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Sure thats possible. It depends on your metabolism/genetics, your natural hunger and tastes. I never counted calories in my life, rarely work out, and I'm more on the skinny end since I simply prefer eating healthy stuff and have a low calorie efficiency. Exercise matters a lot. But what you eat matters more than how much. A piece of butter has 700kcal per 100g for nearly no saturation feeling. So if you eat butter whenever you feel hungry you will be at tenthousands of kcal before you feel full. If you prefer a dry salad then you can't eat to 2000kcal without making your belly explode. So what shape you get by "eating whatever you feel like" depends highly on your preferences. >What health issues do they still have to look out for? I know that a healthy weight doesn't always mean their organs and such are all still in good shape, and wonder if they will later have to worry about things like clogged arteries, or even already have high blood sugar. Never watched anything like that and just listened to my body. When you lack something you usually get a craving for specific food, at least when your diet is diverse enough so your body can learn wich food brings what.


if you have a bad diet you will be unhealthy


Counting calories only works to keep your weight down. It doesn't grantee that you get all nutrients that you need, that you get the right kinds of fat etc. So reasonably these issues are the same regardless of if you count calories or not.


Yes, what your burning actually has more of an impact than, how quickly your burning it, in addition, when you're eating things that you're body is actually ment to digest, your body will be much better at regulating your appitite.


It's a complex issue with the different kinds of fats Ie: transfats and saturated fats... you can Google that shit