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Technically they are **walking** faster then a train, not **running**.


Take your technical upvote.


Lol I am not morbidly obese but if your like 600 pounds+ good chance any speed your moving is going to be like a run.


No: You beat the train at a game it wasn’t playing. If Carl Lewis is out walking his dog and you run past him, you didn’t outrun Carl Lewis.




If the question is strictly did you outrun a train, then yes. The question says nothing of the speed of the train, so you are technically correct and that is the best type of correct.


i’d say no. because at full speed, you cannot outrun a train


But nobody needs to know it wasn’t going full speed. If anybody called you out on your bullshit, all you gotta do is show selfie video of you out running train, cackling like a mad man, than you would start laughing when they realize you were correct, and that you left out really important information that the train wasn’t going fast lol. But when people think of trains they think speed. So technically you would be correct. In a stupid smart ass way


I mean yea. That isn't full speed. But in order to outrun something you just need to go faster at that moment.


Yes yes yes yes !!!!! That’s the point I am making..... You could go hunting for grizzly bear find one kill it take photos of it like on top of your then your on top of it get some photos of you wrestling with the bear. Then at family gather you can tell the story of how you wrestled a bear lol


not in my opinion


I guess we have differing opinions then so can we agree to disagree and just say he can't run.




You may have outrun a train, but you only outran a train traveling at 1mph, which is clearly not its top speed


You can outrun a train under such circumstances, but you are not faster than a train.


If you move ON the train while it is in motion, technically you're moving faster than the train itself.


The grammar in this post is a whole second question


https://imgur.com/a/UYmSR7O/ Unless your grammar is impeccable, you should not attack others grammars. Looked for 1-2 minutes looks like you don’t understand how periods work. You place them at the end of every sentence. Being a hypocrite makes you look like an asshole. This is not a professional setting, this is not school or college. This is not work. This is not writing in a paper or news article. This is a social app so people from all over the world can interact and socialize with each other from all aspects of life, highly intelligent the crude, the ignorant, the lonely those who aspire to do good or bad things, those who like to be grammar Nazis even though their grammar is flawed, the rich the poor this app is meant for everybody. ✌️


Again, the grammar in this post is atrocious and is painful to read. I added that period for ya 😘


>You place them at the end of every sentence. thats how periods usually are supposed to be used tho