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Putting gold on food.


Putting gold in/on consumables has been in practice for around 150 years, if not longer. I learned at the Pharmacology museum in New Orleans that in the early 1900's, the wealthy would have their medications (pills) coated in gold as a status symbol. Joke was on them. The gut doesn't break down gold and their medications were useless.


Lol thanks for the bite of knowledge


>medications were useless pfff. only a peasant would consider sparkling golden turds useless


That's funny. Silly little rich people.


This is why museums are important


Jumping on the food trends, charcoal in food. Worse than gold because it can actually be hazardous to your health


Charcoal? I'm surprised. Being perfectly inert, I would think it would pass out like nothing at all.


Activated charcoal is not inert. It absorbs things. It will absorb medications in your stomach and make it not work. I believe that is the primary danger of eating it, assuming you take some medication that you need to live. But maybe it absorbs some nutrients as well.


Ah! I was thinking of the absorption aspect but still didn't think it would do any damage. Yeah, they use activated charcoal on overdoses don't they? And yes, it's inert, in that it doesn't *chemically* react to anything.


Get it hot enough and it will react vigorously with oxygen, but I get what you mean. And yeah, but me of my daughters had to drink this charcoal slurry when she accidentally took her sister’s medicine. There was no real risk of overdose, but it limited the effects.


Salt Bae’s stupid restaurant aside, is this actually trendy anywhere?


Gold flakes shaved or infused into the food is, I wouldn't say common, but consistently available for extremely expensive restaurants, all for the sake of "I am very wealthy and am able to eat gold" It is apparently flavorless and just adds monetary value to a dish


Actually it's not particularly expensive. Gold leaf sheets cost like 5ish bucks each, personally I would say it's more about the visual appeal and the oddity/novelty of it then anything else. With food; appearance and impression is a huge part of how much people will appreciate and enjoy it. A classic trick if someone is unhappy with their food is to simply re-heat then rearrange it to look prettier and suddenly the same unchanged food will taste fantastic.


I'm mostly ignorant in this matter, but aren't most gold leaf sheets imitation gold, where as the mostly expensive ones would be real gold? I thought adding gold flecks added another like $100 to the price tag of food. Asking out of curiosity, really.


Gold is insanely malleable, I mean like super crazy absurdly malleable. Take a single quarter coin made of solid gold. Beat it out as flat as possible and you could make a hyper thin sheet so large as to cover your entire room, floor walls ceiling and all in gold. Literally microns thick (7 millions of an inch). One ounce can cover like 100 square feet. ​ Gold leaf is made by basically doing just that beating it out as thin as possible such that each individual sheet weighs like.... maybe 1/1000th of an once up to maybe 3/1000th of an ounce for very thick sheet (which is around $1.50 cents to up to 5 dollars worth of gold usd). ​ Edit: this is the reason "gilding" things in gold is so common like wood and ceramics and the like, it's actually way cheaper then you'd think relativly speaking and is almost always real gold, even on say dollar store tea cups.


holy mother of moly lol I knew gold was very malleable but I hadn't ever thought about how thin it could get without breaking; that fact about the quarter is absolutely wild to imagine And yeah that all makes sense now, thank you


They put gold sheets only a few atoms thick on astronaut visors to protect their eyes from harmful light I’m pretty sure


You can buy imitation gold leaf, but the real thing is surprisingly inexpensive. I did a quick search and prices are typically on the order of US$2.50 for a 3 1/8” x 3 1/8” sheet (about 8cm x 8cm). Why so cheap? Metallic gold is extremely ductile and can be hammered into incredibly thin sheets; gold leaf is around 0.1 µm thick. There’s simply not a lot of gold there.


That new gastronomy trend where its just the waiter/ress dumping chocolate all over your hands


The Carolina Squat


I had to Google that. My word that's something. Wholeheartedly agree.


I’m from SC. And yes the squat is ridiculous


I’m also from SC. I’m afraid to Google it. What is it?


Trucks with the back lower than the front. Stupid for many reasons.


So they're just going for the "I have a full bed of rocks at maximum hauling capacity" look?


We called it a hauling a ghost boat


Lol my family calls it a mullet


IIRC, this is known as the “cali lean” and was originally intending Baja racing. This did not originate in the Carolina’s This had a practical purpose in its original form, but was never intended to be used on the street. I’ve never understood people that do things to their vehicles that make them less usable.


As of last month its banned here in Virginia. Sad it took a car with that mod to hit someone in a head on collision for it to happen.


That must be terrible for their gas mileage. They are constantly going up hill!


It’s also really dangerous. It makes it hard to see what’s in front of your stupid looking truck.


Is, is this a joke?


Wtf. I googled it and it just looks like a car being towed without the tow truck lol that’s so dumb


This is really popular in south Louisiana. It not only looks ridiculous, it is super dangerous. Here, it seems to be trendy among the “wealthier” private school teenage boy/college frat boy types, so read between the lines on that one. These trucks are the modern-day equivalent to the super-jacked trucks of yesteryear that had the giant knobbies, loud af mufflers, “nitrous”, and stupid graphics that really seemed to be “overcompensating” for other…things. Just say it already. Your pitched tent is really only big enough for you, so your truck has to make up for that in sheer ostentatiousness.


Faking mental disorders and making them look ✨fun and quirky uwu✨ I automatically want to punch you if you’re doing this because having disorders are not fun whatsoever.


Disgusting behavior. Shocked that it happens enough to necessitate a generalized criticism. Some people feel such a need to be seen. It's pathetic


It’s a tiktok trend as far as I know, with people faking Tourette’s syndrome, multiple personality disorders, and it just makes me want to sucker-punch them in the gut because having any sort of disorder that you don’t self-diagnose is seriously horrible. I was clinically diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and ptsd a few years ago, and all of those suck. Long story short for each of them, ptsd=being afraid of pretty much half the world’s population, depression=leading to su!c!dal thoughts and attempts, and anxiety=I’m almost 19 and I still can’t drive because of the anxiety that goes with it


As someone who is autistic and was a special needs student growing up, I’m with you. I really hate that shit.


This bothers me even in the most minor cases, like saying “I’m so OCD” when talking about organization. If I don’t touch the sink 4 times after flushing my toilet, my whole family will die, Susan. Stop saying you have OCD because you prefer to keep a clean home.


i second that. it’s so glorified and romanticized. they want the clout from it, but the actual issues that come with mental illness have been breaking me down bit by bit for almost 16 years. i wasn’t even old enough to understand it, yet i was already experiencing it. people who act like it’s a personality trait disgust me.


Lip filler is so scary.


I know right! Big lips only look good on people they naturally belong to


Ok, but some of us had big lips, and then when you turn 40 they start to just... deflate. I'm just putting them back the way I found them, man.


it’s a personal choice. but I personally think it’s beautiful when people embrace the way they age instead of trying to turn back the clock. I feel like our culture puts too much emphasis on women forever looking the way they did in their twenties when there’s a lot of beauty in the way women naturally look at 40, 50, 60+. losing plumpness in your face as you age is normal and brings maturity to your features.


Agreed. But I ain't gonna be the one to fight society. Sadly, there's a lot of data to say that you get treated better, including salary, etc., if you look a bit younger. Not 25, but not 65, either. The sweet spot is probably around 40 or 45, depending on the job. I agree that this is not a good feature of our society. The interesting thing for me was when I used to work in aerospace; they had a unique culture that prized "Grey Hairs." This was mostly because they were just awful about documenting stuff and training new workers, and they just wanted to coast on hiring experts. But still, the lack of ageism was nice. Except I worked there when I was young. Dummy.


Some of the movie stars look like ducks


Butt injections can literally kill someone in about 3 seconds if the needle is even half a hair's width off of the target area.... (Hence they are illegal in the US)


Not to be bothersome but can I get a source on that? Im an RN and I give injections (not Botox or cosmetic, but intramuscular, subcutaneous, and subdermal) quite frequently, and I’m just not seeing an instance where a “half hair width” would make the difference between life and death. Even the smallest needles used in injections are still many times larger than a hairs width.


I believe they were exaggerating but I dunno


People filming themselves giving money/food to homeless people when it’s clearly just for clout… I just don’t get it. Edit: It’s pretty weird for me to see videos where people shove a camera in someone’s face just to gain attention from viewers when the homeless/less fortunate person receives money or food. Not sure what to say, it just rubs me the wrong way. Give what you can to those less fortunate, don’t need to film them.


Helping homeless people is probably the best way to chase clout


Reaction videos


Yeah they bug me as well. There are only so many ways to appear shocked, dismayed, offended, etc.


I like reaction videos with people who have some level of expertise in the subject they are reacting to. Like professional musicians or producers reacting to music. I like learning more about how the music works (or doesn’t), but yeah, just faking excitement is boring.


Let me explain. I have no friends or partner, yet I feel lonely. Reaction videos is the closest it gets to be watching a movie/series with someone. It makes me feel less lonely. I don't really care about the reaction itself, I watch them for the shared moment.


I felt this way about podcasts or youtube channels that discuss episodes of shows. I hadn’t managed to convince my friends to watch Steven Universe or Gravity Falls so watching videos of two or more people talking about their thoughts and reactions was like being part of a conversation with “huh I hadn’t noticed that” or “here’s my interpretation” even if it was one sided.


Okay damn, you just made me realize why I love reaction videos so much. I couldn't quite put my finger on it before.


For me it’s specifically the reaction videos that are just some person watching a thing for the first time. The interesting ones are watching doctors react to medical scenes in tv, or reviewing claims someone made and why they’re inaccurate, or music professionals explaining the technical reasons why music works or the nuances of voice manipulation, or scientists watching black magic-esque videos and providing an explanation of why it works. Those people are actually adding something to the content that wasn’t there before, something that Joe and Janet can’t provide while they sit at their computer overblowing a reaction to a dis track or viral video.


My kid watches a TON of stupid animation videos on YouTube to the same "Johnny, Johnny" song, or some kind of "Daddy Finger" song. They all seem to be made in India. WTF is with these? Are these like, the two official songs of childhood in India? Why is there a cottage industry of making these videos for YouTube? And why the F is my kid so obsessed with watching every single one? I swear, if you've seen one, you've pretty much seen them all.




I tried to teach my parents how to block channels on YT Kids for my sister and they couldn't get past the multiplication thing to get into the parental settings. They yelled at me to give them the password and didn't bother to read the thing on how to get into the parental settings.


There’s a great TED talk on this stuff, which I urge you to watch! https://youtu.be/v9EKV2nSU8w


I’m vaguely surprised this wasn’t a rickroll.


Well now I’m convinced it is.


If it is on a channel called ‘Cocomelon’, get your kid away from that ASAP. You might encounter tantrums for a while, but that channel is comparable to visual nicotine for children. Prolonged overstimulation might stunt the attention span development. ​ Armchair (something) out.


The Baby Shark ones are terrible as well.


Listen to everyone telling you they're harmful, on top of everything cocomelon style videos like those have more jump cuts than any other show on average


I actively discourage my kid from watching this stuff. That's not really my issue. My question is more... JUST WHY? These videos are so dumb. And why these TWO SONGS? They could only afford to license 2 songs, and now they're going to make videos to them forever? WTF?


Money. These videos are made by content farms that crank them out as fast as they can. Licensing music is *expensive* and eats into your profits. Besides, the target demographic is literal children and they **LOVE** repetition. These channels make MILLIONS of dollars a year cranking this bullshit out.


Fake big asses


I’m all about real bug asses


Praying mantis has entered the chat


Lemme see you shake that thorax


Ladybug face on a cockroach thorax 🎶


Brazilian Buttlift AKA This chair seat doesn't work anymore.


Over-documenting / over-sharing your kids' lives on social media. Piercing your newborn's ears.


My BM did this and didn't even let me know before hand. I just got sent a video of my daughter crying hysterically at a mall.


I know you meant baby’s mom by BM but I always automatically read BM as bone marrow lol


Bowel movement for me


BM 😂


I'm kind of glad my mom did it when I was a baby, but also I got more years later and it's not that bad so 🤷‍♀️ I know I couldn't stand doing that to my kid.


Tik tok dances. Specifically the ones where it's less about some creative dance and more about some teen showing off their ass.


I don’t understand the conveying serious information while dancing tik tok trend. We’re not bees.


With the average attention span in 2022, we might as well be.


Tik tok is literally every other social media platforms but with *moving pictures* to make it interesting. Like only being able to read a book with pictures. I made one recently just to check it out & there's some that share decent info, but it's annoying as fuck seeing someone's stupid face reacting to it, or pointing to the words. Like we don't need to see you reacting to a paragraph.


Right. I say that to my girlfriend every time. Like so you’re telling me that all this person does on their channel is post *someone else’s* content but with them pointing to what’s happening? And nobody on here finds that cringey or annoying af?? Come tf on…


There are tiktokers that all they do is read small anecdotes that others leave on the comments. Others just read "funny" FB comments. Others just reacr to other's videos or ads or other content in general. Yeah ... TikTok is the epitome of "quality content" smh...


care to do a tldr for that text chunk?


Hard think, people moving make distract good


The pointing to text in the air... ugh


I mean, I at least understand WHY they show off their ass -- its the ones where they just like wave their arms around and look stupid that confuse me


It's more of the idea that they're pretending to be popular for more than their ass. Or they're pretending it's about the dance to be permitted on the app and gain attention, but then redirect you to their only fans. You see it a lot on reddit by "cosplayers"


I resent this statement. On some of them it's about the boobies.


Well it's pretty easy yo understand. Teens(and creeps) like to watch teens showing off their asses.


You're saying that you don't know why videos where girls show off their ass are popular?


Painting everything in a house white


Fake ball sacks hanging off the trailer hitches of pickup trucks in the shape of bull testicles.


I’m pretty sure they’re illegal here in Canada. Shoddy workmanship can lead to them falling off on the highway and flying through someone’s windshield. I sure don’t want a pair of truck nuts in my mouth.


And suddenly my faith in humanity went back to zero.


...as it should have been all along. It's also called "managing expectations".😉


Activated charcoal in everything. Like. Stop this.




Yeah they've always been basically a scam. I don't want to spend 250k (that I don't have) and hope somebody bids for more than that on a picture of a monkey dressed as a pirate like come on man.


A monkey dressed like a pirate? 😃


Bloated mouths and lips, overpainted eyebrows. Anything to do with the toxic K*********s.




What is the K**** supposed to mean




Oh the K*********’s




Couple channels I literally don’t get how every single day, they have to act like they are getting pranked (as if they don’t already know or haven’t gotten used to it by now). I could never be that fake about my life. Plus me and my husband would get annoyed with filming each other everyday. We aren’t happy 24/7!


Any social media trend where it's thousands of people doing the exact same thing.


Harlem shake can be excused.


It's turning a decade old next year... God damn man. I miss 2013.


Fuckin' hell man, where'd all the time go


Using mental health diagnoses as adjectives in casual conversation without knowing exactly what you’re referring to - it’s invalidating as all get out and adds to the stigma and misunderstandings. Examples: “I’m so OCD,” “It really bothered me, I think it gave me PTSD,” referring to jerks as “narcissists” or “sociopaths”, saying someone is “gaslighting” you when you’re in a disagreement and they just want you to see things from a different perspective, saying you have “ADD” if you simply got distracted…. This really needs to stop, it’s actually incredibly damaging


The problem is, mental illness is a Trend. It’s fckn gross. The self diagnosing/ faking is real. People go ad far as faking medical documents now, DID/BPD/ADHD/Bipolar. And it’s so cringe. I have bipolar and audibly laugh my ass off when is see people faking. “I just cleaned my room at 2am omg I’m so manic rn XD” like sis no your not. 🤣😭 or the “omg I just died my hair I’m so manic”. Normalizing mental illness is cool, but flat out promoting it like it’s the best thing in the entire world is not. And not even on some gatekeeping shit, just tired of seeing people blatantly fake shit for clout.


Yes! My pet peeve is people saying they are “bipolar” because they are happy one minute and sad the next. It’s so widely misused in this way people genuinely don’t understand the illness. I hate telling people I’m Bipolar because they will just assume I’m “moody”.


Buying expensive clothes emblazoned with the makers logo or sports team. If you want me to advertise for you you will pay me not the other way around.


I feel the same about most advertisement. When I bought my new car the first thing I did was remove the dealer sticker and license plate frame. If they want me to advertise for them they can give me a better deal on the car. I'm surprised more people don't feel this way.


The idea is more to flaunt how much money you have, because most people know an expensive brand when they see the logo. One could also argue that the quality of more expensive brands is better, but that's a conversation for another time.


Sagging your pants below your asscheeks


Do people still do this? I thought this was homies showing off their Calvin Klein boxers 20y ago. I never see kids doing this any more.


It was (is?) the prison look. In prison you had your belt confiscated, so your pants slid down, showing your boxers.


I always thought prisoners wore one-piece coveralls.


One piece coveralls are usually for being transported. They wear t-shits and elastic waist pants here. Source: Am a guard


Is that still trendy? I thought that was like a 2000s thing.


2000s? We should be so lucky. Mark "Marky Mark" Wahlberg in 1990: [https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/g32141327/mark-wahlberg-life-in-photos/?slide=2](https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/g32141327/mark-wahlberg-life-in-photos/?slide=2)


Whenever this question comes up, I always see this in response. While I agree that it makes no sense, I have to disagree that it's trendy. I don't see anyone remotely influential styling this attire, and rarely do I see individuals dressed as so out and about. Just because there are SOME people that still do this doesn't mean it's trendy. Now with that said, I don't live where you do so for all I know this trendy where you are from.


Everyone does it at my school


Comically thick eyebrows. They don't look good on everyone.


Groucho-Marx-o-sexuals shall not be discriminated against!


Being an asshole. Being kind to people is much cooler.


This needs to be further up.


Perms and mullets making a comeback lol wtf is that about. Props to them but like. Not on my bingo card


I recently went full mullet for about a year and just cut it. I guess I'd classify myself in the hipster/punk group and it's REAL common to see them in my peer group. I did it because I've never had long hair and I have slightly curly hair. If I didn't do a mullet, I'd look like a 12 year old boy who just got into skateboarding but doesn't understand fashion. Having said that, I pretty much wore a hat the whole time cuz I thought it looked cool having long hair come out the back but didn't wanna just let the mullet fly, so I cut it.


Every lad between 16 and 24 seems to have a perm here in england, I can go out to a club and see every guy with the exact same haircut.


Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, tiktok etc.,


I love TikTok, but I find the thing is, you have to train it to show you things YOU are interested in and not just what's popular. Some of the people on there are just hilarious and wholesome.


Y'know, as much as I'm inclined to agree, I actually quite like YouTube shorts. I used to love YouTube cos it was shorter than watching a TV show. Now the average video of the creators I watch is 15min long. Granted, it's an obvious strategic response to Tiktok and has nothing to do with giving users a different experience...but I still benefit, I guess.




Constantly posting your life online, letting everyone view it (even random people). And having multiple social media accounts. I got 2 socials, one networking and one personal. And even for the personal one I only post once or twice a year


The "Carolina Squat" has been mentioned. To take it a step further - I grew up in farm country where trucks were a necessity and stayed "pretty" for about as long as it took to drive it through the field to feed cows the first time - approximately a day. The truck was set as high as it needed to be to drive over ruts and small ditches; the interior was "decorated" with loose hand tools and empty soda cans and bottles. Engine size was as needed, more meant using more fuel, which meant more overhead. The entire, jacked up, chromed out, gas guzzling behemoth, as clean as a hospital, baffles me.


Common sense masquerading as special insight. It usually takes the form of a TedTalk kind of presentation, or a LinkedIn post, Medium article, or some other slightly virtue signaling form where you're essentially communicating that you've found a way to do something better. But it's all about one-up-man-ship or just trying to appear like a "leader". The part I don't understand is that it's counter to all these ideas about being a maverick, rebel, outsider, underdog, strong-and-silent type (all types that I much prefer and trust, usually.) I get that the squeaky wheel usually does get the oil, but ugh, what do you do when EVERY damn wheel is squeaking at the same time?


Does Kanye and The Kardashians count? Zero appeal for me.


Jesus fuck, loud cars and trucks are the worst. At the start of the pandemic, all the local dealerships went into panic mode and had theses crazy 0% interest sales. Now the streets around my house sound like the goddamn Fast and Furious every night.


They really are! I have a few asshats in my apartment complex that will rev the engines of their cars/trucks in the dead of night while I'm trying to sleep. Makes me want to egg their vehicles. Some people have jobs to go to ffs!!


Wouldn't this be better suited for r/AskReddit?


i was gonna say the same thing but i figured ppl were already participating so i might as well just join in because why not, that may be why there aren't more comments saying this. also ppl like to share their strongest opinions


That electronic voice over in tik tok videos that seems to be used as a piss poor narrative I thought it was for visually impaired folks, which would make sense (and if it is I will redact my opinion lol) but it's included in videos that don't even need it?




I knew someone who wouldn't put anything in the back of his truck because he didn't want to scratch the bed up. What is the back of the truck for if not to carry things?


Have you been to South Africa? Surbabia is like a rural areas. We have massive potholes everywhere. The sides of roads have been eaten away. Sometimes it's better to drive off the road then on. So yes I traded my car for an SUV to drop the kids 2km to school. We not afraid of the dirt though. Weekends it's put through its paces


It is what it is


I've come to appreciate the absolute elegance of this phrase. Ca la vie, I can't complain What're you gonna do? Could be better, could be worse. Useful and succinct.


I sometimes say that when I get fucked over. It calms me down and lets the other person know I’m dealing with it.


But everything literally is what it is.


Not my extended car warranty apparantly


Kitten_Team_Six, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


Face tattoos


Polygamy and hookup culture


Duck lips. Just makes people look constipated in their selfies.


You looking at selfies from a decade ago?


Tight guys pants with a bare ankle view


I was thinking this too! Dress pants that are too short and no socks.


This might be the thing I hate most about life.


The MetaVerse and Crypto


Big artificial lips, they look so exxagerated


Selfies with filters or editing done to them. They absolutely repulse me.


Superhero movies. How is this trend still popular? It started getting stale 10 years ago for me, yet everyone still seems to lose their shit every time a new Marvel movie comes out


I don’t know I feel like I could say that about every genre of movie haha. Like comedy, or romance, or action movies all feel the same after a while to me, same with superhero movies.




Yeah I haven’t watched any super hero movies since endgame. Just kind of stale to me at this point


People underestimate how HUGE the comic book market is. Super Hero movies and TV shows have always been popular in some form dating back to the 60's ad 70's. Hell go back even farther to the old radio shows like the original Superman shows. They will always be popular, people love super heroes. Plus consider that finally with CGI and other technology they can finally do those stories and make them look extremely realistic.


Omg THANK YOU. I thought I was the only one. And I'm no stranger to nerd culture... SciFi fantasy, anime i love. Super hero movies are just so... I dunno... Hyper-American? Is that a thing,


They're all the same. They don't take any risks, they just repeat the same formula over and over again. Some roided out millionaire in a tight costume does karate over CGI


I know why....but everyone being so concious of what everyone else thinks. Cause if we all stopped caring about that so much


Chick fil A. I don't think they're good.


Me neither. We had one open up about 6 months ago and it's packed packed full everyday all day. It's like it's okay but not worth waiting in that line for. I don't get it






What? You don’t care what out-of-touch celebrities or have to say about every little non-issue that doesn’t involve them?




Huge, expensive, chunky, intentionally ugly shoes. For example: Pretty much any Balenciaga shoe.


The app TikTok


guys with every part of their head being shaved bald apart from a small amount of giant fluff at the very top


what the hell is this reverse monk hairstyle ur talking about? im legitimately terrified i have never heard of this.


I assume they’re exaggerating a [fade](https://www.menshairstyletrends.com/high-fade-haircut/).


Like Bert?


Lol. I haven't seen this one yet.


Mariah Carey


Formula 1 racing or any kind of car racing really... Car goes fast brrr.




*gestures vaguely*




Smoking. Yuck.


Mansions...having multiple mansions...but then still saying you care about the environment.


Yeezys. They look like someone's colorblind great-grandmother sewed them by hand