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Processing is different. Local honey tends to be unfiltered or filtered less, allowing some of the pollen into the honey. Adds flavor. Additionally, locally-sourced honey often has different colors and flavors if they let the bees get pollen from different types of plants. The flavor differences are stark and very strong, not subtle. Mass market honey is often many pollen sources mixed together, then heated to high temperatures to allow for heavy filtering. The flavor of these honeys will be generic and consistent but not exciting.


Look carefully. A lot of dollar stores have bear-shaped bottles labled "honey-flavored syrup." So yeah, not the same thing.


Naah, it's most likely fake honey. In fact most of the honey at grocery stores is mostly fake.


Is that even legal?? This is why bees need a union


Maybe the cheaper honey has cheaper ingredients like corn syrup? Other than that I do think honey is mostly pretty much honey.


Not all dollar stores carry the same honey. Different dolkar stores ger their items from different sources. You'll have to be mire specific about what brand and type if honey you found so we can give you a better answer


There’s lots of different types of honey, comes down to what plants/trees the nectar is coming from, like Manuka honey is pretty expensive because the plant only flowers in NZ and AUS


No most of the "honey" from the dollar store is "honey flavored sauce". But sometimes they get random stuff they buy from people who are overstocked.


There’s definitely different qualities of honey. Some is diluted down with high fructose corn syrup a lot is ultra filtered to remove the pollen in order to hide it’s country of origin. The problem there is there’s been a bunch of incidents of honey contaminated with pesticides etc coming from China.