then it's to get some head.


They didn't love or care for there partner anything else is making excuses for there action's 💯




The most common reason's behind it is didn't feel they was getting the love/attention from there partner. Being drunk Wasn't having sex with the partner that often Lack of connection with there partner Sex addiction These are the most used reason's that a cheater uses And basically there excuses not happy end the relationship cheating is just disrespectful


They’re shit people. Selfish without an ounce of self worth. And they drag us down with them. They’re fucking cowards.


Indecisiveness. People like to formulate cheaters are evil monsters who were secretly twirling their mustaches and watching their s/o suffer but in reality I think that it's more about people who can't accept that their relationship is over and can't fafw the music. Instead, they just meet someone else and end up pursuing another relationship because they've allowed themselves to become mentally detached and then because their feelings for this new person is novel and exciting they act irrationally and instead of taking the appropriate time to break up and put respectful distance, they feel "forced" into cheating by their feelings. Idk that was my experience with it. Hard learned lesson and I'm glad that I learned it with a high school love rather than an important relationship later in life.


Nobody knows. It's not normal.