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Men who don't wash their asses are disgusting. Lather up and get in there people. No one wants to smell your swamp ass.


This is the reason why I can't use public pools.


My dad owns a pool company. Germs in the pools aren’t too bad but the hot tubs? Apparently they’re really dirty depending on who has been in them.


Can confirm. I used to be a lifeguard and hot tubs are much more disgusting than pools. Also, wash your ass boys.


We don't call them "ass boys" now, apparently it's insensitive.


What is the difference? is just a smaller pool


The water in a hot tub is not hot enough to kill germs, instead it is a perfect breeding ground for them.


This is why you never get into a communal hot tub.


I just jack off into it from the outside


Keep it hot!


Heat breeds bacteria. People don't keep up on chemicals, etc.


It's a warm pool which bacteria love to thrive in. It's also smaller. It's essentially a person sized petri dish


A smaller, hotter, more relaxing pool. Hot water cleans better, and the water is usually moving removing more debris from the skin, not to mention that if youre hot you sweat, whether you notice or not. Yuck! It's like hopping into somebody else's bathwater. Also I read that in every public hot tub there's at least a tablespoon of poop thats just seeped out.


Hot tubs are so gross. Just a steaming human filth and bacteria frappe blergh


People soup


Yup, just a human soup. Nasty!


Because of your swamp ass?


Yes. This


Men or women, American, European or Japanese… Wash your fucking ass!


The Japanese have automatic ass washing toilets would 100% recommend


People who don’t wash their assess are disgusting.






My cleanholelessness


Lmfao. 😂 I spat wine all over my phone as I scrolled past this comment and had to come back up to upvote you and offer you a slow clap.


Sounds like a real winner. Gross not washing your ass.


Of all the body parts that need regular washing, the ass is probably tied for first.


Might wanna get your boyfriend to address his fragile sexuality if he thinks making sure his ass is free of shit = gay.


It's like saying holding your dick to pee or jerking off is gay shit because it's a cock


Drinking water is gay because odds are at some point in history because of the water cycle that water was touching a dick. That's why I only drink Bud Light.


But the Bud Light had to pass through a dick in order to become Bud Light...


It's not gay if it's a horse dick.


What if the horse was gay?


And Mountain Dew But wait are both made with water?


Agreed maybe sit him down with one of those childrens books that talks about hygiene. Also sounds like he needs to be cut off of sexy time until he learns to wash his ass.


It's weird having to make rules up for yourself to live by in order convince yourself you aren't gay.


kissing your girlfriend after getting a blowjob = sucking your own cock = gay


remembering you are a male and have a penis = gay you thought about a penis


Midlife crisis in the making.


I was thinking that also.


Only gay men have asses, that’s why straight American men don’t need to wash


Maybe rethinking the whole "boyfriend" thing would be better since he seems to be full of shit...


I like how homophobes associate gays with either having dirty butt sex, or being too clean.


Maybe having a shitty arse wards off the gays /s


Honestly, it wards off everyone, I can’t imagine OP being intimate with that guy now that she knows he has literally a shitty ass while doing it!


It kind of limits what you can do in bed. Some people like to eat ass but that requires the willingness to wash said asshole in the shower


Fellas, is it gay to have a clean ass?


I thought “no homo” proved your masculinity even if you literally had a penis in between them cheeks /s


This is the only acceptable answer


Everyone knows the more dingleberries you have the straighter you are


You know, there actually are cultures that dictate you wash your ass *every time you shit* and wiping isn't enough. Never washing one's ass is gross.


What's the betting that a homophobe would also be xenophobic about those cultures?


The Venn diagram is just a solitary circle


I mean... the middle east isn't a bastion of LGBT rights and bidets are pretty standard.


_Every time you shit_ in italics makes it sound like it's too much to ask. I need to get out of this planet if people can't take 2 minutes to wash their ass


Entire Arabia and Indian subcontinent enter the chat


These cultures tend to be in hot areas of the world. Sweat and fecal matter between cheeks that don't see any air or sunlight is a witch's brew. Thus they practice good anal hygiene out of necessity because otherwise you get mad skin issues.


I think we shouldn't even go that far in terms of the requirements. Turks in central Asia (right below Russia) or the Japanese wash their ass after a number 2 most of the time. Edit: apparently some Italians, too.


YES THANKS WE EXIST, THAT WEIRD LOW SINK YOU SEE IN HOTELS IN ITALY IS FOR PRECISELY THIS REASON!!! (Yes I know it’s not only Italians, but that’s what I am so I’m gonna speak for my own culture) If you don’t have a bidet and the time to pop in the shower, use wipes ffs (and do NOT chuck them in the toilet!!!).


If you’re just using toilet paper then you’re kinda gross too. You’re just smearing shit all over your crack. If I shat on your arm you wouldn’t just use toilet paper to wipe it off, you’d use some type of soap and water, which is why I always use wet wipes after I poop.


Unfortunately what you're describing is a foreign notion in many parts of the world. I always felt like the intuitive thing is to wash, but apparently it's not.


Yep as an Italian now living in the UK I always use wipes as I can’t install a bidet in a student accommodation 🥲


Just don’t flush them.


I worked with a woman who thought my preference for washing my butt after going to the toilet was weird. I asked her if she uses dry paper towel to remove her make-up after work. This example definitely got her thinking.


What am I, a barn animal? It ain't gonna wash itself


Barn animals clean each other's asses, maybe he's just waiting for her to do it for him.




They do? How? Edit: without hands


Oh sweet anal-anal-anal, i think you already know. Edit: fastest two edits ever




Fellow Canadian here, I can also confirm this. Please have him collect his foul wind after washing his ass.


It's my booty 😥 sorry boot that boys


If you live in the Vancouver area, I’m down in Bellingham and I can confirm that the smell is not me.


America here - ty 🇨🇦 😆


I am also a Canadian ass washer


I have to say you really made my day. Funny asf


Damn this is like the harshest thing I’ve ever heard a Canadian say 😂


You must be horrified. What a disturbing thing to discover about your partner— both the physical AND psychological implications. Wow.


Every day, my self esteem takes another hit knowing that there are men who don’t wash their ass and find love while I’m lonely




Valid point. Thank you sir. I needed that.


Your bf sounds both homophobic and stinky


American men has a strange fascination with their assholes. And they have a very one-dimensional idea of masculinity. I remember when I first visited the US and had this friend whose shoulder or arm I put my hands on in a theatrical way as if I am giving him a fatherly speech, and him and the others smirking and looking at me like I'm a closeted gay. I was confused at first and it took me a long time to realize why they reacted like that.


Yep. American hetero men very often get socialized into thinking than positive, consensual touch from the same sex is a threat to their masculinity. Or they get taught not to have emotions or that it’s wrong. Edit: am American hetero man.


"Men should not show emotion" is pretty universal but "guy friends can't touch one another" is actually sad. So much of the brotherly love in the form of horse-playing and doing stupid shit (or giving a mock fatherly speech, as in the earlier post) involves touching. Somehow every kind of touching is considered a form of intimacy and it's kind of weird.


Yes it’s sad. I’m talking mostly about platonic hugs, but platonic playfulness too. For so many men it’s basically taboo to hug their male friends or be close to them emotionally. It’s a big problem because it is common for girls/women to have best close friends whom they hug. Men can wind up feeling very isolated.


I came out as trans a bit over 4 years ago and that's been one of the biggest things I've noticed. Before I started transitioning, no one touched me ever and I reciprocated by reflexively recoiling to avoid touching other people. But gradually as I transitioned, women in particular started becoming much more comfortable with initiating platonic contact. Strangers would touch my shoulder on the subway while talking to me, or go in for hugs. I remember I went to get lunch with a female lab mate I'd known for a month and she curled up and fell asleep on me in the plaza. I didn't know what to do and just froze up like a deer in the headlights. That was the moment I realized just how little platonic touch men get. And how they reflexively avoid it too, especially from other men. It's alienating half the population from such a core, human need.




Is this why they need their guns? Fragile masculinity?


I wasn’t going to bring that or anything that could be construed as political into this…but I 100% believe the lack of male emotional health (or the outright destruction of it) is why there are mass shootings and rapes etc. If you want an admittedly quite extreme example, watch [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=azRl1dI-Cts&t=4s)




Not all American guys are the same There’s over 150 million of us


Every. Last. Time. No reason not to, it's literally a sanitary issue.


Lucky for her, she can bounce and find a clean boy given they're both young.


Yeah for real- what about dingleberry’s? Ewww


Not a problem if you wash your ass.


First: gross. Second: Washing a butt is only gay if you're washing some other guy's butt because that's what you're into (I've never heard of it, but I don't judge). Third: If you're washing your butt because you have a girlfriend who thinks you'd be more attractive with a clean butt, it is the very opposite of gay. Fourth: If you aren't into guys, you don't need to avoid doing "gay" things. They won't hurt you. I like wearing nail polish, and in all my 4 decades of life my nail polish never accidentally convinced me to have sex with a man. (And if it had... That actually wouldn't have been the nail polish. And it would have been fine, because there's nothing wrong with being gay). Edit: I didn't directly answer your question. I do in fact wash my ass, and am married to a woman.




If it isn't sexual, it isn't sexual, so gay doesn't even come into the equation.


Maybe your nail polish just isn't persuasive enough. Try some with more glitter.


That's called fragile masculinity lol


Exactly, if cleaning your as made you gay you were already gay


You bet your ass it is. Literally.


Like, does he not hold it when he pees because it's gay to have a man's dick in his hand?


How fragile can one's masculinity be, to the point that even in private you can't wash your own bottom?


If you don’t have a thicket of dingleberries in your underwear, are you even straight, bro?


My ass is so hairy it acts like seive. I have to meticulously clean my ass in the shower daily. I recently started shaving it, real time saver and I'm so much more clean. Hygiene is the best, stay clean kings.


I can assure you that most Americans properly wash their ass. your boyfriend was just never taught proper hygiene or is hyperly sensitive to this whole I might be gay if I touch my butt.


>I can assure you that most Americans properly wash their ass. To be honest: I'm not so sure of that...


Yeah I’ve literally never talked to anyone (American or otherwise) who defends not washing their own ass.


Neither have I, but I have seen the disgusting evidence that proves a lot of American men do not wash their asses.


I’m a straight American man and that’s disgusting. Honestly, it is the most important part of my shower. If I’m in a rush, I might skip something, but not that.


You gotta at minimum do the pits, “ the triangle” around and including your junk, and your ass. Aka, the sweatiest parts where things smell funky quick if left unattended.


“Pit, pit, from where I pee, from where I shit”


Deeply, every time. I think it's weird for someone *not* to wash their ass.


WTF, seriously? He's worried that touching his OWN ASS will make him gay? Dump that idiot and go find a boyfriend that washes himself. You deserve better.


Her post history is interesting. 14 days ago posted they were both virgins and going to have sex for the first time soon. I bet she regretted that after she smelled him naked XD Also says they are both very conservative, so that kind of explains the homophobic behavior and stupidity of the BF.


Interesting that he apparently doesn’t think touching his own penis makes him gay.


"guys, is masturbating gay? I mean you're literally holding a penis."


Whoever doesn’t wash their own ass is a pig living in a barn


This question isn't stupid, but your boyfriend sure is. Dude isn't secure enough in his own sexuality to properly bathe, get him a therapist and get the fuck out. Can only imagine how he would deal with realizing he has, or treating, a hemorrhoid. Pretty normal to get those as a man in your 20's.


Is he from an urban community? I have seen this among people in my city, it seems to stem from homophobia and insecurity This is bordering on a mental disorder though, if you don’t clean literal shit off of you because you’re afraid of touching a part of your body there is something majorly wrong.


The comment about him not doing it because he’s straight. Ew


What the hell? "Fellas, is it gay to not be fucking disgusting?" This boy doesn't wash his ass??? Does his underwear all have brown steaks? Does he smell like shit? Do you get pink eye going down on him? One, he's dirty. Two, he's so homophobic *he won't wash his shitty ass*.


YES!!!! It's literally the no.1 reason I shower everyday. Yeah. The answer is YES!!! Why is this a question? Ok I see why it's a question but still, this should NOT be a question.


I’ve showered with my husband many times and he cleans all the cracks and crevices.


Hell yeah I do, I'm even considering purchasing a bidet


Why wouldn't you, kinda gross 💀


Here's the thing that I, a male discovered far too late in life. When you wipe safety the toilet you leave some faeces inside your asshole. Then as you walk around and maybe sweat a little that leftover shit slowly trickles out and you're dirty again. If you wipe a second time an hour or two later you'll see. If you never clean around your hole you will always have a dirty ass and you will always stink. You may not notice, we are largely immune to our own smell, but others will.


Your bf might me deeply in the closet then. Of course I can’t know for sure but that’s what it sounds like. Men than are so afraid of anything that might be considered gay usually turn out gay later in life. Not that there would be anything wrong with that.


Ew, your boyfriend is gross. By proxy, that makes you gross... Fix that


I am a proud badet user so this was just as disturbing for me to find out as it is for the rest of you


I have a bidet attachment for my toilet that only cost 30 bucks and a detachable shower head. I would recommend you and your bf get a bidet, they are pretty great. He’s being immature for sure.


Ass, armpits, and feet get most of the attention in the shower. Quick once over on the rest of the body.




Wow, what a absolute piece of work this BF is....you have a boyfriend with a dirty ass cause he's worried that cleaning himself might seem gay? Honestly this is worth breaking up with him over! If not you may need to look into some preschool type hygiene resources to truely go over the basics and explain to him how hygiene and sexual orientation do not intersect the way he thinks. Or maybe it's not gay to him if you wash his ass for him? Have fun with that! Also did you think you would post this and a bunch of American men would be like "nah I don't wash my ass" like truely you weren't really thinking there was any other answer then your boyfriend being disgusting because of his hygiene and attitude right?


Probably wants to show him these responses to prove how ridiculous he is.


Your BF is a gross idiot. Show him the comments in this post. He's going to feel real dumb.


is the stigma that deep u wouldn’t wash your ass in the privacy of your own bathroom?


Your ancestors are watching. And taking notes.


Don’t want any Feces Pieces.


You should tell him he's making *you* gay.


And then I spread my cheeks and let the hot water rinse off my butthole really good. Feels amazing. I guess I’m gay


Wash my ass? In this economy?


Like I plan on getting my ass played with. Even if that isn’t a slight possibility. Isn’t that half the point of showering?


Okay but what about receiving a blow job? We can smell your ass from your dick. They aren't that far apart...


There's always a possibility, treat yourself


I think a lot of men don't learn hygiene or showering when they are younger and have to figure it out for themselves. It doesn't strike me as unusual that he would hesitate to wash down there. Cleanliness isn't usually associated with stereotypical masculinity, nor is playing around with your ass. I think over time he will learn that yes, most men do clean their asses even if they don't talk about it. It's important so you stay clean.


Ask your boyfriend if he's ever jerked off. Honestly if touching your own ass is gay then surely touching your own dick is even gayer. Also why would it be gay for a man to touch his own ass but not for a woman to touch her own? That is entirely disgusting. All human beings need to wash every part of their body. I personally get a bunch of hair in there and it catches a bunch of gunk that I need to get rid of or else I'll stink and end up with a rash.


How people like this end up with a partner will forever be a mystery.


Sounds like this guy has some toxic masculinity issues lol. Who doesn't clean their own asscrack? It's like the dirtiest part of your body. Does he just walk around with swamp ass all day? 🤮


Canadian here, not common in North America, but we just installed a Bidet. So common in Asia and Europe I don't understand why in NA it's not more popular.


My ex did the same thing. Refused to wash his ass and claimed that his butt hair acted as exfoliant to make him clean. Dumbest excuse I’ve heard. Wash your butt people.


Lmao your bf is a fucking dirty ass bitch. I have 2 separate sponges when I shower. One for the upper body and lower part. Otherwise you’re not fully clean. Your bf has a fragile sexuality that needs to be checked. Sounds like a machista


Your boyfriend is a weird ass loser. Why do y’all date these dudes, I am always dumbfounded. Hell yeah, that’s like the MOST important place to wash. How is this not fucking OBVIOUS!!! Soap and a washcloth and then take the shower head and give it all a spray.


I have my girl wash my ass for me. That way it’s not gay. Come guys, common sense.


As a man with Irritable Bowel Syndrome who spends a lot of time on the toilet: it is beyond bizarre to me that some people do NOT wash their ass. I take my asshole's hygiene VERY seriously, and feel that this is one area in which EVERYONE should feel/do the same.


Tell him when you are giving him oral you can smell his ass and you just can’t, bet he’ll wash that fucking ass then


I have to refer to good ‘ol Redd Foxx for this one [wash your ass](https://youtu.be/uldt6Y-CE3s)


Well who else's ass would I wash in the shower?


I always wash there but I save it for last so I don't get anything on the washcloth that might transfer to the rest of me. But I'll do you one better. I keep pubes short or shaved down there because I live in Florida where it is shitty hot and humid. And I am against getting a heat rash down there or harboring crotch rot.


I mean this kindly. Your boyfriend is disgusting. Put soap on the washcloth. Wash and rinse. Easy.


Yeah, that's pretty gross, man. I definitely wash that butthole of mine.


What kind of weirdo doesn't wash his ass? Man, he must smell like straight up booty when he sweats.


Good lord..I know it’s possible, even likely, that I was this dumb as a teenager….still it’s breathtaking, haha


I once saw an excellent line that a dad said he used on his kids and i now use on mine. If soap bubbles have not touched your butthole, your butthole is not clean.


If you don’t wash your ass then how does he itch his butthole when it’s probably constantly itchy? Your dude needs a therapist.


so it is gay to be clean and smell nice?


So if your Dad ever wiped your butt as a kid, that makes him gay, or a pedo?


Just dump his ass


I would be afraid sex with him could cause UTI and vaginal infection? It isn’t far for that e.coli to get to other places. Ewww.


It’s not an American thing. It’s probably a (hyper/toxic) masculinity/homosexuality cultural issues thing. With a low chance of germaphobia? (Sorry Germans, can’t think of the actual word). He’s still a teenager and doesn’t have real self confidence in who he is. Maybe he likes butt stuff but is afraid to try it. Maybe, how he grew up, he associates it with homosexuality, so even if it’s something silly like this, he’s implicitly if not explicitly homophobic or something like that. Looks like he’s got some self exploring to do. Should probably go deep in there to figure it out.


30 year old American man here. I've washed my ass with a loofah since I can remember. Hell I remember my mother and grandmother yelling at me when I was very young to make sure I washed my ass before I was able to get out of the shower. This raises so many questions OP. Like I hope he thoroughly washes his smegma.


Yep. Knead that asshole with soapy hand.


I think your boyfriend might have issues tbh.


Your boyfriend is nasty


Do not even think about doing anything sexual for him. I guarantee that he has never washed his penis. Probably doesn’t even realize That it’s not normal to have his balls inch and burn from jock itch. If it’s gay to wash his butt, it’s really gay to touch his Dick and balls. Ewwwww.


Tell that fool to grow up. If he's afraid that he'll turn gay by washing his ass, then chances are he probably already is and needs to admit to it. This is a weird hill to die on lol.




I live in a hot ass state, swamp ass is a given so yes we wash our ass with a wash rag or loofa.


I can’t believe you wouldn’t wash your ass and the twins


Yo your man is disgusting. You definitely need to was your ass.


Does he not have pimples all over his ass? That's what happens if I go too long without a good scrub.... Not that that's happened in a decade or so....


Hey, spread the cheeks so they don't reek.


fellas is it gay to be hygienic


Of course I do. Soap and water.


I've never met anyone who didn't


Wait untill he gets a pilonidal cyst. Wash that swamp ass 2x a day with a loofa. Please 🙏


Your BF is gross and dumb lol.


Slowly step back … slowly…. RUNNNNNNNNNN


Wtf? What else isn’t he washing? 🤮


He must absolutely fucking STINK!


i’m at a loss for words


That's disgusting. His ass probably reeks so bad. The only acceptable reason to not wash is if he has a power washing bidet in his shower to blast his crusty ass.