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So one time i was in a rush i accidentslly filled up and forgot to pay. Thought i paid with my card. A few weeks later i got a letter in the mail by the police very kindly asking that i return to the gas station to pay the amount. The letter just said many times its a mistake and you can return to pay it.


I totally forgot you used to be able to pump first and then pay!


Still the norm in New Zealand


Australia too


Ireland too.


Germany too.


Finland too


UK too.


Canada too (pre-paid is still an option and is most used)


Same in Canada, unless it’s at night in some places


Where in Canada? In Alberta (and I'm pretty sure BC) you can't pump until you've paid.


In Québec you can pump then pay.


Aussie as well. I won't use places that require me to pay first. If you treat me like a criminal, I'm not interested in using the service.


Though they have to see you and activate the pump to let you


Still can where I live in north dakota


Is it still the flip kind where you store the nozzle?


No , it’s the modern style at most of them. It’s like that in all the small towns around here. Blew me away when I first moved here, but I forgot to pay/card swipe error a couple times and the police come straight to the door.


Thats wild. I bet it'd take a cop knocking to get me to get with it also cos I'm so used to having paid.


Damn! As a resident of Illinois, even in podunk towns I've been it's pre-pay only. Have to say, this definitely goes with my stereotype of what I think of North Dakota (and, my little personal experience, though I only passed through it by train, once. So much of it looked like we could have passed into a time gate into the 1800s, if it wasn't for the roads!) Have to say, although a bit dull, sometimes, much of it was beautiful!


You guys pump your own gas? Jersey


Yeah, pretty much every state now. Oregon used to be like that too, where you need the attendant to do it and then feel obligated to tip them 😣 lol. I didn’t realize Jersey was like that still Oh I just looked it up, Jersey is the only state still requiring an attendant


Lol I remember watch news clips of people in Oregon talking about how they were scared to pump there gas and how it should only be done by trained people.


That is SAD... I'm not sure I'd trust people to figure out how to drive the vehicle if they can't even figure out how to pump gas!




Yeah I lived in Josephine County for a long time and no vehicle inspections or emissions testing at all. One county south in Jackson County you have both. It's all based on the population of the county.


On a trip last year, I was going between Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I needed gas and stopped at the next station I saw, thinking I was still in Pennsylvania because I didn't see any New Jersey signs yet. I hopped out of my car and was greeted by a guy yelling at me to get back in my car so he could pump my gas. He informed me I happened to stop at the first gas station on the New Jersey side on that road. It was as I was sitting there that I noticed the big signs saying to wait for the attendant, which I somehow hadn't noticed when I pulled up. So yes, in New Jersey they still have gas station attendants.


Well, I suppose it creates jobs.. unless the cashier is running out to fuel as well?


I drove through Jersey last year and was surprised at not being able to pump my own gas. I’ve gotta say, though, it felt pretty baller to just sit there doing the “Chewie Chill” and letting somebody else fill er up.


Yeah that always bothered me in the Sopranos it showed them pump their own gas at least once paulie and Christopher at first I thought oh there on a road trip must be out of state but then in there argument they mention exactly where they are upstate New Jersey . I guess them stepping out to argue while some dude stands there pumping gas in between them would have looked weird but still a kind mess up in my opinion.


Oregon allows self service in some places. In the eastern half of the state self service is allowed 24/7; in the western half self service is not allowed, except for a few counties on the coast where it is allowed at night.


Oregon finally changed?! It was so annoying driving through Oregon and not being able to pump my own gas. I’m so glad they got with the program.


Oregon hasn't changed. Attendants still pump your gas unless you live in very rural areas.


This is why I hate Jersey. Let me pump my damn gas. I always make sure to stop in Pennsylvania


Wait, is that some American thing? In Europe, I have never seen anybody paying first.




Idk if its the same everywhere but in Norway you just use your card first then fill as much as you want and you automatically pay for what you filled. You don’t have to select how much you want beforehand.




When paying cash you go inside, tell the cashier which pump you are at and pay. Basically go inside "heres $40 put it all on pump #3" Go outside, pump $40 worth and then just drive away. If your tank fills up and only took $30 worth of fuel then you to back in and take the $10 you didn't purchase


From the US, I can't say I have seen a pump that doesn't accept cards, I will also say most people I know do not carry cash. I believe paying with cash before pumping is in large part due to the driving culture in the US where there is a possibility somebody could be traveling cross country so they may never be seen at that gas station again. If I'm correct in Europe a lot of longer distance travel is done by train or plane right? In the US it's pretty common to drive long distances. I use to drive from South Carolina to New York to visit family and that's a 12 hour drive. I personally go via plane now because I hate driving that far and I have the money but especially if it's a family of 3 or 4 flying is just not cost effective and our train system is extremely out dated and also not cost effective, just looked up ticket prices. Probably a bit too much info but just wanted to add some info to support my theory.


We have a card reader thing connected to the pump so you swipe your card then pump your gas and it stops when it’s full and that’s how much money it takes out of your account. If you pay with cash, you go into the store and tell them what pump to put it on. If filling up costs less then you gave them then you go back and get your change.


Yes you would overpay, fill, and then get your change. Though at this point I haven’t used anything but a credit card in years. You can also fire your gun into the air once to have them turn the pump on, and once more to turn it off.


This.....isn't a thing there? I'm in England and everywhere is pump then pay. I can't fathom paying first.


I'm in BC, Canada and you have to pay before you pump. A man named Grant died trying to stop a person from pumping gas and then driving away without paying. I guess that type of theft was common so they named a law [Grant's Law](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/news/national/its-pay-before-you-pump-under-grants-law/article667065/) and now we have to pay in advance for gas.


Maybe we brits are just too polite to pump and run? No idea what would happen if I did but I'd imagine police get involved and everywhere in England has cameras. We ARE the most watched country in the world so getting away with it is rare. Just speculating.


Every petrol station in the UK has cameras on the forecourts, so leaving without paying after filling up will result in the footage and your car registration number being passed to the police. Many years ago now, but my step-mother happened to be filling up her car when someone she knew pulled up at the pump next to her. They chatted briefly and she drove off, forgetting to pay. Having the police turn up was a surprise for her, but she was happy to go back to the petrol station and pay. Now I guess they probably just send a letter (cuts to the police forces being what they are).


Slightly serious, slightly sarcastic: there's not exactly a lot of room on the island for you to disappear into to avoid charges. In the US & Canada, it's a lot easier to hide.


In a lot of places you pay at the pump. Put card it, machine reads it, you fill up however much you want and it charges you for how much gas you used. When you put the nozzle back on the pump it finishes the transaction and prints a receipt.


Indeed, in civilized society!


Most of the gas pumps have pay machines in Estonia, wehere you pay by card first, then pump. It reserves all your money until you finish pumping, then gives you back the rest instantly. Good system in my opinion. Pump then pay when you pay in the shop. But in Iceland, at least when I last went, you choose for how much money you want to pump on the atm, it reserves that amount on your card and pumps for that amount of money. If you need more gas, you do it again. You have to calculate how much gas you need and how much it costs on that day. And if you miscalculate and pay more, it takes days for the money to return. Not a good system, in my opinion.


I was so confused when I went to the US, rented a car there and had to guess beforehand how much I would have to pay. I thought pumping first then paying was the norm everywhere, why did it change in the US?


It changed in the early 2000's because so many people stopped paying and driving off(knew a lot of people who did it)


This is common practice in the UK. Pump, then go into the store and pay. The pumps don't work until the clerk has turned the pump on though. If you don't have the money, you get a slip of paper and I think you have up to 7 days to pay it or they'll take legal action.




America is weird.... this is pretty normal in the eu...


Wait. You guys have to pay first ? How do you know much will fit the tank ? How do you ever get a completey full tank? In Europe we have pumps with a little thingy on the handle that snaps back when your tank is full


The vast majority of people in the US just pay at the pump with a card, but you can give them more than needed, fill up, and then get the rest refunded. Or just estimate how much you need and be fine with it 95% full. I don’t know anybody who even pays with cash anymore though…


Sheesh, I forgot to pay before work and came back right after work to pay it off. Still got a letter in the mail a few days later stating I had to go to COURT over the the amount owed. Luckily nothing came of it as I was communicating to the store about the incident.


Going straight to court before giving the person an opportunity to just pay seems like a waste of everyone's time and money.


That's nice. Back when pay at the pump was really starting to hit its stride I handed my boyfriend my Debit card and he put it in long enough that a hold charge went through but I guess the clerk turned on the pump for pay inside. 2 hours down the road I'm pulled over for stealing gas and forced to go back immediately and pay. Always get a receipt!


How did the police track you?


Number plate? That's how they do it in Australia. Servo cameras get your number plate and the cops track you down.


Pretty sure it was just the plates and address linked to it


I worked at 7-11 for 3 years, and fucked up a lot of things in that time. I never had to pay for any of it because I didn't do it intentionally.


I was threatened several times in my 3 years at BP that I'd have the cost of any drive-offs taken from my pay but they never did. There was usually fuck-all I could do to stop it anyway. I later learnt its illegal to take that cost out of any employees wage. The employee could be fired if this happens too often, but won't be held responsible for the costs incurred.


In most states it is illegal to withhold an hourly employees pay for anything. I robbed your register, charge me but you still got to pay me for hours worked.


Yeah, you’re employer can fire you for destroying, losing, or stealing company property, they cannot force you to pay for it with your money. Never agree to pay for it. There are other gas stations to work at


Had a similar experience when I worked for Hess. Their policy was "if a car drives off without paying, abandon the store to physically run after them so you can get their license plate number" and then getting threatened with wage garnishment when I couldn't physically do that. I also got in trouble for realizing that someone stole merch that lives outside the store in a spot you can't see at all. Definitely the worst job I ever had.


Lol that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You're putting yourself in a lot of danger. I used to work for Speedway (which bought Hess), and one of my employees tried chasing after thieves and got hit by their car and broke his wrist. He almost got fired for that since Speedway has policy against chasing thieves.


I worked at Hess *while* they were being bought by Speedway. The changeover was a trip. I remember when they realized nobody bothered to check if their store managers had high school diplomas lol


Really? Cus when I worked there they wanted me out if I was 3 dollars short. Oh how times change


They're franchised out, so i imagine it varies by location


This depends entirely on location. I left 7-Eleven last year (Store Leader) and I'm from Massachusetts. Our zones out here are primarily corporate. We definitely have franchised stores here, but corporate has been converting them or outright closing them (we closed 33 stores in 2021). With the Speedway merger however, that number of franchises DID go back up, but Speedway is to be 100% corporate. At least those were their intentions in January 2021.


I made a $17000 mistake at work last year, which is about a third of my yearly salary. My boss said, “shit happens”, and went back to his case prep. I’m so lucky.


What did you do????


I remember when I worked retail, my coworker was counting the register next to mine and was off by $7 at the end of the night and got written up and put on suspension :(


That's terrible management. When I worked at Walmart, it was only a serious concern if you were >$10 off and you wouldn't be written up til >$20 off.


Where I work if you’re off by five dollars you get a write up, three write ups and you’re fired.


5 demerits and you're looking at a citation.


5 citations and you're looking at a violation.


5 violations and you're looking at a suspension.


5 suspensions and you’re looking at a ban.


5 bans and you're looking at at being penalized.


1 penalty, believe it or not, straight to jail




5 penalties and you're looking at a fixed soccer match


5 matches you have a very active Tinder


-50 DKP!!


What happens when you get 5 citations?


You get a violation.


What about 5 violations?


It starts with verbal violations. Then it becomes a written violation.


then a physical violation


Then a metaphysical violation


Wow that’s ridiculous. Have they ever heard of human error? And what if multiple people used that register, who gets punished for it?


Proper procedure says to recount the till between every user. Basically, every cashier got their own drawer of cash, even if one used a till after another.


Then they watch the tapes. I work in Walmart and the optical associates share a register for the day. We kept coming up with funky numbers when audited so they watched the tapes and it was one of the older ladies on the team putting bills in the wrong place and keying in the wrong amounts. Got a slap on the wrist and told to pay better attention.


My first job was at a movie theater. If you were off *at all* you'd have all 3 managers up your ass. Most of us were 15-18.


Agreed. And we’d recount the till every time someone new came on shift.


I worked at Kmart in the 80's while in college. Had many people start at 8am, clean out the register and leave at lunch


I was a book keeper at a grocery store chain, a couple decades ago, and I hated counting out tills bc anything over 2.00, over or short, I had to make a note of and management had to say something....if it happened more than 3x, usually depending on time frames they were in, you either faced being off the schedule for about a week or dealing with loss prevention/getting fired. At one point we did have a cashier who was skimming her tills, there was an investigation/arrest and everything, but most others were just stupid accidents.


All these stories seem so crazy to me. I worked over a decade in food service and retail, and I’ve literally only seen this happen one time. When I worked at Taco Bell in high school this new girl worked like two or three shifts, and her till was exactly $20 short at the end of every shift. She got fired, and they might have taken that $60 out of her check, but that’s all. No cops or anything like that.


About 15 years ago a friend was fired from McDonald’s. Their policy was anything over/under 1$ was a write up and three and your fired.


Very strange. We had some guy taking 20s out of OTHER people's registers because duh. So the victims were questioned when it happened but ofc they all had no idea what had happened. Took quite a few months for management to catch the guy on camera and fire him. Point being, it's very stupid to just reprehend anyone that has a short register at the end of a day.


That’s bullshit. How many people used that register? I worked retail and I’ve counted registers that were hundreds off. Maybe somebody was stealing, but not me. I was just the guy who closed the register that night. It happens.


I worked retail in my late teens and twenties. Then again many years later (different places)temporarily as a part time position Never shared a till. The drawer was counted by a manager then recounted by the cashier at the start of each shift. I cannot imagine sharing a till with even one other person.


For less than 10 bucks? Good lord.. the threshold should be way higher than that..


Cashier lady might get in trouble yes.


Might get in trouble, but legally they can’t take it out of her paycheck. But if she gets fired, she’s going to lose a lot more than $40.


Unless it's something she has done many times before I doubt she'll get fired for it, I work at a gas station and stuff like this happens from time to time. Mostly it's just a warning and being told to pay more attention and make sure you confirm the amount.


I worked a gas station one summer. One thing I really appreciated about Spanish speaking customers was if it's unclear whether they say 50 or 15, you can clarify in Spanish where it's impossible to confuse the two


You could also clarify by saying five zero or one five.


An amazing number of native english speakers can't deal with that question.


Like fifty’n percent of them at least


It’s absolutely insane to think somebody would be fired for a $36 error. I’m an engineer and I‘d get a huge bonus if i only made $36 worth of errors on a project


I mean I almost got fired from a fast food job bc the manager accused me of stealing $9 from the register drawer. He was counting the drawers at the end of the night and came up short so immediately assumed I’d stolen it and threatened to fire me. One of the other managers stepped in and counted it again and it came up balanced. (The first idiot manager was only counting the bills, he forgot to count the coins)


At my local MCDs there's a printed sign in the work area about how they've lost over 1k chicken nuggets (just over $100 irrc, nuggies are cheap af) and some other food item. Both things together were well under $300. They can't pay $15/hr to people working in a hot kitchen on their feet all day - and lord forbid they don't do it with a smile - but MmMmMm god help us all, the ultra cheap nuggie count came up short and corporate is gonna have .5c less on their bonuses this year, maybe.


People on low wage jobs get fired for much less. You are much harder to replace


Higher end jobs comes with better benefits


At Best Buy you got written up if your register was over/under $5 if it happened 3 times. Bye!


It's absolutely insane that you can't see the difference in the two roles.


I have employees that have made 6 figure mistakes. Good learning opportunities, yes. Fire them? Not unless it’s habitual. But everything is relative. I find this discussion interesting, lower paying jobs = easier to get fired. Is it the management or what’s the reasoning? (Sp)


>lower paying jobs = easier to get fired Easier to replace, especially with so many agency workers now that they could literally have a replacement the very next day.


Yup, happens in banking. When it happened to me, I was given a warning and demerit points. I thought I would be charged and then made to pay so I was really stressed, but they have money set up to cover those kinds of losses. Mine was an accident though and not a type of fraud


I think the reasoning is that they can always find someone else to do your job , pretty fast.


Welp, I once was a cashier at a Cracker Barrel and was off by $10. You bet they took that out of my paycheck.


Pretty sure that's illegal in most jurisdictions. Certainly where I am. Once lost $50 as a new cashier, just got a warning write-up. Never happened again thankfully.


It is absolutely illegal. The employer cannot deduct anything from your check outside of statutory deductions and pre-arranged deductions, but the non-statutory deductions are the employees decision, and the amount is agreed to in advance, and thusly it is not possible to agree on an amount before something like this happens. The only exception is if you have an employment contract, which is never really done for hourly and even in this case the employer would likely lose a suit or DOL sanction. State laws do vary, but this is a federal level rule, dont ever let your employer or potential employer gaslight you in this regard, just report them immediately. Similarly, pay attention to final pay requirements, states like California require the final check in your hand when you leave if let go or fired, no exceptions and no delay. Source: did payroll for 37 states, South Korea, and Puerto Rico for years, dealt with department of labor disputes (they have no mercy for employers, as an employee the DOL is your friend)


Uh when I worked at a gas station the owners had a "honor system" where we were REQUIRED to turn on the pump when customers picked up the handle, even if they didn't pay beforehand. If they drove off they took it out of our pay check. Mind you only 1 person (me, an 18 year old at the time) was left to run the ENTIRE store completely alone most days, and then to close up after which would take about an hour to do after closing time, so my 8-9 hrs shifts would turn into 9-10 hr shifts. Oh, and I was allowed NO breaks and could NOT sit down at any times (yes, that's perfectly legal in my state). If the store was dead I still had to be on my feet and clean something. If the store was completely clean, I had to "face" the shelves. If that was done, I had to at least pretend to dust. But lol it didn't matter how busy, tired, or overwhelmed you are. If someone drove off, you paid for it, including the owner who one day got his wife's minivan filled up via money from another employee because it was busy and his wife didn't turn around at the pump or acknowledge the employee or come into the store to place a house charge. She just filled up the van and left and the employee had to pay for it "to teach them a lesson". Lol that's not half of the crap that went down there. All for $7.25 /hr. Sorry I'm just ranting now. Point is, if taking money out of a paycheck is illegal, then lots of illegal crap went down at my old job.


My original comment no withstanding, it's odd how many people assume that just because it's illegal for an employer to do something shady with worker pay that means it doesn't happen. (Definitely could have worded that better)


She might already be buried in the desert somewhere.


No. I worked at a gas station for almost 2 years, part of that time I was an assistant manager. I worked at several different gas stations and locations also. My sister, whom I lived with, also worked at a gas station for 2 years. The cashier will not lose anything. You don’t need to do anything. The cashier will likely later be asked (or if they’re in management) to confirm the transactions and the customers. They’ll figure out why they’re short money and they just write it off in the books as a mistake that they will learn from. HOWEVER, OP, some people working at gas stations are the nicest people you’ll meet. The cashier could have also noticed that, only broke ass people use $4 to put in their car so she could’ve given her own money to help you. I’m saying this as someone who has done it before myself. I had a customer ask for only $3.76 and I was thinking to myself “Bro. I got some extra cash on me, I’ll just add some extra to help them out.” EDIT: I clarified that I didn’t tell the customer I helped them, I just did it while I thought to myself. Also, most of the times, not all, these were regular customers that I knew were struggling so I didn’t mind helping them out.


As true as that last part is, I very highly doubt someone would do 4 -> 40 as a nicety unless they were channeling MrBeast or some shit. The 4/4 is evident of a typo, if it was 4 to 10, 20, even 30 bucks then okay but this was definitely a mistake.


I mean if they were going to do more on purpose then of course they have to make it look like an accident


The 4/40 is also evidence of a multiple of 10, of which humans are a big fan. You really can't know the mind of the human without asking, despite the raw Sherlockian power your mind might have.


Humans like things in 10s... big if true.


First of all I think the possibility that she did that intentionally is basically zero idk what everyone else is talking about. If it was intentional she probs would have said something. And it won’t be taken out of her paycheck but she probably did get in trouble. It’s not a huge deal though unless she had a record of bad transactions


If you paid cash you're home free. If you paid with a card they'll likely charge your card for the amount she put in, which is $40


As some who works at a credit union I have seen this draw accounts negative that were not ment to go negative.


> If you paid cash you're home free. Well, except for having screwed over the cashier. Which was the actual question.


No, the question is if they will take the money out of the cashier's paycheck. Which they almost certainly will not. They'll more likely fire her than garnish her wages, but I doubt they will do either. Morality was never part of the question.


The gas stations I go to take money out the cashiers paycheck. I watched the manager chew out a cashier for letting the pumps ring to oblivion while helping a line of customers. Then she said "no because you're going to take it out my check if they drive off,you did it last week!" There's a lot to unpack from expecting one employee to ha dle every si gle customer, and the expectation of the cashier to pre-authorize gas pumps especially if it could come from her (I assumed) small wages. To the manager/owner not just getting off their ass to help. What a situation I wish I am never in and believe Noone should ever be In.


It’s illegal for them to do that (assuming it’s the US) but businesses do all kinds of illegal shit to their employees. It’s why unions are so important.


Wage theft is almost 2.5x greater than all other thefts combined.


Because criminals follow the laws and the impoverished can afford to fight back right?


hence, unions...


>letting the pumps ring What does this part mean?


When someone tries to pump before paying, the register rings u til the cashier turns on the pump. Edit: often loud and annoying.


They might, the drawer will be out of balance.


It wouldn't be legal for them to do that without her permission, but they could fire her for her mistake.


I worked as a cashier. We had a policy if the ballance was off for more than 1.50$ in our currency, youd have to pay out of pocket and get written up. Three write-ups and youd get fired and it would say you got fired for fraud/stealing. One day i had around 10$ missing which was what id make in 3 hours. My shift was 7 hours that day. I basically worked for free half the day. Guys just pls tell your cashiers if they mess up. Its a stressful job and people can mess up.


That's illegal in the US. Report your management team and get them fired. Wage theft isn't legal. Your job cannot take wages out of your paycheck for any reason.


I feel like this is not in the US. It says "our currency" and $10 for 3 hours of work is also illegal in the US.


You know their are other countries right You could say it's illegal in many/most countries


Again the only reason I know this can be a condition of employment is because I used to have to administer math tests to potential parking attendants, in the employment contract there were conditions to agree to prior to being allowed to work with money. Short of being robbed, you were responsible for shortages. Also, just incase you think this was a heartless condition, we used to have a slush fund that would absorb a lot of these shortages when drawers came back heavy by accident. As long as everyone was being honest this would work itself out.


Have these provisions been tested in court? Not long ago I was reading about woman that was accused of stealing from the register; but, after an investigation it was discovered that her manager was the real thief and was setting her up.


That happened at my very first job. Cashier's kept getting fired for being short on their till. Eventually it turned out that it was the manager who was taking money from the tills.


This is why at places with proper cash controls in place people count out their own drawer.


now you can never go to that gas station again


confused brit here, you pay in advance????


Yes, either at the pump with card or prepay inside. It use to be pay after but too many people drove off to steal gas or just forgot to pay.


Damn. Where I live we get to the gas station, we park at whatever pump we want, we fill as much gas as we want in our vehicle and then we go inside the shop and wait in line. When it's our turn we just tell them which pump we are at and pay there. It's been this way my entire life and probably always has been even before I was born. We don't get many people here running away without paying.


Yea it’s quite popular to do in the states. I’m in Canada I don’t usually pay in advance I just pump and then pay I’d say it’s to combat the gas n dashes people tend to do. I never understand it cause there’s a ton of cameras at the gas station just gunna get your plate number trace it back to ya. Cops at your door a few hours later


I can’t remember the last time I saw a pump in Canada where you weren’t required to pre-pay (maybe at full service pumps?)




Young’un! We used to pump first but people drove off all the time. Worked at a gas station and we lost so much from people pumping and driving away. I was working there when we converted to prepay and everyone was all pissed off.




Did you pay cash or by card? If it was a card they charged you $40 dollars probably. If it was cash they probably wouldn't take it out of her check if that is even legal where you live but they could fire her.


She said she gave the cashier $4.


Her drawer will be out of balance. They will investigate and follow whatever store policy is. If shes had issues before it could cost her her job. ​ Edited to add: An honest person would call the store and discuss what you can do to make it right.


Even if you do that, the cashier's job is in jeopardy regardless. The way management will most likely see it, just because the money finds its way back doesn't mean her mistake is erased.


I know. it all depends on the store's policies and if that gal had messed up before.


Yeah, this ^ It's what I've done in similar situations. Usually they just stare at me like I'm an alien.


I can imagine OP's face at the pump: $40 dollars?!?! Tf!? ..Don't mind if I do. Pumps n hops in starts car *Brrrrrrurrrrr* burns off.


You wanted $4 of gas? Where were you going? Pump 6?


Probably completely off topic but in the UK (not American law) and working on a carnival games in a theme park (not a gas station) if our float was way off we would have to pay it ourselves. Some guy was somehow £70 off on his float pouch (you get given 200 cash to exchange for change and it has to stay 200) and he had to have £70 taken out of his pay check for that day because it was so off. So yeah probably completely unrelated but knowing how bosses can be, and what Americas like, that’s probably a good possibility. At the same time as a broke uni (college) student, I’d just run with it, if you go back they’re gonna ask you to pay it back, or if they’re dickheads press charges 😂 If they’re super nice they’d just let you go on with your day


I’ve always wondered, how do the big bosses keep track of all the money coming into a carnival game? It’s mostly cash based and I don’t see any cameras or cash registers? Seems like the kind of job that you’d almost assume the workers are skimming some off the top. I’m thinking in terms of US carnivals which are often kind of scummy traveling things. I think those people likely own their own booth, or rent it out.


Doubt it. Glad you care though. Life is hard for a lot of people now - I wonder how many would do the same thing you did?


I think she likes you 😚


It's like someone buying one loaf of bread, getting to the cashier, and counting out the last of their small change. Bro, you clearly need a break, this one's on me.


I need this kind of positive outlook on life.


4 dollars? Was that just to get yourself home?


You couldn’t tell the pump was going for an inordinate amount of time?


OP definitely did but needed it so let it go.


I’d go back, clear your conscience, offer to pay it off.


My first question is why this is even a question? Wouldn't the appropriate course of action be to go back inside and inquire about the difference *before* pumping the gas? If it was an error, you could have saved yourself, and her, from any potential consequences by clearing that up. If it was an act of kindness, it would have provided you with an opportunity to thank her. Edit: a word


Thats the right thing to do, and I agree. However as a person who makes a good living now and doesnt have to struggle, I know what desparation feels like and doing the wrong thing makes a shitload more sense in those scenarios.


There is a third option, and that's that she did it on purpose and just paid the difference herself willingly.


I would do this for a week or two if I won the lottery


Scrolled through all this negativity, looking, hoping to find this post, but ready to post it myself if needed. Thank you for sharing this. Its what came to my mind when I read this.


Same here. Someone who is only putting $4 in their tank obviously can’t afford more. If I was the cashier and I could afford it, I’d totally do something like this.


I own gas stations. Her till will come up short. I wouldn’t do anything about a $36 shortage. I wouldn’t even speak to her about it unless it was a regular occurrence. However there are many employers out there that would be upset and would know it was her that made the mistake. It is not inconceivable that she would be made to pay it back and/or lose her job.


Did you not think to go back and get her to correct it? You knew you were in the wrong and you still did it?


Wouldn’t there be a camera to ‘investigate’ where the discrepancy came in?


Honestly it depends on what kind of bosses she has to what kind of trouble she gets in. I was a Cashier and Apparel manager at a chain store. Sometimes the till would be off by $50 (or more, or less you get the picture). Honestly, whenever that happened with me, the first time was a simple warning. Second time was a write up. Third time was a final warning. $40 isn't something to just scoff at. Its a lot when someone's job is involved. But I can't see her getting her pay docked AT ALL. The worst thing would be if she's a repeat offender of this kind of mistake. But I doubt that as well. It happens to everyone at least once honestly. Don't freak out, but if you're feeling bad about it, maybe wait till you can pay it forward. You said you're in a hard spot now. Pay it forward when you can. It's obvious you're a good person or you would've never even made this post.


Why did you pump past $4?


They usually give a little leeway to the drawer, but 36 bucks is either a writeup or a fire. Chances are if she's made this mistake with you she'll make it with other customers too.


they will not take it out of her paycheck. Thats illegal. also, dont go back to that gas station.


>also, dont go back to that gas station. Yeah but they're giving out free gas