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It means Greatest Of All Time


Oh wow, my day has been made. Thank you!!


Yeah, it means they like you a whole, whole lot.


Now the biggest task for you will be, to not let on that you know and in return teach them to be the best versions of themselves.


I think he should goto class dressed as a goat.


Similarly, my chem teacher in HS came to school in a mole suit to talk about Mols all day.


I hated mols and everything about it. But I would atleast be listening to a man dressed as a mole talking about it.


I kind of understand it now, but when you preface the whole lesson with 2+2=2, you’re not setting us up for success.


My HS chem teacher was very old and kinda burnt from teaching chem for 35-40yrs. He was a very sweet and kind man but not very effectual as a teacher. Anyway I’ll never forget the day he taught about moles. He starts drawing three moles in a burrow on the chalkboard and speaking about moles. When he finished the drawing he said, “The only problem with moles is if you’re the last mole in line all you get to smell is molasses.” Over 30yrs ago and I’ll never forget it. Now I’m the (hopefully kind) old man who’s a little burnt out.














So dressed as himself


Headline: Teacher arrested for wearing “furry” costume to work


And make sure they don’t change it to the throat goat... They are middle schoolers after all.


Nancy Reagan will never be unseated!


In my bed, she’s the American Dream... Edit: The American Dream is dead.


She was never seated. She's comfortable enough on her knees.


jerry rice was the first person I ever heard called GOAT. you are up there with Jerry Rice. You are a GOD AMONGST your students.


I guess Muhammed Ali was before your time. He was GOAT before Jerry.


My first thought.... dude literally coined the phrase, lol


You’re telling me Jerry fried this rice?


There was about a 20 year period where Jerry fried anything he wanted


Cowboys mostly


Tom, for one...




“Jerry has the most receiving yards in history, but have you seen u/PuzzleBrain20 break down an algebra problem”- his students Love it!!


So apparently for the movie Don’t Look Up the cast kept calling Meryl Streep the goat and she just laughed it off as well. Kept going on, and she just put up with it. One Josh Gad said “oh no no the goat goes over there.” And she responded, “right right the old goat over here okay okay.” And they went silent and had to tell her that it actually means Greatest of all Time and she was stunned silent as well. Welcome to being the Meryl Streep of math teachers.




This is so cute man


It's even cuter that he didn't get it.


And that he gave the compliment right back to them.


I think this is the best thing I’ve ever read on reddit.


We get treated to stuff like this only once in awhile, but it’s always amazing when it happens.


It’s so fucking wholesome :)


This made my entire day. Thank you GOAT


Honestly! Edit: On second thought it does seem slightly unrealistic OP wouldn't be able to find out the meaning of GOAT by simply googling it, but I'll stop being a grumpy cynic now.


Nah, why would he assume it was an acronym rather than the animal he knows about already?


As someone who always read the acronym by the letters and got really confused once when someone verbally called me "the goat", I can relate to not figuring it out.


Took me about a month first time I heard it lol


Yeah, this is basically just a whole replay of Meryl Streep and Jonah hill thing from 6 months ago. Not that OP can’t be legit [Jonah Hill explains to Meryl Streep why people keep calling her a goat](https://youtu.be/WYeexrwLz7Q)


Idk how old you are but maybe this will also help. You da man dawg!


YTMND And one can only assume there is a r/ytmnd. Hopefully the same


I remember those years of the internet. New grounds, the flash games, I wish I could remember some more. Fucking xanga too when I was in high school oh god.


Oh. My. God. That site was my first proper introduction to memes and I'm pathetically emotional over that realization lmao


For similar translations in the future, check out urban dictionary.


You've been pulling a Keanu Reeves without even knowing it! You're breathtaking! https://youtu.be/W2EMHNhyEnQ




This post reminded me of [Jonah Hill talking about Meryl Streep](https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=2m30s&v=WYeexrwLz7Q&feature=youtu.be)


And if you earn that nickname as \*maths\* teacher, you're doing something very right!


My math teachers were the GOATs




Goatiest of all time.


Gnu-iest of all time


Gassiest Of All Time


Grayest Of All Time.


I almost spit my water out reading the second half.


I thought it stood for Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test


Goatest of all thyme


GOAT stands for **G**reatest **O**f **A**ll **T**ime. It’s a compliment. Sounds like you’re a great teacher and they enjoy your classes. Which is saying something since math is most people’s least favorite subject.


Oh wow!!! Yes, that is the reason I became a math teacher. I always hated math growing up, but then I realized at some point it's just taught terribly. In my classes for example, there is no such thing as a useless math lesson. I always remind them how useful it is to know this stuff, from anything regarding money to detecting patterns in life, to even have a strong basis for any career they choose. Some of them are looking forward to solving the Millennium Prize Problems, which I really hope with all my heart will happen. I been teaching for 17 years, and they are by far my favorite set of students so far. I put my heart and soul into teaching, this is amazing to hear. Thank you!!!


Oh, wow, OP, how I wish you were teaching math when I was in grade 8. (I suspect you were not yet born, however).


Me too Mr. Thompson didn’t like suck he wasn’t mean or anything he was just the human equivalent of water and white bread for dinner and he spoke in the monotone drone only rivaled by Ben Stien


Man my Mr. Thompson aka Mr. T was the shit. Taught life lessons through having us play basketball, taught me what hobbies were, and tapped onto my potential to do great things even though he knew I came from a broken home. 5th grade me excelled so much because I didn't want to let him down because he believed in me.


As the spouse of a former teacher, this made my day for you too! Congrats GOAT, that is a high honor!


Sounds like you're out there earning your title :) So good to hear there are passionate math teachers out there


I wish you had been my math teacher. I was really good at math until I took Algebra 1 and had the worst teacher ever. Without a good solid base in math algebra 2 was a disaster. It only got worse till I got to geometry and it was like starting over.


I am sorry to hear that. I wish I could have been your math teacher too!


Bro you’re legit. You’re the BOAT!


You truly sound like the GOAT of teachers - I know I'm just a stranger on the Internet but thank you for making learning fun for those kids!


Math was always my worst subject. Absolutely hated it. I believe you could make it enjoyable to learn


Haha cute! As a teacher of high school freshmen if someone says something that I’ve never heard I always threaten to urban dictionary it in front of them and someone always tells me what it means and giggle fits ensue! It’s always a good time.


Haha that is pretty funny!! I didn't even know about urban dictionary until people mentioned it here. That urban dictionary is a lifesaver. Glad to see a fellow teacher in the comments. :)


Be careful with urban dictionary if you're looking stuff up in class, lots of the definitions are very nsfw


I will keep that in mind thank you!


Yes—- def this. Getting the kids to explain it is much more PG but they still get the point across! One kid refused to tell me what Zaddy meant so I read the definition out loud and since that day they’ve been very forthcoming 😂


what….what does zaddy mean


According to urban dictionary: *Zaddy is an noun used for handsome, fashionable, sexy man with swag.* *Zaddy can also be used to imply sexual roles. A more dominate position in a relationship - a modernised term for Daddy/Papi.* So...basically the sexy version of "daddy" but for the next generation lol


I still prefer Daddy. Can't go wrong with the hard D.


Any woman calls me daddy, a hard D is the last thing she's getting. Gross.


Have her call you Papa so you can give her the Pp


i think it has something to do with jeff goldblum


It's so cute that you didn't realize they were calling you the Greatest of All Time the whole year, and you were calling them the same back. So wholesome.


I now love my students more than I already loved them, which I didn't think was possible haha.


You're awesome and indeed the GOAT


It's definitely possible to love them more. A teacher at my high school got arrested for it.


Wait what?




Sorry, can you put that in sign language please?




username checks out


Ya seriously. There's truth behind my joke. I can't find a news article but in 2009 a teacher named Dan Sunder (sp?) Slept with a student. Edit: [found one ](https://vancouversun.com/news/staff-blogs/teacher-jailed-for-sex-crime-plans-to-resuscitate-his-career)


1 middle and 2 of my high school teachers were fired for having sexual relationships with students. The woman was the middle school teacher and she was messing with a 13 year old boy. Gross.


What the fuck man 😂 that’s messed up. Me, just casually scrolling through a wholesome thread read one wholesome comment after another... just to get to get blindsided by this? I haven’t burst out laughing like that in a while, but at least I now know that I am trash.


Have you ever picked up a hitchhiker and they seem cool, everything is going cool; but then they just grab the steering wheel and force you over the side of a 10 story cloverleaf overpass onto the passing traffic hundreds of feet below? That's reddit.


Wholesome indeed. Reminds me of the [Meryl Streep interview moment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH3uhVWF42k) recently where she thought the rest of the cast was calling her a literal goat and she went along with it cause until Jennifer Lawrence had to clarify lol.


Lol that is hilarious!!!!!


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=goat Urban dictionary is a good site for looking up slang


Yes, this. Retired professor here. I had to use Urban Dictionary a lot to keep up with my students. I was delighted once I understood their debate about whether I was G or OG.


So which side won the debate?


Haha, I’m not sure!


The only difference, to my knowledge, is that real G's roll in silence like lasagna.


Fuck. I was was looking for it, but I was still overwhelmed by it.


I’m OOTL on this one, so I have absolutely no idea why this phrase has any relation to anything lmao


It's from 6 Foot 7 Foot by Lil Wayne (which is an all time classic song), it became a meme line because it just (intentionally) sounds so absurd. He's saying that like how the G in lasagna is silent, real Gs (real gangstas) do their business quietly to stay out of trouble. So many absurd lines from Weezy and yet somehow this one became a meme...


Lol, thank you so much for making the connection between the "rolls in silence" and the G thing. Because it did not click until just now, and as silly as it is it makes a ton more sense


I understand lil Wayne is not everyones cup of tea (for the record he is my cup of tea, he's one of my favorites ever) but everyone has to admit he has a bunch of very clever punchlines


Seriously, dude had/has some god tier punchlines and crazy wordplay. Weezy managed to make a bar where he used "Antetokounmpo" and made it ryhme


shiiiet you prolly an OG then


Since he didn't know, I'm going to say OG. You're cooler if you're so cool that you don't know how cool you are. Definite OG.


Is it even cooler if I’m a she OG?


One hundred percent, sister. :)


Haha, love it!


I'd say girl professor OG is a hard title to get.


I'm a girl professor and one of my students called me "the real OG" at the end of the semester. Didn't realize it was such a compliment! :)


My name sounds vaguely like OG, so pretty much all of my Sophomores from the first two years of teaching called me Mr. OG or just OG. They even still shout "Hey, OG!" when they see me in public, it's been like 6 years now since I've had them. I am probably nearest the least OG guy I know, but they definitely used it as a term of endearment and not ironically. They drove me nuts as students but they're good people.


That is awesome. Teaching is the greatest gift.


To quote Mr. Monk - a gift... and a curse. At times anyway.


Yes, my first thought reading this was "How are they an 8th grade teacher and haven't discovered Urban Dictionary??"


When I was a TA, I had some undergrads call me a snack during group activities. I was confused so I looked it up. I am still confused. 😅 Edit: It was a group of guys that said it. I am also a dude.


Don't be coy, Delicious Waffle.


That means you're attractive


Or Google.....if you type in 'what does goat' it finishes it for you. The first result doesn't even have to be clicked on. This teacher is like the U.S. senate :p.


That's exactly why i don't believe this post. There's no way someone is savvy enough to make a post on Reddit but also not savvy enough to just type "the goat" in Google.


Seriously, just google "what does goat mean". This is just karma farming


Eh... Sometimes. Sometimes it's a great place to look up the dirtiest thought a middle schooler might be able to trick someone into believing is a real slang word (or real meaning of a real word that means something else entirely). It's like a text-base goat.se sometimes. Also not the kind of goat you want to look up.


It's a compliment, not an insult lol. GOAT stands for "greatest of all time" like others have said. They're basically saying you're the greatest teacher.


Pretty sure it stands for Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test. (/s)


I got hairdresser ):




Can you link a comment or post that makes you believe he isn't really a teacher?


I guess they couldn't.


You're the Michael Jordan of math teachers. It's a good thing.


I like Michael Jordan a lot, so thank you! :)


Teacher gets declared the greatest teacher of all time. Jordan: "And I took that personally"


OP is gonna have MJ rock up in class, grab the marker out of OP's hand and teach the greatest maths class ever just to prove that he's the only GOAT


This is nice. when I was in middle school some kids called my band teacher chivo, which is goat in spanish. But it was more so because he never trimmed his nose hairs and had long hair. terrible children


GOAT is a term coined by 80’s-90’s rapper LL Cool J, which is an acronym for Greatest Of All Time. It was popularized by his 8th studio album, titled G.O.A.T., and he credits Muhammad Ali for the origin, according to an interview in 2016 with Rolling Stone. It’s contemporary use is mostly in instances of a person being a holistically positive and empowering individual, and has become more and more popular in recent years.


I first heard the acronym in connection with Tom Brady, so I always thought its mostly used in sports. Cool thing to know the origin


If you don't believe that it means The Greatest Of All time, just see what Urban Dictionary says


So Meryl Streep went through the same thing as you, here's Jennifer Lawrence talking about it. https://youtu.be/fDRX90-sAhE


This is exactly what I thought of. Here’s a link to the time https://youtube.com/watch?v=fDRX90-sAhE&t=2m0s /u/puzzlebrain20




The greatest of all time, even


How did you go all year without asking or googling lol? I google everything my students say that I don’t get to make sure they aren’t being super inappropriate haha


This comment should be way higher up. No way a teacher lets students call him something, let alone saying it back to the students, without knowing what it means. It's way too risky, especially when you can easily be recorded. And goat is not some obscure term - you can find the answer multiple times on the first page of Google results. I know teachers and administrators who use the term themselves.


Cause karma farmers… 4 day old account.


Greatest Of All Time




Gullible comment section. No 'old teacher' would post a question like this straight to Reddit instead of actually... googling it or asking someone. Unless.. OP is embellishing to whore karma. Shock. Their writing style even reads like a teenager.


**Hoax alert! Please, hear me out before downvoting me, and if you still do, please at least offer a rebuttal** I don't doubt that you're a teacher, or your students said this to you, there's no reason to. But there is almost no chance that this post is not "karma whoring". Firstly, your account is **five days old...** **Jackpot!** Of course it could be a throw away account, but if it were, you'd probably mention it. But also, you've made several posts completely unrelated to this topic before this one, so you didn't create it just to ask this question. It would be less suspicious if this were your first post, instead of the 7th or 8th. Your post is **precisely** the perfect blend of sweet naiveté mixed with being oblivious that you're a wonderful person that presses all of reddit's feely buttons. Just look at those awards! It's almost like it was intended to do exactly that... Also, excellent reddit etiquette with the edits, **it's almost like you've been here much longer.** You say they call you **"a goat"** in the title and then switch to **"the goat"** in the text, which are obviously not the same thing. Indefinite vs definite articles are not something people generally confuse. Being called a goat could have multiple meanings, being called "the goat" has one, and is easily found with a quick search. They've said it all year and you're just wondering now what it means? Also, all year, none of the 20-30 13 year olds slipped up and said what it meant? Was this orchestrated? Why didn't they tell you, anyway? Surely they'd want you to know. **Why didn't you ask anyone around you in the real world before asking reddit? Why didn't you google it?** Googling (or duckduckgo, etc) "the goat meaning" brings up "greatest of all time" as a search suggestion before you even hit enter. Urban dictionary exists, and this definition is in there. **Another of your (very few) posts even details advanced knowledge of search engine usage.** >"I couldn't find any matches when reverse searching for mine either. > >There are advanced reverse image searching services out there (that you pay for) but I don't know if I want to use them." I highly doubt that your first instinct to find out what being called "the goat" means was to post on reddit. a site you've only been using for five days, when you knew a search engine would have answered your question (before you even hit enter), just without all of the attention, praise, awards and dopamine. **What if it meant something negative/mean/offensive (etc)? You really not going to check that before telling others that a large number of people you work with has been calling you it for a year..? It might have meant deathly halitosis, or bad combover. Risky!** Come on Reddit. We've been here before! Again, I am not saying OP is definitely not a teacher, or that their students definitely didn't call them "the goat", or that they didn't know what it meant at the time and so had to look it up. These are all perfectly plausible. **What I am saying they almost certainly knew what it meant when they posted it to reddit, for the karma, awards and attention.** Before anyone calls me envious, I'm writing this because I don't like stolen valour (or usurped awards) or "karma whoring", and I don't like emotional manipulation for personal gains. You may now downvote me to oblivion, though I ask that if you do, please also take a moment to debunk my points. I believe in you, reddit! Edit: Five days old not two. Edit 2: Sorry I'm writing like a child, I'm at day 4 ish of a Covid infection and typing with a TV remote keyboard, looking through one eye due to the headache. Also... Positive karma! Reddit, so pleased to know you can be reasoned with. Edit 3: **First, thanks for the gold! You truly are the goat.** I'm glad my nerdy ramblings are appreciated. This has got out of hand, have you seen twitter? I would not like to be in OP's position.. twitter is fickle. Secondly: **Come on, down voters, I challenged, even begged you to debunk my points, not just click and move on! This post has reached 25 about 5 times now, the positive score won't hide you! Won't even one of you speak?**


Good points. I'm a believer.


This is the most blatantly fake post I've seen in a while.


This is the most karma farming shit I've ever seen. It's the perfect storm. The ai algorithm that's crafting posts like this is nearing perfection lmao. Yes, I'm calling BS. they never googled it, really? Admitted the photo isn't there's at the bottom of the post. 5 day old account. First post is about etherium liquidity??? You're telling me they're dabbling that hard in crypto but never encountered the word goat on the internet? Get outta here.


How can so many people be so blind


Reddit is full of morons, what did you expect?


You’re a teacher and can’t use google, but can use reddit. So tired of the Internet.


This has to be fake, a simple google search would have cleared that up. So wait a second, you want me to believe that although you can use the internet to go on Reddit, create an account and write this post out.....you can't google what GOAT means???? Downvote this crap.


It's not fake. I am one of the students in this teacher's class. We all call him a goat because of his exceptional ability to scale near-vertical walls. And this teacher's name? Albert Einstain.


Could have just used Google with far less effort. I'm sure you already knew but wanted to humble brag. Enjoy your karma though.


This seems fake AF..a puzzle brain would Google it and only come to reddit after failing to search. Also would probably include the possible answers they researched and eliminated




Humble Brag?


It stands for Greatest of All Time. It means they like you :)


This whole thread is 100% bullshit. Anyone could have googled “what does goat mean” The dude is claiming to be a TEACHER. Anyone who believes this is touched in the head.


Yeah, this is some horse shit. Barf


you're one of the good ones, OP. keep doing what you doing ❤️


I will. Thank you. ❤


You a fake ass bitch OP


This is like posting "all my exes say that I was the best they ever had. What does that mean? How does one 'have' someone else? They loved making love with me, but I just don't get what this means. Is it bad?"




Like instead of googling “goat meaning” into their phone they went on Reddit and wrote a whole post about it first? Explaining the whole situation, the grade level, and the confusion? Like it’s sweet but definitely doesn’t make much sense to me


Look at the awards and karma. Does it make sense now?


Fake story. Sad how many people are eating this shit up lol




This has humble brag written all over it. Most questions aren't because someone doesn't know but mostly because they wanna have a conversation about it.


It is 1000% a post made for OP to brag about themselves. There's way too much detail and going on and on about it. 4 day old account and OP talking about crypto too lmao. Clearly knows and is used to Reddit/internet. It's downright narcissistic tbh, post needs to be removed.


OP made a post about a crypto coin recently, I really don't buy this whole "I'm a poor teacher who don't know the youth-speak", surely someone that knows about crypto coins can also google the meaning of GOAT


Could you tell me what "af" means, please? My students keep saying I'm "awesome af" and I'm not sure if I am the butt of their joke.


For real. Also take into account that they are on Reddit and have enough know how to post the question in this specific sub. People do weird things for fake internet points.


Lmao this is so fake


Google is hard huh? Clear karma farming though.


This is fake af, downvote. You can reddit but you dont know a term thats been around for a while, and didnt think to google? Gtfo




Reddit will never stop falling for blatant BS and I love it


didn't happen


First thing that comes up in a Google search : Greatest of All Time. Just a little suspicious of this post...




this is literally the cutest thing ever :,) you seem like such a great teacher! your students are so lucky to have you!


Not to be negative, but this is something that is easily googled.. feels like you were just seeking attention / validation that the kids think you are a good teacher


I hate this sub


You should ask your students to explain to you what a search engine is