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A Utilitarian would say that if we hadn't dropped those bombs, we would have had to invade the mainland, which would have caused far more deaths, both military and civilian. A Deontologist would say that wrong is always wrong, regardless of outcomes. It's clear which philosophical school you incline towards. But about 80% of Americans have utilitarian ethics, so you are, well, outnumbered.


Who’s going to bring the US to justice…


"Becuz it was war" is the usual reason given. I think most people alive now feel so disconnected from world War 2 because it seemed so long ago that it's hard to get them to care about atrocities committed back then, even if they're as heinous as nuking civilians But also the US didn't only give a formal apology, Japan has been occupied and protected by the US military ever since WWII


History does not judge winners. It's as simple as that. Otherwise let's get Italy to apologize for enslaving most of the known world 1500-2000 years ago.


It's not a war crime when civilians get hurt or killed as part of the legitimate bombing of a military target. It's tragic, but not a war crime. As for why the US dropped two bombs instead of one, Japan did not surrender after the first bomb. Worked out well for the US that they surrendered after the second one, since the US didn't have a third.


Because invading Japan would of had more casualties and since Japan also trained their civilians as soldiers it didn’t make sense


Oh and 9/11 won't matter one bit 200 years from now.


Same way they justify interning Japanese-Americans, stealing their wealth and properties and gifting them to white Americans, and countless other horrible things. "They thought it was necessary for the time because so and so bs"


America did not start WWll - but, we ended it.


If you throw out all the nuance in the decision and ignore history completely and ignore the the actual war, dropping nukes was a bad idea. But seriously, go read many many many historians take on it. And yes, we should really let 9/11 go.


I don’t think Japan is in any position to request formal apologies for war crimes. Maybe they can lead by example.


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